====== Chapter 2: Spells ======
Arcane and phantasmal spells are acquired as a result of long study and diligent practice. To cast a spell, the illusionist or magic user must have the spell scribed in his or her spell book and have prepared it for casting.
Clerical and druidic spells, on the other hand, are acquired as a result of faithful religious service. To cast a spell, the cleric or druid must have spent time in prayer and meditation to prepare it for casting.
In either case, the procedure for memorising a spell is the same. Spell memorisation requires a minimum rest period of 4 hours, which must be spent in a quiet place without interruption. Once this period has expired, it takes fifteen minutes per level to memorise spells; in other words, a character memorising one 3rd, two 2nd and four 1st level spells would require a further (45+30+30+15+15+15+15=) two hours and forty-five minutes of memorisation time.
Spells, once cast, are lost from the casting character's memory and cannot be reused until the caster memorises them again. (Exception: It is possible to memorise the same spell twice or even more times if the caster has sufficient spell slots.)
Under "saving throw" the notation "none (neg.)" indicates the spell does not normally have a saving throw, but one is permitted for the spell's reverse. For example, //cure light wounds// has no saving throw, but its reverse //cause light wounds// does have one.
Also under "saving throw", the notation "half" indicates that if the saving throw is passed, the spell takes half-effect. For example, with //fireball// if the saving throw is halved, targets within the area of effect take half the damage shown on the die.
===== Spell Scrolls =====
Spells are also sometimes found written on scrolls. It is not possible to memorise a spell from a scroll, although magic users and illusionists may copy the spell from the scroll into their spell books, if they understand the spell. This process always erases the scroll. This is the primary means magic users and illusionists will acquire new spells for their spell books.
Alternatively, the spell may be cast directly from the scroll, in which case the scroll is erased as the spell is cast. In this case, it is not necessary for the caster to know the spell beforehand, and indeed it is possible to cast a spell from a scroll even if the caster does not know the spell or is of insufficient level to use the magic.
In extreme cases (such as when a character casts a spell from a scroll well above the level he or she could normally memorise) the GM will assign a chance that the spell will fail.
A character must be of the correct class to cast a spell from a scroll. Thus, only clerics or paladins may cast spells from clerical scrolls, only druids or rangers from druidic ones, and so on. (Exception: Thieves and assassins may attempt to cast arcane and phantasmal spells from scrolls.)
===== Notes Concerning Spell Descriptions =====
If the range of a spell is "0," this indicates that the spell must be cast right at the caster's location, but that it remains stationary (in other words, it does not travel). If the range is "caster," this indicates that the spell moves with the caster.
Spell duration refers to the length of time that the spell's magic remains "magical." Thus a permanent duration means that the spell creates an enchantment (which can probably be dispelled). A spell with instantaneous duration is a spell that causes a permanent change in the world, but one that no longer requires a spell to maintain. The effect of a spell with instantaneous duration cannot later be dispelled. The cleric's cure spells are an excellent example: once a wounded person is cured, the regained hit points cannot be removed with a //dispel magic// spell, but they are not magically protected from being removed with a sword stroke, either. The spell is simply complete once it is cast, and no more magic is active after that point. Spells marked with "Instantaneous (permanent)" under "duration" all have this property--they cannot be removed by being dispelled.
Spell components may be verbal (representing the words used to incant the spell), somatic (representing the gesture or gestures that must accompany the casting), and/or material (representing physical components that are normally consumed in the spell's casting). Exception: Material components that are not normally consumed include a cleric's holy symbol.
Spells with a verbal component may not be cast within the area of effect of a //silence// spell or if the caster is gagged. Spells with a somatic component will require that the caster has at least one hand free for the casting. Spells with a material component will usually require two free hands as well as the material component itself.
The precise nature of the material component for most spells has been left as a matter for the GM to determine, if relevant. Where such components are costly, an approximate cost is provided. Otherwise, the components should not usually be rare or difficult to acquire.
As typical examples, the spell fireball might require explosive materials such as charcoal or saltpetre, while the spell sleep might require a pinch of sand thrown towards the targets at the culmination of the spell.
It is possible for high level magic users and illusionists to research new spells. Such spells should be assigned a level by the GM which should be commensurate with the approximate power of the spell. The GM should always ensure that such spell research is difficult, demanding, dangerous and very, very expensive!
The spell names provided are generic, and may (or should) be adjusted for additional flavour and relevance to the particular campaign in question. Thus, for example, //Animate Dead// might be re-named //Jaxon's Fearsome Marching Corpse// after the name of the mage who originally researched it in that particular campaign--or perhaps, after the spell's most famous (or infamous) victim.
===== Cleric Spells by Level =====
| | **Level One** | **Level Two** | **Level Three** |
| 1 |[[chapter2#bless_reversible|Bless]]*|[[chapter2#augury|Augury]]|[[chapter2#animate_dead|Animate Dead]]|
| 2 |[[chapter2#command|Command]]|[[chapter2#chant|Chant]]|[[chapter2#continual_light_reversible|Continual Light]]*|
| 3 |[[chapter2#create_water|Create Water]]|[[chapter2#detect_charm_reversible|Detect Charm]]*|[[chapter2#create_food_and_water|Create Food & Water]]|
| 4 |[[chapter2#cure_light_wounds_reversible|Cure Light Wounds]]*|[[chapter2#find_traps|Find Traps]]|[[chapter2#cure_blindness_reversible|Cure Blindness]]*|
| 5 |[[chapter2#detect_evil_reversible|Detect Evil]]*|[[chapter2#hold_person|Hold Person]]|[[chapter2#cure_disease_reversible|Cure Disease]]*|
| 6 |[[chapter2#detect_magic|Detect Magic]]|[[chapter2#know_alignment_reversible|Know Alignment]]*|[[chapter2#dispel_magic|Dispel Magic]]|
| 7 |[[chapter2#light|Light]]|[[chapter2#resist_fire|Resist Fire]]|[[chapter2#feign_death|Feign Death]]|
| 8 |[[chapter2#protection_from_evil_reversible|Protection from Evil]]*|[[chapter2#silence_15-ft_radius|Silence, 15-ft Radius]]|[[chapter2#glyph_of_warding|Glyph of Warding]]|
| 9 |[[chapter2#purify_food_and_drink_reversible|Purify Food and Drink]]*|[[chapter2#slow_poison|Slow Poison]]|[[chapter2#locate_object_reversible|Locate Object]]*|
| 10 |[[chapter2#remove_fear_reversible|Remove Fear]]*|[[chapter2#snake_charm|Snake Charm]]|[[chapter2#prayer|Prayer]]|
| 11 |[[chapter2#resist_cold|Resist Cold]]|[[chapter2#speak_with_animals|Speak With Animals]]|[[chapter2#remove_curse_reversible|Remove Curse]]*|
| 12 |[[chapter2#sanctuary|Sanctuary]]|[[chapter2#spiritual_weapon|Spiritual Weapon]]|[[chapter2#speak_with_dead|Speak with Dead]]|
| | **Level Four** | **Level Five** | **Level Six** | **Level Seven** |
| 1 | [[chapter2#cure_serious_wounds_reversible|Cure Serious Wounds]]*| [[chapter2#atonement|Atonement]]| [[chapter2#aerial_servant|Aerial Servant]]| [[chapter2#astral_spell|Astral Spell]] |
| 2 | [[chapter2#detect_lie_reversible|Detect Lie]]*| [[chapter2#commune|Commune]]| [[chapter2#animate_object|Animate Object]]| [[chapter2#control_weather|Control Weather]] |
| 3 | [[chapter2#divination|Divination]]| [[chapter2#cure critical wounds_reversible|Cure Critical Wounds]]*| [[chapter2#blade_barrier|Blade Barrier]]| [[chapter2#earthquake|Earthquake]] |
| 4 | [[chapter2#exorcise|Exorcise]]| [[chapter2#dispel evil_reversible|Dispel Evil]]*| [[chapter2#conjure_animals|Conjure Animals]]| [[chapter2#gate|Gate]] |
| 5 | [[chapter2#lower_water_reversible|Lower Water]]*| [[chapter2#flame strike|Flame Strike]]| [[chapter2#find_the_path_reversible|Find the Path]]*| [[chapter2#holy_word_reversible|Holy Word]]* |
| 6 | [[chapter2#neutralise_poison_reversible|Neutralise Poison]]*| [[chapter2#insect plague|Insect Plague]]| [[chapter2#heal_reversible|Heal]]*| [[chapter2#regenerate_reversible|Regenerate]]* |
| 7 | [[chapter2#protection_from_evil_10-ft_radius_reversible|Pro. From Evil 10-ft R.]]*| [[chapter2#plane shift|Plane Shift]]| [[chapter2#part_water|Part Water]]| [[chapter2#restoration_reversible|Restoration]]* |
| 8 | [[chapter2#speak_with_plants|Speak With Plants]]| [[chapter2#quest|Quest]]| [[chapter2#speak_with_monsters|Speak w/Monsters]]| [[chapter2#resurrection_reversible|Resurrection]]* |
| 9 | [[chapter2#sticks_to_snakes_reversible|Sticks to Snakes]]*| [[chapter2#raise dead_reversible|Raise Dead]]*| [[chapter2#stone_tell|Stone Tell]]| [[chapter2#symbol|Symbol]] |
| 10 | [[chapter2#tongues_reversible|Tongues]]*| [[chapter2#true_seeing_reversible|True Seeing]]*| [[chapter2#word_of_recall|Word of Recall]]| [[chapter2#wind_walk|Wind Walk]] |
*//spell is reversible//
===== Druid Spells by Level =====
| | **Level One** | **Level Two** | **Level Three** | **Level Four** |
| 1 | [[chapter2#animal_friendship|Animal Friendship]]| [[chapter2#barkskin|Barkskin]]| [[chapter2#call_lightning|Call Lightning]]| [[chapter2#animal_summoning_i|Animal Summoning I]] |
| 2 | [[chapter2#detect_magic|Detect Magic]]| [[chapter2#charm person_or_mammal|Charm Person/Mam.]]| [[chapter2#cure_disease_reversible|Cure Disease]]*| [[chapter2#call_woodland_beings|Call Woodland Beings]] |
| 3 | [[chapter2#detect_pits_and_snares|Detect Pits/Snares]]| [[chapter2#create water|Create Water]]| [[chapter2#hold_animal|Hold Animal]]| [[chapter2#control_temperature_10-ft_radius|Cntrl Temp., 10-ft R.]] |
| 4 | [[chapter2#entangle|Entangle]]| [[chapter2#cure_light_wounds_reversible|Cure Light Wounds]]*| [[chapter2#neutralise_poison_reversible|Neutralise Poison]]*| [[chapter2#cure_serious_wounds_reversible|Cure Serious Wounds]]* |
| 5 | [[chapter2#faerie_fire|Faerie Fire]]| [[chapter2#feign death|Feign Death]]| [[chapter2#plant_growth|Plant Growth]]| [[chapter2#dispel_magic|Dispel Magic]] |
| 6 | [[chapter2#invisibility_to_animals|Invisibility to Animals]]| [[chapter2#fire trap|Fire Trap]]| [[chapter2#protection_from_fire|Protection From Fire]]| [[chapter2#hallucinatory_forest|Hallucinatory Forest]] |
| 7 | [[chapter2#locate_animals|Locate Animals]]| [[chapter2#heat_metal_reversible|Heat Metal]]*| [[chapter2#pyrotechnics|Pyrotechnics]]| [[chapter2#hold_plant|Hold Plant]] |
| 8 | [[chapter2#pass_without_trace|Pass Without Trace]]| [[chapter2#locate plants|Locate Plants]]| [[chapter2#snare|Snare]]| [[chapter2#plant_door|Plant Door]] |
| 9 | [[chapter2#predict_weather|Predict Weather]]| [[chapter2#obscurement|Obscurement]]| [[chapter2#stone_shape|Stone Shape]]| [[chapter2#produce_fire_reversible|Produce Fire]]* |
| 10 | [[chapter2#purify_water_reversible|Purify Water]]*| [[chapter2#produce flame|Produce Flame]]| [[chapter2#summon_insects|Summon Insects]]| [[chapter2#protection_from_lightning|Pro. From Lightning]] |
| 11 | [[chapter2#shillelagh|Shillelagh]]| [[chapter2#trip|Trip]]| [[chapter2#tree|Tree]]| [[chapter2#repel_insects|Repel Insects]] |
| 12 | [[chapter2#speak_with_animals|Speak with Animals]]| [[chapter2#warp wood|Warp Wood]]| [[chapter2#water_breathing_reversible|Water Breathing]]*| [[chapter2#speak_with_plants|Speak with Plants]] |
| | **Level Five** | **Level Six** | **Level Seven** |
| 1 | [[chapter2#animal_growth_reversible|Animal Growth]]*| [[chapter2#animal_summoning_iii|Animal Summoning III]]| [[chapter2#animate_rock|Animate Rock]]|
| 2 | [[chapter2#animal_summoning_ii|Animal Summoning II]]| [[chapter2#anti-animal_shell|Anti-Animal Shell]]| [[chapter2#chariot_of_fire|Chariot of Fire]]|
| 3 | [[chapter2#anti-plant_shell|Anti-Plant Shell]]| [[chapter2#conjure_fire_elemental_reversible|Conjure Fire Elemental]]*| [[chapter2#confusion|Confusion]]|
| 4 | [[chapter2#commune_with_nature|Commune With Nature]]| [[chapter2#cure_critical_wounds_reversible|Cure Critical Wounds]]*| [[chapter2#conjure_earth_elemental_reversible|Conjure Earth Elemental]]*|
| 5 | [[chapter2#control_winds|Control Winds]]| [[chapter2#feeblemind|Feeblemind]]| [[chapter2#control_weather|Control Weather]]|
| 6 | [[chapter2#insect_plague|Insect Plague]]| [[chapter2#fire_seeds|Fire Seeds]]| [[chapter2#creeping_doom|Creeping Doom]]|
| 7 | [[chapter2#pass_plant|Pass Plant]]| [[chapter2#transport_via_plants|Transport via Plants]]| [[chapter2#finger_of_death|Finger of Death]]|
| 8 | [[chapter2#sticks_to_snakes_reversible|Sticks to Snakes]]*| [[chapter2#turn_wood|Turn Wood]]| [[chapter2#fire_storm_reversible|Fire Storm]]*|
| 9 | [[chapter2#transmute_rock_to_mud_reversible|Transmute Rock to Mud]]*| [[chapter2#wall_of_thorns|Wall of Thorns]]| [[chapter2#reincarnate|Reincarnate]]|
| 10 | [[chapter2#wall_of_fire|Wall of Fire]]| [[chapter2#weather_summoning|Weather Summoning]]| [[chapter2#transmute_metal_to_wood|Transmute Metal to Wood]]|
* spell is reversible
===== Magic User Spells by Level =====
| | **Level One** | **Level Two** | **Level Three** |
| 1 | [[chapter2#affect_normal_fires|Affect Normal Fires]]| [[chapter2#audible_glamour|Audible Glamour]]| [[chapter2#blink|Blink]]|
| 2 | [[chapter2#burning_hands|Burning Hands]]| [[chapter2#continual_light|Continual Light]]| [[chapter2#clairaudience|Clairaudience]]|
| 3 | [[chapter2#charm_person|Charm Person]]| [[chapter2#darkness,_15-ft_radius|Darkness, 15-ft Radius]]| [[chapter2#clairvoyance|Clairvoyance]]|
| 4 | [[chapter2#comprehend_languages|Comprehend Languages]]| [[chapter2#detect_evil_reversible|Detect Evil]]*| [[chapter2#dispel_magic|Dispel Magic]]|
| 5 | [[chapter2#dancing_lights|Dancing Lights]]| [[chapter2#detect_invisibility|Detect Invisibility]]| [[chapter2#explosive_runes|Explosive Runes]]|
| 6 | [[chapter2#detect_magic2|Detect Magic]]| [[chapter2#esp|ESP]]| [[chapter2#feign_death|Feign Death]]|
| 7 | [[chapter2#enlarge_reversible|Enlarge]]*| [[chapter2#fool's_gold|Fool's Gold]]| [[chapter2#fireball|Fireball]]|
| 8 | [[chapter2#erase|Erase]]| [[chapter2#forget|Forget]]| [[chapter2#flame_arrow|Flame Arrow]]|
| 9 | [[chapter2#feather_fall|Feather Fall]]| [[chapter2#invisibility|Invisibility]]| [[chapter2#fly|Fly]]|
| 10 | [[chapter2#find_familiar|Find Familiar]]| [[chapter2#knock|Knock]]| [[chapter2#gust_of_wind|Gust of Wind]]|
| 11 | [[chapter2#floating_disk|Floating Disk]]| [[chapter2#false_trap|False Trap]]| [[chapter2#haste|Haste]]|
| 12 | [[chapter2#friends|Friends]]| [[chapter2#levitate|Levitate]]| [[chapter2#hold_person|Hold Person]]|
| 13 | [[chapter2#hold_portal|Hold Portal]]| [[chapter2#locate_object|Locate Object]]| [[chapter2#infravision|Infravision]]|
| 14 | [[chapter2#identify|Identify]]| [[chapter2#magic_mouth|Magic Mouth]]| [[chapter2#invisibility,_10-ft_radius|Invisibility, 10-ft Radius]]|
| 15 | [[chapter2#jump|Jump]]| [[chapter2#mirror_image|Mirror Image]]| [[chapter2#lightning_bolt|Lightning Bolt]]|
| 16 | [[chapter2#light|Light]]| [[chapter2#pyrotechnics|Pyrotechnics]]| [[chapter2#monster_summoning_i|Monster Summoning I]]|
| 17 | [[chapter2#magic_aura|Magic Aura]]| [[chapter2#ray_of_enfeeblement|Ray of Enfeeblement]]| [[chapter2#phantasmal_force|Phantasmal Force]]|
| 18 | [[chapter2#magic_missile|Magic Missile]]| [[chapter2#rope_trick|Rope Trick]]| [[chapter2#protection_from_evil_10-ft_radius_reversible1|Pro. From Evil, 10-ft Radius]]*|
| 19 | [[chapter2#mending|Mending]]| [[chapter2#scare|Scare]]| [[chapter2#protection_from_normal_missiles|Protection/Normal Missiles]]|
| 20 | [[chapter2#message|Message]]| [[chapter2#shatter|Shatter]]| [[chapter2#slow|Slow]]|
| 21 | [[chapter2#protection_from_evil_reversible|Protection From Evil]]*| [[chapter2#stinking_cloud|Stinking Cloud]]| [[chapter2#suggestion|Suggestion]]|
| 22 | [[chapter2#push|Push]]| [[chapter2#strength|Strength]]| [[chapter2#tiny_hut|Tiny Hut]]|
| 23 | [[chapter2#read_magic_reversible|Read Magic]]*| [[chapter2#web|Web]]| [[chapter2#tongues|Tongues]]|
| 24 | [[chapter2#shield|Shield]]| [[chapter2#wizard_lock|Wizard Lock]]| [[chapter2#water_breathing_reversible|Water Breathing]]*|
| 25 | [[chapter2#shocking_grasp|Shocking Grasp]]| | |
| 26 | [[chapter2#sleep|Sleep]]| | |
| 27 | [[chapter2#spider_climb|Spider Climb]]| | |
| 28 | [[chapter2#unseen_servant|Unseen Servant]]| | |
| 29 | [[chapter2#ventriloquism|Ventriloquism]]| | |
| 30 | [[chapter2#write|Write]]| | |
| | **LeveL Four** | **Level Five** | **Level Six** |
| 1 | [[chapter2#charm_monster|Charm Monster]]| [[chapter2#airy_water|Airy Water]]| [[chapter2#anti-magic_shell|Anti-Magic Shell]]|
| 2 | [[chapter2#confusion|Confusion]]| [[chapter2#animal_growth_reversible1|Animal Growth]]*| [[chapter2#control_weather|Control Weather]]|
| 3 | [[chapter2#dig|Dig]]| [[chapter2#animate_dead|Animate Dead]]| [[chapter2#death_spell|Death Spell]]|
| 4 | [[chapter2#dimension_door|Dimension Door]]| [[chapter2#cloudkill|Cloudkill]]| [[chapter2#disintegrate|Disintegrate]]|
| 5 | [[chapter2#enchanted_weapon_reversible|Enchanted Weapon]]*| [[chapter2#cone_of_cold|Cone of Cold]]| [[chapter2#enchant_an_item|Enchant an Item]]|
| 6 | [[chapter2#extension_i|Extension I]]| [[chapter2#conjure_elemental|Conjure Elemental]]| [[chapter2#extension_iii|Extension III]]|
| 7 | [[chapter2#fear|Fear]]| [[chapter2#contact_other_plane|Contact Other Plane]]| [[chapter2#forceful_hand|Forceful Hand]]|
| 8 | [[chapter2#fire_charm|Fire Charm]]| [[chapter2#distance_distortion|Distance Distortion]]| [[chapter2#freezing_sphere|Freezing Sphere]]|
| 9 | [[chapter2#fire_shield|Fire Shield]]| [[chapter2#extension_ii|Extension II]]| [[chapter2#geas|Geas]]|
| 10 | [[chapter2#fire_trap|Fire Trap]]| [[chapter2#feeblemind|Feeblemind]]| [[chapter2#glasseye|Glasseye]]|
| 11 | [[chapter2#fumble|Fumble]]| [[chapter2#hold_monster|Hold Monster]]| [[chapter2#globe_of_invulnerability|Globe of Invulnerability]]|
| 12 | [[chapter2#hallucinatory_terrain|Hallucinatory Terrain]]| [[chapter2#interposing_hand|Interposing Hand]]| [[chapter2#guards_and_wards|Guards and Wards]]|
| 13 | [[chapter2#ice_storm|Ice Storm]]| [[chapter2#mage's_faithful_hound|Mage's Faithful Hound]]| [[chapter2#invisible_stalker|Invisible Stalker]]|
| 14 | [[chapter2#massmorph|Massmorph]]| [[chapter2#magic_jar|Magic Jar]]| [[chapter2#legend_lore|Legend Lore]]|
| 15 | [[chapter2#minor_globe_of_invulnerability|Minor Globe of Invulnerability]]| [[chapter2#monster_summoning_iii|Monster Summoning III]]| [[chapter2#lower_water_reversible1|Lower Water]]*|
| 16 | [[chapter2#mnemonic_enhancement|Mnemonic Enhancement]]| [[chapter2#passwall|Passwall]]| [[chapter2#monster_summoning_iv|Monster Summoning IV]]|
| 17 | [[chapter2#monster_summoning_ii|Monster Summoning II]]| [[chapter2#secret_chest|Secret Chest]]| [[chapter2#move_earth|Move Earth]]|
| 18 | [[chapter2#plant_growth|Plant Growth]]| [[chapter2#stone_shape|Stone Shape]]| [[chapter2#part_water|Part Water]]|
| 19 | [[chapter2#polymorph_other|Polymorph Other]]| [[chapter2#telekinesis|Telekinesis]]| [[chapter2#project_image|Project Image]]|
| 20 | [[chapter2#polymorph_self|Polymorph Self]]| [[chapter2#teleport|Teleport]]| [[chapter2#reincarnation|Reincarnation]]|
| 21 | [[chapter2#remove_curse_reversible1|Remove Curse]]*| [[chapter2#transmute_rock_to_mud|Transmute Rock to Mud]]| [[chapter2#repulsion|Repulsion]]|
| 22 | [[chapter2#wall_of_fire1|Wall of Fire]]| [[chapter2#wall_of_force|Wall of Force]]| [[chapter2#spirit-rack|Spirit-rack]]|
| 23 | [[chapter2#wall_of_ice|Wall of Ice]]| [[chapter2#wall_of_iron|Wall of Iron]]| [[chapter2#stone_to_flesh_reversible|Stone to Flesh]]*|
| 24 | [[chapter2#wizard_eye|Wizard Eye]]| [[chapter2#wall_of_stone|Wall of Stone]]| [[chapter2#transformation|Transformation]]|
| | **Level Seven** | **Level Eight** | **Level Nine** |
| 1 | [[chapter2#cacodemon|Cacodemon]]| [[chapter2#antipathy/_sympathy|Antipathy/ Sympathy]]| [[chapter2#astral_spell|Astral Spell]]|
| 2 | [[chapter2#charm_plants|Charm Plants]]| [[chapter2#clenched_fist|Clenched Fist]]| [[chapter2#crushing_hand|Crushing Hand]]|
| 3 | [[chapter2#delayed_blast_fireball|Delayed Blast Fireball]]| [[chapter2#clone|Clone]]| [[chapter2#gate|Gate]]|
| 4 | [[chapter2#duo-dimension|Duo-Dimension]]| [[chapter2#glass-steel|Glass-steel]]| [[chapter2#imprisonment_reversible|Imprisonment]]*|
| 5 | [[chapter2#grasping_hand|Grasping Hand]]| [[chapter2#incendiary_cloud|Incendiary Cloud]]| [[chapter2#meteor_swarm|Meteor Swarm]]|
| 6 | [[chapter2#instant_summons|Instant Summons]]| [[chapter2#irresistible_dance|Irresistible Dance]]| [[chapter2#monster_summoning_vii|Monster Summoning VII]]|
| 7 | [[chapter2#limited_wish|Limited Wish]]| [[chapter2#mass_charm|Mass Charm]]| [[chapter2#power_word_kill|Power Word Kill]]|
| 8 | [[chapter2#mage's_sword|Mage's Sword]]| [[chapter2#maze|Maze]]| [[chapter2#prismatic_sphere|Prismatic Sphere]]|
| 9 | [[chapter2#mass_invisibility|Mass Invisibility]]| [[chapter2#mind_blank|Mind Blank]]| [[chapter2#shape_change|Shape Change]]|
| 10 | [[chapter2#monster_summoning_v|Monster Summoning V]]| [[chapter2#monster_summoning_vi|Monster Summoning VI]]| [[chapter2#temporal_stasis_reversible|Temporal Stasis]]*|
| 11 | [[chapter2#phase_door|Phase Door]]| [[chapter2#permanency|Permanency]]| [[chapter2#time_stop|Time Stop]]|
| 12 | [[chapter2#power_word_stun|Power Word Stun]]| [[chapter2#polymorph_object|Polymorph Object]]| [[chapter2#wish|Wish]]|
* spell is reversible
===== Illusionist Spells by Level =====
| | **Level One** | **Level Two** | **Level Three** |
| 1 | [[chapter2#audible_glamour1|Audible Glamour]]| [[chapter2#blindness|Blindness]]| [[chapter2#continual_darkness|Continual Darkness]]|
| 2 | [[chapter2#change_self|Change Self]]| [[chapter2#blur|Blur]]| [[chapter2#continual_light1|Continual Light]]|
| 3 | [[chapter2#colour_spray|Colour Spray]]| [[chapter2#deafness|Deafness]]| [[chapter2#dispel_illusion|Dispel Illusion]]|
| 4 | [[chapter2#dancing_lights1|Dancing Lights]]| [[chapter2#detect_magic3|Detect Magic]]| [[chapter2#fear1|Fear]]|
| 5 | [[chapter2#darkness|Darkness]]| [[chapter2#fog_cloud|Fog Cloud]]| [[chapter2#hallucinatory_terrain1|Hallucinatory Terrain]]|
| 6 | [[chapter2#detect_illusion|Detect Illusion]]| [[chapter2#hypnotic_pattern|Hypnotic Pattern]]| [[chapter2#illusory_script|Illusory Script]]|
| 7 | [[chapter2#detect_invisibility1|Detect Invisibility]]| [[chapter2#improved_phantasmal_force|Improved Phantasmal Force]]| [[chapter2#invisibility_10-ft_radius1|Invisibility, 10-ft Radius]]|
| 8 | [[chapter2#gaze_reflection|Gaze Reflection]]| [[chapter2#invisibility1|Invisibility]]| [[chapter2#non-detection|Non-Detection]]|
| 9 | [[chapter2#hypnotism|Hypnotism]]| [[chapter2#magic_mouth1|Magic Mouth]]| [[chapter2#paralysation|Paralysation]]|
| 10 | [[chapter2#light1|Light]]| [[chapter2#mirror_image1|Mirror Image]]| [[chapter2#rope_trick1|Rope Trick]]|
| 11 | [[chapter2#phantasmal_force1|Phantasmal Force]]| [[chapter2#misdirection|Misdirection]]| [[chapter2#spectral_force|Spectral Force]]|
| 12 | [[chapter2#wall_of_fog|Wall of Fog]]| [[chapter2#ventriloquism1|Ventriloquism]]| [[chapter2#suggestion1|Suggestion]]|
| | **Level Four** | **Level Five** | **Level Six** | **Level Seven** |
| 1 | [[chapter2#confusion|Confusion]]| [[chapter2#chaos|Chaos]]| [[chapter2#conjure_animals1|Conjure Animals]]| [[chapter2#alter_reality|Alter Reality]] |
| 2 | [[chapter2#dispel_exhaustion|Dispel Exhaustion]]| [[chapter2#demi-shadow_monsters|Demi-Shadow Monsters]]| [[chapter2#demi-shadow_magic|Demi-Shadow Magic]]| [[chapter2#astral_spell2|Astral Spell]] |
| 3 | [[chapter2#emotion|Emotion]]| [[chapter2#major_creation|Major Creation]]| [[chapter2#mass_suggestion|Mass Suggestion]]| [[chapter2#prismatic_spray|Prismatic Spray]] |
| 4 | [[chapter2#improved_invisibility|Improved Invisibility]]| [[chapter2#maze1|Maze]]| [[chapter2#permanent_illusion|Permanent Illusion]]| [[chapter2#prismatic_wall|Prismatic Wall]] |
| 5 | [[chapter2#massmorph1|Massmorph]]| [[chapter2#project_image1|Project Image]]| [[chapter2#programmed_illusion|Program. Illusion]]| [[chapter2#vision|Vision]] |
| 6 | [[chapter2#minor_creation|Minor Creation]]| [[chapter2#shadow_door|Shadow Door]]| [[chapter2#shades|Shades]]| [[chapter2#arcane_spells_level_1|Arcane Spells level 1]] |
| 7 | [[chapter2#phantasmal_killer|Phantasmal Killer]]| [[chapter2#shadow_magic|Shadow Magic]]| [[chapter2#true_sight|True Sight]]| |
| 8 | [[chapter2#shadow_monsters|Shadow Monsters]]| [[chapter2#summon_shadow|Summon Shadow]]| [[chapter2#veil|Veil]]| |
===== Cleric Spells =====
Clerical spells draw upon divine power, channelling unearthly forces through the cleric's words and gestures. Any clerical spell with a material component requires (at a minimum) the use of the cleric's holy symbol unless the spell description states otherwise.
==== Aerial Servant ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 6|
|**Duration:**|1 day/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By casting this spell, the cleric summons an aerial servant to do his or her bidding. The aerial servant will not fight, but will find and bring to the caster whatever creature or object the caster describes (provided the task is within the aerial servant's capacity to complete). The aerial servant will return to its native plane of existence at the end of the spell's duration, and earlier if the cleric who summoned it is slain, if the cleric releases the creature from its bondage, or if the servant is banished. When summoning an aerial servant, the cleric must be protected by a protection from evil spell or a holy symbol, or must stand within a magic circle. If the summoner does not take these precautions, the aerial servant will not be subject to any sort of control and will immediately attack the one who called it forth.
When fetching forth a living subject, the aerial servant always gains the benefit of surprise on its first attack for 4 surprise segments (unless it is detected). When the aerial servant scores a hit, it has successfully grabbed hold of its target and may bring it back to the cleric if the aerial servant is stronger than its victim. To determine the result of this test of strength, both the aerial servant and its victim roll their hit dice (using the proper die type), and the higher number wins.
==== Animate Dead ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 3|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By casting this spell, the cleric calls the bones or bodies of dead humans or humanoids to rise and become lesser undead (skeletons or zombies). The undead will obey their creator's simple commands, following him or her, or perhaps guarding a location he or she designates against any creature (or not guarding it against certain creatures) that might enter. The spell's effects are permanent, but can be dispelled by the use of //dispel magic//. Use of this spell is inherently not in accordance with the good alignments and is seldom used by good clerics unless there is pressing need. Moreover, casting the spell in the confines of a city may subject the caster to inquiry by secular and religious authorities alike. A cleric may animate one zombie or skeleton per caster level.
==== Animate Object ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 6|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 cubic-ft/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the cleric "brings to life" an inanimate object, allowing it to move and follow the cleric's simple commands. The GM will determine an object's speed and combat specifics. An object's mode of locomotion will determine its speed: rocking (a pedestal or bookshelf) at 10-ft/round, slithering (rope, carpet) at 10-30-ft per round, walking (statue, table) at 40-ft to 80-ft/round, scampering (footstool) at 120-ft/round. The object's mode of attack (binding, striking, falling upon) and damage must be adjudicated by the GM's common sense, although as a guideline, an item of approximately human weight will be able to strike for 2d4 hit points of damage.
==== Astral Spell ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 7|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|3 turns|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Casting an //astral spell// allows the cleric and up to five companions to leave their material bodies and travel through the astral plane to other planes of existence. As the spell is cast, the character's material body enters a trance-like state of suspended animation while his or her consciousness enters the astral plane. The astral plane is a nexus with other planes of existence beyond, and the cleric may choose to enter these other planes of existence. If a character does transcend from the astral into another plane, he or she becomes a physical manifestation in that existence, forming a duplicate body identical to the one left in stasis back in the material plane. It is possible to travel astrally to other locations in the material plane, but a new body cannot be formed in a plane where the character already has a physical manifestation. While travelling in the astral plane, and after a new physical manifestation has formed on a plane beyond the astral, the character remains connected to his or her original body by a "silver cord," an invisible, mystical link. If the silver cord is broken or severed (some threats in the astral plane can cause this to happen), the character dies, both on the material plane and in astral form.
Most magic items lose some or all of their power on the astral plane. Unless an item's magical qualities are imbued so deeply as to exist in many planes, an astral traveller's physical manifestation on another plane will be equipped with only the unenchanted substance of otherwise magic items and weapons.
==== Atonement ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 5|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 person|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The //atonement// spell is a form of spiritual cleansing, removing the stain of actions contrary to a character's moral alignment, but only for actions that the penitent took unwillingly or unwittingly. The penitent must be truly repentant of the deed, unless he or she is affected in such a way that would preclude repentance (such as in the case of someone whose alignment has been magically altered, or who is unconscious, charmed, or insane). In addition to removing the effects and supernatural consequences of evil actions, this spell may be used to negate, undo, or dispel a magical alignment change. Intentional misdeeds cannot be cleansed away by this spell. A cleric can, of course, use this spell to perform atonements for unintentional acts of goodness as well as evil, or for violations of neutral alignment. However, unless the GM rules otherwise based on circumstances, a cleric who is not true neutral cannot perform atonements for an alignment that the cleric does not, in some part, share.
==== Augury ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 2|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|2 rounds|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Casting an augury allows the cleric to discern minor omens, indications of what might be in the future. The spell requires a focal point that will allow the omens to manifest--a set of sticks made from dragon's bone or gold is the most common focus for the spell. It is possible to derive omens from tea leaves, but a pearl worth 100 gp must be crushed into the infusion. The divination power of an augury is not strong; it will only gather omens from the pattern of the next 3 turns (30 minutes), and can only indicate whether a future action will result in weal or woe to the party. The base chance for correctly interpreting the omens is 70% plus an additional 1% per level of the caster.
==== Blade Barrier ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Evocation]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 6|
|**Duration:**|3 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Circular path 2-10-ft in radius|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This enchantment brings into being a whirling wall of steel blades that circle around a fixed point with blinding speed. Any creature stepping through the circle will suffer 8d8 points of damage. The cleric sets the focal point and the radius of the barrier at the time of casting, and these parameters cannot be changed thereafter (short of dismissing the spell entirely, of course).
==== Bless (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 1|
|**Duration:**|6 rounds|
|**Area of Effect:**|50×50-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This minor benison raises the morale and attack rolls of any creatures allied with the casting cleric by +1 or +5% as appropriate. Any creatures already engaged in melee combat will not gain the spell's benefits. The spell is reversible, allowing the cleric to curse his or her enemies with -5% morale and -1 to hit.
The spell's area of effect is a circular area centred at the target point, which cannot be more than 60-ft from the cleric. Holy water is required to cast the spell (unholy water for the reverse).
==== Chant ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 2|
|**Duration:**|Indefinite (duration of chant)|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft radius centred on caster|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Once the spell is cast, the cleric must maintain a sonorous chanting of holy words and prayers, which not only lend divine favour to the cleric and his or her allies but also bring disfavour to their foes. For so long as the cleric remains stationary and continues to chant, his or her allies (within the area of effect) gain a bonus of +1 to all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Enemies within the spell's area of effect also suffer a -1 to all such die rolls. If the cleric sustains damage, is grappled, or is in some way silenced, the effect of the spell will end.
==== Command ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 1|
|**Duration:**|1 round|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 living creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
By speaking a single word of command with the force of divine power behind it, the cleric may force a creature to obey an order. The creature must be able to hear the cleric and understand the language in which he or she utters the command. The command may be only one word, must be a verb, and must be completely unambiguous. "Halt," "flee" and "sleep" are typical commands, but many others are possible. The effects may not extend beyond a single round, and the command "die" has the same effect as the command to "sleep."
Creatures with intelligence of 13+ and/or hit dice of 6+ gain a saving throw against the spell's influence.
==== Commune ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 5|
|**Duration:**|3 rounds (limited number of questions)|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The commune spell establishes a mystical link between the cleric and his or her deity, permitting the cleric to ask one yes or no question per caster level. This extraordinarily powerful divination spell does not involve any chance of the cleric's misinterpretation of omens, for the spiritual communion with the deity is direct and not conveyed through symbols or portents. It is likely that a cleric who resorts to this spell too frequently, or for matters not worthy of the god's attention, may fall from divine favour enough that he or she loses the ability to cast the spell, at least for a time.
==== Conjure Animals ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 6|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Conjured creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A cleric may use this spell to conjure animal allies from thin air and order them into combat. The total hit dice of summoned animals cannot exceed the cleric's level, and the animals must all be of the same type. This spell will only summon mammals, although giant or prehistoric forms of normal mammals may be conjured if these are present within a few miles of the caster. The GM determines the specific type of animal that appears.
==== Continual Light (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 3|
|**Area of Effect:**|60-ft radius globe|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell brings into being a bright, magical illumination almost sufficient to rival the light of day. In some respects the spell is identical to the first level cleric spell light, but its effects are permanent until dispelled. The light cast is greater than that produced by a //light spell//, extending 60-ft into the darkness. The reverse of the spell, //continual darkness//, produces an ink-like darkness in the same 60-ft area and negates the illumination of a //continual light// spell if one is present.
By casting the spell upon an enemy's eyes or other organs of sight, the caster may blind the spell's subject, causing the same penalties as if the creature were blinded by a light spell. In this instance, a saving throw is permitted, and if it is successful the spell's effect will centre upon the area immediately behind the targeted creature.
==== Control Weather ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 7|
|**Duration:**|4d12 hours|
|**Area of Effect:**|4d4 square miles|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The //control weather// spell brings about a rapid change in the weather for several square miles surrounding the point where the spell is cast. It requires no more than 10-40 minutes for the spell to take its full effect across the vast area it covers. The spell affects precipitation, temperature, and wind speed. Existing weather conditions cannot be utterly changed by the force of this spell; a clear day cannot be made cloudy, for instance, but it can be made partly cloudy. Hot weather can be made merely warm, and only a light breeze can be raised from calm weather.
This spell may be cast successively to bring about a dramatic change, moving, for example, from a calm to a light breeze, from the breeze to a strong wind, and on the third casting to transform the strong wind into a gale.
==== Create Food and Water ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 3|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|A day's ration per caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Upon completion of the ritual words of this spell, food and/ or water will appear from thin air. A caster of fifth level can conjure up enough food and water to sustain a person or even a horse for five full days. The volume of food and water produced by the spell is approximately one cubic-ft per level of the caster.
==== Create Water (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 1|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|Up to 30 cubic-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell creates potable water, four gallons per level of the caster. The water may be created in a receptacle or in thin air (whence it will, of course, fall). Water cannot be created inside a creature, nor can it be created in any place the caster cannot see. The reverse of the spell destroys water (including fog, steam, mist, etc.) in the same quantities as //create water//.
==== Cure Blindness (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 3|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (Neg.)|
This powerful spell allows the cleric permanently to remove virtually all forms of blindness. The reverse of the spell permits a saving throw, and the cleric must successfully touch the spell's intended target to inflict blindness (permanent duration).
==== Cure Critical Wounds (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 5|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (Neg.)|
This powerful spell is similar in nature to //cure light wounds//, operating in the same fashion but healing 3d8+3 hit points of damage. The reverse of the spell functions as //cause critical wounds//, but delivers 3d8+3 points of damage.
==== Cure Disease (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 3|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (Neg.)|
By means of this spell, the cleric may cure most diseases by laying hands upon the afflicted creature. Depending upon the nature of the disease, full recovery may require as little time as a single turn, or as long as a week. The spell's reverse, //cause disease//, requires that the cleric successfully touch the intended victim, who is permitted a saving throw against the spell's insidious effects. If the saving throw is failed, the effects of the disease will manifest within 1d6 turns, inflicting 1 hit point of damage per turn thereafter and one point of lost strength per hour (6 turns) until the victim is reduced to 10% of his or her original hit points and strength. Until the disease is cured or runs its course, the afflicted person will not be able to naturally recover either strength or hit points over and above 10%. The disease runs its course in 1d6 days.
==== Cure Light Wounds (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 1|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (Neg.)|
//Cure light wounds// allows the cleric to lay hands upon a wounded creature, restoring 1d8 hit points to the spell's beneficiary. The reverse of the spell operates in the same manner (although requiring a "to hit" roll), but inflicts 1d8 hit points rather than healing. If the cleric fails to hit while casting //cause light wounds//, the spell is lost. This spell does not heal disease, reattach limbs, or bring back the dead, nor can it add hit points beyond a character's normal number. Non-corporeal creatures are not affected by this spell, nor are undead, nor are creatures that are harmed only by iron, silver, or magical weapons.
==== Cure Serious Wounds (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 4|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (Neg.)|
A benison similar to //cure light wounds//, //cure serious wounds// permits the cleric to lay on hands for 2d8+1 hit points of healing. The spell's limits are otherwise similar to those of //cure light wounds//. The reverse of the spell causes damage rather than healing, requiring that the cleric successfully touch the target.
==== Detect Charm (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 2|
|**Duration:**|1 turn|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell reveals to the cleric whether a creature is subject to a //charm// spell. The spell's magic can discern a //charm// (or lack thereof) on up to ten creatures. The reverse of the spell conceals the existence of a charm, but affects only one creature.
==== Detect Evil (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 1|
|**Duration:**|1 turn+5 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Path 10-ft wide, 120-ft long|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell allows the cleric to discern emanations of evil (or good, in the case of the spell's reverse) within the spell's area of effect, a beam-like pathway. The spell detects evil, not danger, so it will be useless to discover such things as a mindless trap or a poisoned wineglass. Neither will it detect a cursed item unless the nature of the curse is such that the cursed item becomes inherently evil.
==== Detect Lie (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 4|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One person|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The subject of this spell (not necessarily the caster) gains the ability to discern whether the truth is being told, for the duration of the spell. The reverse of the spell allows the spell recipient's most brazen falsehoods to seem logical and believable. The spell's reverse may also be used to ward against the effects of a //detect lie// spell.
==== Detect Magic ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 1|
|**Duration:**|1 turn|
|**Area of Effect:**|Path 10-ft wide, 30-ft long|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Detect magic //creates a tunnel of magical vision in a path 10-ft wide and 30-ft long, in which the cleric sees the aura of any magic item as a glowing blue nimbus. The spell's effect is blocked by solid wood 3-ft thick, by stone 1-ft thick, and by solid metal 1 inch thick. The cleric can only scan a 60° arc during the course of a round: turning more quickly does not allow magic auras enough time to form in the cleric's vision.
==== Dispel Evil (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 5|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell banishes summoned creatures of evil, or those summoned for evil purposes, to their home planes of existence. Although a saving throw negates the spell's banishing effect, any creature that would otherwise have been banished will suffer a penalty of -7 "to hit" the caster for the extent of the spell's duration.
Creatures affected by this spell include, but are certainly not limited to, afreets, demons, devils, genies (either evil or working toward evil purposes under duress), and elementals summoned for evil purposes. The reverse of the spell has the same effects, but upon summoned creatures of good alignment or those summoned for the purposes of good.
==== Dispel Magic ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 3|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft radius sphere|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Dispel magic// has a base chance of 50% permanently to negate magic--both the magical properties of potions and the ongoing effects of certain spells. All spell effects and relevant items within the stated area of effect are subject to dispelling. Permanent magical items are not disenchanted by the spell, with the exception of potions, which are treated as 12th level for purposes of resolution. However, even a permanently enchanted item must make a saving throw or become non-operational for one round. Any spells in the process of being cast in the spell's area of effect will be lost, and any ongoing spell effects (such as //invisibility//) will be dispelled.
With respect to each potion, casting, or ongoing spell effect, the base chance of successful dispelling is increased 5% for every level by which the caster's level exceeds the caster level of the potion, the casting, or the spell effect. The base chance is conversely reduced by 2% per level of difference if the caster is lower level than the caster of the magic to be dispelled. The spell will automatically negate the caster's own spells if it is used for this purpose or if the caster has previously cast a spell into the same area.
==== Divination ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 4|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A //divination// spell gives the caster divine insight about a particular place, examples being a ruined castle, a particular region in a dungeon, or a small vale. The location of the place must be known to the cleric (e.g., the "Red Mausoleum," if a legendary location, cannot be the focus of the spell, but if the cleric has seen the doorway of the tomb, the spell will be effective). The spell yields rich information compared to an augury, although it may be couched in rather vague and approximate terms.
The spell reveals the relative power of the creatures in the area, the treasure ("low," "moderate," or "rich"), and chances of incurring the wrath of gods or similar beings if the place is disturbed. There is a chance that the cleric will fail to interpret the omens properly; the base chance to succeed in gaining truthful information is 60%, and rises by another 1% per caster level. The chance may also be adjusted by the GM as necessary.
If the cleric's reading of the omens is not correct, of course, he or she will be operating on completely false and useless "insights." The casting of a //divination// spell is quite dramatic, involving the sacrifice of a dove or other such creature appropriate to the religion in question. Valuable items may also be sacrificed, and such may increase the chance of the cleric receiving clear omens that are easily interpreted.
==== Earthquake ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 7|
|**Duration:**|1 round|
|**Area of Effect:**|5-ft diameter/level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The cleric invokes a small but intensely powerful earthquake within this spell's area of effect. The spell may be used to create landslides, drain marshes, cave in tunnels, and collapse buildings. Yawning cracks in the earth have a good chance to swallow creatures in the area: the chance of falling into such a crevice (by creature size) is 1 in 4 (small), 1 in 6 (medium) and 1 in 8 (large). Being swallowed up in such fashion is, of course, fatal. Trees standing in the area of an earthquake spell have a 1 in 3 chance of being uprooted.
==== Exorcise ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 4|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature or object|
|**Casting Time:**|See below|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Exorcism// is a powerful abjuration that casts out demons, devils, or any supernatural inhabitant or influence from a creature or object that has been possessed or otherwise controlled. //Exorcism// banishes all charms and enchantments, removes curses, and will cast any possessing demon or other creature back into its nearest physical body other than the one being exorcised. The base chance for the cleric to perform a successful exorcism is randomly determined on a d% if the GM has not previously assigned a specific number to represent the relative difficulty of the exorcism. To the base chance is added a modifier of +1/-1 for each level of difference between the cleric's caster level and the level or hit dice of the opposing supernatural force (determined by the GM in the case of supernatural forces with no stated level or HD). The cleric begins the exorcism, rolling a d% for each turn. If the cleric's die roll is equal to or less than the modified chance of success, the exorcism is successful. The process cannot be halted once it has begun, and if the cleric is forced to pause before successfully casting out the supernatural force, the spell will fail.
==== Feign Death ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 3|
|**Duration:**|1 turn+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One willing creature|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell magically slows the recipient's metabolism into a state so close to death that it is impossible to distinguish the enspelled person from a corpse by any means other than magical. The recipient can hear, smell, and think; the senses of touch and sight no longer function. Damage caused to the pseudo-corpse is reduced by one half, and the spell's recipient will not even know that the damage has been caused--potentially a dangerous situation. A person under the influence of this spell is not subject to level draining by the undead and will not be affected by poisons until the spell wears off or is otherwise removed; the caster can remove the catalepsy at will, and the spell is subject to being dispelled. The clerical version of the spell is not subject to a limit on the character level it can affect. Note that the spell cannot be cast upon an unwilling subject.
==== Find the Path (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 6|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|3 rounds|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell imbues one creature with an uncanny sense for the shortest route into or out of a chosen locale. The spell imparts only a visceral intuition of the right direction and shortest distance, so it is impossible to use the spell either to circumvent dangers or to draw a map. This spell may be used to escape from a //maze// spell (q.v.) in one round and will continue to function thereafter. The spell's reverse makes a creature unable to make any significant movement beyond aimless wandering.
==== Find Traps ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 2|
|**Duration:**|3 turns|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft wide path|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell permits the cleric to discern the existence of traps, both of magical and mechanical nature. The cleric must be looking at a trap in order to perceive it.
==== Flame Strike ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Evocation]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 5|
|**Duration:**|1 segment|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft diameter column, 30-ft high|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Half|
Upon the casting of this spell, a blazing column of fire descends from the air. Its searing flames engulf an area 10-ft in diameter, as set by the caster. Each creature caught within the flames will suffer 6d8 points of damage, halved if the creature makes a successful saving throw.
==== Gate ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 7|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One summoned creature|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A //gate// spell creates an opening between the material plane and another plane of existence, summoning forth a being from the other plane. The caster must know the name of the creature he or she is attempting to summon, or the spell will fail. The particular creature named in the spell's casting might choose not to step through the gate into the material plane. Summoning Thor is unlikely to bring the thunder god from the halls of Valhalla--however, a being of some kind will certainly respond to the summons. Thor, if summoned, might choose to send a Valkyrie, for instance. Casting this spell can be risky, for the caster has no control over the summoned creature unless proper precautions are taken, such as a //protection from evil// spell, the drawing of appropriate magical circles, etc. Beings summoned from distant planes of existence, particularly beings with individual names of their own, can be powerful and irascible.
==== Glyph of Warding ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Abjuration/Evocation]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 3|
|**Duration:**|Permanent (until discharged)|
|**Area of Effect:**|25 square-ft/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|See below|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
The //glyph of warding// is a magically charged sigil or rune, scribed and enchanted to serve as the focal point of a powerful magical trap. The enchantment affects surfaces, with the caster being able to ward up to 5-ft×5-ft of wall, floor, door, etc., per caster level. The cleric writes or otherwise inscribes the surface to be protected with the glyph of his choice, thereby defining what effect the glyph will have when discharged. He or she then traces the area to be affected with incense and, if the area to be covered exceeds 50 sq ft, he or she must also sprinkle it with at least 2,000 gp worth of powdered gems to bind the spell over such a large area. When the spell is completed, the glyph and the tracery of its area fade from sight and remain invisible thereafter until the spell is discharged. Any being touching the protected surface without speaking the name of the glyph will discharge the glyph's power. Depending upon the nature of the glyph, a successful saving throw will either reduce the damage by one-half or negate the glyph's effects entirely. The amount of power that can be held within a glyph depends upon the caster's level. Most glyphs cause physical damage from fire or other elemental energies, causing 2 hit points of damage per caster level. More powerful glyphs are known that can induce paralysis or drain experience levels, although these are clearly the province only of the most powerful clerics. The GM must determine what glyphs may be within the capabilities of such formidable individuals.
==== Heal (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 6|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (Neg.)|
This spell affects the same general variety of creatures as the //cure light wounds// spell (q.v.), but it is necromancy on an entirely different level than the various cure spells. //Heal// removes all hit point damage with the exception of the last 1d4 points, removes blindness, cures disease, and will negates the effects of a //feeblemind// spell. The reverse, //harm//, causes damage sufficient to reduce the target to 1d4 remaining hit points, and also causes disease.
==== Hold Person ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Enchantment/Charm]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 2|
|**Duration:**|4 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1-3 creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
A //hold person// spell completely immobilises up to three medium-sized or smaller persons for the spell's duration. The cleric decides how many of his or her foes he or she will target with the spell. If there is only one target, the saving throw is made at -2; if two, each makes the saving throw at -1; and if the cleric seeks to hold three enemies, each makes its saving throw with no penalty. If a magic item or spell operates partially to negate the effects of paralysis, failing the save will have the effect of a //s////low// spell rather than completely immobilising the target. Creatures affected by this spell include humans, Demi-humans and humanoids. Ultimately, it is in the discretion of the GM to decide if a creature is considered a "person" for the purposes of this spell. Persons held by this spell may be killed or bound at a rate of one per round, or, if the attacker chooses, may be attacked at twice the normal rate with an automatic hit, for maximum damage.
==== Holy Word (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 7|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Holy word// is a spell of intrinsically good alignment. The intonation of a holy word utterly banishes evil creatures not native to the caster's plane, hurling them back to their respective planes of existence. Additionally, creatures not of good alignment (including those evil creatures which are native to the caster's plane, as well as neutral creatures not of good alignment) will suffer effects from the holy word in accordance with the creature's hit dice:
* Less than 4 HD Kills
* 4-7 HD Paralyses (duration 10-40 rounds)
* 8-11 HD Stuns, reduces move by 50%, causes -4 to attack rolls (duration 2-8 rounds)
* 12+ HD Deafens, reduces move by 25%, causes -2 to attack rolls, causes 50% chance of spell failure (duration 1-4 rounds)
The spell's reverse is //unholy word//, which functions in the same manner as //holy word// but against creatures of good alignment rather than evil. Both spells have the same effect upon creatures that are neither of good nor evil alignment.
==== Insect Plague ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 5|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Cloud of 180-ft radius, 60-ft high|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
While casting this spell, the cleric designates a central point for the spell's origin up to 360-ft from where he or she stands. When the cleric utters the final words of the incantation, this focal point belches forth a massive cloud of stinging insects, which boils outward almost instantly to fill the spell's area of effect. Within the area of this massive cloud, visibility is limited to 30-ft, and all creatures automatically sustain 1 hit point of damage per round from the stings and bites of the numberless flying vermin. All creatures caught in the cloud with 4 or fewer hit dice must check morale, and those with 2 or fewer hit dice will automatically flee until they are 240-ft away from the edge of the roiling cloud. Fire and smoke will keep the swarm at bay (as will //walls of force//, etc.), but virtually the only way to disperse a swarm before the spell duration expires is to cast //dispel magic// upon the swarm's focal point. Even a //fireball// or //flame strike// will do nothing other than temporarily (1 turn) to clear the insects out of the area affected by their flames.
==== Know Alignment (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 2|
|**Duration:**|1 turn|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 creature/round|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
All creatures are surrounded by an aura that can indicate their alignment, and this spell allows the caster to perceive and read such auras. The auras of up to ten creatures may be examined by use of the spell, and the cleric will be able to identify the exact alignment of each. The reverse of the spell obscures alignment (even against the use of this spell) with respect to one creature for a period of 1 turn, two people for a period of 5 rounds, and so on.
==== Light (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 1|
|**Duration:**|6 turns+1 turn/caster level (half for darkness)|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft radius globe|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
The //light// spell creates a globe of light 20-ft in radius, centered upon whatever spot or object the caster indicates at the time of casting (including a location in thin air). The caster may extinguish the magical light at any time. The reverse of the spell, //darkness//, creates an area of utter darkness just as the //light// spell creates light, with the only distinction being that the //darkness// spell has half the duration of a //light// spell. If either spell is cast upon a living creature, the creature is entitled to a saving throw (success indicating that the spell affects the area just behind the creature). A //light// spell cast upon a creature's eyes will blind it for the spell's duration, causing it a penalty of -4 on all rolls "to hit" if sight is its primary sense. The //light// spell remains stationary if it was not originally cast upon a movable object or creature (in which case the target will bring the illumination with it as it moves).
==== Locate Object (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 3|
|**Range:**|60-ft+10-ft/caster level|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Any object (not creature) known or familiar to the caster may be located within the spell's range. It is not necessary for the caster to have seen the precise object that the spell will locate: if the caster is familiar with ladders in general, he or she may cast the spell successfully to locate any ladder within the spell's range. The spell is directional, requiring the cleric to turn in different directions in order to sense an object in his or her path. The cleric may move after casting the spell to search a broader area, and need not be in actual line of sight of the object. (In other words, the spell's effect is not hindered by walls or other such obstacles.) The reverse of the spell may be used to obscure one object from magical detection of virtually all kinds (including such means as a crystal ball as well as divination spells).
==== Lower Water (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 4|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
With a majestic gesture, the cleric forces an area of water to sink downward by 5% of its original depth per caster level. Despite its name, the spell's power is not limited to water; it can affect other non-living fluid substances as well, including gases and materials slightly more viscous than water. The GM may adjust the amount by which the spell affects other substances based upon the difference of their material properties from those of water. The spell's area of effect is a square with sides measuring 10-ft per level of the cleric. For example, a cleric of 7th level can affect a square area up to 70-ft×70-ft. The reverse of the spell raises water in an area of effect similar to that of //lower water//, but not to the same degree of height, returning water to its natural level plus one foot per caster level.
==== Neutralise Poison (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 4|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|1-ft cube/ 2 caster levels or 1 creature|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (neg.)|
This spell detoxifies any sort of venom in a creature or object touched by the cleric. An opponent (a venomous spider, for example) must be successfully touched by the cleric, but is not entitled to a saving throw if the attack succeeds. Note that if the venomous creature produces new venom (normally a process that takes time), the new venom will be toxic, but any venom that is stored up in the creature will be affected and detoxified. The spell may also be used to prevent a poisoned character from suffering the poison's effects. The reverse of the spell allows the cleric to deliver a lethally poisonous touch, requiring a successful roll to hit, and allowing a saving throw against the poison.
==== Part Water ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 6|
|**Range:**|20-ft/caster level|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell causes water to draw apart, forming a trench. The depth and length of the water displacement is determined by the cleric's level. For each caster level, the cleric may displace an area of water 30-ft deep and 20-ft wide. The spell can affect other liquids besides water, but the more different the physical properties of the other liquid, the less the cleric may be capable of displacing.
==== Plane Shift ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 5|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
Up to seven people, in addition to the cleric, can travel from one plane of existence to another by means of a //plane shift// spell. All persons to make the journey must link hands in a circle, and when the cleric finishes the spell and completes the circle, the caster and his or her companions will be drawn beyond the boundaries of the material plane and into the supernatural regions beyond, the home realms of gods, demons, and elementals. An unwilling victim must be touched by the cleric in order for the cleric to send him or her to another plane, and a saving throw is also applicable. The casting of a //plane shift// spell provides one-way travel to the other plane; a second casting of the spell (or a similar spell of planar travel) is required in order to make the return journey. The cleric must possess a metal tuning fork attuned specifically to the plane of destination in order to cast the spell.
==== Prayer ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 3|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|60-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Casting //prayer// is a matter of intoning an invocation to the cleric's god(s), following which any of the cleric's allies who were in the spell's area of effect will gain, for the duration of the spell, the same benefits as if they were affected by an ongoing //chant// spell. Note that the cleric is able to move and take other actions while the //prayer// spell is in effect, which is not the case with the more restricted //chant// spell.
==== Protection from Evil (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 1|
|**Duration:**|3 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell surrounds the recipient with an invisible aura of divine protection, emanating from the recipient to a distance of one foot. The aura is not invulnerable, but it affords considerable protection against evil and summoned creatures, much as a powerful magic circle would. The power of the aura is such that, regardless of alignment, neither summoned nor conjured creatures, nor those not native to the material planes (such as demons or genies), can reach through it. It is possible, of course, for a weapon wielded by such a creature to breach the magical barrier, but the creature's physical presence is completely hedged out. Moreover, the attacks of evil creatures (with or without a weapon) incur a penalty of -2 to hit, and saving throws caused by such creatures will be made at a bonus of +2. The spell may be reversed into //protection from good//, and in this form it will still hedge out summoned, conjured, and extra-planar creatures regard less of alignment. To cast either form of the spell, the caster speaks the ritual words of the spell while describing a circle around the being to be warded, using holy water or incense (blood or smouldering dung for the reverse of the spell).
==== Protection from Evil, 10-ft Radius (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 4|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft radius sphere around creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell has effects and limitations identical to //protection from evil//, but the radius of divine protection extends a full 10-ft around the spell's recipient, allowing allies to shelter within the protective ambience. The duration of the spell is also longer.
==== Purify Food and Drink (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 1|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 cubic-ft/level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell removes poison, rot, and other contaminants from all food and water within the spell's area of effect, also destroying the malignant properties of unholy water. The reverse of the spell contaminates food and water and will spoil holy water.
==== Quest ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Enchantment/Charm]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 5|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
By means of a //quest// spell, the cleric enslaves the subject into fulfilling a task the cleric sets, forcing him or her to perform the task and return to the cleric with proof of its completion. If the enchanted creature does not properly follow the letter and spirit of the quest, it will suffer a cumulative penalty of -1 to all saving throw rolls for each day the quest is neglected. This penalty, which is itself in the nature of a curse, remains with the creature until the quest is completed or the curse is removed by the caster or by some other agency. Possible objectives for a quest are legion; they might include finding and bringing some valuable item to the cleric, capturing a castle, slaying a monster, or any number of other tasks.
==== Raise Dead (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 5|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|One person|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
The eerie, keening incantation of this spell calls a soul back from the afterlife, literally bringing the dead back to life. Elves, as they do not have souls, cannot be brought back to life in this manner, but humans, half-elves, half-orcs, gnomes, dwarfs, and halflings can all be raised from the dead by means of this spell. The longer a soul has been departed from the material plane, the more difficult it is to call it back; a cleric can summon back a soul that has been dead no more days than the cleric's level. In other words, a cleric of tenth level can raise a person who has been dead no more than ten days, but an eleventh level cleric can raise a person who has been dead eleven days. The raised person must survive a system shock saving throw in order to return to life, and he or she will be unable to engage in strenuous activity (such as combat, study, or spell casting) for a period of time equal to one day for each day that he or she was dead.
Perhaps mercifully, the spell erases the returning character's memory concerning any places his or her soul may have visited following death.
//Raise dead// can instantly destroy most kinds of corporeal undead creatures (exception: it does not destroy liches). Incorporeal undead, such as ghosts or spectres, are immune. This use is treated the same as the reverse of the spell in terms of saving throws and damage.
The reverse of the spell is referred to in hushed tones as //slay living//. The subject of this spell (which must be used with extreme caution by good clerics, lest their alignment be altered) is entitled to a saving throw, and if the throw fails, the subject dies. If the saving throw succeeds, the target will still sustain 2d8+1 points of damage.
==== Regenerate (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 7|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|3 rounds|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The powerful //regeneration// spell causes severed body parts to reattach themselves in a single round, or to regrow within 2-8 turns. The spell's reverse causes a touched appendage to wither and fall away to dust within 2-8 turns. A successful attack must be made in order to cast the spell upon an unwilling victim, but the victim does not also receive a saving throw.
==== Remove Curse (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 3|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell allows the cleric to //remove curses// from persons and objects, and the spell can have a variety of other applications against evil manifestations. Magical items imbued with curses cannot be destroyed by the spell's power, but use of the spell upon a person under the influence of such an item will generally free the person from the curse and allow him or her to be rid of the item.
The spell's reverse, //bestow curse//, inflicts the subject with a magical curse, the exact nature of which is not entirely within the caster's control:
Reduce one ability score to 3: 50%
Cause -4 penalty "to hit" and on saving throws: 25%
Cause victim (50% chance per turn) to drop any objects it is holding
(or in the case of an non-tool-using creature, not act for one round): 25%
With the GM's agreement, the character may design a specific curse to use with this spell other than the random curse the spell normally unleashes. In order to bestow a curse, the cleric must successfully touch the intended victim, who is entitled to a saving throw. The duration of a bestowed curse is 1 turn/caster level.
==== Remove Fear (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 1|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is a divine warding against fear, and it can also banish magical terror in someone already affected. In the latter case, the spell grants a second saving throw at a bonus of +1 per caster level. To a person not already affected by magical fear, the spell grants a bonus of +4 to fear saving throws for 1 turn.
==== Resist Cold ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 1|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By touching the spell's intended recipient and casting the spell, the cleric instills the recipient with a supernatural resistance to the effects of extreme cold. Normal cold, temperatures ranging down to zero degrees Fahrenheit, is perceived as normal temperature. The subject also gains a saving throw bonus of +3 against magical cold, taking one half damage if the save is not successful and one quarter damage if the save is successful. The saving throw is permitted even against attacks that would not ordinarily permit a saving throw (such as a magically cold sword).
==== Resist Fire ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 2|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
When this spell is cast, the recipient gains resistance to fire and heat, being able to endure boiling temperatures without discomfort. A person under the influence of this spell can stand unharmed in the middle of a bonfire, and even gains a measure of resistance to magical fire. The subject gains a saving throw bonus of +3 against magical fire, taking one half damage if the save is not successful and one quarter damage if the save is successful. The saving throw is permitted even against attacks that would not ordinarily allow a saving throw.
==== Restoration (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Necromancy]]//
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|3 rounds|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By casting this spell, the cleric restores one lost level of experience to the spell's target. Not necessarily all lost experience points are restored; an afflicted character will only regain enough experience points to regain the lost level, no more. A cleric can only restore a level lost within as many days as the cleric's caster level. For example, a cleric of 12th level cannot restore an experience level lost 13 or more days prior to the casting of the spell. The spell's reverse causes the target to lose one experience level. No saving throw applies, but a successful attack is required. In addition to restoring lost levels, the spell can affect other sorts of magically-induced debilities. The effects of a //feeblemind// spell are reversed by //restoration//, for example.
The reverse of //restoratio////n//, //energy drain//, removes one level of experience as well as the neccessary amount of experience points to take the victim to that level.
==== Resurrection (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Necromancy]]//
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|One person|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The awesome power of a //resurrection// spell brings the dead back to life. Unlike //raise dead//, a //resurrection// spell may be cast upon a person who has been dead for as many as 10 years per caster level. Casting the spell requires the cleric to rest for one day per level of the person raised. Elves cannot be resurrected, having no souls, but humans and the rest of their ilk (half-elves, dwarfs, etc.) can be affected. As with //raise dead//, the recipient's memory of whatever transpired between death and resurrection is erased.
The reverse of the spell kills the subject and turns him or her to dust, requiring a successful attack roll to touch.
==== Sanctuary ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 1|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A //sanctuary// spell makes the cleric seem an irrelevant, non-hostile target, one that his or her enemies will ignore. In order for any foe to attack the caster of the spell, the enemy must make a successful saving throw against magic. Failing the saving throw permits the enemy to attack another target, but the cleric will be completely ignored. The spell does not prevent an enemy from including the cleric within the area of effect of a hostile spell, provided that the cleric is not the intended target. The cleric may not undertake any hostile actions while protected by a sanctuary, or the spell's power will be dissipated and end. However, the cleric may cast spells and otherwise act in ways that are not directly hostile, such as curing wounds, casting a spell such as //bless//, or even stealing an item if faith and alignment permit.
==== Silence, 15-ft Radius ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 2|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft diameter sphere|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
Casting this spell brings into being an area of complete and utter magical silence in which no sound can be heard. The spell may be cast upon a location in the air, upon a physical object (in which case it will move with the object), or upon a creature (in which case a saving throw is applicable). If the creature makes a saving throw, the area of silence will centre upon the space just behind the intended victim.
==== Slow Poison ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 2|
|**Duration:**|6 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is used to slow the progress of poison through the body. Even a person who has died from poison may be revived if he succumbed to the poison within a number of turns less than or equal to the caster's level of experience. The spell does not eliminate or neutralise poison; it merely slows it. A poisoned creature will lose 1 hit point per turn (but will not fall below 1) during the spell's duration; once the spell's protection expires, the victim will suffer the full potency of the poison. The spell is generally used to keep someone alive until the poison can be neutralised completely by other means, such as a //neutralise poison// spell.
==== Snake Charm ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Enchantment/Charm]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 2|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A pattern of gestures made by the cleric in the course of casting this spell creates a hypnotic effect on snakes. Any snake affected by the spell will rise up and begin swaying back and forth, otherwise remaining motionless. A cleric can affect multiple serpents with the spell, up to a total number of hit points equal to the cleric's own. The spell's duration depends upon the existing emotions of the snake at the time the spell is cast. If the snake was asleep, the duration of the charm is 1d4+2 turns; if the snake was awake but not angry, the duration will be 1-3 turns; and if the snake was angry (or attacking), the spell will last 1d4+4 rounds.
==== Speak with Animals ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 2|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature within 30-ft of the caster|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
When the caster invokes this spell, he or she becomes able to communicate with and understand the "speech" of normal animals (with the exception of mindless creatures). While the spell lasts, the animal (and any other animals of the same type in its company) will refrain from attacking, even if they were initially hostile. Depending upon the nature of the conversation, if the animal's alignment is neutral or of the same tendency as the cleric's, the animal may be disposed to help the cleric in some manner. It is important to note that the spell does not permit speech with animals of monstrous or unnatural nature; communication with a monster such as a cockatrice, for example, is beyond the spell's power. Neither does the spell suddenly imbue an animal with intelligence; the observations and opinions of an animal such as a badger will be appropriate to the animal's own experiences, motives, and intellectual limitations.
==== Speak with Dead ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 3|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One dead creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By casting //speak with dead//, the cleric opens a mystical channel to the afterworld, permitting him or her to ask a dead creature several questions. As with most spells that concern the afterlife, the length of time that the soul has departed is a factor--the longer the creature has been dead, the more powerful the casting cleric must be to initiate contact. The cleric must be able to speak the dead creature's language and must have some portion of its bodily remains available as the focus of the spell.
| **Caster level** | **Spell duration** | **Max number
of questions** | **Max time
since death** |
| 5-6 | 1 round | 2 | 1 week |
| 7-8 | 3 rounds | 3 | 1 month |
| 9-12 | 1 turn | 4 | 1 year |
| 13-15 | 2 turns | 5 | 1 decade |
| 16-20 | 3 turns | 6 | 1 century |
| 21+ | 1 hour | 7 | 1 æon |
==== Speak with Monsters ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 6|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Within the spell's area of effect, the caster becomes capable of communicating with any kind of creature provided it has some form of intelligence. The spell does not make the target friendly to the caster; for this, the caster must rely upon his or her charisma.
==== Speak with Plants ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 4|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The cleric becomes able to hold converse with living plant matter. He or she may pose questions and understand the answers given, although any conclusions or opinions the plant provides will be based on the plant's level of intelligence. Even a normal plant, however, will be able to convey information about events that have transpired near it. If the plants are capable of motion, it will be possible for the cleric to persuade them into a course of action, such as drawing aside to allow passage, or even attacking an enemy citadel.
==== Spiritual Weapon ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Invocation]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 2|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Hammer-shaped divine force|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
To cast this spell, the cleric throws a real war hammer into the air, invoking the power of his or her god(s). The real hammer disappears, replaced with a mist-like shape of divine force that attacks at the cleric's will while the cleric concentrates upon maintaining it (limited, of course, to the duration of the spell). The hammer strikes as a magical weapon for purposes of affecting creatures hit only by magic weapons (as if it were a +1 weapon, with an additional +1 per three levels of the caster), but it has no actual bonus on "to hit" rolls. The spiritual weapon attacks as if it were wielded by the cleric, at the cleric's level and with any appropriate "to hit" and damage bonuses (or penalties). The weapon does damage as a normal war hammer.
==== Sticks to Snakes (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 4|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft cube|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell enables the cleric to transform sticks into serpents that attack at the cleric's will. The snakes may be ordered to take other actions if the cleric can speak with them, but this spell alone does not grant the power to communicate with the snakes, only to will them to attack particular opponents. The spell transforms one stick per caster level, and each snake has a 5% chance per caster level of being venomous. The reverse of the spell will change snakes into harmless sticks and can work such a transformation upon snakes created by means of this spell. Sticks of a magical quality, such as wands or magic spears, are not affected by the spell.
==== Stone Tell ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 6|
|**Duration:**|1 turn|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 cubic yard of stone|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell causes stone to hear and speak. Rock and stones in the area of effect will answer any of the cleric's questions about what has transpired in their immediate vicinity, or what lies behind them.
==== Symbol ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 7|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
To cast this spell, the cleric shapes a glowing symbol in the air. Any creature seeing the symbol closely enough to discern its shape (approximately 100-ft) will be affected by it. The clerical casting of this spell allows for three different symbols: Hopelessness, Pain, and Persuasion.
**Hopelessness:** The symbol of hopelessness causes despair. Any creature (other than those with no intelligence) failing the saving throw will wander sadly away or surrender in the face of a challenge such as a combat. The despair will persist for 3d4 turns.
**Pain:** The symbol of pain inflicts terrible, shooting pains for a duration of 2-20 turns. Any creature so affected will suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls and a temporary loss of 2 dexterity points.
**Persuasion:** Those viewing the symbol of persuasion and failing their saving throw will undergo a temporary change of alignment to the caster's alignment and become friendly to the caster for 1d20 turns.
==== Tongues (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 4|
|**Duration:**|1 turn|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Within the radius established by this spell, the caster, and the caster alone, will be able to speak and understand any verbal language. Note that the spell's area of effect does not move with the caster. The reverse of the spell makes verbal communication impossible for any person (not just the caster) in the spell's area, or may be used to cancel out the effects of the //tongues// spell.
==== True Seeing (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 5|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell imbues the recipient with the ability to see things as they truly are within a range of 120-ft. Illusions, displacements, astral or æthereal objects and beings, and secret doors are examples of the kinds of deception and unreality that the spell reveals. Alignment auras become visible so that the cleric can discern good from evil, law from chaos. Polymorphed items and creatures are seen in their true shape. The reverse of the spell, //false seeing//, is in the nature of a curse, making the subject's perception untrustworthy and contrary in what it reveals.
==== Wind Walk ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 7|
|**Duration:**|6 turns/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Upon completing the wording of this spell, the caster's body becomes insubstantial, resembling the misty substance of water vapour. Indeed, if the caster wears white garments, he or she is likely (80% chance) to be mistaken for a cloud of vapour or steam. Carried upon a magical wind controlled by the caster, the wind walker(s) may travel as rapidly as 600-ft per turn or as slowly as 60-ft per turn. The caster may carry another person for every 8 caster levels, transforming them into cloudlike wind walkers by his touch. The spell ends when the cleric cancels it or the duration expires.
==== Word of Recall ====
//[[chapter2#cleric_spells_by_level|Clerical Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Cleric 6|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster and additional weight (see below)|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By the utterance of a single word of power, the cleric transports him- or herself infallibly to a prepared place of sanctuary. Before the spell can be cast with success, a place in the sanctuary must be inscribed with a rune corresponding to the cleric's //word of recall//; any later elimination of this rune by any person other than the cleric will not affect the proper functioning of the spell. Transportation by means of //word of recall// is instantaneous and not subject to error. The sanctuary may be of any distance from the cleric, and may be above or below ground. The cleric may also transport as much as 25 lbs of other material per level of experience, including equipment or even another living being.
===== Druid Spells =====
Druidic spells draw upon the divine power of nature, and operate according to similar principles as clerical spells. Any druidic spell with a material component requires (at a minimum) the use of mistletoe, holly, or oak leaves as described under the Druid class.
==== Animal Friendship ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Enchantment/Charm]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 1|
|**Area of Effect:**|One normal animal|
|**Casting Time:**|6 turns|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
The //animal friendship// spell enchants a normal animal of neutral alignment to become the druid's faithful friend and companion. The animal to be enchanted must not be completely unintelligent but cannot be of greater than animal intelligence. If the animal fails its saving throw (made at the beginning of the spell's casting), it will remain docile for the remainder of the casting time. Once the spell is complete, the animal will remain with the druid and can learn tricks similar to those that could be taught to a trained domestic pet. Each trick takes a week to learn, and after the animal has been with the druid for three months it will no longer be able to learn new tricks. During this period, if the animal is left alone by the druid for more than three days, the enchantment will be broken and the animal will revert to the wild. A druid may only have animal friends with hit dice totalling twice his or her level. (The total hit dice can thus increase as the druid gains levels.)
==== Animal Growth (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 5|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Up to 8 animals in a 10-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell causes up to 8 animals in the area of effect to grow to twice normal size, doubling their hit dice and the damage they inflict. The spell does not influence the animals' attitude toward the druid, so it is advisable to ensure ahead of time that they are friendly. The reverse of the spell halves their size and damage inflicted.
==== Animal Summoning I ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 4|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A druid may use this spell to summon normal or giant animals of a specified type. The animals must be within the spell's range to be summoned. Up to three summoning attempts may be made if animals of the specified type do not appear. Assuming that the summoned type of animal is within the spell's range, up to 8 animals will appear, of no more than 4 hit dice each. These animals will assist the druid with a specific mission: winning a battle, travelling to a specific location, etc.
==== Animal Summoning II ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 5|
|**Range:**|180-ft/caster level|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is similar to //animal summoning I//, but is more powerful. The spell will summon a maximum of six animals, each no greater than 8 HD, or up to 12 animals, each no greater than 4 HD.
==== Animal Summoning III ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 6|
|**Range:**|240-ft/caster level|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is similar to //animal summoning I//, but is more powerful. The spell will summon up to 4 animals of no more than 16 HD each, or 16 animals of no more than 4 HD each.
==== Animate Rock ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 7|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|2-ft cube/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell allows the druid to animate and command a stone object in the same way that a cleric commands an animated object with the //animate object// spell. The object to be animated cannot be part of a larger stone structure.
==== Anti-Animal Shell ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 6|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft radius sphere (or hemisphere)|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell creates an immobile field of force that hedges out all animal matter. Note that undead and beings not of the material plane are not considered animal matter. The druid's allies must, of course, be within the field at the time it is conjured forth, for they themselves are presumably of animal matter.
==== Anti-Plant Shell ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 5|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|80-ft radius sphere (or hemisphere)|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
When the druid finishes casting this spell, an invisible barrier forms in an 80-ft radius around the caster and is immobile thereafter. No vegetable matter (including missiles formed of vegetable matter, such as wooden arrows) can penetrate the barrier.
==== Barkskin ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 2|
|**Duration:**|4 rounds+1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The //barkskin// spell magically toughens a creature's skin, making it as strong as tree bark. The recipient of the spell improves his or her armour class by one point and also gains a +1 bonus on all saving throws, with the exception of saving throws against Spells (unlisted categories).
==== Call Lightning ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 3|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|360-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|Half|
Provided that there is already significant cloud cover in the area, the druid may use this spell to call down a shattering barrage of lightning bolts from the sky to the ground. One bolt may be called every turn (10 minutes). The bolts inflict 2d8 points of damage, plus another d8 per level of the caster. Any creature within 10-ft of a bolt's impact (or along its downward path) will sustain damage. The spell may only be cast outdoors.
==== Call Woodland Beings ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 4|
|**Range:**|360-ft+30-ft/caster level|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|See below|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This summoning calls certain woodland creatures to aid the druid, provided that they are nearby. The druid casts the spell by means of a sonorous chant, which he or she must continue for 2 turns or until the summoned creatures appear. The GM will determine if creatures that will respond to such a call are in the area. The creatures are entitled to a saving throw vs Spells (unlisted categories) at a penalty of -4. If the creatures fail the saving throw and are summoned to the druid's aid, they will provide whatever aid they are capable of, although their willingness to engage in combat is subject to their overall reactions to the druid him- or herself.
If there is an evil character in the druid's party, the summoned creatures gain an additional saving throw to avoid the effects of the spell, at a bonus of +4. Creatures that may be summoned by this spell include:
Centaurs 1d4
Pixies 1d8
Fauns 1d4
Treant 1
Unicorn 1
==== Chariot of Fire ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Evocation]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 7|
|**Duration:**|6 turns+1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A chariot of fire, drawn by two flaming steeds, appears with an echoing thunderclap when the druid completes the final words of this spell. The druid may, by touch, make up to 8 of his or her companions immune to the furnace-like conveyance; anyone else within five feet of the horses or the chariot will sustain 2d4 hp of damage per round. The chariot can travel over land at a speed of 240-ft/round and can fly at a speed of 480-ft/round, obeying the caster's shouted instructions. It is possible for the chariot and horses to sustain damage from magical weapons or from water (which does only 1 hp of damage). Chariot and horses each have 30 hp and are AC 2; if a single horse is dispelled by taking physical damage, the chariot's speed will be halved. The chariot prevents normal fire from affecting its passengers, but they may take damage from magical fire attacks. The chariot and horses are themselves immune to all fire, magical or otherwise.
==== Charm Person or Mammal ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Enchantment/Charm]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 2|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One person or mammal|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
The powerful enchantment woven by this spell will affect any "person," meaning character races (with the exception of elves) and other small to medium-sized bipeds analogous to persons (orcs, goblins, etc.). The spell also affects mammalian animals of any kind, even those that are supernatural, giant, or monstrous. If the target creature fails a saving throw, it will view the druid as a trusted friend, interpreting his or her every word in its most positive light. Charmed creatures will place themselves into moderate danger, including combat, on the druid's behalf, but will not undertake risks beyond those the creature might ordinarily take. The druid must be able to talk to the charmed creature if he or she is to make any sort of complex "request." Charmed creatures are allowed periodic saving throws to break the charm, based on intelligence:
|19+|one saving throw/day|
|18|one saving throw/2 days|
|17|one saving throw/3 days|
|15-16|one saving throw/week|
|13-14|one saving throw/2 weeks|
|10-12|one saving throw/3 weeks|
|7-9|one saving throw/month|
|4-6|one saving throw/2 months|
|3 or less|one saving throw/3 months|
The charm will be broken automatically if the druid obviously tries to harm the charmed creature.
==== Commune With Nature ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 5|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
To cast this spell, the druid enters into a trance that brings him or her into a state of oneness with the natural surroundings.
He or she gains knowledge of the area, learning one fact for each of his or her caster levels. The radius of the area with which the druid can commune is a half-mile for every caster level. Facts that the druid may divine include the paths of water, inhabitants in a part of the region, etc.
==== Confusion ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Enchantment/Charm]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 7|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Up to a 20-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell causes creatures to behave strangely and unpredictably. A certain number of creatures in the spell's area of effect must make a saving throw each round in order to avoid becoming confused. The base number of creatures is 2d4, but additional creatures may be affected; if the druid's caster level is higher than the HD of the strongest opponent, the difference is the number of additional creatures that must make saving throws. This spell is extremely powerful; all saving throws are made with a penalty of -2. Creatures that fail their saving throws (check each round) act randomly in accordance with the following table:
| **d%** |**Action**|
| 01-10 |Attacks the druid or his or her allies|
| 11-20 |Acts normally|
| 21-50 |Babbles incoherently|
| 51-70 |Meanders away from caster for a full turn|
| 71-00 |Attacks nearest creature|
**Note:** A creature that meanders away is not entitled to further saving throws, but will be freed from the spell's effects after taking a full turn of movement (at normal speed) away from the caster.
==== Conjure Earth Elemental (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 7|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the druid summons a 16 HD elemental from the plane of earth. The spell is otherwise identical to the druidic spell //conjure fire elemental//, but there is no chance to summon a more powerful elemental, as exists when a druid summons fire elementals. As with conjuring fire elementals, the earth elemental will be the druid's ally by its own will; the druid requires no magical wards against it and need not concentrate upon it after the summoning is complete.
==== Conjure Fire Elemental (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 6|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|6 rounds|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
It is within the power of a high-level druid to summon forth an elemental being from the plane of fire. The elemental will ordinarily be of 16 HD, but there is a 5% chance that it will be of 24 HD and a 1% chance that an afreet, rather than an elemental, will appear. The elemental will act as the druid's ally, remaining for the spell's duration to assist him or her however possible, including engaging in combat with his or her enemies. Druids need no protective circle to summon fire elementals and need not concentrate upon the elemental in any way.
==== Control Temperature, 10-ft Radius ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 4|
|**Duration:**|4 turns+1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By casting this spell, the druid magically controls the temperature of his or her immediate surroundings, to a radius of 10-ft. The temperature may be raised or lowered by 9° Fahrenheit (4° Celsius) per caster level.
==== Control Weather ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 7|
|**Duration:**|8d12 hours|
|**Area of Effect:**|4d8 square miles|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The //control weather// spell brings about a rapid change in the weather of several square miles surrounding the point where the spell is cast. It requires no more than 10-40 minutes for the spell to take its full effect across the vast area it covers. The spell affects precipitation, temperature, and wind speed. Existing weather conditions cannot be utterly changed by the force of this spell, but druids are able to cause more of a change than clerics can with the same spell; effectively twice the amount of change is possible for a druid. The druid could not bring heavy rain forth on a clear day, but could change the weather from clear to partly cloudy, and then to fully cloudy (with light rain, perhaps), all in the course of one casting. By comparison, a cleric would only have been able to bring about partial clouds. Hot weather can be made cool, and a strong wind can be raised from calm air. This spell may be cast more than once in succession to bring about a dramatic change, moving, for example, from a calm to a strong wind, then from the strong wind to a full-scale storm.
==== Control Winds ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 5|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level (see below)|
|**Area of Effect:**|40-ft radius/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By the power of this spell, the druid can increase or decrease the force of the winds. For every caster level, the druid may change the speed of the wind by 3 miles per hour. An eye of calm with a radius of 40-ft remains around the druid and travels with him or her. The wind force increases (or decreases) at a rate of 3 miles per hour every round until the end of the spell's duration, at which time it will return to normal, also at a rate of 3 miles per hour per turn.
Winds can be extremely destructive; ships are at great risk of sinking if wind speed reaches 60 miles per hour, and wind speeds of 75+ mph are as a full-fledged hurricane.
==== Create Water ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 2|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|Up to 1 cubic foot/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell creates potable water, four gallons per level of the caster. The water may be created in a receptacle or in thin air (whence it will, of course, fall). Water cannot be created inside a creature, nor can it be created in any place the caster cannot see. Note however that the druidic spell has no reverse version; the druid may create, but not destroy, water.
==== Creeping Doom ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 7|
|**Duration:**|4 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The terrifying //creeping doom// spell causes a massive swarm of insects, spiders, and centipedes to boil forth from the ground in front of the caster, marching in whatever direction he or she orders, destroying and killing all that stands in their way. The swarm is composed of (1d6+4)×100 nonflying vermin, each of which inflicts 1 hp damage against an opponent before dying. Only as many insects as are needed to kill an opponent will die, and once the target is dead the swarm will move on. If the druid allows the swarm to get more than 80-ft away from his or her person, 50 insects for every 10-ft beyond this range will depart the swarm. The druid can order the swarm to attack specific targets and/ or to change direction. Although the spell can be devastating (potentially causing as much as 1,000 hp of damage in total), many means can be used to counter it--the most obvious being a //fireball// or other area-of-effect damage spell.
==== Cure Disease (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 3|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (neg.)|
By means of this spell, the caster may cure most diseases by laying hands upon the afflicted creature. Depending upon the nature of the disease, full recovery may require as little time as a single turn, or as long as a week. The spell's reverse, //cause disease//, requires that the caster successfully touch the intended victim, who is permitted a saving throw against the spell's insidious effects. If the saving throw is failed, the effects of the disease will manifest within 1d6 turns, inflicting 1 hit point of damage per turn thereafter and one point of lost strength per hour (6 turns) until the victim is reduced to 10% of his or her original hit points and strength. Until the disease is cured or runs its course, the afflicted person will not be able to naturally recover either strength or hit points over and above 10%. The disease runs its course in 1d6 days.
==== Cure Critical Wounds (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 6|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (neg.)|
This powerful spell is similar in nature to //cure light wounds//, operating in the same fashion but healing 3d8+3 hit points of damage. The reverse of the spell functions as //cause critical wounds//, but delivers 3d8+3 points of damage.
==== Cure Light Wounds (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 2|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (neg.)|
//Cure light wounds// allows the caster to lay hands upon a wounded creature, restoring 1d8 hit points to the spell's beneficiary. The reverse of the spell operates in the same manner (although requiring a "to hit" roll), but inflicts 1d8 hit points rather than healing. If the caster fails to hit while casting //cause light wounds//, the spell is lost. This spell does not heal disease, reattach limbs, or bring back the dead, nor can it add hit points beyond a character's normal number. Non-corporeal creatures are not affected by this spell, nor are undead, nor are creatures that are harmed only by iron, silver, or magical weapons.
==== Cure Serious Wounds (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 4|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (neg.)|
A benison similar to //cure light wounds//, //cure serious wounds// permits the caster to lay on hands for 2d8+1 hit points of healing. The spell's limits are otherwise similar to those of //cure light wounds//. The reverse of the spell causes damage rather than healing, requiring that the cleric successfully touch the target.
==== Detect Magic ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 1|
|**Duration:**|12 rounds|
|**Area of Effect:**|Path 10-ft wide, 40-ft long|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Detect magic //creates a tunnel of magical vision in a path 10-ft wide and 30-ft long, in which the caster sees the aura of any magic item as a glowing blue nimbus. The spell's effect is blocked by solid wood 3-ft thick, by stone 1-ft thick, and by solid metal 1 inch thick. The caster can only scan a 60° arc during the course of a round: turning more quickly does not allow magic auras enough time to form in the caster's vision.
==== Detect Pits and Snares ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 1|
|**Duration:**|4 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Path 10-ft wide, 40-ft long|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The druid may cast this spell upon herself, imbuing her eyes with divinatory power. The druid can instantly discern virtually any form of trap if outdoors, and even indoors or underground she will detect the presence of pits.
==== Dispel Magic ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 4|
|**Area of Effect:**|40-ft cube/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Dispel magic// has a base chance of 50% permanently to negate magic--both the magical properties of potions and the ongoing effects of certain spells. All spell effects and relevant items within the stated area of effect are subject to dispelling. Permanent magical items are not disenchanted by the spell, with the exception of potions, which are treated as 12th level for purposes of resolution. However, even a permanently enchanted item must make a saving throw or become non-operational for one round. Any spells in the process of being cast in the spell's area of effect will be lost, and any ongoing spell effects (such as //invisibility//) will be dispelled.
With respect to each potion, casting, or ongoing spell effect, the base chance of successful dispelling is increased 5% for every level by which the caster's level exceeds the caster level of the potion, the casting, or the spell effect. The base chance is conversely reduced by 2% per level of difference if the caster is lower level than the caster of the magic to be dispelled. The spell will automatically negate the caster's own spells if it is used for this purpose or if the caster has previously cast a spell into the same area.
==== Entangle ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 1|
|**Duration:**|1 turn|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Half (see below)|
The druid casts this spell upon a particular spot, whereupon all plants in a 20-ft radius of the enchanted location immediately begin to writhe violently about, whipping around and entangling any creature in the area. Creatures threatened in this manner are entitled to a saving throw. If the saving throw succeeds, the creature's movement rate is slowed to half normal; if the saving throw fails, the creature is so securely held in the plants that it cannot move, attack, or cast spells for the duration of the spell.
==== Faerie Fire ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 1|
|**Duration:**|4 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 size M or 2 size S creatures/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The druid uses this spell to ignite a fiery-looking aura of bright light around his or her enemies. The aura is visible at a range of 80-ft if the observer stands in darkness, and at 40-ft if he or she stands near another light source. The light itself is harmless, but a creature limned with faerie fire is easier to hit; any attacks against it are made with a bonus of +2.
==== Feeblemind ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Enchantment/Charm]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 6|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
The insidious //feeblemind// spell affects only those who can cast spells, tracing and poisoning the mystical channels of their arcane power like a viral infection. The spell reduces a victim into a state of extreme mental retardation, which condition persists until the victim is magically restored by means of a heal, wish, or restoration spell. The different types of spell casting ability are not equally vulnerable to the //feeblemind// spell. Practitioners of clerical magic gain a bonus of +1 to saving throws; druids save at -1; magic users and illusionists save at -4. (Those who can use more than one type of magic must save using the average of their modifiers.)
==== Feign Death ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 2|
|**Duration:**|4 rounds+2 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell magically slows the recipient's metabolism into a state so close to death that it is impossible to distinguish the enspelled person from a corpse by any means other than magical. The recipient can hear, smell, and think; the senses of touch and sight no longer function. Damage caused to the pseudo-corpse is reduced by one half, and the spell's recipient will not even know that the damage has been caused--potentially a dangerous situation. A person under the influence of this spell is not subject to level draining by the undead and will not be affected by poisons until the spell wears off or is otherwise removed; the caster can remove the catalepsy at will, and the spell is subject to being dispelled.
==== Finger of Death ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Enchantment/Charm]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 7|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
The casting of this spell culminates when the druid points a finger at his or her chosen victim. If the target fails a saving throw, it dies.
==== Fire Seeds ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Conjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 6|
|**Range:**|40-ft (see below)|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round/ seed|
|**Saving Throw:**|Half|
By casting this spell upon a group of seeds, either acorns or holly berries, the druid imbues them with the potential to erupt in a violent explosion of magical fire. Transformed acorns may be used as missiles, and transformed holly berries as delayed-action bombs. The spell allows the druid to create four acorn fire seeds or eight holly berry fire seeds, or a proportionate combination such as two acorns and four holly berries. Acorns may be thrown at a range of up to 40-ft and cause 2d8 points of damage in a radius of 5-ft, igniting any combustibles that fail item saving throws. If an acorn strikes its target with a successful "to hit" roll, the target is not entitled to a saving throw. Even if the attack misses, the target may be caught in the blast area (and would be entitled to a saving throw for half damage, as any other creature within the blast area). The holly berries may be thrown no more than 6-ft, or may be left in place to ignite upon a command word. (The range of the command word is 40-ft.) Holly berries create an explosion in an area of 5-ft×5-ft, inflicting 1d8 points of damage and causing combustible items to make saving throws against magical fire or burn. As with the acorn seeds, a successful saving throw against the explosion of a holly berry //fire seed// reduces the damage inflicted by one-half.
==== Fire Storm (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Evocation]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 7|
|**Duration:**|1 round|
|**Area of effect:**|20-ft×20-ft×20-ft area per caster level|
|**Components:**|V, S, M|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Half|
The //fire storm// invocation is a modified and enlarged version of //wall of fire//. It lasts for only a single round, and does only half the damage of a //wall of fire// (i.e. 2d8 damage), but the huge area of effect makes it devastating.
The spell's reverse extinguishes all normal fire in the area of effect, or will instantly kill one fire elemental (no saving throw).
==== Fire Trap ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Evocation]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 2|
|**Duration:**|Permanent until tripped|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|Half|
This spell enchants any item that can be opened or closed with a magical trap. When the item is opened by any person other than the caster, magical fire explodes in an area 5-ft in radius around the //fire trapped// object, causing 1d4 plus the caster's level hit points of damage to all creatures in this area. A successful saving throw indicates half damage. The item upon which this spell is cast suffers no damage from the explosion. Detecting a //fire trap// is extraordinarily difficult; attempts to find traps are reduced by one-half in efficacy if the trap is a //fire trap//, and the trap will detonate if an attempt to remove traps fails.
==== Hallucinatory Forest ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Illusion/Phantasm]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 4|
|**Area of Effect:**|40-ft square/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By casting this spell, the druid creates the illusion of a forest in the spell's area of effect. Woodland fey and other druids will immediately discern the forest's illusory nature, but even normal animals will be fooled by the forest's appearance. The illusion is not tactile, only visual, so it is likely that intelligent beings entering the forest will quickly realize they are walking in an illusion. However, the mere realization that the forest is not real does not dispel the illusion, and it will continue to limit vision and possibly create other inconveniences; horses, for example, will not walk a straight path through the illusion, circling around the "trees" they perceive as real.
==== Heat Metal (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 2|
|**Duration:**|7 rounds|
|**Area of Effect:**|All metal worn by one size M creature per caster level, or 50 lbs weight/caster level, as applicable|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This extremely powerful spell causes metal to heat up to searing temperatures, and the reverse, //chill metal//, causes metal to become damagingly cold. The two versions of the spell inflict different damage and potential side effects. The effects of continued exposure to the metal as it changes temperature to a damaging level and then returns to normal are set forth below:
|Round 1|No effect other than discomfort|
|Round 2|1d4 hp damage|
|Rounds 3-5|2d4 hp damage, severe blistering to extremities (hands, feet), and unconsciousness if the metal is a helmet|
|Round 6|1d4 hp damage|
|Round 7|Discomfort|
|Round 1|no effect other than discomfort|
|Round 2|1d2 hp damage|
|Rounds 3-5|1d4 hp damage, severe frostbite (possible need for amputation of extremities such as fingers, ears)|
|Round 6|1d4 hp damage|
|Round 7|discomfort|
Immersion in water will negate the effects of the //heat// version of the spell, and magical protections against the appropriate elements will negate both versions. If no such options are available, the target of this spell is well advised to spend a round divesting him- or herself of metal gauntlets and helmet at the very least, to avoid the side effects.
==== Hold Animal ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Enchantment/Charm]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 3|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1d4 animals|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
A //hold animal// spell completely immobilises up to four animals (i.e. creatures listed under "animal" in Chapter 4) for the length of the spell's duration. The druid decides how many animals he or she will target with the spell: if there is only one target, the saving throw is made at -4; if two, each makes the saving throw at -2; if three, the saving throw is at -1; and if the druid seeks to hold four animals, each makes its saving throw with no penalty. Animals held by this spell may be killed or bound at a rate of one per round, or, if the attacker chooses, may be attacked at twice the normal rate with an automatic hit, for maximum damage.
==== Hold Plant ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Enchantment/Charm]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 4|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell affects plants that can move, whether naturally or as the result of a spell. Plants affected by the spell are frozen in place for the spell's duration, and if the spell is cast upon normal vegetation (such as dry leaves), these will make no sound other than sounds caused by the wind. In the case of moulds, fungi, and other plants that cannot be considered separately, the spell affects 4-16 square yards of space, as decided by the druid. In the case of plant creatures such as treants, the spell affects between one and four creatures, at the caster's option.
Depending upon how many creatures (or square yards of space) the druid targets, the saving throw against the spell is subject to different penalties. If one creature (4 square yards) is targeted, the saving throw against the spell is made at a penalty of -4; two creatures or 8 square yards suffer a penalty of -2; three creatures or 12 square yards suffer a penalty of -1; and four creatures or 16 square yards suffer no penalty on the saving throw.
==== Insect Plague ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 5|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Cloud of 160-ft radius, 40-ft high|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
While casting this spell, the caster designates a central point for the spell's origin up to 360-ft from where he or she stands. When the caster utters the final words of the incantation, this focal point belches forth a massive cloud of stinging insects, which boils outward almost instantly to fill the spell's area of effect. Within the area of this massive cloud, visibility is limited to 30-ft, and all creatures automatically sustain 1 hit point of damage per round from the stings and bites of the numberless flying vermin. All creatures caught in the cloud with 4 or fewer hit dice must check morale, and those with 2 or fewer hit dice will automatically flee until they are 240-ft away from the edge of the roiling cloud. Fire and smoke will keep the swarm at bay (as will //walls of force//, etc.), but virtually the only way to disperse a swarm before the spell duration expires is to cast //dispel magic// upon the swarm's focal point. Even a //fireball// or //flame strike// will do nothing other than temporarily (1 turn) to clear the insects out of the area affected by their flames.
==== Invisibility to Animals ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 1|
|**Duration:**|1 turn+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
With a gesture, the druid or other recipient of the spell fades from the sight, sound, and smell of any animal (i.e. creature listed under "Animal" in Chapter 5). Creatures with intelligence of 6+ are not affected by the spell. This powerful form of invisibility is not dispelled if the druid attacks, although a particular creature being attacked with a hand-held weapon will, of course, be aware of the druid's general location and be entitled to attack with a -4 penalty until the druid moves out of its immediate area. Druids will, by nature of their calling, not use this spell to commit wholesale slaughter upon animals except in extraordinary circumstances.
==== Locate Animals ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 1|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Path 20-ft wide, 20-ft/caster level long|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The caster becomes able to divine the presence of a particular kind of animal in the direction he or she views. The druid must concentrate for a full round in a particular direction in order to gain the insight granted by the spell. The spell's enchantment affects the caster, so the effects move with him or her. The divination is not blocked by any intervening substance, of any thickness.
==== Locate Plants ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 2|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|5-ft radius/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Upon casting this spell, the druid is imbued with the ability to mentally locate any specific type of plant upon which he or she concentrates, in the area the spell radiates around him or her as he or she moves.
==== Neutralise Poison (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 3|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (Negates)|
This spell detoxifies any sort of venom in a creature or object touched by the caster. An opponent (a venomous spider, for example) must be successfully touched by the caster, but is not entitled to a saving throw if the attack succeeds. Note that if the venomous creature produces new venom (normally a process that takes time), the new venom will be toxic, but any venom that is stored up in the creature will be affected and detoxified. The spell may also be used to prevent a poisoned character from suffering the poison's effects. The reverse of the spell allows the caster to deliver a lethally poisonous touch, requiring a successful roll to hit, and allowing a saving throw against the poison.
==== Obscurement ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 2|
|**Duration:**|4 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft×10-ft cube /caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
As this spell is completed, an enchanted mist billows from the area where the druid stands, rapidly filling the area of effect and reducing visibility therein to 1d4-ft×2-ft. The spell is affected by natural conditions such as strong winds, which will reduce the spell's effective duration.
==== Pass Plant ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 5|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the druid steps into one tree and steps out from a distant tree of the same type. The druid determines the direction in which he or she will travel from one tree to another. Most trees permit a maximum distance of travel of 300 yards, but trees sacred to druids allow travel of considerably greater distance; oak, yew, and rowan trees permit the druid to travel as far as 600 yards. If no tree of the same type is to be found in the direction the druid designates, he or she will emerge from any tree of that species within the spell's range closest to the direction he or she specified. The druid may remain in the first tree for as long as one round per caster level before being forced to leave the other tree, and in this case he or she will be treated in the same way as for a plant door spell. If no appropriate tree is available for the druid to step from, he or she may remain in the first tree for the spell's duration, but will not be able to use the spell for travelling.
==== Pass Without Trace ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Enchantment/Charm]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 1|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Any creature upon which this spell is cast can move through any sort of terrain without leaving behind the slightest sign of its passage. It leaves no footprints, no scent and no other telltales of movement. It is impossible to trace its path except, temporarily, by one method--the path will radiate magic for 6d6 turns. Once this time elapses, the magical aura will fade away, leaving the trail undisturbed by any sign that the spell's recipient was ever there.
==== Plant Door ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 4|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell allows the druid to travel effortlessly through vegetation of any kind, stepping through it as if it did not exist. The pathway may also be travelled by a druid of higher level than the caster, but no other creature can take advantage of the spell's effect. The pathway opened by the spell may be up to 5-ft wide, 10-ft high, and up to 120-ft/caster level in length. The druid may even use the spell to shift inside a tree or move through an area of plants affected by a spell (such as entangle). If the druid is within a tree that is attacked, he or she must leave the tree before it is killed or die with the tree.
==== Plant Growth ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 3|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft×20-ft square/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the druid causes plants and vines to grow with unbelievable speed, forming a tangled barrier of thick vegetation. The enchantment may be dispelled, or the plants cleared by normal means. Chopping a way through the barrier is possible, but movement is restricted to 10-ft/turn (20-ft for size L creatures).
==== Predict Weather ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Divination]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 1|
|**Area of Effect:**|9 square miles|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The druid casts this spell upon virtually any substance: bones, leaves, powders, etc. He or she can read in the resulting pattern an exact divination of the weather as it will naturally occur within the surrounding nine square miles for the next two hours per caster level.
For example, a second level druid would be able to predict the weather four hours into the future.
==== Produce Fire (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 4|
|**Duration:**|1 round|
|**Area of Effect:**|60-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell instantly creates a normal fire within its area of effect, a blazing conflagration lasting only one minute (1 round) but causing 1d4 hit points of damage to any creature in the area and igniting all combustible material (subject, of course, to an item saving throw against normal fire). The reverse of the spell extinguishes all normal fires within the area of effect.
==== Produce Flame ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteratio]]////n//
|**Level:**|Druid 2|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
On casting this spell, the druid's hand ignites with an eldritch fire that causes no harm to the druid but is otherwise equivalent to the flame of a torch. It can be used to set fires and may also be thrown as a missile. The throwing range of the flame is 40-ft, and when the flame hits an object it will explode, igniting all combustible material in a radius of 15-ft. (Materials are entitled to saving throws against normal fire.) The druid may banish the magical flame at will, but fires set by it must be extinguished by normal means.
==== Protection From Fire ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 3|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The druid may use this spell to confer considerable protection from fire upon another creature, but if he or she casts it upon him- or herself the effects are far greater, conferring temporary invulnerability even to fires of magical nature, such as dragon's breath. If the spell is cast upon another creature, the recipient gains immunity to normal fire and a saving throw bonus of +4 against fire based attacks. Any damage incurred by fire attacks will also reduced by half. If the spell is cast upon the druid, he or she becomes completely invulnerable to normal fire and also ignores all damage from magical fire (dragon breath, //fireball//, etc.) until a total of 12 hp/caster level has been absorbed by the spell, at which time the spell will be dissipated.
==== Protection From Lightning ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 4|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The druid may use this spell to confer considerable protection from lightning upon another creature, but if he or she casts it upon him- or herself the effects are far greater, conferring temporary invulnerability even to lightning of magical nature, such as dragon's breath. If the spell is cast upon another creature, the recipient gains immunity to normal electrical effects and a saving throw bonus of +4 against lightning based attacks. Any damage incurred by them will also reduced by half. If the spell is cast upon the druid, he or she becomes completely invulnerable to normal electrical effects and also ignores all damage from magical lightning (dragon breath, //lightning bolt//, etc.) until a total of 12 hp/caster level has been absorbed by the spell, at which time the spell will be dissipated.
==== Purify Water (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 1|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 cubic-ft/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell removes all impurities from water, making it clear and drinkable. The reverse of the spell contaminates water, making it impossible to drink, and will negate the properties of holy and unholy water.
==== Pyrotechnics ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 3|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The //pyrotechnics// spell may be used to produce two entirely different effects: a bright display of fiery light or a massive pall of smoke. Both possible uses of the spell require an existing fire source (which may be anywhere in the spell's range), and the spell's area of effect depends on the size of the originating fire.
If the spell is used to produce fireworks, the flashing display will temporarily blind (for 1d4+1 rounds) all creatures in the area of effect and 120-ft beyond--provided that the display is not obstructed from view, of course. The fireworks fill an area ten times the volume of the original fire source and persist for 1 segment/caster level.
If the spell is used to produce smoke, a billowing cloud will emanate from the fire source, obscuring vision beyond 20-ft in an area 100 times the volume of the fire source. Whatever fire is used as the spell's source is extinguished immediately as the spell is cast.
==== Reincarnate ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Necromancy]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 7|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Provided that a body has been dead for no more than a week, a powerful druid can recall its spirit from the dead--but into another body. The form of the new body is not subject to the druid's control, and is determined by means of the tables below. The new body will appear within 1d6 turns near the soul's former body. Elves may be brought back to life by reincarnation. There is a 35% chance that the new incarnation will be from the "humanoid" table and a 65% chance that the new incarnation will be from the animal table. The new incarnation (if sapient) will retain the original character's experience points, but will have new physical (Str, Dex, Con) ability scores randomly rolled and adjusted for the new race. The character will retain his or her original mental ability scores (Int, Wis, Cha).
**Humanoid Table**
| **Die Roll** | **New Incarnation** |
| 01-02 | Bugbear |
| 03-05 | Dwarf |
| 06-16 | Elf |
| 17-18 | Gnoll |
| 19-31 | Gnome |
| 32-33 | Goblin |
| 34-36 | Half-elf |
| 37-39 | Halfling |
| 40-42 | Half-orc |
| 43-44 | Hobgoblin |
| 45-88 | Human |
| 89-91 | Kobold |
| 92-93 | Ogre |
| 94-95 | Ogre Mage |
| 96-98 | Orc |
| 99-00 | Troll |
**Animal Table**
| **Die Roll** | **New Incarnation** |
| 01-05 | Badger |
| 06-18 | Bear |
| 19-24 | Boar |
| 25-29 | Centaur |
| 30-35 | Dryad |
| 36-43 | Eagle |
| 44-46 | Fox |
| 47-52 | Hawk |
| 53-57 | Lynx |
| 58-62 | Owl |
| 63-68 | Pixie |
| 69-71 | Raccoon |
| 72-76 | Faun |
| 77-84 | Stag |
| 85-92 | Wolf |
| 93-00 | Wolverine |
==== Repel Insects ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Abjuration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 4|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
An invisible barrier forms around the spell's recipient as the caster completes the invocation, warding him or her from insects. Only true insects are affected by the spell, which does not repel spiders, scorpions, beetles or centipedes. Normal insects are completely hedged out by the spell, and giant varieties (2+ HD) must succeed in a saving throw against spells to pass the barrier. Even if a giant insect should manage to penetrate the barrier, it will sustain 1d6 hit points of damage from doing so.
==== Shillelagh ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 1|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 oak club|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The druid imbues a club or billet of oak-wood with enchanted power, making it +1 "to hit" and capable of inflicting 2d4 points of damage against small and medium-sized opponents, 1d4+1 against large opponents. The shillelagh must be wielded by the druid in order for it to possess these magical properties; in the hands of any other person it will be no more than an ordinary wooden club.
==== Snare ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Enchantment/Charm]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 3|
|**Duration:**|Permanent (until triggered)|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft radius+6-ft/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|3 rounds|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is used to enchant a normal snare, making it hard to detect and supernaturally effective. The spell is cast upon a rope, vine, or cord, which then blends perfectly with the surroundings, becoming 90% undetectable to normal (unenchanted) vision. When any creature steps into the area bounded by the snare, the snare will whip closed and bind the victim tightly. Strength of 23 is required to break the snare for one hour after the spell is triggered, and the strength required falls by one point per hour until 12 hours have elapsed, at which time the spell ceases to have any effect. If the snare is attached to a suitably flexible tree, the spell will magically bend the tree so that when the trap is triggered it will snap the victim into the air for 1d6 points of damage and hold it suspended from the branches.
==== Speak With Animals ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 1|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One animal type within 40-ft of the caster|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
When the caster invokes this spell, he or she becomes able to communicate with and understand the "speech" of normal animals (with the exception of mindless creatures). While the spell lasts, the animal (and any other animals of the same type in its company) will refrain from attacking, even if they were initially hostile. Depending upon the nature of the conversation, if the animal's alignment is neutral or of the same tendency as the cleric's, the animal may be disposed to help the cleric in some manner. It is important to note that the spell does not permit speech with animals of monstrous or unnatural nature; communication with a monster such as a cockatrice, for example, is beyond the spell's power. Neither does the spell suddenly imbue an animal with intelligence; the observations and opinions of an animal such as a badger will be appropriate to the animal's own experiences, motives, and intellectual limitations.
==== Speak With Plants ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 4|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|40-ft radius around caster|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The caster becomes able to hold converse with living plant matter. He or she may pose questions and understand the answers given, although any conclusions or opinions the plant provides will be based on the plant's level of intelligence. Even a normal plant, however, will be able to convey information about events that have transpired near it. If the plants are capable of motion, it will be possible for the caster to persuade them into a course of action, such as drawing aside to allow passage, or even attacking an enemy citadel.
==== Sticks to Snakes (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 5|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|5-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell enables the caster to transform sticks into serpents that attack at the caster's will. The snakes may be ordered to take other actions if the caster can speak with them, but this spell alone does not grant the power to communicate with the snakes, only to will them to attack particular opponents. The spell transforms one stick per caster level, and each snake has a 5% chance per caster level of being venomous. The reverse of the spell will change snakes into harmless sticks and can work such a transformation upon snakes created by means of this spell. Sticks of a magical quality, such as wands or magic spears, are not affected by the spell.
==== Stone Shape ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 3|
|**Area of Effect:**|3 cubic-ft+1/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The caster moulds stone by the power of his or her will, shaping it into whatever object or form he or she desires, from a weapon to a sculpture to an ornate stone footstool. Whether used to decorate a building with gargoyles or to make an escape hole from a stone prison, this spell is extremely versatile and useful.
==== Summon Insects ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 3|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
When the druid completes the intonations and gestures of this spell, a swarm of insects appears from nearby or from the thin air to attack the druid's enemies. There is a 70% chance that the swarm will be composed of flying insects, 30% chance that the insects will be ants or other non-airborne biting vermin. A flying swarm can move tremendously fast, but a crawling swarm is limited to movement of 12-ft/round. In either case, the insects automatically inflict 2 hp damage per round against their target, and the unfortunate victim will be so thickly covered as to be incapable of any action, including movement. The druid may redirect the swarm to attack another opponent, but the command will cause 1 round of confusion within the swarm as it reorients itself toward the new target.
==== Transmute Metal to Wood ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 7|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|One metal object|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
Using this spell, the druid may select a single object of metal and change its substance to wood. The spell affects up to 8 lbs of metal per caster level. The item is not entitled to a saving throw, but magic items have a flat 90% chance of being unaffected by the spell.
==== Transmute Rock to Mud (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 5|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft cube/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell transforms solid rock into mud, the volume transformed being proportionate to the caster's level. Any volume of mud will sink until its depth is equal to about one half the pool's diameter. If this spell is cast upon a ceiling, the resulting volume of mud will immediately collapse, possibly trapping or suffocating those caught beneath. Similarly, if a floor is turned to mud, creatures standing in the area will sink and may be trapped. If //dispel magic// is cast upon the mud before it eventually dries into dirt, the mud will return to stone, but in the shape and location of the mud (i.e., a collapsed ceiling will not return to its original place; it will be frozen back into stone where it collapsed). The spell's reverse transforms mud into sandstone or a similar sedimentary rock.
==== Transport via Plants ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 6|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**6Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The mystic oneness of all nature is a principal tenet of many druidic sects, and it sees practical use in the transport via plants spell. Upon casting this spell, the druid may travel almost instantly from one plant to another through the mystic oneness that joins all life forms. The spell operates in much the same fashion as pass plant, but with an unlimited range.
When the spell is cast, the druid simply steps into a large plant of any kind and disappears into it. He or she may remain in the first plant for up to 24 hours, but at any time he or she may step forth from another plant of the same species in another location. The druid may know of a specific plant from which he or she wants to emerge, or may simply specify a distance and a direction. If the druid does not know of a specific destination plant, his or her arrival may be off by 1d% miles from the desired point of arrival, at the GM's discretion.
==== Tree ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 3|
|**Duration:**|6 turns+1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Casting this spell causes the druid's shape to melt and twist into that of a tree, its general appearance determined by the caster. The spell is neither an illusion nor a charm: the druid is, for all intents and purposes, a tree. However, in tree shape the druid retains human senses and will be fully aware of his or her surroundings. The druid may shift back into human shape at will, thereby ending the spell. Magical detections will reveal the druid's true form, but ordinary inspections, no matter how minute, will not.
==== Trip ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Enchantment/Charm]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 2|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object, up to 10-ft length|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell turns an appropriate object into a magical trap of sorts. The object rises from the ground and trips any creature crossing over it, even if they are aware of it (saving throw vs spells--unlisted category, +4 if aware of the object). The object is 80% undetectable and will affect even the caster. The trap causes falls to be much worse than normal: a running creature will suffer 1d6 points of damage and be stunned for 1d4+1 rounds, or will merely be stunned if they fall onto a soft surface such as grass. Creatures larger than size M are not affected by the spell.
==== Turn Wood ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 6|
|**Duration:**|4 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|120-ft wide path, 20-ft long/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
At the completion of this spell, the druid holds his or her palm outstretched, and with the final word of the spell a tremendous burst of power rolls forth, forcing back all wooden objects. Even very large wooden structures that are not affixed to the ground will be affected, although objects fixed to the ground will manage to withstand the spell's awesome power. A sapling-sized or smaller piece of wood will splinter and break even if it is firmly affixed. The druid need not concentrate on maintaining the waves of force and cannot change the direction of the flow of eldritch power once it is set.
==== Wall of Fire ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Evocation]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 5|
|**Range:**|80-ft (wall) or caster (ring)|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
One of the more dramatic examples of druidic magic is the //wall of fire// spell, by which the druid calls up a blazing inferno of flame in the shape of a wall. One side of the conflagration emits the searing heat one would expect, but the other side emits merely a gentle warmth. Passing through the flames inflicts 4d4 damage plus 1/caster level. Creatures as far as 10-ft from the hot side of the wall incur 2d4 hit points of damage, and even creatures as far as 20-ft from the fire are burned for 1d4 points of damage. Undead creatures suffer worse from the power of this druidic magic, taking twice the ordinary damage the wall would inflict.
The wall persists for as long as the druid concentrates upon it, or, if the druid does not choose to maintain concentration, will remain for 1 round/caster level. The druid may evoke a //wall of fire// in one of two shapes: a wall or a ring. The size of a straight wall is up to one 20-ft square per caster level. A ring has a radius of up to five ft per caster level (with the caster in the centre) and is 20-ft high. If the druid manifests the spell as a wall, the effect is stationary. The ring-shaped wall moves with the caster.
==== Wall of Thorns ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 6|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|100-ft cube/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
When the druid casts this spell, a tangled wall of briar vines erupts from the ground, bristling with sharp, deadly thorns. Running into or attempting to force a way through the thorns will cause 8 hp damage, plus 1 hp for every point of armour class. A creature may be caught within the //wall of thorns// when the spell is cast, and if this is the case it will take damage immediately and must fight through (taking damage a second time) to gain enough freedom of motion to chop at the thorns. It takes four turns to cut through a 40-ft thickness of a //wall of thorns//.
Normal fire has no effect upon a //wall of thorns//, but magical fire can ignite the entire growth, creating a //wall of fire// (as per the spell) that burns away to nothing in two turns.
==== Warp Wood ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 2|
|**Range:**|10-ft/caster level|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell permanently warps wood and may be used to destroy arrows, spears, doors, etc. The druid may affect a volume of wood roughly fifteen inches long by one inch thick per caster level, about the volume of an axe handle. Multiple items may be affected; four arrows have about the same volume as an axe handle. A fifth-level druid could effectively destroy a normal door with this spell.
==== Water Breathing (Reversible) ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Transmutation/Alteration]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 3|
|**Duration:**|6 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell grants the ability to breathe underwater while the spell lasts. The reverse of the spell allows a water-breathing creature to breathe in the air.
==== Weather Summoning ====
//[[chapter2#druid_spells_by_level|Druidic Conjuration/Summoning]]//
|**Level:**|Druid 6|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The area of effect of this spell is d% square miles, bringing about a rapid change in the weather for several square miles surrounding the point where the spell is cast. It requires no more than 10-40 minutes for the spell to take its full effect across the vast area it covers. The spell affects precipitation, temperature, and wind speed. Existing weather conditions cannot be utterly changed by the force of this spell; a clear day cannot be made cloudy, for instance, but it can be made partly cloudy. Hot weather can be made merely warm, and only a light breeze can be raised from calm weather.
===== Magic User Spells =====
Unlike clerical and druidic spells, magic user spells (also known as Arcane spells in the OSRIC system) do not require a holy symbol or mistletoe as material components.
==== Affect Normal Fires ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Range:**|5-ft/caster level|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1½-ft radius fire|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
With arcane words and gestures, the magic user may command small fires, up to a limit of 1½-ft in radius, to grow smaller or larger. Any fire within the spell's size limitations may be made as small as a candle flame or turned into a bonfire up to 3-ft in diameter. An affected fire only consumes fuel appropriate to its new size, but will continue to radiate the same heat as a fire of its original size.
==== Airy Water ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft radius sphere or 20-ft radius hemisphere|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell transforms water or other non-magical liquids into a bubble of air in the area surrounding the caster. The bubble has the same density as water and will not support the magic user in the water; he or she will sink or float as normal, surrounded by the bubble's atmosphere. The oxygen content of the air in the bubble does not run out until the spell expires.
==== Animal Growth (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Up to 8 animals in a 20-ft square area|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell causes up to 8 animals in the area of effect to grow to twice normal size, doubling their hit dice and the damage they inflict. The spell does not influence the animals' attitude toward the caster, so it is advisable to ensure ahead of time that they are friendly. The reverse of the spell halves their size and damage inflicted.
==== Animate Dead ====
//Arcane Necromancy//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|5 rounds|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By casting this spell, the caster calls the bones or bodies of dead humans or humanoids to rise and become lesser undead (skeletons or zombies). The undead will obey their creator's simple commands, following him or her, or perhaps guarding a location he or she designates against any creature (or not guarding it against certain creatures) that might enter. The spell's effects are permanent, but can be dispelled by the use of //dispel magic//. Use of this spell is inherently not in accordance with the good alignments and is seldom used by good characters unless there is pressing need. Moreover, casting the spell in the confines of a city may subject the caster to inquiry by secular and religious authorities alike. A caster may animate one zombie or skeleton per caster level.
==== Anti-Magic Shell ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|5-ft radius/level globe|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
An //anti-magic shell// is a bubble of space around the magic user that completely prevents all magic from operating within its confines. Spell effects do not enter or function within the shell, providing the caster with complete protection from gaze attacks, hostile spells, and even the entrance of conjured or summoned creatures into his or her vicinity. The drawback of an anti-magic shell, of course, is that the caster him- or herself cannot cast spells or avail him- or herself of magic items while inside. Magic weapons, armour, and the like do not gain their bonuses or abilities while inside the shell, but would still function as non-magical weapons or armour.
==== Antipathy/Sympathy ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Duration:**|12 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Area 10 cubic-ft/level, or a single object|
|**Casting Time:**|6 turns|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell affects an area or an object with a magical aura that repels or attracts a certain, specified type of being. Either a race of creature or an alignment must be specified. Note that if the spell is cast upon an object rather than an area, the targeted type of creature will have a penalty of -2 on the saving throw. If the magic user creates an antipathy for the area or object, the targeted creature type will feel an intense desire to stay away from it. A saving throw applies, permitting the creature to remain, or to touch the object, but even if the saving throw is successful the creature will feel extremely uncomfortable in its presence. Creatures that are able to remain in the area or near the object will begin to lose 1 point of dexterity per round (maximum 4 points) from discomfort.
If the magic user creates sympathy for an object or area, on the other hand, the targeted creature type will feel attracted to the area or object, pleased to remain in the vicinity, or covetous of the "precious" item. If the creature does not make a saving throw, it will do whatever is in its power to stay in contact with the area or the enchanted object.
==== Astral Spell ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 9|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Astral spell// allows the caster and up to five companions to leave their material bodies and travel through the astral plane to other planes of existence. As the spell is cast, the character's material body enters a trance-like state of suspended animation while his or her consciousness enters the astral plane. The astral plane is a nexus with other planes of existence beyond, and the caster may choose to enter these other planes of existence. If a character does transcend from the astral into another plane, he or she becomes a physical manifestation in that existence, forming a duplicate body identical to the one left in stasis back in the material plane. It is possible to travel astrally to other locations in the material plane, but a new body cannot be formed in a plane where the character already has a physical manifestation. While travelling in the astral plane, and after a new physical manifestation has formed on a plane beyond the astral, the character remains connected to his or her original body by a "silver cord," an invisible, mystical link. If the silver cord is broken or severed (some threats in the astral plane can cause this to happen), the character dies, both on the material plane and in astral form.
Most magic items lose some or all of their power on the astral plane. Unless an item's magical qualities are imbued so deeply as to exist in many planes, an astral traveller's physical manifestation on another plane will be equipped with only the unenchanted substance of otherwise magic items and weapons.
==== Audible Glamour ====
//Arcane Illusion/Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Hearing distance from targeted point|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell is, as its name suggests, the creation of illusory sounds. The caster designates a focal point for the spell, which must, of course, be within the spell's range. The focal point can be moved by the caster at will until the spell's duration expires. The spell can create any type of sound, but the maximum volume of the noise depends upon the caster's level. A third level caster can produce the noise of 4 people shouting (or acting more quietly). Each additional caster level allows the caster to add the sound of four more people into the illusion. As a benchmark, the sound of an explosion or landslide would require a caster level of approximately 8th. Listeners are only entitled to saving throws if they have cause to doubt the apparent sounds. Players must state such disbelief, while the GM will make such determinations for monsters and NPCs based on the plausibility of the audible glamour.
==== Blink ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is a weak and rather unreliable form of one of the true mage's most powerful capabilities: teleportation magic. For the duration of the spell, the magic user teleports 2-ft in a random direction once per round. The segment in which the magic user disappears and reappears is determined on 2d4, while the compass direction is rolled on a d8. If the direction roll would result in the caster being teleported into a solid object, the caster will blink a second time, for a distance of no more than 10-ft. If this second blink also results in the caster occupying a solid object, the spell will end, marooning the caster in the æthereal plane of existence. During and after the segment in which the teleportation occurs, the magic user's sudden change of location prevents any direct attacks upon him or her. The caster may only be attacked directly if the attack is made before the blink takes place. If the caster teleports both from and into an area which is affected by an area-of-effect spell, he will suffer its effects. The constant changes of location take a toll upon the caster, who has a 25% chance of failing at attempts to cast spells, use most magic items, or take any action beyond making physical attacks.
==== Burning Hands ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|1 round|
|**Area of Effect:**|Fan of flame 3-ft long in a 120-degree arc|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
While casting this spell, the magic user touches his or her thumbs together, and a sheet of flame explodes from his or her fingers to burn opponents within the spell's short (3-ft) range. The flames inflict 1 hp of damage per caster level (no saving throw applies). Any combustible items caught in the sheet of flame must pass a saving throw against normal fire or be destroyed.
==== Cacodemon ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One summoned creature|
|**Casting Time:**|5 hours|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell summons a demon or other fiend (such as a devil) from the lower planes of existence into the material planes. In order to cast the spell, the caster must know the fiend's true name, but such information is often contained in forbidden tomes of lost lore. The spell cannot summon the lesser sorts of demons that have no personal names, nor is it powerful enough to summon members of the demonic or diabolical nobility. The spell provides no protection whatsoever against the wrath of the summoned creature--and make no mistake, the summoned creature will be extremely resentful of the caster's temerity.
In general, this spell is cast only with multiple protections against the summoned fiend, such as a pentacle to contain the demon and a magic circle to protect the magic user. The exact nature of any discussions or negotiations with creatures of the nether planes is, of course, a matter to be handled in the course of the game, with the GM deciding what the fiend is thinking and how it acts.
It is treacherous in the extreme to deal with demons, for they are intelligent and ruthless. They are not, however, unreliable; since the caster knows the fiend's true name, it is compelled to abide by any agreements it might make, although it might be able to twist the spirit of the agreement while still abiding to the letter of it.
Certain spells (//spirit-rack// or //trap the soul//, for example) can be (and often are) used to strengthen the magic user's hand in any negotiations with a demon.
==== Charm Monster ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell operates as //charm person// does, but can affect any living creature; possibly more than one, depending on the monsters' level value. See the chart below:
| **Level value of monsters** | **Number affected** | **Chance/week to break enchantment** |
| Level 1 | 2d4 | 5% |
| Level 2 | 1d4 | 10% |
| Level 3 | 1d2 | 15% |
| Level 4 | 1 | 25% |
| Level 5 | 1 | 35% |
| Level 6 | 1 | 45% |
| Level 7 | 1 | 60% |
| Level 8 | 1 | 75% |
| Level 9+ | 1 | 90% |
==== Charm Person ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One person|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
The powerful enchantment woven by this spell will affect any "person," meaning character races (but note that elves are 90% resistant), and humanoids (as defined in Chapter 5) up to a ceiling of one hit die of charmed creatures per character level at any one time. If the target creature fails a saving throw, it will view the magic user as a trusted friend, interpreting his or her every word in its most positive light.
Charmed creatures will place themselves into moderate danger, including combat, on the caster's behalf, but will not undertake risks beyond those the creature might ordinarily take. The magic user must be able to talk to the charmed creature if he or she is to give it any sort of complex "request." Charmed creatures are allowed periodic saving throws to break the charm, based on intelligence:
|19+|one saving throw/day|
|18|one saving throw/2 days|
|17|one saving throw/3 days|
|15-16|one saving throw/week|
|13-14|one saving throw/2 weeks|
|10-12|one saving throw/3 weeks|
|7-9|one saving throw/month|
|4-6|one saving throw/2 months|
|3 or less|one saving throw/3 months|
The charm will be broken automatically if the magic user obviously tries to harm the charmed creature.
==== Charm Plants ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft×10-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell grants the magic user the ability to communicate with (for a period of 1 turn) and command plants (the obedience is permanent) in the spell's area of effect. No unusual abilities are granted to the plants; they have no additional capabilities beyond those they had before the spell was cast. Only intelligent plants are entitled to a saving throw, but at a penalty of -4.
==== Clairaudience ====
//Arcane Divination//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Range:**|See below|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Clairaudience// allows the caster to eavesdrop magically upon a particular location. There is no effective limit to the spell's range, but the location must either be familiar to the caster or be obvious, such as the top floor inside a tower the caster can see, or just beyond a dungeon door. The spell cannot penetrate metal; sheets of any type of metal between the caster and the target area will prevent the magic user from being able to scry upon the area. The caster will be able to hear sounds in a 6-ft radius of the spell's focal point. The spell cannot be used to scry across planes of existence; it is limited to locations in the same plane in which it is cast.
==== Clairvoyance ====
//Arcane Divination//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Range:**|See below|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Clairvoyance//, together with //clairaudience//, is one of the classic "scrying" spells--spells that allow the caster to extend his or her perception and senses far into the distance to spy upon enemies and scout locations. //Clairvoyance// is a means of seeing events in a distant location. There is no effective limit to the spell's range, but the location must either be familiar to the caster or be obvious, such as the top floor inside a tower the caster can see, or just beyond a dungeon door.
The spell cannot penetrate metal; sheets of any type of metal between the caster and the target area will prevent the magic user from being able to scry upon the area. The caster will be able to hear sounds in a 10-ft radius of the spell's focal point even if the area is dark. If the area is not dark, the caster will be able to see as if he or she were standing at the spell's focal point, for a normal distance but in all directions at once (for the vision is in his or her mind's eye).
The spell cannot be used to scry across planes of existence; it is limited to locations in the same plane in which it is cast.
==== Clenched Fist ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Enchanted hand|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
As with the other //hand// spells, //clenched fist// evokes a magical hand, but in this case the hand is always at least as large as a giant's and is curled into a fist rather than held open. The clenched fist strikes one of the magic user's enemies per round, never missing, for so long as the caster concentrates upon it. No other activity is possible while concentrating, and breaking the caster's concentration ends the spell. The fist rolls a d20 to determine damage (it hits automatically): on a roll of 1-12, the fist deals 1d6 hp of damage; on a 13-15, it deals 2d6 hit points, on a roll of 16-19 it deals 3d6 hit points and stuns the opponent for one round, and on a roll of 20+ it deals 4d6 hit points and stuns the opponent for 3 rounds. If the opponent has already been stunned, the d20 roll receives a +4 bonus. As with the other //hand// spells, the hand has as many hit points as the caster's full hit points.
==== Clone ====
//Arcane Necromancy//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Area of Effect:**|One clone|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn (See below)|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This eerie spell creates a true, living duplicate of a creature, grown in a vat in the magic user's laboratory and matured rapidly to adulthood. The clone has the level, the experience points, and the memories of the original person as of the time a piece of that person was obtained for the purpose of making a clone. If a clone and its original exist simultaneously, the magical flux of such a situation can drive either or both of them insane. Each will seek to destroy the other with an uncontrollable sense that something is horribly wrong while both exist.
If the situation persists, the clone is 70% likely to go insane, a 20% chance that the original will go insane, and a 5% chance that both will become insane, with a 5% chance that both will somehow accept that they co-exist.
It takes 2d4 months for the caster to grow the clone in his vats before it becomes a true duplicate of the original. If the process of vat-growth is interrupted prematurely, the clone will be utterly insane, hating all living things, and may become psychotic.
==== Cloudkill ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Cloud 40-ft wide, 20-ft high, 20-ft deep|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell calls into being a poisonous cloud of roiling vapour, heavier than air, which moves along the ground (or into holes) at a movement rate of 10-ft/round. The eldritch poison of the cloud is so virulent that it kills creatures of fewer than 4+1 HD instantly, with no saving throw. Creatures with 4+1 HD up to 5+1 HD are allowed a saving throw at -4, and creatures of 5+2 up to 6 HD must make a normal saving throw. Failure on the saving throw means that the victim dies. The spell is affected normally by winds, although it magically avoids rolling back over the caster under any circumstances. It is dispersed in 4 rounds by a strong wind, and by thick growths of vegetation if it rolls through these for a distance of 20-ft.
==== Comprehend Languages (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|5 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One written object or one creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell allows the magic user to decipher a written language (including pictographs, but not including magical script), or to understand the speech of another creature. The spell does not permit the magic user to understand the "speech" of animals; only true, spoken languages can be understood. The caster gains no ability to speak or write the language, only to comprehend meaning. The spell's reverse makes a particular creature or piece of writing indecipherable, or may be used to cancel the effects of a //comprehend languages// spell.
==== Cone of Cold ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Area of Effect:**|Cone 5-ft long per level, 1-ft radius at base per level|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Half|
A //cone of cold// is a blast of magical cold originating from the caster's outstretched hand. The cone inflicts 1d4+1 hit points per level of the caster. All unprotected items in the area of effect may be destroyed if they fail item saving throws.
==== Confusion ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Up to 60-ft×60-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell affects a base number of 2-16 creatures, but is otherwise identical to the druidic spell of the same name except as noted in the summary information above.
==== Conjure Elemental ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Elemental creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the magic user calls an elemental being from the plane of air, fire, earth or water to do his or her bidding. The particular form of elemental to be summoned is a part of the spell's incantation, so the magic user must memorise the spell for a particular element. The magic user exerts control over the elemental by concentrating upon it, and if his or her concentration is broken by being damaged or grabbed, he or she will lose control of the elemental. The magic user's ability to control the elemental is limited to 30-ft. There is a 1 in 20 chance per round after the second round that the elemental will break free of the magic user's control even if the magic user is concentrating upon maintaining it.
If the elemental breaks free of the magic user's control or if the magic user ceases to concentrate upon it, it will seek to attack the magic user as soon as it can finish any combat in which it is involved. A magic user can, of course, avail him- or herself of protections against an elemental such as the use of a magic circle or a //protection from evil// spell.
The material component for this spell is a large quantity of the appropriate elemental substance.
==== Contact Other Plane ====
//Arcane Divination//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The caster divorces his or her mind from the rational reality of the material plane, accepting the fundamental contradictions of extra-planar realities, and making contact with the powers of the beyond. By means of this contact, he or she can query the powers and gain "yes or no" answers to the questions he or she poses. One question may be asked per 2 caster levels. The caster decides how deeply he or she wishes to probe into the realities beyond the material (unless he or she chooses to contact an elemental plane for information about that plane).
The difficulty of the mental task is measured in terms of how many fundamental contradictions of reality the caster can assimilate and simultaneously juggle in his or her mind. The price of failure is insanity. Contacting an elemental plane provides a 90% chance that the being contacted will have the knowledge the magic user seeks, if the magic user is asking about the particular elemental plane.
There is a 25% chance that the being will tell a lie, or that the information will be couched in such inherently contradictory language that it cannot be understood. If the magic user seeks information about the material plane or non-elemental planes, he or she must delve into the fundamental contradictions of extra-planar metaphysics, described on the following table;
| **Number of fundamental metaphysical contradictions (selected by the caster)** | **Likelihood that the knowledge is available at this level of metaphysical abstraction** | **Likelihood that the interpretation of the information gleans the wrong result** | **Chance of insanity (reduced by 5% per point of intelligence over 15)** |
| 1 | 60% | 35% | 5% |
| 2 | 65% | 33% | 10% |
| 3 | 70% | 30% | 15% |
| 4 | 75% | 27% | 20% |
| 5 | 80% | 25% | 25% |
| 6 | 85% | 22% | 30% |
| 7 | 90% | 19% | 35% |
| 8 | 95% | 15% | 40% |
| 9 | 98% | 10% | 50% |
If the caster is driven insane by what he or she finds or by simple cognitive breakdown, the insanity will last 1-10 weeks, and there is a 1% chance that the caster will die or commit suicide at the end of this period if it is not removed (by a //remove curse// spell, //wish//, etc.).
==== Continual Light ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Area of Effect:**|60-ft radius sphere|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell brings into being a bright, magical illumination almost sufficient to rival the light of day. In all respects, the spell is identical to the first level cleric spell //light//, but its effects are permanent until dispelled. The light cast is greater than that produced by a //light// spell, extending 60-ft into the darkness. The magic user spell cannot be used to create //continual darkness//.
==== Control Weather ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|4d6 hours|
|**Area of Effect:**|4d4 square miles|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The //control weather// spell brings about a rapid change in the weather for several square miles surrounding the point where the spell is cast. It requires no more than 10-40 minutes for the spell to take its full effect across the vast area it covers. The spell affects precipitation, temperature, and wind speed. Existing weather conditions cannot be utterly changed by the force of this spell; a clear day cannot be made cloudy, for instance, but it can be made partly cloudy. Hot weather can be made merely warm, and only a light breeze can be raised from calm weather.
This spell may be cast successively to bring about a dramatic change, moving, for example, from a calm to a light breeze, from the breeze to a strong wind, and on the third casting to transform the strong wind into a gale.
==== Crushing Hand ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 9|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell calls into existence a large, floating hand much like that summoned by the other //hand// spells. The //crushing hand// attacks any foe the caster directs, grabbing it and squeezing with great power. Damage increases as the hand continues to constrict, doing 1d10 points of damage in the first round, 2d10 points of damage in the second and third round, and 4d10 points of damage per round thereafter. As with the other //hand// spells, the hand has as many hit points as its caster. The caster cannot engage in any other activity while directing the hand.
==== Dancing Lights ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Range:**|40-ft+10-ft/caster level|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell creates small lights at a chosen distance, under the caster's control. The magic user may create 1-4 (at his or her option) torch-like lights, 1-4 (at his or her option) spherical lights, or a single, faintly human-like glow. The lights move at the caster's mental command, without any particular concentration required. If the magic user allows the lights to move beyond the spell's range, the lights will disappear and the spell will end.
==== Darkness, 15-ft Radius ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|1 turn+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|15-ft radius sphere|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell creates an area of utter lightlessness, a magical darkness that prevents all natural vision, even infravision. The spell's effect is neutralised by (and neutralises) the counteracting effect of a light or continual light spell.
==== Death Spell ====
//Arcane Necromancy//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Area of Effect:**|5-ft×5-ft/level|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Within its limit as to hit dice, this spell slays living creatures in the area of effect. Creatures of 9 or higher hit dice are not affected. The spell kills 4d20 "points" worth of creatures, where (for the purposes of this spell) any creature of fewer than 2 HD counts as one point, creatures of 2 to less than 4 HD count as 4 points, creatures of 4 to less than 7 HD count as 8 points, and creatures from 7 to less than 9 HD count as 10 points. Creatures of the lowest hit dice die first, and fractional "kills" (where insufficient points remain completely to slay the creature) have no effect. Material components for the spell cost 1,000 gp.
==== Delayed Blast Fireball ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft radius sphere|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Half|
A delayed //blast fireball// is somewhat more powerful than a normal //fireball// (+1 damage on each die). At the time of casting, the magic user states an amount of time, from 1 segment (6 seconds) to 5 rounds (5 minutes), and the fireball will not explode until that time is reached. Otherwise, except as noted above, the spell functions as per the description of the //fireball// spell.
==== Detect Evil (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Divination//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|5 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Path 10-ft wide, 60-ft long|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell allows the magic user to detect emanations of evil (or good, in the case of the spell's reverse) within the spell's area of effect, a beam-like pathway. The spell detects evil, not danger, so it will be useless to discover such things as a mindless trap or a poisoned wineglass. Neither will it detect a cursed item unless the nature of the curse is such that the cursed item becomes inherently evil.
==== Detect Invisibility ====
//Arcane Divination//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|5 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Path 10-ft wide, 10-ft long/level|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell allows the caster to see that which is invisible or hidden, and also to perceive the astral and æthereal planes.
The spell's sight is limited to the stated range of 10-ft/caster level.
==== Detect Magic ====
//Arcane Divination//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Path 10-ft wide, 60-ft long|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Detect magic //creates a tunnel of magical vision in a path 10-ft wide and 30-ft long, in which the caster sees the aura of any magic item as a glowing blue nimbus. The spell's effect is blocked by solid wood 3-ft thick, by stone 1-ft thick, and by solid metal 1 inch thick. The caster can only scan a 60° arc during the course of a round: turning more quickly does not allow magic auras enough time to form in the caster's vision.
==== Dig ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|5-ft cube/level|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell causes dirt to begin piling out from the ground, digging a hole with tremendous speed. The excavation proceeds at a rate of one 5-ft×5-ft cube per round, as earth boils out of the area the caster directs, landing to the edges of the pit. If the spell is cast directly beneath a creature, the creature will fall in without any possibility of a saving throw. Creatures at the edge of the pit have some likelihood of falling in; they must roll lower than their dexterity score on a d20 to avoid sliding into the sudden maelstrom of moving earth. A creature moving toward the pit during the first round in which digging begins must make a saving throw vs spells (unlisted categories) or fall into the hole. The spell can be used to excavate in dirt, sand, or mud. Note that if the pit is taken deeper than 5-ft, there is a chance that it will collapse in on itself (roughly 25%, adjusted by the GM for the type of material being dug).
==== Dimension Door ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Dimension door// is a weak form of teleportation, more controllable than //blink//, but severely limited in range. The teleportation is limited to 30-ft per caster level. Unlike //blink//, a //dimension door// spell operates with perfect accuracy, either to a place the caster can see or clearly visualize, or in response to directions (example: "120-ft forward and 30-ft to the right"). If the caster's directions land him or her inside a solid object, he or she is stunned and trapped in the astral plane, held in a sort of suspended animation for eternity unless rescued. The spell is subject to a maximum weight limit of 500 lbs of additional weight, with each pound of living matter counting for twice its actual weight. Recovery from the experience of this form of teleportation is not immediate, although it is quite rapid. The caster cannot act for a period of 6 segments following the transition.
==== Disintegrate ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell disintegrates matter of any kind: animal, vegetable, or mineral. Matter of a magical nature will also be destroyed, although evocations of magic force (such as a //wall of force//, //globe of invulnerability//, or //shield//) are not affected (not being matter). An entire creature, or an area of non-living matter up to 10-ft×10-ft/level, will be utterly obliterated by this powerful spell. The spell cannot be used to destroy both living and non-living matter; once it hits its first target it will take effect upon that matter and not pass beyond.
==== Dispel Magic ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft cube|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Dispel magic// has a base chance of 50% permanently to negate magic--both the magical properties of potions and the ongoing effects of certain spells. All spell effects and relevant items within the stated area of effect are subject to dispelling. Permanent magical items are not disenchanted by the spell, with the exception of potions, which are treated as 12th level for purposes of resolution. However, even a permanently enchanted item must make a saving throw or become non-operational for one round. Any spells in the process of being cast in the spell's area of effect will be lost, and any ongoing spell effects (such as //invisibility//) will be dispelled.
With respect to each potion, casting, or ongoing spell effect, the base chance of successful dispelling is increased 5% for every level by which the caster's level exceeds the caster level of the potion, the casting, or the spell effect. The base chance is conversely reduced by 2% per level of difference if the caster is lower level than the caster of the magic to be dispelled. The spell will automatically negate the caster's own spells if it is used for this purpose or if the caster has previously cast a spell into the same area.
==== Distance Distortion ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|100 square-ft/level|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is cast with a summoned earth elemental as its focus. The casting of the spell is fascinating to summoned elementals and is sufficient to maintain the caster's control over the elemental (although he or she cannot command it to act while in the process of casting). When the casting is completed, the earth elemental disperses into the substance of the earth as directed, where it creates a dimensional distortion of the spell's area of effect. Travel through the distorted area takes twice as long (and seems twice as far) as it should, or seems half as long and takes half the normal travel time (determined by the caster when casting the spell). The area does radiate magic, slightly, and the reality will be perceived by true seeing (although the travel time will still be altered even for those who know that the distance is distorted). Otherwise, the spell is utterly undetectable.
==== Duo-Dimension ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Duration:**|3 rounds+1/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the caster reduces him- or herself to a two-dimensional sheet with no third dimension. He or she can fit through the thinnest of spaces provided they are large enough to accommodate his or her remaining two dimensions--he or she cannot bend down while two-dimensional. Moreover, he or she can become invisible by the simple expedient of turning sideways. While two-dimensional, the caster can move, cast spells, and otherwise act normally. If attacked from the front or back, however, he or she takes three times normal damage. Casting the spell requires expensive material components of (1d4+4)×1,000 gp in value.
==== Enchant an Item ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One item|
|**Casting Time:**|1d8+2 days|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell is the culminating moment involved in the creation of a true magic item, when the item is actually infused with the magic properties it has been painstakingly prepared to hold. Before the spell can actually be cast, the magic user must engage in considerable time-consuming and meticulous work, or the spell will certainly fail.
Firstly, the item itself must be of absolutely the finest quality available, in terms of craftsmanship, although it need not necessarily be fancy. In most cases, special components such as powders or threads will be incorporated into the item's construction, costing not less than 100 gp. The casting of the spell takes 1d8+2 days, with the caster working steadily upon the item for eight hours per day. No other spells may be cast during this period of time, nor can the magic user engage in any other meaningful work. When the final words of the spell are spoken, the item makes a saving throw against spells at the same level as the magic user, but with success on the saving throw indicating that the spell has succeeded. A natural result of 1 on this roll always indicates failure of the spell. At this point, the magic user may begin to infuse the item with enchantments, each of which requires 5d8 hours to complete. Most magic items will require unusual components; dragon scales or blood for a sword with an unusually high bonus against dragons, for example. The GM will determine exactly what is required for any particular magic item.
This spell is not permanent unless a //permanency// spell is cast upon it; the duration of the enchantment may be for a year or more without a //permanency// spell, but the enchantment will eventually fail if it is not locked in to the item.
==== Enchanted Weapon (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|5 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
With a touch of his or her hand, the magic user creates a weak and temporary enchantment upon a full-sized weapon, or upon two smaller weapons such as arrows, bolts, or daggers. The enchantment lends no bonus to hit, but may be used to strike creatures that can be hit only with a magical weapon. When the weapon hits successfully, the enchantment ends.
==== Enlarge (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Range:**|5-ft/caster level|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature or object|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell causes a creature or object to grow in size and weight. The spell increases a creature's size and weight by 20% for each level of the caster (to a maximum increase of 200%) or increases an object's size and weight by 10% per caster level (to a maximum increase of 100%). The magic user's power limits the volume of material that he or she can enlarge; the mage can affect no more than 10 cubic-ft of living matter, or 5 cubic-ft of non-living matter, per level. A normal sized person doubled in size will generally have strength of 18, and tripled in size would have strength of 20+. The spell's reverse applies in the same ratios, but with the effect of reducing the size of an object or creature. If the spell is cast on an unwilling recipient, a successful saving throw will negate the spell, but willing recipients may choose to forgo the save.
==== Erase ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Area of Effect:**|Scroll or two pages of writing|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell may be used to erase normal or magical writing from an area about two pages wide. The base chance to erase a magical writing is 50%+2%/caster level, and the base chance to erase non-magical writing is 50%+4%/caster level.
Obviously, the main benefit of this spell is that the erasure can be made at a distance. The spell does not remove such magical rune-traps as symbol, glyph of warding or explosive runes (exception: the caster may use it to remove such spells if he or she originally cast them him- or herself).
==== ESP ====
//Arcane Divination//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|5-ft radius/level, maximum 90-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell allows the caster to overhear the surface thoughts of any thinking being in the spell's radial area of effect. The caster need not be able to see the creature whose thoughts he is reading; the spell can be used to listen beyond a closed door. The spell cannot penetrate more than two feet of stone or more than two inches of any metal, and it is foiled by even a thin sheet of lead.
==== Explosive Runes ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|Permanent until triggered|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell creates a magical trap in the form of traceries and sigils placed upon a piece of writing that create a magical detonation when they are read. It is possible to detect the presence of //explosive runes// without detonating them: a magic user has a 5% chance per level to notice their presence, and a thief has a 1% chance per level.
When the runes are read, the resulting explosion causes 6d4+6 points of damage (half with a successful saving throw) to any creature within a 10-ft radius. The reader of the runes does not receive a saving throw. The caster and any other magic user with whom the caster has made familiar the secret pattern of the runes can read the protected document or tome without danger, and the caster can erase them at will. Otherwise, only a //dispel magic// or similar enchantment will remove the runes before they are triggered.
Note that the item upon which the runes are scribed, if it is not resistant to fire, will undoubtedly be destroyed when the runes detonate.
==== Extension I ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The arcane words of an //extension I// spell act to lengthen the duration of another spell previously cast by the magic user by 50%. The previous spell must still be active and may only be of level 1, 2, or 3.
==== Extension II ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Except as noted, this spell is identical to the spell //extension I//, but may be used to extend by 50% the duration of any spell up to and including fourth-level spells.
==== Extension III ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell functions in the same manner as //extension I//, but it doubles the duration of spells level 1-3, and extends the duration of spells level 4 or 5 by 50%.
==== False Trap ====
//Arcane Illusion/Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object|
|**Casting Time:**|3 rounds|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the mage weaves an illusion around an object, making it appear trapped to any normal inspection (such as by a thief). Any such examiner has an 80% chance of finding and believing the //false trap//. This likelihood decreases by 3% per level of experience of the thief. Furthermore, if a thief attempts to remove the illusory trap, believing it to be real, there is only a 20% likelihood that the illusion will be dispelled or exposed by these efforts. In this case, the thief, seeing the illusion unchanged, will usually conclude that the attempt to remove the "trap" has failed. Only one //false trap// may be placed within a 50-ft radius, and if two items bearing this illusion come within 50-ft of each other, both will be dispelled.
==== Fear ====
//Arcane Illusion/Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|Cone, 60-ft long, 5-ft at origin, 30-ft diameter at terminus|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell causes utter panic in the creatures exposed to the cone-shaped emanation of phantasmal terror the caster hurls forth. If any creature, of any level or hit dice, fails its saving throw against the spell, it will bolt away from the caster as fast as possible for as many rounds as the caster's level. There is a base 60% chance for a creature to drop whatever it is holding (immediately upon failing the saving throw), reduced by 5% per HD or level of the panicked creature.
==== Feather Fall ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Range:**|10-ft/caster level|
|**Duration:**|1 segment/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|10 cubic-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|Less than 1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell causes creatures or objects in the area of effect to fall as slowly and lightly as feathers, at a rate of about 10-ft in six seconds (1 segment). No damage is taken from the distance spent falling under the influence of the spell, but it is worthy of note that if the spell's target has not landed by the time the spell expires, the fall will resume at normal speed and damage will be taken for the remaining distance. The magic user can affect a weight of up to 200 lbs plus another 200 lbs/caster level. The spell may be used to slow propelled objects such as arrows, but will not affect sword blows or other non-propelled forces.
==== Feeblemind ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
The insidious //feeblemind// spell affects only those who can cast spells, tracing and poisoning the mystical channels of their arcane power like a viral infection. The spell reduces a victim into a state of extreme mental retardation, which persists until the victim is magically restored by means of a heal, wish, or restoration spell. The different types of spell casting ability are not equally vulnerable to the //feeblemind// spell. Practitioners of clerical magic gain a bonus of +1 to saving throws; druids save at -1; magic users and illusionists save at -4. (Those who can use more than one type of magic must save using the average of their modifiers.)
==== Feign Death ====
//Arcane Necromancy//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|6 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None; willing recipient only|
This spell magically slows the recipient's metabolism into a state so close to death that it is impossible to distinguish the enspelled person from a corpse by any means other than magical. The recipient can hear, smell, and think; the senses of touch and sight no longer function. Damage caused to the pseudo-corpse is reduced by one half, and the spell's recipient will not even know that the damage has been caused--potentially a dangerous situation. A person under the influence of this spell is not subject to level draining by the undead and will not be affected by poisons until the spell wears off or is otherwise removed; the caster can remove the catalepsy at will, and the spell is subject to being dispelled.
==== Find Familiar ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 mile radius/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|2d12 hours|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
Magic users of higher level often summon familiars to assist them with various tasks. Indeed, a familiar can also be of considerable benefit to a lower level magic user (even increasing others' estimation of his or her power), but the risks inherent in losing a familiar can be daunting to a weaker spell caster. To summon a familiar, the magic user must intone the words of the spell over a stocked fire source, sprinkling the flames with expensive incense and powders (100 gp in total value). The caster must maintain his or her casting for as long as necessary (2d12 hours) until a familiar arrives (or the casting time expires without success). The spell may be attempted only once per year, and the caster has no control over the type of animal that will respond. When it arrives, the familiar is a faithful servant and ally to the caster. Normal familiars have 1d3+1 hit points, are AC 7, and are as intelligent as a lower-than-average human. When the familiar is within 120-ft of the magic user, the magic user gains additional hit points equal to the familiar's. However, if the familiar is ever killed, the magic user permanently loses twice the familiar's hit points.
| **Caster Level** | **Familiar** ||||||
| **1-2** | **3-5** | **6-8** | **9-11** | **12-14** | **15+** ||
| 01-05 | 01-05 | 01-06 | 01-06 | 01-07 | 01-07 | Special |
| 06-25 | 06-25 | 07-29 | 07-29 | 08-33 | 08-33 | Cat |
| 26-35 | 26-36 | 30-40 | 30-41 | 34-45 | 34-46 | Hawk |
| 36-45 | 37-47 | 41-51 | 42-53 | 46-57 | 47-59 | Owl |
| 46-55 | 48-58 | 52-62 | 54-65 | 58-69 | 60-72 | Raven |
| 56-65 | 59-69 | 63-73 | 66-77 | 70-81 | 73-85 | Toad |
| 66-75 | 70-80 | 74-84 | 78-89 | 82-93 | 86-98 | Weasel |
| 76-00 | 81-00 | 85-00 | 90-00 | 94-00 | 99-00 | None |
A special familiar is entitled to a saving throw in order to avoid the effect of the spell. The type of special familiar to appear depends upon the magic user's alignment:
|Lawful good or Lawful neutral:|Brownie|
|Chaotic good, Neutral good, or Neutral:|Pseudo-dragon|
|Lawful evil or Neutral evil:|Imp|
|Chaotic evil or Chaotic Neutral:|Quasit|
==== Fire Charm ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|15-ft radius around fire|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell transforms an existing fire into a powerful mental snare. Any creature within the spell's radius who even so much as glances at the fire must make a saving throw vs spells or be entranced by the dancing flames. While so entranced, the creature becomes susceptible to the caster's words, in the same manner as with a //suggestion// spell, but with a penalty of -3 to the saving throw. The enchantment will be broken if the entranced creature can no longer see the flames or if it is attacked.
==== Fire Shield ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Pale flames envelope the caster upon the completion of this spell, rendering him or her protection against either fire- or cold-based attacks, depending upon whether the magic user elects to wreath him- or herself in cold flame or hot flame. Cold flame grants the magic user a +2 bonus on any saving throw vs fire damage, also guaranteeing half damage (or no damage against all fire attacks that allow a saving throw for half damage) provided the saving throw is successful. If the magic user fails a saving throw against a cold based attack, however, he or she will suffer twice the normal damage. Hot flame offers the converse of the protections afforded by cold flame. Cold based attacks receive a bonus of +2 on saving throws and guarantee that the caster receives only half damage (or none at all) if his or her saving throw is successful against attacks that would cause full or half damage.
==== Fire Trap ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|Permanent until triggered|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object|
|**Casting Time:**|3 rounds|
|**Saving Throw:**|Half|
This spell enchants any item that can be opened or closed with a magical trap. When the item is opened by any person other than the caster, magical fire explodes in an area 5-ft in radius around the //fire trapped// object, causing 1d4 plus the caster's level hit points of damage to all creatures in this area. A successful saving throw indicates half damage. The item upon which this spell is cast suffers no damage from the explosion. Detecting a //fire trap// is extraordinarily difficult; attempts to find traps are reduced by one-half in efficacy if the trap is a //fire trap//, and the trap will detonate if an attempt to remove traps fails.
==== Fireball ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft radius sphere|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Half|
With a pointing gesture at the ending of the incantation, the magic user causes a massive explosion of magical fire at the target point. The fireball detonates with a low roar, causing 1d6 damage per caster level to all creatures within the area of effect. Creatures making successful saving throws suffer only half the indicated damage. When the magic user casts the spell, a bead of light streaks from his or her pointed finger to the target area, and if it strikes another object directly in its path the fireball will detonate immediately. The blast fills the entire volume of the spell radius, and if it is cast into an enclosed area smaller than the area of effect the flames will expand from this area until the spell's full volume has been reached. The volume of a 20-ft radius sphere is approximately 33,500 cubic-ft, and there are 1,000 cubic-ft in a 10-ft×10-ft×10-ft area, so in an area with a 10-ft ceiling the //fireball// will fill approximately thirty-three 10-ft×10-ft squares. Thus, if a fireball explodes in the middle of a corridor 10-ft wide and 10-ft high, the blast will extend a staggering 165-ft in both directions. It is quite possible, particularly in dungeoneering environments, for the magic user to be caught in the backblast of his or her own //fireball// spell. The flames do not create any significant change in air pressure, but the furnace-like heat causes all items in the blast to make saving throws against magical fire or ignite (or, in the case of metals, melt).
==== Flame Arrow ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|1 segment/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Arrows or bolts|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the magic user may enchant one arrow per segment, causing it to burst into normal flame. The enchanted arrows have no bonus to hit, and the enchantment is not powerful enough to hit a creature that can be damaged only by magical weapons. Each arrow causes 1 hp of fire damage in addition to its normal damage. The arrows (or crossbow bolts) will burn up in one round, so they must be shot before this time.
==== Floating Disk ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|3 turns+1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This evocation produces an invisible disk about 3-ft across, shaped like a shallow bowl. The disk floats in the air and moves in accordance with the caster's commands (although if it is allowed more than 20-ft from the caster it will disappear). The disk cannot move faster than 60-ft per round. A //floating disk// can carry up to 100 lbs per level of the caster.
==== Fly ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|6 turns/level+1d6 turns|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell grants the power of flight with aerial agility level V (see Chapter 3) to any creature the magic user touches. The base movement rate for flight is 120-ft per round, with the base speed being doubled when diving, halved when climbing. The GM secretly rolls a 1d6 to determine how much time the spell will last after the base duration expires.
==== Fool's Gold ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|6 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 cubic foot/level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell achieves the much sought-after goal of transmuting copper or brass into gold. Regrettably, the effect is temporary, but an amoral caster might seek to shift the consequent feelings of regret onto another person than him- or herself. Whatever motives drive the caster, he or she may use this spell to transmute roughly 2,000 copper coins (about a cubic foot) per caster level into a metal that closely resembles gold. Anyone viewing this metal has a chance to notice that it is not truly gold. If the result of d20 plus the caster's level is equal to or less than the observer's intelligence, the fraud is detected (the GM may pick a representative number for creatures whose exact intelligence is not known, or roll a die). By combining expensive material components with the spell, the caster can make it more likely that the gold will seem true--conversely, there are mundane methods that give a chance to detect this very spell, such as striking the "gold" with cold iron (10% chance of changing the metal back). The GM will decide for his or her campaign exactly what can be done to improve and detect this spell.
==== Forceful Hand ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell creates a powerful, magical hand similar to that of the magic user spell //interposing hand//. Unlike the //interposing hand//, the //forceful hand// can push opponents or objects. The hand can move a creature weighing 500 lbs or less. It reduces the speed of a creature between 500 and 2,000 lbs to no greater than 10-ft/round, and it slows the movement of creatures heavier than 2,000 lbs but smaller than 8,000 lbs to one-half. As in the case of the //interposing hand//, the //forceful hand// has as many hit points as the caster.
==== Forget ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|1-4 creatures in a 20-ft square area|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This extremely potent spell causes the victims to forget events of the immediate past. The spell obliterates memory of the last round plus one additional round per three caster levels. The caster decides which creatures in the spell's area to affect, and these must make saving throws or suffer the loss of memory. The caster may designate 1-4 creatures as the targets of the spell. If one is targeted, the saving throw is made with a -2 penalty; if two are targeted, the penalty is -1; and if 3 or 4 creatures are targeted they suffer no penalty to the saving throw. Lost memories can only be restored by //heal//, //restoration//, or //wish//; the spell's effect is not subject to being merely dispelled.
==== Freezing Sphere ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Range:**|See below|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell may be employed in one of three different forms, depending upon the words and material component used during casting. At the time of memorisation, the magic user need not specify which will be used; these are alternate uses of the same spell, not different versions of it.
**Ice seed:** conjures a sphere of an intensely cold magical substance that freezes water to a depth of 6 inches over a surface area 100 square-ft/caster level. The ice is thick enough to walk upon without fear of falling through. The duration of the ice is 1 round/level. The material component for this use is a piece of crystal.
**Ice ray:** A ray of cold lances from the caster's hand, inflicting 4 hp/caster level against anything in its path. A successful saving throw results in no damage. Even if the ray strikes an object, it continues on the other side until it has extended 10-ft/caster level or is stopped by a thickness of stone of 1-ft or more. The material component for this use is a gem worth 1,000 gp.
**Shattering globe:** The spell forms a globe one inch in diameter, cold but not uncomfortable to the touch. When this sphere is thrown (by hand or sling), it will explode upon impact for 4d6 hit points of damage within a 10-ft radius (half if save vs spells). If not used within 1 round/caster level, it will explode at the time its duration ends. The material component for this use is also a gem worth 1,000 gp.
==== Friends ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft radius+10-ft/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell increases the magic user's charisma in the eyes of all creatures within the area of effect that fail saving throws. For these creatures, the magic user's charisma will effectively be increased by 2d4 (one roll for all). For those who succeed in making the saving throw, the caster's charisma will effectively be lowered by 1d4.
Unless the exact numbers are required for some purpose, the normal result of the spell will be that those who failed the saving throw will be disposed and friendly toward the caster, and those that succeeded in making the save will find him or her distasteful and somewhat suspect.
==== Fumble ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Half|
This enchantment causes intense clumsiness in the affected creature. Attempting to run will result in an immediate fall to a prone position, and anything held in hand (or claw, etc.) will be dropped. A successful saving throw allows the affected creature to act as if under the influence of a //slow// spell in order to avoid the spell's full effects.
==== Gate ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 9|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One summoned creature|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A //gate// spell creates an opening between the material plane and another plane of existence, summoning forth a being from the other plane. The caster must know the name of the creature he or she is attempting to summon, or the spell will fail. The particular creature named in the spell's casting might choose not to step through the gate into the material plane--summoning Thor is unlikely to bring the thunder god from the halls of Valhalla--however, a being of some kind will certainly respond to the summons. Thor, if summoned, might choose to send a Valkyrie, for instance. Casting this spell can be risky, for the caster has no control over the summoned creature unless proper precautions are taken, such as a //protection from evil// spell, the drawing of appropriate magical circles, etc. Beings summoned from distant planes, particularly beings with individual names of their own, can be powerful and irascible.
==== Geas ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A //geas// is a magical compulsion placed upon an intelligent creature to perform, or refrain from performing, some task set by the caster. While the geas cannot compel suicide or its equivalent, it is a very powerful spell. If the creature under the //geas// avoids or is prevented from performing the task, it will sicken and die within 1d4 weeks if the task is not resumed. The disease will, of course, create symptoms that the GM will determine; if the //geas// is resumed, these may or may not remain until the task is completed. Even a //remove curse// spell will not remove a //geas//, although a //wish// spell is powerful enough to dispel it.
==== Glass-steel ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell grants a glass object the strength of steel, while retaining its transparent properties. The weight of the object can be no more than 10 lbs per caster level. In most cases, the object will make item saving throws on the more favourable of the glass or metal tables.
==== Glasseye ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell causes opaque materials to become transparent, either to the caster alone or to anyone, at the caster's option. The dimensions of the transparent area are 3-ft×2-ft, and the depth depends upon the nature of the substance being made transparent. Lead and gold, being the base and pure metals respectively, are not affected by the spell at all. Only four inches of any other metal can be made transparent, but stone can be seen through to a distance of 6-ft, and wood to a distance of 20-ft.
==== Globe of Invulnerability ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Sphere, 5-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell creates a spherical shield, impermeable to spells. It functions as the spell //minor globe of invulnerability// except as noted above and in that it protects against spells level 1-4 rather than 1-3.
==== Grasping Hand ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Magical hand|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is a more powerful evocation of the //forceful hand// spell, acting in the same manner but able to hold motionless a creature of up to 1,000 lbs or move creatures with twice the force of a //forceful hand//.
==== Guards and Wards ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|2 hours/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Up to 200 sq. ft/level|
|**Casting Time:**|3 turns|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This powerful spell is primarily used to defend the caster's stronghold. The ward protects 200 square-ft per caster level. The warded area can be as much as 20-ft high and shaped as the caster desires. The magic user can ward several stories of a stronghold by dividing the area among them; he or she must be somewhere within the area to be warded to cast the spell. The spell creates the following magical effects within the warded area:
**Fog:** Fog fills all corridors, obscuring all sight, including infravision, beyond 10-ft.
**Wizard Locks:** All doors in the warded area are wizard locked.
**Webs:** Webs fill all stairs from top to bottom. These strands are identical to those created by the web spell, except that they regrow in 10 minutes if they are burned or torn away while the guards and wards spell lasts.
**Confusion:** Where there are choices in direction--such as a corridor intersection or side passage--a minor confusion-type effect functions so as to make it 50% probable that intruders believe they are going in the opposite direction from the one they actually chose. This is an enchantment/charm effect that will not affect elves or other creatures immune to //charm//.
**Lost Doors:** One door per caster level is covered by an illusion to appear as if it were a plain wall.
In addition, the magic user can place his or her choice of one of the following five magical effects:
*//Dancing lights// in four corridors.
*A //magic mouth// in two places.
*A //stinking cloud// in two places. The vapours return within 10 turns if dispersed by wind while the //guards and wards// spell lasts.
*A //gust of wind// in one corridor or room.
*A //suggestion// in one place. The caster selects an area of up to 5-ft square, and any creature who enters or passes through the area receives the //suggestion// mentally.
The whole warded area radiates strong magic. A //dispel magic// cast on a specific effect, if successful, removes only that effect.
==== Gust of Wind ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|1 segment|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft wide path, 10-ft long/level|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Hand outstretched in the final somatic gesture of this spell, the magic user summons forth a powerful blast of air, forceful enough to blow out unprotected flames smaller than a campfire. Flames the size of a campfire or greater will flare back as far as 1d6 feet, and even shielded flames have a high chance of being extinguished (5% per caster level). The wind is strong enough to hurl a small flying creature backwards by 1d6×10-ft, and will hold medium-sized creatures back from moving.
==== Hallucinatory Terrain ====
//Arcane Illusion/ Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft×10-ft square/level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell masks the true appearance of an area, making it appear as something else. A road can be made to appear as a river, a forest can be made to appear as a ravine, etc. The spell's effect remains until some intelligent being touches the area (or until it is dispelled). The spell is particularly useful for hiding pits or making cliff edges seem to extend more than they actually do, but it has many other useful applications for the creative player.
==== Haste ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|3 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 creature/level in a 40-ft×40-ft area|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (willing targets only)|
This spell imbues creatures in the targeted area with preternatural speed, allowing them to move and attack at twice the normal rate. The rate of spell casting cannot be increased. Within the area of effect, creatures closest to the caster will be affected first by the spell if the caster's level is not sufficient to affect all of the creatures in the area. The spell ages the creatures upon which it is cast by 2 years.
==== Hold Monster ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1-4 creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
A hold monster spell completely immobilises up to four creatures of any kind for the spell's duration. The magic user decides how many creatures he or she will target with the spell: if there is only one target, the saving throw is made at -3; if two, each makes the saving throw at -1; and if the magic user seeks to hold three or four enemies, each makes its saving throw with no penalty.
If a magic item or spell operates partially to negate the effects of paralysis, failure on the saving throw will have the effect of a //slow// spell rather than completely immobilising the target.
Creatures held by this spell may be killed or bound at a rate of one per round, or, if the attacker chooses, may be attacked at twice the normal rate with an automatic hit, for maximum damage.
==== Hold Person ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell has the same effect as the clerical spell //hold person//: to immobilise foes and render them helpless. However, the magic user's version of the spell is some what more flexible in terms of the caster's options. A hold person spell completely immobilises up to four Man-sized or smaller persons for the spell's duration. The magic user decides how many of his or her foes he or she will target with the spell: if there is only one target, the saving throw is made at -3, if two, each makes the saving throw at -1, and if the magic user seeks to hold three or four enemies, each makes his or her saving throw with no penalty.
Creatures affected by this spell would include humans, Demi-humans and humanoids. Ultimately, it is in the discretion of the GM to decide if a creature is considered a "person" for the purposes of this spell. If a magic item or spell operates to partially negate the effects of paralysis, failure on the saving throw will have the effect of a //slow// spell rather than completely immobilising the target.
Persons held by this spell may be killed or bound at a rate of one per round, or, if the attacker chooses, may be attacked at twice the normal rate with an automatic hit, for maximum damage.
==== Hold Portal ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Range:**|20-ft/caster level|
|**Duration:**|1 round/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One portal up to 80 square-ft/caster level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This quickly-shouted spell holds fast a door or similar aperture as if it were securely locked. The portal must be something that normally opens and closes, such as a door, gate, valve, or portcullis, and it must be closed for the spell to function. A magically held portal can be battered apart, but will not open normally until the spell's duration expires. This is not a particularly powerful spell; any being not native to the material planes (such as a demon) will ignore its effects, as will a magic user four or more levels higher than the caster. The spell may also be negated by means of a //knock// or //dispel magic// spell.
==== Ice Storm ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|1 round|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft×10-ft/level|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The caster may evoke one of two different forms of ice storm with this spell: a hailstorm or a sleet storm. The hail storm is a vicious barrage of huge hailstones that pound into a 40-ft×40-ft area, throwing up bits of shrapnel-like ice fragments as the hail shatters. Any creature within the area suffers 3d10 hit points of damage with no saving throw. The sleet storm is a maelstrom of frozen rain in an 80-ft×80-ft area, blinding all creatures in the area of effect and making the footing so slippery that all movement is cut by 50%. There is also a 50% probability that any creature attempting to move while in the sleet storm will slip and fall prone.
==== Identify ====
//Arcane Divination//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|1 segment/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One item|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This expensive and unreliable spell allows the magic user to discern the magical properties of an item. The magic user must hold or wear the item as intended for use (thereby placing himself at risk of a cursed item). For every segment of the spell's duration, the magic user has a 15% +5%/caster level of gaining an insight into the nature of the item's enchantment. Insights include magical effects (and the corresponding command word) and number of charges (plus or minus 25% of the actual number). The exact bonus (or penalty) of a weapon is not revealed to the player, unless the GM chooses to do so for convenience; the character, of course, would not think of a magic sword as being "+1" or "+3," just as "enchanted" or "powerfully enchanted," and the spell reveals information in these terms. The spell must be cast within 1 hour/caster level of the time a magic item first comes near the caster, or the magic user's own aura will have blended too much in to the item's aura, contaminating his ability to read it. Upon casting the spell, the magic user temporarily loses 8 points of constitution, and regains them by resting for one hour per recovered point. The material component for the spell is a pearl worth 100 gp.
==== Imprisonment (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 9|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The power of this spell hurls the victim deep beneath the earth, placing it into a state of suspended animation for eternity, entombed within a cyst of rock. The only way to free an imprisoned creature is with the reverse of the spell, and the caster must know the name of the prisoner together with enough detail to clearly identify him or her. A creature freed from //imprisonment// appears at the exact spot where the //imprisonment// took place. When casting the spell's reverse, if the caster is not specific enough about the imprisoned creature's identity the spell will normally fail; but there is also a chance it will free the intended creature together with several other imprisoned victims from other places in the ground--some far, some (perhaps) near. Some of these freed victims might be from ancient ages and may have been imprisoned for a very good reason. The chance of freeing unintended recipients is 1 in 10, and their number can vary considerably (d%).
==== Incendiary Cloud ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Duration:**|1d6+4 rounds|
|**Area of Effect:**|Cloud, 10-ft high, 20-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Half|
The //incendiary cloud// begins as a choking cloud of thick smoke, with the attributes of a pyrotechnics spell's smoke cloud, billowing from an existing fire source as per the //pyrotechnics// spell. The cloud has a radius of 20-ft and is 10-ft high. On the third round of the cloud's existence, it bursts into hot, magical flame. A saving throw for half damage is permitted to every creature in the cloud for each round of exposure to the flames.
In the first round of the flare, the blazing cloud inflicts one hit point of damage for every two levels of the caster. In the second round of the flare, the heat increases to inflict 1 hit point per caster level, and in the third round of the blaze, damage falls again to one point per two levels. After three rounds, the cloud burns out, and for any further duration it retains only the properties of pyrotechnic smoke.
==== Infravision ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|12 turns+6 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell allows the magic user to confer the ability to see in the dark, perceiving variations of heat in the infrared spectrum. The range of this vision is 60-ft. Lamps and other light sources tend to spoil the effects of infravision. Infravision does not perceive invisibility any more than normal vision.
==== Instant Summons ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Range:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell calls a specific, desired object into the caster's hand from wherever it might be. The object must be prepared ahead of time, with the first part of the spell being cast upon it at that time--all but the final word of the incantation. The item is then touched with another item, the spell's focus, which must be of at least 5,000 gp in value (usually a gem). When the caster seeks to summon the item by means of this spell, he must hold the focus item in his hand and speak the final word of the spell. The focus item will disappear and the summoned item will appear in its place. The summoned item cannot be heavier than 8 lbs or the spell will not function. Moreover, if the item is in the possession (not necessarily in the hand) of another creature, the spell will fail. However, in this instance, the caster will learn the item's location, and some details about the owner, as determined by the GM. The spell will function across the planes.
==== Interposing Hand ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Magical disembodied hand|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell creates a magical hand with the same number of hit points as the caster. The magic user can cause the hand to be as small as his or her own, or as large as a shield. The caster selects a foe, and the hand will place itself between the magic user and that particular enemy, moving so rapidly that it cannot be avoided. It is strong enough to hold back any creature weighing 200 lbs or less and will slow heavier opponents to half movement. The movement rates of opponents of truly massive size (such as dragons) will be adjudicated by the GM, being slowed to a quarter movement rate or pushing the hand aside entirely.
==== Invisibility ====
//Arcane Illusion/Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
When the words of this spell are completed, the recipient and all he or she carries fade from sight, becoming invisible. Even infravision cannot detect an invisible creature. The spell remains in effect until the invisible creature attacks someone, the caster ends the spell, or the magic is dispelled. Note that the spell does not make the recipient any more quiet than normal, nor does it eliminate scents. The invisible person can see him- or herself, but the caster (unless they are one and the same) cannot. The spell cannot be cast upon an unwilling subject.
==== Invisibility, 10-ft Radius ====
//Arcane Illusion/ Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|All creatures within a 10-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (willing target only)|
This spell operates as does the invisibility spell, but affects all creatures within 10-ft of the recipient at the time the final words of the spell are uttered. If the creature upon which the spell was cast makes an attack, the attack will negate the invisibility of all the others. However, if one of the creatures affected by the spell's radius (not the direct recipient) attacks, the invisibility only of that one creature is negated thereby. In order to remain invisible, those who were made invisible by virtue of the spell's radius must remain within 10-ft of the creature upon whom the spell is centred. All creatures affected can see each other.
==== Invisible Stalker ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell summons an invisible stalker (see Chapter 5). The stalker will perform one task as commanded by the caster, but resents its slavery and will always seek to misinterpret a command if it is worded ambiguously.
==== Irresistible Dance ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Duration:**|1d4 +1 rounds|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The creature touched (successful "to hit" roll) flies into an uncontrollable, twitching tarantella, dancing wildly. The creature's armour class is penalised by -4, and it will fail any and all saving throws during the spell's duration. It cannot act in any way, or gain benefit from a shield.
==== Jump ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell allows the subject to make one or more prodigious leaps, one additional leap for each three caster levels above 1. Thus, at a caster level of 4, the spell permits a second leap, with additional leaps at level 7, 10, 13, etc. The recipient of the spell may bound forward 30-ft, or may leap backward or straight up for a distance of 10-ft. The leap is almost perfectly straight, with no arc.
==== Knock ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|10 square-ft/level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The powerful magic words of a //knock// spell open doors that are stuck, barred, locked, or even wizard locked. Chains (even those that are welded) and chests will also spring open under this spell. Doors that operate by gravity, such as portcullises, will not be opened by means of the spell. If a door is secured by a number of devices, only two will be opened by the spell; a triple-locked door is proof against a single casting of the enchantment.
==== Legend Lore ====
//Arcane Divination//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|See below|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell, when cast, gathers mystical echoes of legend and rumour about a specific person, place, or object. These inchoate rhymes, whispers, and memories form in the caster's mind until he can finally piece them together into meaningful information. The spell's power is far greater if the item is actually at hand when the spell is cast, for it can then be used as a focus for the gathering of echoes; casting time under these circumstances will be 1d4 turns. If the item (or place) is not at hand, but some detailed information can be woven into the casting of the spell as a focus for the gathering of legend-echoes, the casting time will be 1d10 days. If all that the caster knows about the object or place is rumour, the casting time will be 2d6 weeks. While casting the spell, the caster may not engage in any other activity other than short breaks to eat and sleep.
When completed, the spell will reveal the location of any legendary material about the object (or person, or place), and if the spell is cast in the presence of the place, person, or object the spell will invariably gather the legendary lore together into a piece of true information about it. This in formation, coming as it does from mystical echoes, will take the form of a riddle, rhyme, or other puzzle. In order to cast the spell an item of some value--often a potion--must be used and destroyed in the process. The spell can garner no information about things that have not been the subject of discussion, rumour, rhyme, or legend.
==== Levitate ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster or one creature|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell allows the magic user to levitate him- or herself or another person, to a maximum weight of 100 lbs/level. The magic user can move vertically up or down at a rate of 20-ft per round, and can levitate another at a rate of 10-ft per round. The spell may be cast upon an unwilling enemy, but in this case the intended target is entitled to a saving throw. The spell does not allow any sort of horizontal movement (aerial agility level I--see Chapter 3), but it is possible for a levitated person to pull him- or herself along if there is something upon which to gain purchase, such as a wall.
==== Light ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft radius globe|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The //light// spell creates a globe of light 20-ft in radius, centered upon whatever spot or object the caster indicates at the time of casting (including a location in thin air). The caster may extinguish the magical light at any time. If it is cast upon a living creature, the creature is entitled to a saving throw (success indicating that the spell affects the area just behind the creature). A //light// spell cast upon a creature's eyes will blind it for the spell's duration, causing it a penalty of -4 on all rolls "to hit" if sight is its primary sense. The //light// spell remains stationary if it was not originally cast upon a movable object or creature (in which case the target will bring the illumination with it as it moves).
==== Lightning Bolt ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Half|
As the caster completes this spell, he or she unleashes a bolt of lightning from the spell's point of origin, which may be as far away from the caster as the spell's maximum range. The bolt extends in a straight line from the caster beginning, at whatever point along the spell's range the caster desires, and may extend beyond the spell's range. The bolt deals 1d6 damage per caster level to all creatures standing in the bolt's area of effect. Creatures that make successful saving throws suffer half damage. The area of effect may be either a branching, forking maelstrom of electricity 10-ft wide and 40-ft long, or it may be a concentrated blast 5-ft wide and 80-ft long. The length of the bolt itself is not affected by the caster's level, only the range at which the caster may cause the bolt to originate.
All items hit by the full force of the bolt must make item saving throws or be destroyed. The force of the bolt is often sufficient to blast doors into smouldering ruin. If the bolt strikes an object that does not conduct electricity, such as a stone wall, it will be deflected backward toward the caster (potentially inflicting a second shock upon those in the target area). Note that the length of a deflected bolt is not increased; the bolt will only rebound for the distance remaining in its original area of effect.
==== Limited Wish ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|See below|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
//Limited wish// is a powerful spell, allowing the caster to reshape reality in accordance with his or her desire, but only to a limited degree. The spell may be used to grant minor wishes (undoing curses, granting small quantities of gold, duplicating the effects of lower level spells, etc.) The effects of the spell will be permanent for most minor requests, particularly when used to duplicate a lower-level spell that has a permanent or instantaneous duration.
However, a //limited wish// is not powerful enough to make major changes in reality. It cannot bring the dead back to life, grant a level, or permanently change ability scores. In many cases, the GM will be called upon to determine whether the caster's wish is within the power of a limited wish spell or whether the results of the request will suffer from flaws due to the spell's limitations. Flaws would include limited durations or partial results. The guidelines set forth above should give the GM some assistance in making such determinations.
In the case of unreasonable wishes, the GM may decide to follow the wording of the spell precisely but pervert the intent, limit the duration of the spell to a very limited time (perhaps mere seconds!) or simply rule that the whole spell fails.
The guideline here is that wishes are granted by someone or something, which may or may not be kindly disposed to the player characters. The more greedy or selfish a wish, the greater the chance that a mischievous or actually evil power will take the opportunity to teach this upstart mortal a lesson.
==== Locate Object ====
//Arcane Divination//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Other than as noted above, this spell is identical to the clerical spell //locate object//.
==== Lower Water (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|5 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|5-ft×5-ft square area/level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
With a majestic gesture, the caster forces an area of water to sink downward by 5% of its original depth per caster level. Despite its name, the spell's power is not limited to water; it can affect other non-living fluid substances as well, including gases and materials slightly more viscous than water. The GM may adjust the amount by which the spell affects other substances based upon the difference of their material properties from those of water. The spell's area of effect is a square with sides measuring 10-ft per level. For example, a caster of 7th level can affect a square area up to 70-ft×70-ft. The reverse of the spell raises water in an area of effect similar to that of //lower water//, but not to the same degree of height, returning water to its natural level plus 5 feet per caster level.
==== Mage's Faithful Hound ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell summons an invisible watchdog to guard an area. The hound is invisible to all but the caster, who may order it to keep watch over a particular area. The area must be close to the caster, however, for if the caster is more than 30-ft from the area the hound guards, it will return to the spirit realm. The hound can detect virtually any creature that enters the area: it can detect invisibility (which includes creatures on the astral and æthereal planes), can see creatures that are moving between dimensions, and can detect virtually any other method that might be employed to sneak into an area. If any creature larger than a cat or small dog enters the area, the hound will begin baying with its echoing, supernatural bark. Moreover, it will seek to attack intruders from behind (it does not make frontal assaults) and can attack as a monster of 10 HD for 3d6 damage, even if the opponent requires up to a +3 magical weapon to be hit. The hound cannot be harmed by any means other than by dispelling it.
==== Mage's Sword ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Summoned sword|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The caster evokes a magical sword into being and can wield it by exerting his or her will. While doing so, he or she cannot cast spells, use magic items, or move, although the spell does not end if the magic user's concentration is broken; the sword simply does not attack during that round. The sword attacks as a fighter one-half the magic user's caster level (and always hits on a natural 19 or 20), and it can hit creatures that can ordinarily be hit only with magic weapons. The damage caused by the sword is considerable; it inflicts 5d4 hp against size S and M creatures, or 5d6 against larger creatures. The sword can be dispelled by //dispel magic//. The material components for the spell cost 500 gp or more.
==== Magic Aura ====
//Arcane Illusion/Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|1 day/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell creates a false magical aura around a single object of not more than five lbs per caster level. A //detect magic// spell will incorrectly perceive the item as magical, but if it is actually handled by the caster of the //detect magic// spell, he or she will be permitted a saving throw to realize that the aura is, in fact, not a true magical aura but a counterfeit.
==== Magic Jar ====
//Arcane Possession//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This risky spell allows the caster to transfer his or her mind into that of another creature, trapping the other creature's soul in a gem (of not less than 100 gp value) that is the material component of the spell and becomes the magic jar. To accomplish the transfer of souls, the magic user must trap his or her own life essence within the jar prior to the transfer. If the transfer fails (e.g., if the targeted creature makes a successful saving throw), the caster's soul is trapped until it can take over a host or otherwise escape.
The caster can make successive attempts to take over the same host, but no more than one per round. The spell's range applies to two matters; when the magic user first transfers his or her own life essence into the jar, his or her body must be within the spell's range of the jar. The range also limits the distance at which the magic user's soul may later escape from the jar and into another body. After the caster's soul moves into the jar, his or her physical body becomes inert and lifeless.
The spell represents, in many ways, a contest of will between the magic user and the creature whose body he or she seeks to possess. The caster and the target creature each total their intelligence and wisdom scores (such being calculated or approximated by the GM for a monster). This combined score represents the character's mental power for purposes of the spell. The two numbers are compared, and the difference is used in two important calculations: the saving throw and the chance for escape. One third of the difference (rounded down) is the modifier on the saving throw, a bonus if the target creature has the higher mental power, a penalty if the magic user's mental power is higher.
If a creature's soul is trapped in the magic jar by the caster, it has a chance to escape. If it escapes, the caster's soul is returned to the magic jar. If the difference in mental power between the caster and the possessed creature is 4 or less in favour of the caster, or is in favour of the possessed creature, the creature can attempt a new saving throw every round. If the difference is from 5 to 8 in the caster's favour, one saving throw is permitted per turn. If the difference is 9 to 12 in the caster's favour, the saving throw is made once per day, and if the caster's mental power exceeds that of the target creature by 13+, the saving throw can only be made once per week.
While the caster is in the magic jar waiting to possess another body, he or she can sense creatures beyond the jar, but not their nature. The jar may be moved from its original location, but not, obviously, by the caster. When the caster possesses another body, he or she gains complete control of its movement and acquires any memories that the body might reflexively recall (how to fly, fight with claws, use innate magical powers, etc). He or she does not gain any knowledge from the creature's mind, such as languages known or the location of a lair, for the mind is trapped in the magic jar. The caster retains his or her own mind while possessing the other body, so if the body possesses the correct physical attributes the caster can continue to cast his or her spells from within the new body.
==== Magic Missile ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Range:**|60-ft+10-ft/caster level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1+ creatures in a 10-ft×10-ft area|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
When this spell is cast, missiles of magical energy dart forth from the caster's fingertips, striking unerringly at his or her intended target(s), even if the target(s) are in melee or are partially concealed. The missiles inflict 1d4+1 points of damage each. For every two caster levels beyond first, the caster gains an additional missile; thus, a first-level magic user can cast one missile, a third-level caster may cast 2, a fifth-level caster may cast 3, and so on.
==== Magic Mouth ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Range:**|See below|
|**Duration:**|Permanent until triggered|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is cast upon an object, so that when a set of particular conditions are met, a mouth will appear in the object and speak a specific message. The length of the message cannot exceed 25 words. The magic user can set any condition for the appearance of the magic mouth, but the caster's power limits the range at which the mouth can detect the triggering events. The mouth can "perceive" events at a range of 5-ft/caster level, but cannot detect invisible creatures. It has no perceptions other than visual, although it does not actually see. Obviously, a player cannot try to phrase conditions using game terms such as "hit dice," "class," "level," etc. but must use terms that would be familiar to the character.
==== Mass Charm ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell functions as does //charm monster//, but affects more than one creature. Total hit dice limits the number of creatures affected; the caster cannot affect a total number of hit dice more than twice his or her caster level. All of the target creatures must be within a 30-ft×30-ft area.
==== Mass Invisibility ====
//Arcane Illusion/Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft×30-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell acts in the same manner as an //invisibility// spell, but has an effective radius of 30-ft×30-ft, possibly hiding as many as 300 medium-sized creatures if they are packed in close and do not jostle one another.
==== Massmorph ====
//Arcane Illusion/ Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft×10-ft square/level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (willing creatures only)|
This spell causes creatures of man size or smaller to appear like an innocent grove of trees to any observers. Up to 10 creatures may be enchanted in this manner. The illusion is so powerful that it is maintained even if the massmorphed creatures are touched. The "tree's" reaction to being stabbed or hacked at is fairly likely to indicate that it is no normal tree, of course, although the illusion is not actually dispelled by a successful attack. The illusion persists until the caster dies or dismisses it (or it is dispelled).
==== Maze ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The targeted creature is trapped by this spell into an interdimensional reality similar to that created by the second level spell //ropetrick//. This wormhole has an entrance, which closes immediately after the target is trapped, and an exit, which is difficult to find in the branching, twisting maze of the dimensional labyrinth. A creature's intelligence determines the amount of time required to find the way out and emerge back into the material plane.
==== Mending ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell repairs small breaks or tears in an object. It can weld together broken metallic objects, such as a chain link or a broken dagger, rejoin a broken bottle, and repair holes in leather or cloth, for example. The spell does not repair magic items in any way that would restore or affect their magical qualities.
==== Message ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|5 segments+1 segment/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Once this spell is cast, the magic user may point to any creature in range and whisper a message that the other creature will hear. If there is time remaining, the recipient may whisper a message in reply. Only one creature may be in contact with the caster at a time, but if time allows, the caster may make contact with more than one possible recipient. The gestures of this spell are subtle, and it is easy to conceal that the enchantment is being cast. Note that the path between the magic user and the recipient must be a straight line and not completely blocked.
==== Meteor Swarm ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 9|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None or Half (see below)|
Meteor-like chunks of magical fire streak from the magic user's outstretched hand, exploding into an inferno of flame when they strike the intended targets. The caster may hurl four large meteors or eight small meteors. These missiles strike the first creature in their straight-line trajectories automatically, granting no saving throw and inflicting full damage. When the meteor strikes its target, the explosion of fire may catch other creatures in its radius. These creatures receive saving throws for half damage. Large meteors inflict 10d4 hp damage and explode in a radius of 15-ft. Small meteors inflict 5d4 hp damage and explode in a radius of 7½-ft. If the explosions overlap, a creature in this area is subject to damage from all the explosions, but is entitled to a separate saving throw (halving damage) for each.
==== Mind Blank ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Duration:**|24 hours|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the person upon whom it is cast becomes completely protected from all divination and scrying magic. His or her thoughts cannot be detected in any way, he or she cannot be magically overheard when speaking, his or her soul cannot be trapped or affected, etc.
==== Minor Globe of Invulnerability ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|5-ft radius sphere|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A globe of eldritch power forms around the magic user, hedging out all spells of third or lower level. Spells may be cast from within the globe. Dispel magic, if cast upon the globe, will destroy it.
==== Mirror Image ====
//Arcane Illusion/Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|6-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The //mirror image// spell creates 1d4 phantasmal images of the magic user, all mirroring his or her actions. The spell's 6-ft radius also becomes slightly blurred to sight, like the reflection of a slightly distorted mirror. The combination of these two magical phenomena makes it impossible to distinguish the images from the caster without aid of a magical nature, such as //true seeing//. When an opponent makes a successful hit against one of the images, the image breaks up and disappears (the others remain). If an opponent attempts to attack a magic user obscured by this spell, it is randomly determined whether the "to hit" roll is directed toward the person or one of the images. At the end of the spell's duration, the images fade from sight.
==== Mnemonic Enhancement ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|24 hours|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell enhances the magic user's precision of memory, allowing him or her to retain up to three additional spell levels in his or her mind (3 first level, 1 first and one second level, or 1 third level). The spell may be used for memorisation, or may be used to hold onto the memory of a spell just cast. The spell components are expensive, costing at least 100 gp, and might not be available in rural communities.
==== Monster Summoning I ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Summoned creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By casting this spell, the magic user conjures up 2d4 monsters to serve him or her as allies in combat or to perform other services. The monsters appear from thin air within 1d4 rounds of the spell's completed casting. If the caster is in combat, the monsters will fight on his or her behalf, attacking whatever foes he directs, or guarding him or her. For more complex tasks, the magic user must somehow have the ability to communicate these more specific commands. The GM has the ultimate discretion as to what monsters will appear, but the general likelihood is described in the following table:
**Monster Summoning I Results**** (magic user level 3)**
| **d6** | **Monster Summoned** |
| 1 | Rat, giant |
| 2 | Goblin (dwarf) |
| 3 | Hobgoblin (elf) |
| 4 | Kobold (halfling) |
| 5 | Orc (gnome) |
| 6 | Kullule (badger, giant) |
Evil casters may get the monsters in parentheses, at the GM's option.
==== Monster Summoning II ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|3 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Summoned creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell functions in the same manner as //monster summoning I//, but calls 1d6 creatures as determined on the following table:
**Monster Summoning II Results**** (magic user level 4)**
| **d6** | **Monster Summoned** |
| 1 | Centipede, giant |
| 2 | Devil, lemure |
| 3 | Gnoll |
| 4 | Stirge |
| 5 | Toad, giant |
| 6 | Troglodyte |
==== Monster Summoning III ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|4 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Summoned creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell functions in the same manner as //monster summoning I//, but calls 1d4 creatures as determined on the following table:
**Monster Summoning III Results**** (magic user level 5)**
| **d10** | **Monster Summoned** |
| 1 | Beetle, giant boring |
| 2 | Bugbear |
| 3 | Gelatinous Cube |
| 4 | Ghoul |
| 5 | Lizard, giant |
| 6 | Lycanthrope, wererat |
| 7 | Ogre |
| 8 | Spider, huge |
| 9 | Spider, large |
| 10 | Weasel, giant |
==== Monster Summoning IV ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|5 rounds+1/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Summoned creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell functions in the same manner as //monster summoning I//, but calls 1d4 creatures as determined on the following table:
**Monster Summoning IV Results**** (magic user level 6)**
| **d10** | **Monster Summoned** |
| 1 | Blink dog |
| 2 | Gargoyle |
| 3 | Ghast |
| 4 | Hell hound |
| 5 | Hydra, five headed |
| 6 | Lycanthrope, werewolf |
| 7 | Owlbear |
| 8 | Shadow |
| 9 | Snake, giant constrictor |
| 10 | Grey ooze |
==== Monster Summoning V ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Duration:**|6 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Summoned creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell functions in the same manner as //monster summoning I//, but calls 1d2 creatures as determined on the following table, the monsters appearing in 1d3 rounds:
**Monster Summoning V Results**** (magic user level 7)**
| **d6** | **Monster Summoned** |
| 1 | Cockatrice |
| 2 | Doppelgänger |
| 3 | Hydra (7 heads) |
| 4 | Lycanthrope (wereboar) |
| 5 | Minotaur |
| 6 | Snake, giant poisonous |
==== Monster Summoning VI ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Duration:**|7 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Summoned creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell functions in the same manner as //monster summoning I//, but calls 1d2 creatures as determined on the following table, the monsters appearing in 1d3 rounds:
**Monster Summoning VI Results**** (magic user level 8)**
| **d10** | **Monster Summoned** |
| 1 | Devil, Erinyes |
| 2 | Hydra, 8 headed |
| 3 | Manticore |
| 4 | Ogre Mage |
| 5 | Rakshasa |
| 6 | Troll |
| 7 | Wight |
| 8 | Wraith |
| 9 | Wyvern |
| 10 | Lycanthrope, weretiger |
==== Monster Summoning VII ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 9|
|**Duration:**|8 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Summoned creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell functions in the same manner as //monster summoning I//, but calls 1d2 creatures as determined on the following table, the monsters appearing in 1 round:
**Monster Summoning ****VI****I Results**** (magic user level ****9****)**
| **d6** | **Monster Summoned** |
| 1 | Cockatrice |
| 2 | Doppelgänger |
| 3 | Hydra (7 heads) |
| 4 | Lycanthrope (wereboar) |
| 5 | Minotaur |
| 6 | Snake, giant poisonous |
==== Move Earth ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|See below|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By casting this spell, the magic user gains the ability to move earth, sand, and clay in vast quantities by the mere gestures of his or her hands. The spell does not affect rock or stone. Unlike most spells, the area of effect does not depend upon the caster's level but upon the amount of time spent in casting. For every turn spent casting, the magic user can move a cube of earth 40-ft×40-ft×40-ft.
The spell is normally used to create walls, moats, etc., but can also be used to move an intact terrain feature from one place to another (although the spell cannot move rock unless the rock is carried within the moved earth).
If an intact feature (such as a portion of a forest or the foundations under a cottage) is to be moved, an earth elemental must also be summoned. Without the assistance of an elemental, the earth under a cottage could certainly be moved, but with the--presumably undesired--result of destroying the cottage in the process.
==== Part Water ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|5 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell causes water to draw apart, forming a trench. The depth and length of the water displacement is determined by the caster's level. For each caster level, they may displace an area of water 30-ft deep and 20-ft wide. The spell can affect other liquids besides water, but the more different the physical properties of the other liquid, the less the caster may be capable of displacing.
==== Passwall ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|6 turns+1/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Passage 5-ft wide, 10-ft high, and 10-ft long|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of a //passwall// spell, the magic user creates an inter-dimensional opening through any non-metallic material, allowing him or her and any others to simply walk directly into the hillside or through a wall. More than one spell may be used in succession to create longer passages. The inside of the passageway is still a part of the material plane; the inter-dimensional warping of space simply acts to "remove" the material through which the passage is created.
==== Permanency ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Range:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object or creature|
|**Casting Time:**|2 rounds|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The //permanency// spell makes the temporary effects of other spells permanent. It is also used to lock the enchantments of a magic item permanently into the item. Certain spells can be made permanent upon the caster or another creature, and other spells can be made permanent only if cast upon an area or an object. Each use of this spell reduces the caster's constitution by 1 point.
Spells that can be made permanent upon a person or other creature include: c//omprehend ////l////anguages//, d//etect ////e////vil//, d//etect ////i////nvisibility//, d//etect ////m////agic//, //i////nfravision//, //p////rotection from ////e////vil//, //p////rotection from ////n////ormal ////m////issiles//, //r////ead ////m////agic//, //t////ongues// and //u////nseen ////s////ervant//. Only a magic user of higher level than the caster can dispel these spells.
Spells that can be made permanent upon an area or object include: //e////nlarge//, //f////ear//, //g////ust of ////w////ind//, //i////nvisibility//, //m////agic ////m////outh//, //p////rismatic ////s////phere//, //s////tinking ////c////loud//, //w////all of ////f////ire//, //w////all of ////f////orce// and //w////eb//.
These spells may be dispelled by any caster subject to the normal rules for //dispel magic//.
==== Phantasmal Force ====
//Arcane Illusion/Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|80 square-ft+10 square-ft/level|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This extremely flexible spell allows the magic user to craft a visual illusion of virtually anything that can fit within the spell's area of effect. The spell creates no sound whatsoever. The caster must maintain his or her concentration upon the illusion, or it will evaporate, but while concentrating the caster is able to make the illusion move and respond to events.
The illusion is dispelled if it is struck with a blow, a falling person, etc. There is no saving throw against the illusion if the observer believes it, and the illusion can actually cause damage to such a deceived victim. A demon wielding a sword can attack and do damage, and the appearance of a pit full of spikes can be fatal even though it is not real. If the observer doubts the reality of the illusion, he or she will be permitted a saving throw to see the illusion for what it really is. If one observer disbelieves the illusion and this disbelief is communicated to others, the others will also gain a saving throw at a bonus of +4.
Note that the spell relies purely on a visual effect; it will have no effect upon a creature that does not see it. Furthermore, the lack of any audible component can make certain illusions completely non-credible. An explosion, for example, is not likely to be believed by anyone if it creates no sound. Various methods may be used by the GM to determine if an NPC or monster believes the effect of a phantasmal force, common sense being the first thing to consider. A player who takes care to craft a believable illusion should be rewarded for skilful use of the spell, not forced into a table of random results.
==== Phase Door ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The caster opens, by means of this spell, a dimensional pathway through a solid object, 10-ft in depth. It is a pathway that only the caster may use, and it remains until the caster has traversed it twice. In other respects, the spell is similar to a //passwall//.
==== Plant Growth ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft×10-ft square/level|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the caster causes plants and vines to grow with unbelievable speed, forming a tangled barrier of thick vegetation. The enchantment may be dispelled, or the plants cleared by normal means. Chopping a way through the barrier is possible, but movement is restricted to 10-ft/turn (20-ft for size L creatures).
==== Polymorph Object ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object or creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell allows the magic user to transform one thing, living or not, into another sort of thing. If the spell is used simply to duplicate the effects of a //polymorph other// spell or a //stone to flesh// spell, it will function in the same manner as these spells but with a -4 penalty to the victim's saving throw. Otherwise, the spell's duration depends upon the degree of change involved in the transformation. The calculation is made using a "duration factor" found on table 1, and the explanation of the resulting duration factor is found on table 2.
**Polymorph Object--Table 1**** (magic user level 8)**
|**Changed Subject Is:**| **Increase to Duration Factor** |
|Same kingdom (animal, vegetable, mineral)| +5 |
|Same class (mammals, fungi, metals, etc .)| +2 |
|Same size| +2 |
|Related (twig is to tree, wolf fur is to wolf, etc .)| +2 |
|Same or lower intelligence| +2 |
Add all that apply. Look up the total on the next table.
**Polymorph Object--Table 2**** (magic user level 8)**
| **Duration Factor** | **Duration** | **Example** |
| 0 | 20 rounds | Pebble to human |
| 2 | 1 hour | Marionette to human |
| 4 | 3 hours | Human to marionette |
| 5 | 12 hours | Lizard to manticore |
| 6 | 48 hours | Sheep to woolen cloak |
| 7 | 1 week | Shrew to manticore |
| 9+ | Permanent | Manticore to shrew |
This spell can be dispelled.
==== Polymorph Other ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell transforms the victim into another type of creature; a person might be changed into a newt, or a newt into a dragon, for example. Such a transformation can, in rare cases, be fatal. If the spell's target is successfully transformed, it must make a system shock test against its constitution or die (see, "Constitution"). Moreover, there is a base 100% likelihood that the transformed creature will lose its memories and former identity in the change, becoming, for all intents and purposes, the creature into which it was transformed (intelligence cannot be increased by virtue of such a transformation, however).
For every intelligence point of the transformed creature, the base chance is reduced by 5%, and there is a further ±5% alteration for each level (or HD) by which the original form's level (or HD) differs from that of the new form. This check is made on a daily basis, so such a transformation will, eventually, become inevitable according to the laws of chance if the transformed creature is not magically brought back to its original form. A transformed creature retains its former hit points, but otherwise assumes all the physical characteristics of the new form immediately. The transformation may be dispelled, but the second change of shape will necessitate another system shock check.
==== Polymorph Self ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|2 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell enables the magic user to cloak him- or herself in the physical shape of another creature, and to continue shape-shifting at will for the length of the spell's duration. The transformation is of an entirely lesser order than that of //polymorph other//, incurring no risk of a system shock or of truly becoming the transformed creature. Changing from one shape to another requires only 30 seconds, and when the caster returns to his or her original form (ending the spell) he or she will be healed of 1d12 points of any damage inflicted against the polymorphed forms he or she assumed.
The caster can polymorph into forms no smaller than a songbird and no heavier than 2,000 lbs. Only the movement capabilities of the new form can be used, not its attacks, defences, or other abilities. The magic user can transform him- or herself into a lion, and run as fast as a lion, but his or her claws will do no more damage than a human's soft fists. Similarly, if he or she transforms into a dragon, he or she will have the dragon's ability to fly but no breath weapon. As an orc, he or she would be able to use whatever weapons he or she could use in his original shape, but would lack infravision. The caster retains his or her own hit points and armour class.
==== Power Word, Blind ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|15-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The word of //power to blind// removes vision from creatures within the area of effect. The duration of the blindness depends on how many total hp the affected creatures have. If the total is 50 or less, the blindness lasts 1d4+1 turns. If the total is 51 hit points to 100, the blindness lasts 1d4+1 rounds, as opposed to turns. The spell does not affect more than 100 hp of creatures in total. The caster may target specific creatures within the area of effect.
==== Power Word, Kill ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 9|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Upon the casting of this spell, the magic user specifies whether the spell is to kill one creature or multiple creatures. The spell will instantly deal death to a creature of up to 60 hit points, offering no saving throw (magic resistance does apply). The spell may, alternatively, be used to slaughter up to 120 hp of creatures with 10 or fewer hit points each. The total number of hit points is based upon the target's current hit points, not maximum hit points, so wounded creatures are more vulnerable to the spell. All creatures to be killed must be within the spell's area of effect.
==== Power Word, Stun ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The creature targeted by a stunning power word hears the word as a thundering roar, although others hear it normally. The impact of the word's magical power stuns the victim, rendering him unable to think clearly or act in any manner (including movement). The duration of the spell's effect is determined by the target's current hit points (not its normal maximum). A creature with 1-30 remaining hit points will be stunned for 4d4 rounds, a creature with 31-60 hp remaining will be stunned for 2d4 rounds, a creature with 61-90 hp remaining will be stunned for 1d4 rounds, and creatures with 90+ hit points will be able to shrug off the effect of the spell entirely.
==== Prismatic Sphere ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 9|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft radius sphere|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
//Prismatic sphere// creates a shimmering, multicoloured globe of light that protects those within it from all forms of attack (it will normally appear as a hemisphere, with its lower half below ground). The sphere flashes with seven colours, each of which has a distinct power and purpose. It is immobile, but the caster can pass through and remain near it without harm. However, any other creature with fewer than 8 HD within 20-ft of the sphere will be blinded for 2d4 rounds by the colours if it looks at them. The sphere can be destroyed, colour by colour, in consecutive order, by various magical effects; however, the first colour must be brought down before the second can be affected, and so on. A //**rod of cancellation**// destroys a //prismatic sphere//, but an //anti////-////magic ////shell// will fail to penetrate it. //Dispel magic// cannot dispel the sphere or anything beyond it (unless the first six colours have already been brought down). Magic resistance is effective against a //prismatic sphere//, but the check must be repeated for each colour present.
Each colour in the sphere has a different effect. The accompanying table shows the seven colours, the order in which they appear, their effects on creatures trying to attack the caster or pass through the sphere, and the magic needed to negate each colour.
**Prismatic Sphere Effects ****(magic user level 9)**
| **Colour** | **Order** | **Effect** | **Negated by** |
| Red | 1st |Stops nonmagical ranged weapons. Deals 20 points of damage (saving throw for half damage) .| //Cone of cold// |
| Orange | 2nd |Stops magical ranged weapons. Deals 40 points of damage (saving throw for half) .| //Gust of wind// |
| Yellow | 3rd |Stops poisons, gases, and petrifaction. Deals 80 points of damage (saving throw for half) .| //Disintegrate// |
| Green | 4th |Stops breath weapons. Poison (saving throw or die) .| //Passwall// |
| Blue | 5th |Stops divination and mental attacks. Turns to stone (saving throw negates) .| //Magic missile// |
| Indigo | 6th |Stops all spells. Causes insanity (saving throw negates)| //Continual light// |
| Violet | 7th |Force shield (as per //wall of force//). Creatures sent to another plane (saving throw negates) .| //Dispel magic// |
==== Project Image ====
//Arcane Illusion/Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell creates an illusory duplicate of the magic user in another place within the spell's range. The image must remain visible to the caster or the spell will end. Much like //mirror image//, the projected image mimics all the caster's movements, but it is not affected by attacks of any kind. The image possesses an arcane link to the caster; if desired, the magic user can cast spells that originate at the image rather than at the caster, as if the image, rather than the magic user, cast the spell. Thus, the effective range of an attack spell can be increased, or a spell that would ordinarily centre on the caster could be brought into effect around the projected image.
==== Protection From Evil (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Other than as noted above, this spell is identical to the clerical spell //protection from evil//.
==== Protection From Evil, 10-ft Radius (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell has effects and limitations identical to //protection from evil//, but the radius of divine protection extends a full 10-ft around the spell's recipient, allowing allies to shelter within the protective ambience.
==== Protection From Normal Missiles ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The subject of this spell becomes completely invulnerable to the effects of projectiles. The spell's power is not sufficient to completely ward off the larger missiles hurled by siege engines such as catapults and ballistae, nor the enchantment of a magic arrow or bolt, but does reduce any damage caused by such weapons by 1 hit point per die of damage. The spell conveys no protection whatsoever against spells, including spells with missile-like qualities such as //fireball// or //ray of enfeeblement//.
==== Push ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The magic user casts this spell and points toward the desired target, which is instantly pushed away from the caster. The supernatural force exerted by the spell is only about one pound per level of the caster, but the spell can be used to move small objects or to throw enemies off balance. A small object can be moved at a rate of 10-ft/round(directly away from the caster), and if the object is a weapon held by a creature, the creature will suffer a penalty "to hit" equal to the caster's level. For example, a tenth level magic user could exert so much eldritch force against an attacking orc's axe that the orc would suffer a -10 "to hit" with it. Moving an actual creature or a heavier object is only possible if the creature's weight in pounds is not more than 50 times the caster's level.
==== Pyrotechnics ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
With any exceptions noted above, this spell is identical to the druidic spell //pyrotechnics//.
==== Ray of Enfeeblement ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
As this spell is cast, a ray of unpleasant and indescribable colour arcs from the caster's hand to strike the chosen target. No attack roll is required to hit. If the target fails a saving throw, its strength and the effect of all attacks which are dependent upon strength are reduced by 25%. The amount of reduction is increased by 1%/caster level (to be rounded off in the case of lower-level magic users simply as a matter of convenience). Thus, if an orc is struck with the //ray// by a level one magic user, the orc would lose 26% (rounded to 25%, at the option of the GM) of its strength. Its "to hit" rolls are not affected, but any damage it inflicts is reduced to 75% (or 74%) of the damage rolled (a good GM avoids minuscule calculations that might bog down the game). A //ray of enfeeblement// may technically reduce the target's strength below the required minimum to qualify for a class, but its effects are too temporary to affect class choices (so an enfeebled paladin with a temporary strength of 8 retains his or her paladinhood). Any further effects of the reduced strength are determined by the GM.
==== Read Magic (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Divination//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster (see below)|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Read magic// is normally the first spell in every magic user's spell book, and its mastery is the first task of every apprentice. The spell allows the caster to read magical writings (other than his or her own, of course, which are always intelligible to the original author).
Unless the writings are cursed, reading magical script does not normally activate the magic formulae described therein--reviewing a scroll prior to casting from it does not, for instance, actually cast whatever spell is written upon the scroll. Once the magic user has read a particular set of magical inscriptions by use of this spell, the spell is no longer needed to re-read the writing at a later time.
The reverse of the spell allows the magic user to make magical writings indecipherable for the spell's duration, and is cast upon the writing rather than upon the caster him- or herself.
==== Remove Curse (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
Other than as noted above, this spell is identical to the clerical spell //remove curse//.
==== Reincarnation ====
//Arcane Necromancy//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Area of Effect:**|Person touched|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Provided that a body has been dead for no more than one day per caster level, a powerful magic user can recall its spirit from the dead, investing it into another body. The form of the new body is not subject to the magic user's control and is determined by means of the table below. The new body will appear within 1d6 turns near the soul's former body. Elves may be brought back to life by reincarnation.
The new incarnation will retain the original character's experience points, but will have new physical (Str, Dex, Con) ability scores randomly rolled and adjusted for the new race. The character will retain his or her original mental ability scores (Int, Wis, Cha).
**Arcane Reincarnation Table**
| **Die Roll** |**New Incarnation**| **Die Roll** |**New Incarnation**|
| 01-03 |Bugbear| 40-42 |Half-orc|
| 04-06 |Dwarf| 43-45 |Hobgoblin|
| 07-14 |Elf| 46-85 |Human|
| 15-17 |Gnoll| 86-88 |Kobold|
| 18-25 |Gnome| 89-91 |Orc|
| 26-28 |Goblin| 92-94 |Ogre|
| 29-36 |Half-elf| 95-97 |Ogre Mage|
| 37-39 |Halfling| 98-00 |Troll|
==== Repulsion ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|1 round/2 levels|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft wide path|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
All living creatures in the spell's path will move away from the caster at their normal movement rates for the spell's duration, as if by choice.
==== Reverse Gravity ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Duration:**|1 second (1/6 segment)|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft×30-ft×1 mile|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The caster momentarily reverses gravity in the area of effect, which is a 30 square-ft area, extending a mile into the air. Any object or creature in this area will "fall" upwards for a distance of 20-ft, striking intervening objects as per a normal, downward fall. When the duration ends, of course, they will fall downward again.
==== Rope Trick ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|2 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One piece of rope|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell enchants a rope to become a portal into an extra-dimensional pocket of unreality opened by the spell. The rope rises in the air and then hangs, suspended by its connection to the extra-dimensional hideaway. Up to six medium-size people can hide in the space (five, if the rope is to be pulled up and into the space as well). At the spell's expiration, the inhabitants or contents of the space will fall into normal reality if they have not already departed. True reality is visible through the portal, but cannot be affected from within.
==== Scare ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|3d4 rounds|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell causes terror in creatures of less than 6th level or 6 HD. Such creatures are entitled to a saving throw, which, if successful, allows them to shake off the spell's effect entirely. If a creature fails the saving throw, however, it will become frozen with terror. If forced, it can fight, but it suffers a penalty of -1 to all attacks, damage, and saving throw rolls.
==== Secret Chest ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Range:**|See below|
|**Duration:**|60 days|
|**Area of Effect:**|One chest or box, 12 cubic-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell allows the magic user to shift a magically crafted treasure chest into the æthereal plane, where it will be safe from those who might seek to steal the caster's possessions. The chest itself must be crafted of the finest materials in order to support the spell's magic, and it will cost a minimum of 5,000 gp to have a craftsman or craftsmen build it, together with a second, miniature copy. When the magic user casts the spell, one hand upon the chest and one upon the miniature, the chest disappears into the æthereal plane, together with its contents. These contents may be up to one cubic foot of material per caster level (and no more than this) regardless of the chest's actual volume. If the chest contains any living matter, there is a 75% chance that the spell will completely fail, although if it should succeed, the living creature will be imprisoned in the æthereal plane until freed. The caster (and only the caster) can use the miniature chest to pull the larger one from the æther wherever he or she might be. It is possible, although not likely, that some æthereal creature or æthereal traveller might happen upon the chest while it is in the æthereal plane. So long as the chest remains in the æthereal plane, the magic user will still be able to retrieve it (although it may have been looted). No creature on the material plane has any chance using any magic known to humanity to locate a secret chest that has been hidden in the æthereal plane by means of this spell. After the spell duration expires, there is a cumulative 1 in 20 chance per day that the spell's link to the chest will fail, and the chest will be irrecoverable.
==== Shape Change ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 9|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster`|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Upon casting this spell, the magic user becomes able to change shape almost at will (each change takes one segment, and incurs no system shock check). The caster retains his or her own mind and hit points, but assumes the magical properties of the shape-changed form as well as its physical capabilities. The spell does not allow the caster to assume the form of any greater creature native to another plane of existence, but virtually any other form can be assumed, from a tree to an insect to a treasure chest to a dragon. The material component of the spell is a piece of jewellery worth 5,000 gp.
==== Shatter ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell causes an item to shatter into pieces. It can affect objects of up to 10 lbs weight per caster level. Only brittle materials are affected by the spell (glass, earthenware, etc.) excluding magical items of any kind. The item is permitted a saving throw against a crushing blow to avoid destruction.
==== Shield ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|5 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the caster creates an invisible barrier of magical force. //Magic missiles// cannot penetrate the barrier at all. The magic user gains an armour class of 2 against any hurled weapon, armour class of 3 against propelled weapons such as arrows, and armour class of 4 against all other attacks. All saving throws against frontal attacks (by wands, dragon breath, etc.) are made at +1 during the spell's duration. The shield is a frontal defence and grants no benefits against attacks from behind or from the rear flanks.
==== Shocking Grasp ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|1 round|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell imbues the caster's hand with a powerful electrical charge that the magic user may use to deliver a deadly shock. The electrical charge can be delivered either by a direct touch (requiring a successful attack roll) or through a conductive material such as metal. This spell is not powerful enough to deliver a dangerous shock through any significant volume of water, but a small quantity of water (a shallow puddle, for instance) could be used as a suitable conductor. The shocking grasp inflicts 1d8 hp of damage, +1 hp per level of the caster.
==== Simulacrum ====
//Arcane Illusion/ Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous (permanent)|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 day|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This eerie spell permits the magic user to make a living duplicate of another creature using ice or snow as the raw material of the duplicate's substance. The simulacrum is identical in appearance to the original in even the minutest detail, although there are many differences in other respects. The simulacrum will always be weaker than the original, having only half of the original hit points and a lower level of experience (1d4+1×10%). The simulacrum does not have its own personality; it is under the caster's control and has no volition without the caster's spoken command. A simulacrum can be improved by the use of other spells; a //reincarnation// spell will provide it with its own personality, and a //limited wish// may be used to give it the original's personality and 40-60% of the original's memories. Casting the spell requires material components of 1,000 gp in value, and a part (even so small as a piece of hair) of the creature to be duplicated.
==== Sleep ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|5 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell affects a circular area with a 15-ft radius. A number of creatures within this radius (determined by their HD) fall into a deep magical slumber with no saving throw allowed. Magically sleeping creatures may be killed or tied up at a rate of one per round by a single person, or can be attacked at twice the normal rate with an automatic hit for maximum damage, if the attacker chooses not to kill or bind them. A sleeping creature requires a full round to waken and must be shaken or slapped to bring it to consciousness; mere noise, however loud, will not disturb the enchanted slumber of a //sleep// spell's victim. The number of enemies affected by the //spell// is a function of their hit dice. If there are creatures of different hit dice in the area, the weaker ones will be affected first. Creatures with hit dice over 4+4 are not affected by the spell.
**Sleep Spell Effectiveness**** (magic user level1)**
| **Hit Dice of Victim** | **Number Affected** |
| 1 or less | 4d4 |
| 1+ to 2 | 2d4 |
| 2+ to 3 | 1d4 |
| 3+ to 4 | 1d2 |
| 4+1 to 4+4 | 0 or 1 (d2-1) |
==== Slow ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|3 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 creature/level in a 40-ft×40-ft area|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell acts upon its targets to slow down their movements, or can be used to negate the effects of a haste spell. Any creature affected by a slow spell will find that it can only move at half normal speed and attack at half its normal rate. The spell may be cast upon up to 1 creature/caster level, but all must be within the area of the spell's area of effect at the time of casting. If more than one slow spell is cast upon the same subject, the effects of the two spells will be cumulative.
==== Spell Immunity ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level, divided among recipients|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature/ 4 levels|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round/ recipient|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell confers tremendous protection against magical attacks that affect the mind. A creature warded by this spell gains a +8 bonus to such saving throws. The caster may divide the spell's duration among as many recipients as his or her caster level divided by four. The material component for this spell is a gem of any kind or size.
==== Spider Climb ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|1 round+1 round/ evel|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
When the magic user casts this spell, the recipient's bare hands and feet become sticky enough to allow him or her to climb walls and even crawl along a ceiling. The movement rate for such climbing is 30-ft per round. The subject of this spell will find it difficult to employ tools or handle small objects with precision while the spell is in effect.
==== Spirit-Rack ====
//Arcane Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One fiend|
|**Casting Time:**|8d6 hours|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is used to utterly banish a particular demon, devil, or the like to its home plane of existence for a number of years equal to the caster's level. To cast the spell, the magic user must know the fiendish creature's name, and inscribe it into a scroll, the preparation of which requires 8d6 hours and the expenditure of at least 5,000 gp. Once the spell is cast, if the scroll is read aloud by the caster in the fiend's presence it will have the effects described below. A caster can create no more than one scroll for any particular fiend and can only keep three such scrolls in existence at any one time; the magic of one will fade if a fourth is created.
When the caster speaks the first words of the scroll in the fiend's presence, the demon is immediately held in place (unless its innate magic resistance allows it to escape this effect). Even if the fiend's magic resistance protects it, the words of the scroll cause considerable agony, and if the creature has the ability to escape it is only 10% likely to remain and try to stop the final reading (0% likelihood if it has no means of attacking the magic user, gaining possession of the scroll, or otherwise influencing events in its favour). After one full minute of reading the scroll (i.e., in the second round), the fiend loses 1 hp/ hit die from pain. In the third round, the fiend loses 50% of its remaining hit points from the agony caused by the words of the scroll. After the third round of reading, the fiend is banished to its home plane, where it writhes in agony for a period of years equal to the caster's level.
Obviously, any fiend caught with this ritual will seek to negotiate its way out; the GM will determine probabilities based on the fiend's goals and personality, but the base likelihood will be roughly 25% per round that the fiend will agree to perform a task for the caster in exchange for nothing more than the cessation of the ritual.
==== Statue ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Duration:**|6 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
The //statue// spell allows the caster or other recipient of the spell to turn, apparently, into a statue made of stone. The creature can still utilize all of its senses, although the sense of touch is dulled, and only actual damage to the stone is felt. The ensorcelled creature can shift in and out of the statue form in one second and is not limited to one such shift in a single round. During the initial transformation, the creature must make a special system shock roll with a flat 82% chance of success, with a +1 for every point of constitution the creature possesses (100% chance at Con 18). Failing this roll means that the creature dies. The statue does radiate magic slightly and can be detected in this manner as well as with other similar divination spells or items. The initial transformation requires a full round. Damage that actually manages to hurt the stone statue will be incurred by the creature, but the stone is as hard and durable as granite and not easy to chip or break.
==== Stinking Cloud ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft radius spherical cloud|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell creates a nauseating cloud of vapours to billow forth in a location chosen by the caster. All creatures caught within (or later entering) the noxious cloud must make saving throws. Any creature failing to save will be completely unable to act for 1d4+1 rounds, falling to the ground retching and gagging (treated as stunned). A creature that succeeds in making the saving throw may move from within the cloud and be free of the effects after only one round of gasping fresh air (again, being treated as stunned for this round). Even creatures that succeed in making a saving throw cannot do anything within the cloud other than to leave as fast as possible.
==== Stone Shape ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 cubic-ft/level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The magic user moulds stone by the power of his or her will, shaping it into whatever object or form he or she desires, from a weapon to a sculpture to an ornate stone footstool. Whether used to decorate the wizard's tower with gargoyles or to make an escape hole from a stone prison, this spell is extremely versatile and useful.
==== Stone to Flesh (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell transforms stone into flesh, or vice versa if the caster has elected to memorise the reversed version, //flesh to stone//. A creature that has been turned to stone will be returned to its normal state (provided that a system shock roll is successful). If the spell is used upon normal stone (as opposed to restoring a petrified creature), up to 9 cubic-ft/caster level may be transformed. A saving throw is permitted only against the spell's reverse,// flesh to stone//.
==== Strength ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|6 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One person|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell increases a person's strength (affecting the same sorts of creatures as hold person). The recipient's strength increases by 1d6, and members of the various fighter-type classes gain a +1 to this roll. If the spell is cast upon a monster (such as an orc), the GM is free to rule for convenience that the effect of the spell is to grant +1 to damage, and if the d6 roll is a 5 or 6, a +1 "to hit" as well.
==== Suggestion ====
//Arcane Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|6 turns+6 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None (negates)|
This spell empowers the caster to suggest facts or courses of action with an almost unavoidable power of persuasion. Factual suggestions ("These are not the halflings you seek"), suggestions of a course of action ("You won't mention you saw us, I have no doubt"), or a combination of both are possible. Even a victim who has failed a saving throw against the spell will not undertake a course of action that is palpably unreasonable, but the experienced caster can easily phrase his or her requests in such a way as to avoid this problem. No creature will leap off a cliff for no reason; but the caster might need to scout the bottom of a chasm and promise to cast a //feather fall// spell, or hand the victim a "magical" torch that supposedly permits the power of flight. The creature to be influenced must be able to hear and understand the language spoken by the caster.
==== Symbol ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|8 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
The //symbol// spell is used to enchant magical runes written on a surface. Any creature that passes by, over, or under the rune; touches it; or reads it will be affected by its magic. There are numerous symbols that can be created with this spell. Those best known are as follows:
**Symbol of Death:** Creatures with hit points totalling not more than 80 are slain.
**Symbol of Discord:** All creatures in the area begin arguing with one another. Those that do not share the same alignment have a 50% chance of actually fighting one another. The duration of the effect is 5d4 rounds, but if a fight breaks out, the duration is reduced to 2d4 rounds.
**Symbol of Fear:** As per //fear// spell, but save at -4.
**Symbol of Hopelessness:** Creatures that fail to save vs spells are affected by deep depression for 3d4 turns. Each round during this period they act randomly, not acting at all (25%), or walking away from the symbol (75%), even if this means breaking off from combat. Such creatures will submit to any demand made by an enemy or ally, including a command to surrender.
**Symbol of Insanity:** Creatures with total hit points of not more than 120 are affected by lunacy, acting per the random actions described in the confusion spell. The effect is permanent (or until removed by magical means).
**Symbol of Pain:** Any creature triggering the symbol is subjected to horrible pain, losing 2 points of dexterity and gaining a penalty of -4 on all "to hit" rolls for a period of 2d10 turns.
**Symbol of Sleep:** This symbol causes any creature of 8+1 HD or less to fall into an enchanted slumber; it is impossible to awaken the victims for 4d4+1 turns.
**Symbol of Stunning:** Creatures with a total of 160 or fewer hit points are stunned for 3d4 rounds, dropping whatever they are holding.
Material components for this spell cost at least 10,000 gp.
==== Telekinesis ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds+1/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|25 lbs/level|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell allows the caster to move objects through force of will, up to a weight limit of 25 lbs per level. An object can be accelerated to a deadly velocity over the course of a few minutes. The base speed is 20-ft/round, but the caster can double this speed every round (to 40-ft, then 80-ft, then 160-ft) to a maximum of 102,400-ft/round (1,706-ft/second). For every 2,000-ft/round that an object is travelling, it will sustain 1d6 damage if it strikes another object. The spell allows an object to be moved in any direction, horizontally or vertically.
==== Teleport ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Area of Effect:**|250 lbs+150/level over 10th|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The //teleport// spell permits the caster to transport him- or herself, and any additional weight he or she can carry, instantly from one place to another. The magic user must be familiar with the destination (see below), but there is no effective range to the spell, although it does not permit travel to other planes.
| **Familiarity** | **On Target** | **Off Target** | **Similar Area** | **Mishap** |
| Very familiar | 01-97 | 98-99 | 100 | -- |
| Studied carefully | 01-94 | 95-97 | 98-99 | 100 |
| Seen casually | 01-88 | 89-94 | 95-96 | 97-100 |
| Viewed once | 01-76 | 77-88 | 89-90 | 99-100 |
| False destination | (1d20+80) | -- | 81-92 | 93-100 |
To see how well the teleportation works, the player will roll d% and consult the preceding table. Refer to the following information for definitions of the terms contained in table:
**Familiarity:** "Very familiar" is a place where the caster has been very often and feels at home. "Studied carefully" is a place the caster knows well, either because he or she can currently see it, has been there often, or has used other means (such as scrying) to study the place for at least one hour. "Seen casually" is a place that the caster has seen more than once but with which he or she is not very familiar. "Viewed once" is a place that the caster has seen once, possibly using magic. "False destination" is a place that does not truly exist, or if the caster is teleporting to an otherwise familiar location that no longer exists as such, or has been so completely altered as to no longer be considered "familiar."
When travelling to a false destination, the player rolls 1d20+80 on the table rather than rolling d%, as there is no real destination.
**On Target:** The caster appears in the correct location.
**Off Target:** The caster appears safely, a random distance away from the destination in a random direction. Distance off target is 1d10×1d10% of the distance that was to be travelled. The direction off target is determined randomly
**Similar Area:** The caster winds up in an area that is visually or thematically (depending on how the caster identified it while casting) similar to the target area. It is possible (25% chance) that this result will indicate that the correct location has been reached but that the caster and party will arrive too high, falling 1-ft to 100-ft unless there is means to arrest the fall. If the party arrives too high and the result would entomb them in a solid surface, they die instantly. Generally, the caster will appear in the closest similar place within range. If no such area exists within the spell's range, the spell simply fails.
**Mishap:** The caster and anyone else teleporting with him or her arrive beneath the destination point, causing instant death if the area is solid.
==== Temporal Stasis (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 9|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell places the victim into a magical sleep so deep that it is akin to suspended animation. The victim does not age or change in any way and does not need to breathe or eat. The sleep lasts until the victim is awakened by the use of //dispel magic// or the spell's reverse form.
==== Time Stop ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 9|
|**Duration:**|1 segment/ 2 levels+1d8 segments|
|**Area of Effect:**|15-ft radius sphere|
|**Casting Time:**|9 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell allows the caster to act between two moments of time, in a bubble where the outside is frozen in place, not moving in the flow of time's passage. The spell's common name is a misnomer, for time does not actually stop; rather the caster simply gains a few "extra" moments, captured in between the points of time's normal passage. Effectively, the caster simply gains the duration of the spell as extra time in which he or she may perform whatever actions he or she wishes, while the rest of the universe is effectively frozen relative to the caster.
==== Tiny Hut ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|6 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|5-ft radius sphere|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell causes a bubble of magical force to form around the caster. The field will extend through solid substances if necessary, providing a complete sphere of protection even against burrowing creatures. When the caster stands on the ground, the sphere will thus appear to be a hemisphere, with half of it beneath the ground. The field's outside surface is not transparent and is usually a dark amber colour, but anyone inside the sphere can see through to the outside as if the force field did not exist. The spell provides protection against inclement winds and temperature within a certain range, but offers no protection against attacks from outside. Anyone can pass into and out of the hut, and up to 6 medium-sized or 8 small creatures can shelter inside with the caster. If the caster leaves the hut, the spell ends.
Inside the hut, the inhabitants will not feel winds of up to 50 mph, which are completely blocked by the bubble of force, but if the wind reaches gale force of 50 mph the tiny hut will be shredded into oblivion. The temperature inside the hut remains at a pleasant 70-deg Fahrenheit for so long as the outside temperature remains in a range from 0 to 100-deg. For every degree of outside temperature beyond this range, the temperature inside the hut will rise or fall accordingly from 70-deg. The caster may illuminate the inside of the hut with a dim, ambient light that will not, of course, show to the outside.
==== Tongues (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Within the radius established by this spell, the caster, and the caster alone, will be able to speak and understand any verbal language, including alignment tongues. Note that the spell's area of effect does not move with the caster. The reverse of the spell makes any verbal communication impossible for any person (not just the caster) in the spell's area, or may be used to cancel out the effects of the //tongues// spell.
==== Transformation ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 6|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Upon the completion of this spell, the caster's form and mind alter as he or she takes on the spirit and attributes of a powerful berserker warrior. The caster's existing hit points are doubled, and any damage sustained is first deducted from the "additional" hit points with no deduction from the "true" hit points until the additional hit points are gone. Once the additional hit points are gone, however, the caster sustains twice normal damage from attacks. The caster's armour class improves by four points, and he or she attacks as a fighter of the same level. The transformed magic user may only use a dagger as a weapon while in this berserk state, but may attack twice per round, inflicting a +2 bonus on all damage. The magic user cannot cancel the effects of this spell, and will continue to attack until all enemies are killed or the spell duration ends. In order to cast this spell, the magic user must consume a //**potion of heroism**//.
==== Transmute Rock to Mud ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft cube/level|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell transforms solid rock into mud, the volume transformed being proportionate to the caster's level. Any volume of mud will sink until its depth is equal to about one half the pool's diameter. If this spell is cast upon a ceiling, the resulting volume of mud will immediately collapse, possibly trapping or suffocating those caught beneath. Similarly, if a floor is turned to mud, creatures standing in the area will sink and may be trapped. If //dispel magic// is cast upon the mud before it eventually dries into dirt, the mud will return to stone, but in the shape and location of the mud (i.e., a collapsed ceiling will not return to its original place; it will be frozen back into stone where it collapsed). The spell's reverse transforms mud into sandstone or a similar sedimentary rock.
==== Trap the Soul ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 8|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|See below|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell traps a victim's soul within a gem for eternity unless the prisoner is rescued. The prison must be prepared ahead of time, by the use of various spells and rituals costing 1,000 gp per level or hit die of the creature to be trapped. The trap may be sprung by either of two methods: either speaking the final word of the spell (which requires one segment and grants the target a saving throw) or persuading the victim to accept a pre-prepared trigger item (in which case no saving throw is permitted--the imprisonment is automatic). When a being is freed from imprisonment, even player characters, the being that has performed the rescue may demand a service or task from the freed prisoner. For unknown reasons, the request affects the prisoner in the same manner as a //geas//.
==== Unseen Servant ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|6 turns+1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft radius around spell caster|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the caster summons a mindless magical force to perform simple tasks. The servant can fetch and carry things, open doors, hold chairs, clean, mend, etc. It will continue at its assigned task until it is given another command. An unseen servant cannot exert force of more than twenty lbs. Unseen servants can neither attack nor move beyond the spell's area of effect.
==== Vanish ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 7|
|**Duration:**|Instantaneous or permanent--see below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The caster's magic words cause an object to vanish, either being teleported away or shifted into the æthereal plane and replaced with stone on the material plane. The caster can teleport an object that weighs no more than 50 lbs per caster level to a location of his or her choice (subject to the normal rules of a //teleport// spell). If the object is larger, or if the caster chooses not to change its location, he may instead shift the object into the æthereal plane, to be replaced with shapeless stone. A //dispel magic// cast upon such stone will return the object to the material plane. Items that are part of larger structures, such as doors or windows, may be caused to vanish.
==== Ventriloquism ====
//Arcane Illusion/Phantasm//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Range:**|10-ft/level (max. 60-ft)|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
The caster makes his or her voice (or any sound he or she can vocalize) seem to issue from someplace else, such as from another creature, a statue, from behind a door, down a passage, etc. For each point of intelligence of the listener over 12, there is a cumulative 10% chance to correctly perceive the source of the sound.
==== Wall of Fire ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A magic user's //wall of fire// does base damage of 2d6 hit points plus 1 hp/level. If the wall is configured as a ring its radius will be 10-ft+3-ft/level. In all other respects, the spell resembles the druidic spell //wall of fire//.
==== Wall of Force ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Duration:**|1 turn+1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft square/level|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A //wall of force is// a barrier of magical power, invisible but virtually impervious to all attacks, blocking almost anything from passing through it. The wall is utterly unaffected by physical attacks and spells, including dispel magic, and all forms of energy, such as electricity, heat, and cold. The only way actually to destroy a wall of force is with a disintegrate spell. The wall remains in place even if the ground beneath it is destroyed or transformed, hanging magically in place where it was evoked.
==== Wall of Ice ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Wall, area 100 square-ft/level, 10-ft thick/level|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A //wall of ice// spell creates a huge wall of ice, with a front face of up to 100 square-ft per level. Its exact dimensions are adjustable by the caster. Thus, if the wall is cast by a 20th level caster, the dimensions of the wall could be any combination of dimensions that multiply to equal 2,000 square-ft. The wall might be 10-ft high and 200-ft long, or 5-ft high and 400-ft long, or 20-ft high and 100-ft long, etc. The wall need not be cast so that it is attached to anything, and it can even be cast in the air to fall upon opponents, doing 3d10 points of damage in the area where it falls. Breaking through the ice with a melee weapon causes 2 hit points of damage from ice shards per inch of thickness, and can be broken out at a rate of 10-ft per round. Normal fire has no measurable effect upon the wall, but magical fire will melt through it in one round. If the wall is destroyed by fire in a single round, it will cause a massive cloud of water vapour to form and linger for a full turn, obscuring vision by 50%.
==== Wall of Iron ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Area of Effect:**|15-ft×15-ft square/level|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By casting wall of iron, the magic user creates a sheet of solid iron, one quarter of an inch thick per caster level, with dimensions of 15 square-ft/caster level. The configuration of the square footage is determined by the caster, but must be rectangular. The wall must be vertical if it is created upon the ground, but may be created horizontally in the air, falling to crush whatever is beneath. The wall is natural iron and can be affected by rust or transmutations, but its existence is magical and may be dispelled.
==== Wall of Stone ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 5|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft×20-ft square/level|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
When the spell is completed, a wall of stone is called into being, sprouting from existing stone formations. In order for the spell to succeed, there must be existing rock large enough to serve as the anchor on each side of the wall. No rock from the foundation is consumed; the wall's stone is created from nothing, but needs existing rock from which to emerge and with which to meld. The wall itself is one quarter of an inch thick for each level of the magic user and has an area of 20-ft×20-ft per caster level. The wall need not be vertical, but must be anchored--a bridge is a good example of a way to create and use a horizontal wall of stone. The wall may be dispelled, but otherwise has all the characteristics of natural stone.
==== Water Breathing (Reversible) ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 3|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell grants the ability to breathe underwater while the spell lasts. The reverse of the spell allows a water-breathing creature to breathe in the air.
==== Web ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Duration:**|2 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|80 cubic-ft between anchoring points|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell causes a mass of tough, sticky webs to appear, filling in any open spaces where the webs can be anchored on both sides (floor and ceiling, between walls, etc.), up to the maximum of the spell's area of effect. Any creature in the area must make a saving throw at a penalty of -2. The effect of a successful saving throw depends upon how close the target is to the edge of the area of effect; if the creature is within five ft of the edge of the spell's area of effect, the creature has jumped free and is not affected by the web. If the creature is not within five ft of the edge and makes its save, that creature will be able to fight its way through the web at twice normal speed (at a rate of 1-ft per turn if its strength is less than 13) and will have no chance of suffocating. No creature within the area of effect, whether a saving throw is made or not, can cast spells or attack. Any creature that fails its saving throw has a cumulative 5% chance of suffocating per turn. Creatures with a strength of less than 13 that fail the saving throw are trapped within the web and cannot move or act at all. Creatures with a strength of 13-17 are capable of moving through 1-ft of webs per turn. A creature with strength 18+ can move through the web at a rate of 10-ft per turn, and creatures such as dragons virtually ignore the webs, breaking through at a rate of 100-ft per turn. The strands of a //web// spell are very flammable. If they are ignited, fire will flash through the entire web, dealing 2d4 points of damage to all creatures within and burning away the webs.
==== Wish ====
//Arcane Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Magic user 9|
|**Duration:**|Varies (GM discretion)|
|**Area of Effect:**|Varies (GM discretion)|
|**Casting Time:**|Varies (GM discretion)|
|**Saving Throw:**|Varies (GM discretion)|
A //wish// spell is the true version of //limited wish//, an extraordinarily potent invocation of eldritch power. After casting a //wish// spell, the caster will be weakened considerably, requiring 2d4 days of bed rest. The only exception to this is when the wish is used for transport, healing, or resurrection of the dead. In general, the exact wording of the //wish// is carried out regardless of its intent, but the GM will not normally be stringent upon this point unless the wish is an attempt to overreach the spell's power.
In the case of unreasonable wishes, the GM may decide to follow the wording of the spell precisely but pervert the intent, limit the duration of the spell to a very limited time (perhaps mere seconds!) or simply rule that the whole spell fails.
The guideline here is that wishes are granted by someone or something, which may or may not be kindly disposed to the player characters. The more greedy or selfish a wish, the greater the chance that a mischievous or actually evil power will take the opportunity to teach this upstart mortal a lesson.
==== Wizard Eye ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 4|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Magical eye|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The //wizard eye// is a// //scrying spell allowing the wizard to create a material (but invisible) visual organ that transmits to the caster whatever it sees. The eye has infravision with a range of 100-ft and can see at a distance of 600-ft in normal lighting. The eye travels at a rate of 30-ft per round if it is not scrutinising its surroundings closely, but can proceed no faster than 10-ft per round if it is examining floors, ceilings, and walls. The magic user can detect secret doors through the eye as per his or her normal chance, but cannot view through the eye with any special vision the magic user has, for the eye's vision is limited to its own sensory capabilities. The eye cannot pass through solid substances, but it can move through a hole no more than an inch in diameter.
==== Wizard Lock ====
//Arcane Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Magic user 2|
|**Area of Effect:**|30 square-ft/level|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A //wizard lock// spell functions similarly to a powerful //hold portal// spell, except that extra-dimensional creatures cannot pass through a //wizard lock// as they can a //held portal//.
==== Write ====
//Arcane Evocation//
|**Level:**|Magic user 1|
|**Duration:**|1 hour/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|1 round|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell enables the magic user to make a written copy of a spell he or she cannot yet cast, a somewhat dangerous proposition. In order to succeed in this task, the caster must make a saving throw vs spells, with a modifier determined by the difficulty of the spell being transcribed. If the spell is up to one level higher than the magic user can cast, the saving throw is made at +2. If the spell is two levels higher than the magic user can cast, there is no bonus or penalty to the saving throw. If the spell is more than 2 levels higher than the magic user can cast, each additional level adds a -1 penalty. If the magic user fails this saving throw, the spell is not successfully copied, the caster takes 1d4 points of damage for each level of the spell, and he or she is knocked unconscious for 1 turn per hit point sustained thereby. The damage sustained cannot be healed more quickly than 4 hp per day, even with the assistance of magical healing. If the saving throw is successful, the magic user may copy the spell, which takes one hour per level of the spell. The material component is ink costing at least 200 gp.
===== Illusionist Spells =====
Unlike clerical and druidic spells, illusionist spells (also known as Phantasmal spells in the OSRIC system) do not require any special material components. There are some illusionist spells that can be cast within the area of effect of a silence spell, since they have no verbal component.
==== Alter Reality ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 7|
|**Duration:**|Varies (GM discretion|
|**Area of Effect:**|Varies (GM discretion)|
|**Components:**|Varies (GM discretion)|
|**Casting Time:**|Varies (GM discretion)|
|**Saving Throw:**|Varies (GM discretion)|
This spell has the same effect as the magic user spell //limited wish//, but requires the creation of a //phantasmal force// prior to casting, which serves as a focus for the spell.
==== Arcane Spells, Level 1 ====
|**Level:**|Illusionist 7|
|**Range:**|See below|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Components:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|See below|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell enables the illusionist to memorise several first level magic user spells in place of one seventh level illusionist spell. The illusionist may substitute a number of magic user spells equal to his or her level minus ten (4 at 14th level, 5 at 15th level, etc.). The mage spells must be chosen at the same time as the //Arcane Spells, Level 1// spell is memorised.
==== Astral Spell ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 7|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One to six creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|3 turns|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Astral spell// allows the caster and up to five companions to leave their material bodies and travel through the astral plane to other planes of existence. As the spell is cast, the character's material body enters a trance-like state of suspended animation while his or her consciousness enters the astral plane. The astral plane is a nexus with other planes of existence beyond, and the caster may choose to enter these other planes of existence. If a character does transcend from the astral into another plane, he or she becomes a physical manifestation in that existence, forming a duplicate body identical to the one left in stasis back in the material plane. It is possible to travel astrally to other locations in the material plane, but a new body cannot be formed in a plane where the character already has a physical manifestation. While travelling in the astral plane, and after a new physical manifestation has formed on a plane beyond the astral, the character remains connected to his or her original body by a "silver cord," an invisible, mystical link. If the silver cord is broken or severed (some threats in the astral plane can cause this to happen), the character dies, both on the material plane and in astral form.
Most magic items lose some or all of their power on the astral plane. Unless an item's magical qualities are imbued so deeply as to exist in many planes, an astral traveller's physical manifestation on another plane will be equipped with only the unenchanted substance of otherwise magic items and weapons.
==== Audible Glamour ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 1|
|**Duration:**|3 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Hearing range|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell is, as its name suggests, the creation of illusory sounds. The caster designates a focal point for the spell, which must, of course, be within the spell's range. The focal point can be moved by the caster at will until the spell's duration expires. The spell can create any type of sound, but the maximum volume of the noise depends upon the caster's level. A third level caster can produce the noise of 4 people shouting (or acting more quietly). Each additional caster level allows the caster to add the sound of four more people into the illusion. As a benchmark, the sound of an explosion or landslide would require a caster level of approximately 8th. Listeners are only entitled to saving throws if they have cause to doubt the apparent sounds. Players must state such disbelief, while the GM will make such determinations for monsters and NPCs based on the plausibility of the audible glamour.
==== Blindness ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 2|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell causes the subject to become blind, but causes no damage to the eyes themselves. The effect cannot be removed by any spell that restores physical health (such as a healing spell, //cure disease//, etc), but may be dispelled normally. The caster can end the condition at will.
==== Blur ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 2|
|**Duration:**|3 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The illusionist's outline becomes blurred, as if seen through shimmering waves of heat. In consequence, the illusionist gains a bonus of +1 against any targeted magical attack. Additionally, any opponent's first attack against the illusionist will incur a penalty of -4, and subsequent attacks incur a penalty of -2 (after one attack, the opponent has become accustomed to the spell's distorting effect).
==== Change Self ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 1|
|**Duration:**|2d6 rounds+2rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the illusionist changes his or her appearance into any bipedal humanoid form (although size and weight can only be altered by one foot and 50 lbs, respectively). The illusionist's face, of course, may be changed as desired, including alterations to make him or her appear identical to an existing person.
==== Chaos ====
//Phantasmal Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 5|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Up to 40-ft×40-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell causes a number of creatures in the spell's area of effect to behave strangely and unpredictably. All creatures in the spell's area of effect become confused (see below for effect), and only illusionists, fighters, and creatures with an intelligence of 4 or lower are entitled to a saving throw at all. Those entitled to a saving throw must check each round to avoid becoming confused. Creatures that fail their saving throws (if entitled to one at all) act randomly in accordance with the following table:
| **d%** | **Action** |
| 01-10 | Attacks the illusionist or his or her allies |
| 11-20 | Acts normally |
| 21-50 | Babbles incoherently |
| 51-70 | Meanders away from caster for a full turn |
| 71-00 | Attacks nearest creature |
**Note:** A creature that meanders away is not entitled to further saving throws, but will be freed from the spell's effects after taking a full turn of movement (at normal speed) away from the caster.
==== Colour Spray ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 1|
|**Duration:**|1 segment|
|**Area of Effect:**|Cone, 5-ft wide at origin, 45% arc, 10-ft/level long|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
The caster fans out his or her fingers, and a sheet of unearthly-coloured light springs forth. 1d6 creatures caught within the light may be affected, and the spell can only affect 1 hit die of creatures per caster level. Creatures with HD equal to or less than the caster's are rendered unconscious by the burst of colours. If the creature's hit dice exceed the caster's by 1-2, the creature is blinded for 1d4 rounds. If the creature has 3+ hit dice in excess of the caster's, it is merely stunned for 2d4 segments. Any creature with hit dice exceeding the caster's (and creatures or 6+ HD regardless of the caster's level) are entitled to a saving throw.
==== Confusion ====
//Phantasmal Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 4|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Up to 40-ft×40-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell causes creatures to behave strangely and unpredictably. A certain number of creatures in the spell's area of effect must make a saving throw each round in order to avoid becoming confused. The base number of creatures is 2d8, but additional creatures may be affected; if the caster's level is higher than the HD of the strongest opponent, the difference is the number of additional creatures that must make saving throws. This spell is extremely powerful; all saving throws are made with a penalty of -2. Creatures that fail their saving throws (check each round) act randomly in accordance with the following table:
| **d%** |**Action**|
| 01-10 |Attacks the druid or his or her allies|
| 11-20 |Acts normally|
| 21-50 |Babbles incoherently|
| 51-70 |Meanders away from caster for a full turn|
| 71-00 |Attacks nearest creature|
**Note:** A creature that meanders away is not entitled to further saving throws, but will be freed from the spell's effects after taking a full turn of movement (at normal speed) away from the caster.
==== Conjure Animals ====
//Phantasmal Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 6|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Conjured creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
A caster may use this spell to conjure animal allies from thin air and order them into combat. The total hit dice of summoned animals cannot exceed the caster's level, and the animals must all be of the same type. This spell will only summon mammals, although giant or prehistoric forms of normal mammals may be conjured if these are present within a few miles of the caster. The GM determines the specific type of animal that appears.
==== Continual Darkness ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 3|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft radius globe|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell creates an area of utter lightlessness, a magical darkness that prevents all natural vision, even infravision. The spell's effect is neutralised by (and neutralises) the counteracting effect of a light or continual light spell.
==== Continual Light ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 3|
|**Area of Effect:**|60-ft radius globe|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell brings into being a bright, magical illumination almost sufficient to rival the light of day. In some respects the spell is identical to the spell light, but its effects are permanent until dispelled. The light cast is greater than that produced by a //light spell//, extending 60-ft into the darkness.
By casting the spell upon an enemy's eyes or other organs of sight, the caster may blind the spell's subject, causing the same penalties as if the creature were blinded by a light spell. In this instance, a saving throw is permitted, and if it is successful the spell's effect will centre upon the area immediately behind the targeted creature.
==== Dancing Lights ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 1|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|60-ft radius globe|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell creates small lights at a chosen distance, under the caster's control. It may create 1-4 (at his or her option) torch-like lights, 1-4 (at his or her option) spherical lights, or a single, faintly human-like glow. The lights move at the caster's mental command, without any particular concentration required. If the caster allows the lights to move beyond the spell's range, the lights will disappear and the spell will end.
==== Darkness ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 1|
|**Duration:**|2d4 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|15-ft radius globe|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell creates an area of utter lightlessness, a magical darkness that prevents all natural vision, even infravision. The spell's effect is neutralised by (and neutralises) the counteracting effect of a light or continual light spell.
==== Deafness ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 2|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell is similar to the illusionist's //blindness// spell, but causes deafness. The effect is permanent until removed by //dispel magic//, though it can be removed by the caster at any time.
==== Demi-Shadow Magic ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 6|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell allows the illusionist to "cast" a quasi-real version of any one of the following arcane spells: //cloudkill//, //cone of cold//, //magic missile//, //fireball//, //lighting bolt//, //wall of fire//, //wall of ice.// If a victim fails a saving throw vs spells, the illusion will function as a real version of that spell with regard to the victim. If the saving throw is successful, it will still have a lessened effect due to its quasi-real nature. The offensive spells will inflict 2 hit points per caster level, the wall spells will inflict 1d4 hit points per caster level, and the //cloudkill// will only kill creatures of fewer than 2 hit dice (no saving throw).
==== Demi-Shadow Monsters ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 5|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft×20-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell creates partially-real illusory monsters in the same manner as the spell shadow monsters, but the demi-shadow monsters have 40% of normal hit points rather than 20%; if they are detected as only quasi-real, they inflict 40% of normal damage and are AC 8.
==== Detect Illusion ====
//Phantasmal Divination//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 1|
|**Duration:**|3 rounds+2 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Path 10-ft wide, 10-ft/level long|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the caster sees any illusion for what it truly is. By touching an illusion, the caster can make its true form visible to any observer.
==== Detect Invisibility ====
//Phantasmal Divination//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 1|
|**Duration:**|5 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell allows the caster to see that which is invisible or hidden, and also to perceive the astral and æthereal planes.
The spell's sight is limited to the stated range of 10-ft/caster level.
==== Detect Magic ====
//Phantasmal Divination//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 2|
|**Duration:**|2 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Path 10-ft wide, 60-ft long|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
//Detect magic //creates a tunnel of magical vision in a path 10-ft wide and 60-ft long, in which the caster sees the aura of any magic item as a glowing blue nimbus. The spell's effect is blocked by solid wood 3-ft thick, by stone 1-ft thick, and by solid metal 1 inch thick. The caster can only scan a 60° arc during the course of a round: turning more quickly does not allow magic auras enough time to form in their vision.
==== Dispel Exhaustion ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 4|
|**Duration:**|3 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Up to 4 creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell creates a powerful illusion of physical health. Recipients "gain" 50% of any hit points that have been lost, and function for all intents and purposes as if these hit points are real. The illusory hit points are the first to be subtracted if the character sustains damage. At the end of the spell's duration, the remaining illusory hit points are lost. Additionally, any character under the influence of this spell can move (but not attack) at double the normal speed.
==== Dispel Illusion ====
//Phantasmal Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 3|
|**Area of Effect:**|One illusion|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell automatically dispels //phantasmal forces// cast by non-illusionists. All other illusion spells are treated as if this spell were a //dispel magic// (i.e., with a 50% base chance to dispel, adjusted up or down by 2% or 5% respectively, based on relative caster levels).
==== Emotion ====
//Phantasmal Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 4|
|**Duration:**|Until concentration ceases|
|**Area of Effect:**|Up to 40-ft×40-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
By casting this spell, the illusionist is able to instil others with one of four powerful emotions, each with a different effect, as described below:
**Fear:** If the illusionist chooses to instil fear, the spell's effect is similar to that of the fear spell, but with a -2 penalty applied to saving throws.
**Hate:** If the illusionist instils hate, the targets gain a +2 to saving throws, attacks, and damage.
**Hopelessness:** The illusionist causes despair in the target creatures, who will wander sadly away or surrender in the face of a challenge such as a combat.
**Rage:** Creatures affected by rage attack at +1, gain a damage bonus of +3, and gain a bonus of 5 temporary hit points. Temporary hit points are lost first if the creature incurs damage. The affected creature will not willingly retreat from any combat or any opponent.
==== Fear ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 3|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|5-ft×30-ft×60-ft cone|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell causes utter panic in the creatures exposed to the cone-shaped emanation of phantasmal terror the caster hurls forth. If any creature, of any level or hit dice, fails its saving throw against the spell, it will bolt away from the caster as fast as possible for as many rounds as the caster's level. There is a base 60% chance for a creature to drop whatever it is holding (immediately upon failing the saving throw), reduced by 5% per HD or level of the panicked creature.
==== Fog Cloud ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 2|
|**Duration:**|4 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|40-ft×20-ft×20-ft cloud|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell creates a roiling mass of gas and vapour, similar in appearance to a //cloudkill// spell. The fog cloud moves away from the caster at 10-ft/round. Vision into the fog is limited to 2-ft.
==== Gaze Reflection ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 1|
|**Duration:**|1 round|
|**Area of Effect:**|Air in front of caster|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The air immediately in front of the caster takes on a mirror's ability to reflect gaze attacks back upon the attacker. The area does not create a reflective surface to normal sight, and it can be seen through by the caster and by other observers, except those using gaze attacks.
==== Hallucinatory Terrain ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 3|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|40-ft×40-ft square area+10-ft square/level|
|**Casting Time:**|5 rounds|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell masks the true appearance of an area, making it appear as something else. A road can be made to appear as a river, a forest can be made to appear as a ravine, etc. The spell's effect remains until some intelligent being touches the area (or until it is dispelled). The spell is particularly useful for hiding pits or making cliff edges seem to extend more than they actually do, but it has many other useful applications for the creative player.
==== Hypnotic Pattern ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 2|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|30-ft×30-ft square|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
The illusionist traces magical patterns in the air with a lit stick of incense or other small light source. Any creature in the area of effect that looks at the traceries of light must make a saving throw or stay transfixed by the patterns. The spell can affect a maximum of 25 hit dice worth of creatures, and its effect persists for so long as the caster chooses to continue tracing the patterns in the air.
==== Hypnotism ====
//Phantasmal Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 1|
|**Duration:**|1 round+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1d6 creatures|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
The gestures of this spell weave a hypnotic power into the illusionist's words, affecting 1d6 creatures. Those not making their saving throws are subject to a suggestion made by the illusionist, identical to that made in the magic user spell //suggestion// (but with a much shorter duration). The only indication about whether a creature has been affected by the //hypnotism// is whether or not it responds to the suggestion.
==== Illusory Script ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 3|
|**Area of Effect:**|Enchanted script|
|**Casting Time:**|Time of writing|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This is an enchantment placed upon a piece of writing to guard its true contents from prying eyes. The illusionist may specify a particular person, group of people, type of person, etc., that will be allowed to read the script without risking the adverse effects of the spell. All others will perceive the script as an undecipherable language, which causes //confusion// (as per the spell) for 5d4 turns (minus one per hit die of the reader). An illusionist can recognize the script as illusory early enough to avoid the confusion effect, but cannot necessarily see past the illusion.
==== Improved Invisibility ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 4|
|**Duration:**|4 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell functions in the same manner as the //invisibility// spell, but is not terminated if the invisible creature attacks.
==== Improved Phantasmal Force ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 2|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|40×40-ft square+10-ft square/level|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell produces a phantasm as described in the //phantasmal force// spell description. This more powerful evocation of phantasmal magic allows the caster to weave vague sounds into the illusion and to maintain the illusion even if moving at up to half his or her normal movement rate. Speech cannot be created, but clanking noises, rumblings, and other such sounds can be incorporated into the illusion. The spell also allows the illusionist to force the illusion to remain in existence for up to two rounds after he or she ceases to concentrate upon it.
==== Invisibility ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 2|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
When the words of this spell are completed, the recipient and all he or she carries fade from sight, becoming invisible. Even infravision cannot detect an invisible creature. The spell remains in effect until the invisible creature attacks someone, the caster ends the spell, or the magic is dispelled. Note that the spell does not make the recipient any more quiet than normal, nor does it eliminate scents. The invisible person can see him- or herself, but the caster (unless they are one and the same) cannot. The spell cannot be cast upon an unwilling subject.
==== Invisibility, 10-ft Radius ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 3|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|10-ft radius of creature touched|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell operates as does the invisibility spell, but affects all creatures within 10-ft of the recipient at the time the final words of the spell are uttered. If the creature upon which the spell was cast makes an attack, the attack will negate the invisibility of all the others. However, if one of the creatures affected by the spell's radius (not the direct recipient) attacks, the invisibility only of that one creature is negated thereby. In order to remain invisible, those who were made invisible by virtue of the spell's radius must remain within 10-ft of the creature upon whom the spell is centred. All creatures affected can see each other.
==== Light ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 1|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The //light// spell creates a globe of light 20-ft in radius, centred upon whatever spot or object the caster indicates at the time of casting (including a location in thin air). The caster may extinguish the magical light at any time. If the spell is cast upon a living creature, the creature is entitled to a saving throw (success indicating that the spell affects the area just behind the creature). A //light// spell cast upon a creature's eyes will blind it for the spell's duration, causing it a penalty of -4 on all rolls "to hit" if sight is its primary sense. The //light// spell remains stationary if it was not originally cast upon a movable object or creature (in which case the target will bring the illumination with it as it moves).
==== Magic Mouth ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 2|
|**Range:**|See below|
|**Duration:**|Permanent until triggered|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is cast upon an object, so that when a set of particular conditions are met, a mouth will appear in the object and speak a specific message. The length of the message cannot exceed 25 words. The caster can set any condition for the appearance of the magic mouth, but the caster's power limits the range at which the mouth can detect the triggering events. The mouth can "perceive" events at a range of 5-ft/caster level, but cannot detect invisible creatures. It has no perceptions other than visual, although it does not actually see. Obviously, a player cannot try to phrase conditions using game terms such as "hit dice," "class," "level," etc. but must use terms that would be familiar to the character.
==== Major Creation ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 5|
|**Duration:**|6 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 cubic-ft/level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is simply a more powerful version of //minor creation//, allowing the caster to create objects of mineral as well as of vegetable origin.
==== Mass Suggestion ====
//Phantasmal Enchantment/Char////m//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 6|
|**Duration:**|4 turns+4 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature/level|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell functions in the same manner as //suggestion//, but influences multiple creatures. If all of the spell's power is concentrated upon a single creature, the spell simply functions as a powerful //suggestion// spell, with the saving throw made at -2.
==== Massmorph ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 4|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|Up to 10-ft×10-ft/level|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell causes creatures of man size or smaller to appear like an innocent grove of trees to any observers. Up to 10 creatures may be enchanted in this manner. The illusion is so powerful that it is maintained even if the massmorphed creatures are touched. The "tree's" reaction to being stabbed or hacked at is fairly likely to indicate that it is no normal tree, of course, although the illusion is not actually dispelled by a successful attack. The illusion persists until the caster dies or dismisses it (or it is dispelled).
==== Maze ====
//Phantasmal Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 5|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Other than as may be noted above, this spell is identical to the magic user spell of the same name.
==== Minor Creation ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 4|
|**Duration:**|6 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|1 cubic-ft/level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 turn|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
With a small piece of material, the caster may use this spell to create an object made of that same material. The base material cannot be alive and must come from a plant. Thus, within the caster's limits on the item's volume, he or she could create a basket from a piece of straw, a door or club from a splinter of wood, a cloak from a piece of wool, etc. The item exists only for the duration of the spell.
==== Mirror Image ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 2|
|**Duration:**|3 rounds/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|6-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Except for the duration and number of images (1d4+1), this spell is identical to the magic user spell of the same name.
==== Misdirection ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 2|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object or creature|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell is cast upon an object or creature to mislead any form of divination spells. If the caster or user of the divination magic fails a saving throw, he or she will obtain a false result from the divination; a lie will be detected as truth, the wrong alignment perceived, the wrong location divined, etc.
==== Non-Detection ====
//Phantasmal Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 3|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|5-ft radius|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell shields the caster from the prying eyes of scrying magics, making him or her invisible to divination spells and other means of magical spying such as crystal balls and thought detection.
==== Paralysation ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 3|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft×20-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
A certain number of creatures within the spell's area of effect are frozen in place, magically convinced that they cannot move. The caster can affect creatures with a total number of hit dice equal to twice his caster level. Each creature is entitled to a saving throw against the spell. The illusionist can end the paralysis at any time; otherwise a //dispel magic// (or //dispel illusion//) spell is the only way to remove the paralysis.
==== Permanent Illusion ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 6|
|**Area of Effect:**|40×40-ft square+10×10-ft square/level|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
Except as noted otherwise above, this spell functions as a //spectral force// spell requiring no concentration to maintain.
==== Phantasmal Force ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 1|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|40-ft×40-ft square+10-ft×10-ft square/level|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This extremely flexible spell allows the caster to craft a visual illusion of virtually anything that can fit within the spell's area of effect. The spell creates no sound whatsoever. The caster must maintain his or her concentration upon the illusion, or it will evaporate, but while concentrating the caster is able to make the illusion move and respond to events.
The illusion is dispelled if it is struck with a blow, a falling person, etc. There is no saving throw against the illusion if the observer believes it, and the illusion can actually cause damage to such a deceived victim. A demon wielding a sword can attack and do damage, and the appearance of a pit full of spikes can be fatal even though it is not real. If the observer doubts the reality of the illusion, he or she will be permitted a saving throw to see the illusion for what it really is. If one observer disbelieves the illusion and this disbelief is communicated to others, the others will also gain a saving throw at a bonus of +4.
Note that the spell relies purely on a visual effect; it will have no effect upon a creature that does not see it. Furthermore, the lack of any audible component can make certain illusions completely non-credible. An explosion, for example, is not likely to be believed by anyone if it creates no sound. Various methods may be used by the GM to determine if an NPC or monster believes the effect of a phantasmal force, common sense being the first thing to consider. A player who takes care to craft a believable illusion should be rewarded for skilful use of the spell, not forced into a table of random results.
==== Phantasmal Killer ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 4|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
The caster creates a personal nightmare creature for the spell's victim, drawn from the victim's own worst fears. The creature is visible only to the victim and the caster. When the //phantasmal killer// takes shape, the victim is entitled to roll 3d6 and compare the result to his or her intelligence ability score. If the die roll is less than the victim's intelligence, the victim realizes that the killer is actually an illusion and cannot be harmed by it. Certain modifiers apply to this roll (note that a negative modifier increases the chance for successfully disbelieving the apparition):
(A) -2 if the target is an illusionist;
(B) +1 if the target is caught by surprise;
(C) -1 if the target has previously been attacked by a phantasmal killer.
The wisdom bonus against mental attacks applies (subtract the bonus from the die roll instead of adding it, of course).
Provided that the victim fails his or her saving throw, the phantasmal killer proceeds to attack as a 4 HD monster. If it hits the target, he or she will automatically die from fright. The apparition is not vulnerable to damage and cannot be escaped. It disappears at the end of the spell's duration, or at any time the caster dismisses it, or when the caster is killed or rendered unconscious.
==== Prismatic Spray ====
//Phantasmal Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 7|
|**Area of Effect:**|70-ft×15-ft×5-ft spray|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
Holding out his or her hand, fingers fanned out, the caster evokes a spray of colours identical to those of the //prismatic wall//. All creatures in the path of the spell will be struck by one of the rays, determined randomly.
| **Colour** | **Effect of Colour** |
| 1 Red | Deals 20 points of damage (saving throw for half damage). |
| 2 Orange | Deals 40 points of damage (saving throw for half). |
| 3 Yellow | Deals 80 points of damage (saving throw for half). |
| 4 Green | Poison (saving throw or die). |
| 5 Blue | Turns to stone (saving throw negates). |
| 6 Indigo | Causes insanity (saving throw negates) |
| 7 Violet | Creatures sent to another plane (saving throw negates). |
| 8 Two colours | Roll twice, ignoring this result |
==== Prismatic Wall ====
//Phantasmal Abjuration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 7|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is similar to the magic user spell //prismatic sphere//, but it creates a wall rather than a sphere, up to 40-ft/caster level in length and 20-ft/caster level in height.
==== Programmed Illusion ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 6|
|**Range:**|10-ft /level|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|40-ft×40-ft square+10-ft×10-ft square/level|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell specifies a particular trigger event (in the same manner as the magic user spell magic mouth). When the trigger event occurs, an illusion prepared in advance by the caster, identical to a spectral force, comes into being. The illusion lasts 1 round/caster level.
==== Project Image ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 5|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Other than as may be noted above, this spell is identical to the magic user spell of the same name.
==== Rope Trick ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 3|
|**Duration:**|2 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One piece of rope|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell enchants a rope to become a portal into an extra-dimensional pocket of unreality opened by the spell. The rope rises in the air and then hangs, suspended by its connection to the extra-dimensional hideaway. Up to six medium-size people can hide in the space (five, if the rope is to be pulled up and into the space as well). At the spell's expiration, the inhabitants or contents of the space will fall into normal reality if they have not already departed. True reality is visible through the portal, but cannot be affected from within.
==== Shades ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 6|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft×20-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|6 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell creates partially-real, illusory monsters in the same manner as the spell shadow monsters, but shades have 60% of normal hit points rather than 20%. If they are detected as only quasi-real, they inflict 60% of normal damage and are AC 6.
==== Shadow Door ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 5|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Magic door|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
With a mystical gesture, the illusionist creates an illusory door (either in a wall or free-standing). If the illusionist steps through, he or she disappears from sight and may go where he or she pleases. If anyone else opens the door, they will perceive a small empty room. The caster's invisibility after passing through the shadow door is particularly powerful and cannot be seen by use of detect invisibility, although he or she can be seen with more powerful divination magic.
==== Shadow Magic ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 5|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|See below|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
The caster employs his or her ability to draw upon the shadow planes, adding an element of quasi-reality to an illusory spell. The "spell" may be one of a limited group: //cone of cold//, //fireball//, //lightning bolt//, or //magic missile//. The illusory spell will inflict normal damage upon creatures in the area of effect for that spell unless a saving throw is successful (note that the targets only receive a saving throw against the illusion, and do not obtain an additional saving throw for the illusory spell's effect). If the saving throw against the illusion is successful, the target will take only 1 hit point of damage per caster level.
==== Shadow Monsters ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 4|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft×20-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|4 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This is the first spell an illusionist can learn that draws upon the power of shadow planes behind the material plane of existence. This sort of magic is the hallmark of the truly powerful illusionist, for by tapping the power of the shadow planes an illusionist can weave quasi-reality into his or her phantasms. At this level of power, the illusionist can begin to reshape reality by the power of his or her mind. The shadow monsters created by the spell are selected by the caster (subject to the GM's discretion). The total hit dice of the monsters cannot exceed the caster's level, and all of them must be the same kind of monster. Shadow monsters have only 20% of normal hit dice (multiply by .2 and round up). Anyone seeing a shadow monster is entitled to a saving throw to realize that the creature is only partially real. If shadow creatures attack someone who fails the saving throw, they strike and inflict damage as the type of creature they appear to be (excluding magical attacks such as breath weapons). If they attack someone who has succeeded in making a saving throw, they are treated as AC 10 and inflict only 20% (multiply by .2 and round up) of normal damage for that sort of creature.
==== Spectral Force ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 3|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|40-ft×40-ft square+10-ft×10-ft square/level|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|See below|
This spell functions in the same manner as improved phantasmal force, but it is a more powerful evocation of the same magic. The illusionist can include sounds, smells, and heat (or cold) into the illusion, making it very believable. The //spectral force// can linger for 3 rounds after the illusionist ceases to concentrate upon it.
==== Suggestion ====
//Phantasmal Enchantment/Charm//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 3|
|**Duration:**|4 turns+4 turns/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One creature|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|Negates|
This spell empowers the caster to suggest facts or courses of action with an almost unavoidable power of persuasion. Factual suggestions ("These are not the halflings you seek"), suggestions of a course of action ("You won't mention you saw us, I have no doubt"), or a combination of both are possible. Even a victim who has failed a saving throw against the spell will not undertake a course of action that is palpably unreasonable, but the experienced caster can easily phrase his or her requests in such a way as to avoid this problem. No creature will leap off a cliff for no reason; but the caster might need to scout the bottom of a chasm and promise to cast a //feather fall// spell, or hand the victim a "magical" torch that supposedly permits the power of flight. The creature to be influenced must be able to hear and understand the language spoken by the caster.
==== Summon Shadow ====
//Phantasmal Conjuration/Summoning//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 5|
|**Duration:**|1 round+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|Summoned shadows|
|**Casting Time:**|5 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell summons 1 undead shadow per caster level from the shadow planes. The shadows are under the illusionist's command and will do his or her bidding. If turned, they will return to the shadow plane whence they came.
==== True Sight ====
//Phantasmal Divination//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 6|
|**Duration:**|1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|60-ft|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
This spell is identical in function (other than as may be noted above) to the clerical spell //true seeing//, except that the illusionist cannot discern alignments, for this spell is not of a spiritual nature.
==== Veil ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 6|
|**Duration:**|1 turn/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|20×20-ft/level|
|**Casting Time:**|3 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
Veil is an extremely powerful spell of the same type as hallucinatory terrain, which alters the appearance of an area and everything in it, including people and other creatures. The illusion will fool even the sense of touch.
==== Ventriloquism ====
//Phantasmal Illusion//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 2|
|**Range:**|10-ft/level, to a maximum of 90-ft|
|**Duration:**|4 rounds+1 round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|One object|
|**Casting Time:**|2 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The caster makes his or her voice (or any sound he or she can vocalize) seem to issue from someplace else, such as from another creature, a statue, from behind a door, down a passage, etc. For each point of intelligence of the listener over 12, there is a cumulative 10% chance to correctly perceive the source of the sound.
==== Vision ====
//Phantasmal Divination//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 7|
|**Duration:**|See below|
|**Area of Effect:**|Caster|
|**Casting Time:**|7 segments|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
By means of this spell, the illusionist gazes beyond reality itself, seeking patterns that will give him or her the answer to a question. 3d6 are rolled, and if the result is 10 or higher, he or she gains significant insights about the answer to the question. Gazing into the patterns beyond reality is a risky proposition, however; if the result of the die roll is from 2-6, the illusionist becomes obsessed with performing a task, and is treated as being under a geas spell until the random task is completed. If the roll is from 7-9 there is no result at all from the divination; the illusionist discerns no useful patterns, and suffers no ill effects from the attempt.
==== Wall of Fog ====
//Phantasmal Transmutation/Alteration//
|**Level:**|Illusionist 1|
|**Duration:**|2d4 rounds+1round/level|
|**Area of Effect:**|20-ft/level cube|
|**Casting Time:**|1 segment|
|**Saving Throw:**|None|
The illusionist creates a curtain of obscuring fog in the area of effect. Vision of all kinds is reduced to 2-ft through the swirling vapour. The fog can be affected by normal or magical wind and breezes.