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Chapter 6: Treasure

In OSRIC, “treasure” comprises maps, coin, gemstones, jewellery, and magic items. In many cases, treasure will come from monsters the characters defeat (see Chapter 5 for details of the treasure each creature possesses). However, it may also be found in dungeons in other circumstances, either unguarded (rarely!) or protected by a trick or trap.

This chapter contains systems for randomly determining treasure. The GM should employ these systems with care and thought, and the general principle should be that any treasure awarded reflects the difficulty in obtaining it—so, for example, if the dice show that a small sickly rat or kobold in the upper dungeon levels possesses some enormously valuable treasure such as a great jewel or major magic item, the GM should give thought to reducing the award!

There is no duty on the GM to award treasure for each and every challenge the party might overcome. Some monsters, particularly wandering monsters, should have no treasure at all! Likewise some tricks or traps may not be associated with any reward to the party.

Give thought to how an intelligent monster protects its treasure. As a rule, treasure will be carried on a creature's person if it can use it (or might need to use it) at short notice, but treasure not immediately needed will be concealed somewhere.

If a dungeon treasure is associated with no particular creature, the following table may be used to determine its nature:

d% Treasure
01-35 1,500 cp per dungeon level
36-65 750 sp per dungeon level
66-80 250 gp per dungeon level
81-90 100 pp per dungeon level
91-95 1d3 gems per dungeon level
96-97 1 piece of jewellery per dungeon level
98-00 1 magic item (1d2 items below dungeon level 6)

(For fully randomly-generated dungeons, the treasure table in Chapter 4 should be used instead.)


Maps do not feature in the random tables because the GM will need to prepare them in advance; they should appear in hand-crafted areas rather than randomly-rolled ones. They are, nevertheless, valuable treasure to a clever player character. A map could indicate the location of a treasure outside the dungeon, thus becoming an adventure in its own right—or it could not show a treasure at all, but indicate where a powerful vampire lairs, or the location of a particularly fiendish trap, in which case it will still be of value to the party.

Maps can be literal maps or charts where×marks the spot, but they do not need to be. A note that says “The wand is lost—I dropped it somewhere in the sewers” or “The Shield of Shadows must lie beyond the Green Portal” is a minor map of sorts.


Coin is the simplest treasure for the GM to administer, but should still be awarded intelligently. OSRIC coins are heavy, and weight is a significant drawback if the players locate a substantial sum in copper or silver. The GM should ensure the players feel the force of this drawback.

In an upper dungeon level, few treasures should consist of gold without silver or copper, or platinum without gold and silver, so if the dice indicate 500 gp on dungeon level 2, the GM might prefer to award 200 gp, 2,000 sp and 10,000 cp instead. In deeper dungeon levels, copper and silver will be relatively less frequent, although successful players will still have enormous piles of them on their hands.

There is no particular reason why coin should be awarded in round numbers; if the dice indicate 6,000 cp, the GM might decide there are 5,573 or 6,281 of them.

Consider adding flavour by having some alternative monetary systems, such as ancient coins from a previous empire, that do not convert to the standard coin types of your campaign on a 1:1 basis. In such cases the player characters will need to pay conversion costs, perhaps to the local money changers.

Maps do not feature in the random tables because the GM will need to prepare them in advance; they should appear in hand-crafted areas rather than randomly-rolled ones. They are, nevertheless, valuable treasure to a clever player character. A map could indicate the location of a treasure outside the dungeon, thus becoming an adventure in its


Where the GM wishes to determine the value of a gem, the following table may be used:

Gemstone Table

d% Value (gp) Average Value (gp) Description
01-30 4d4 10 Ornamental Stone
31-55 2d4×10 50 Semi-Precious Stone
56-75 4d4×10 100 Fancy Stone
76-90 2d4×100 500 Precious Stone
91-99 4d4×100 1,000 Gem
00 2d4×1,000 5,000 Jewel

Changing Gem Value from Base: This table is provided to assist GMs in determining value when the base value only of a gem is known. re-roll on a result of 1 or 0 only, as indicated on the table.

Changing Gem Value

d10 Change
1 Value increases by 1 step. re-roll and ignore any result greater than 8.*
2 Value doubles.
3 Value triples.
4-8 No change to base value.
9 Stone decreases in value by 1d4×10% percent.
10 Value decreases by 1 step. re-roll and ignore a result of 1.**

*No stone may increase in value more than 7 steps. Stones of 5,000 gp value or greater increase in value by the following increments: 5,000—10,000—25,000—50,000—100,000—250,000—500,000—1,000,000 (the maximum value possible).

**No stone may decrease in value more than 5 steps. Stones of 10 gp value or less decrease in value by the following steps: 10—5—1—10 sp—5 sp—1 sp (the absolute minimum value).

Gem Examples, by Value

Ornamental: Banded, eye, or moss agate; azurite; blue quartz; hematite; lapis lazuli; malachite; obsidian; rhodochrosite; tiger eye; turquoise; freshwater pearl.

Semi-Precious: Bloodstone; carnelian; chalcedony; chrysoprase; citrine; iolite, jasper; moonstone; onyx; peridot; rock crystal (clear quartz); sard; sardonyx; rose, smoky, or star rose quartz; zircon.

Fancy: Amber; amethyst; chrysoberyl; coral; red or brown-green garnet; jade; jet; white, golden, pink, or silver pearl; red spinel, red-brown or deep green spinel; tourmaline.

Precious: Alexandrite; aquamarine; violet garnet; black pearl; deep blue spinel; golden yellow topaz.

Gem: Emerald; white, black, or fire opal; blue sapphire; fiery yellow or rich purple corundum; blue or black star sapphire; star ruby.

Jewel: Clearest bright green emerald; blue-white, canary, pink, brown, or blue diamond; jacinth.


Where the GM wishes to determine the nature of a piece of jewellery, the table overleaf may be used. Roll d% to determine the form of the jewellery (whether the players have found a goblet or a ring, for example), and a d10 to determine its composition (whether it be plain silver or gem-encrusted gold, for example).

Jewellery Table

(roll d% and d10 together)

D% Item Silver (1d10) ×100 gp Silver and gold (2d6) ×100 gp Gold (3d6) ×100 gp Silver and gems (5d6) ×100 gp Gold and gems (2d4) ×1,000 gp Excep­tional (2d6) ×1,000 gp
01-03 Amulet 1-4 5-7 8-9 10
04 Anklet 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
05-07 Arm-ring 1-4 5-6 7-8 9 10
08-10 Belt 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
11-12 Box 1-4 5-7 8-9 10
13-17 Bracelet 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
18-20 Brooch 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
21-23 Buckle 1-4 5-7 8-9 10
24-25 Chain 1-4 5-7 8-9 10
26-27 Chalice 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
28-30 Choker 1-4 5-7 8-9 10
31-32 Clasp 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
33-35 Comb 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
36-37 Coronet 1 2 3-4 5-8 9 10
38 Crown 1 2 3 4 5-7 8-10
39-40 Diadem 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
41-46 Earring 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
47-49 Goblet 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
50-51 Idol 1-2 3-4 5-7 8-9 10
52-54 Knife 1-4 5-7 8-9 10
55-58 Locket 1-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10
59-60 Medal 1-4 5-7 8-10
61-64 Medallion 1-3 4-6 7-9 10
65-69 Necklace 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
70-73 Pendant 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
74-77 Pin 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
78 Orb 1 2 3 4-5 6-8 9-10
79-87 Ring 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
88 Sceptre 1 2 3 4-5 6-8 9-10
89-92 Seal 1-4 5-7 8-9 10
93-94 Statuette 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
95 Tiara 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
96-97 Toe-ring 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10
98-00 Weapon-hilt 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 10

Note: The description of the item as “silver”, “gold”, etc. is a guideline and the GM should interpret it to represent a broad category of value rather than its literal composition. A gold item could actually be high-quality filigree silver, ivory, or even enamelled bronze of superb workmanship. “Exceptional” quality may mean that the item is fashioned of platinum, mithril or some other extremely rare and valuable substance, or it may simply mean a very fine example of gem-encrusted gold.

The appraisal of jewellery is a complex and difficult skill. Gnomes frequently have the best eye for these matters, although thieves, assassins and dwarfs may also be able to hazard a guess. The GM should allow a possibility (depending on the circumstances) that a character may seriously underestimate or overestimate an object's value. For example, a gnomish thief assessing a silver ring might be accurate 99 times out of 100, but a dwarfish fighter assessing an exceptional orb might only have a 25% chance of doing so accurately.

If the players appraise the value of the jewellery incorrectly, they will more than likely be fleeced when attempting to re-sell.

Master Magic Item Tables

Random determination of magic items needs to be tempered with GM judgment and discretion. Lucky (or very unlucky) rolls on the treasure table should not be permitted to unbalance the game, and the GM should ensure that the party's power remains in proportion to their level of experience.

Miscellaneous Magic — form

d20 Result
01-03 Armour and Shield
04-06 Miscellaneous Magic
07-09 Miscellaneous Weapons
10-13 Potions
14 Rings
15 Rods Staves and Wands
16-18 Scrolls
19-20 Swords

Armour and Shield Table 1 — form

D20 ResultBase Value (gp)
01 Banded4,000
02-04 01-90 Chain Mail 3,500
91-00 Elfin Chain 5,500
05-06 Leather2,000
07-09 Plate Mail5,000
10 Ring Mail2,500
11-12 Splinted4,000
13-14 Scale Mail3,000
15 Studded Leather2,250
16-20 Shield2,500

Armour and Shield Table 2 — properties

d20 ResultValue Mod.
01-10 +1×1
11-15 +2×2
16 +3×3
17 01-65 +4 x4
66-00 +5 ×5
18 Cursed
19-20 Special Variable

Miscellaneous Weapons Table 1 — form

d20 Result
1-3 Arrow
4-5 Axe
6 Bolt
7 01-50 Bow
51-00 Crossbow
8-11 Dagger
12 Flail
13 Hammer
14 Javelin
15-16 Mace
17 01-33 Military Pick
34-66 Morning Star
67-00 Pole Arm
18 Scimitar
19 Spear
20 01-50 Trident
51-00 Sling

Miscellaneous Weapons Table 2 — properties

d20 ResultValue (gp)
01-10 +12,000
11-15 +28,000
16 +318,000
17 01-65 +4 32,000
66-00 +5 50,000
18 Cursed
19-20 SpecialVariable

Potions Table 1 — properties

d20 ResultValue (gp)
01 01-50 Animal Control 400
51-00 Clairaudience 400
02 01-50 Clairvoyance 500
51-00 Climbing 500
03 01-50 Cursed -
51-00 Delusion 150
04 01-65 Diminution 500
66-00 Dragon Control see entry
05 ESP850
06 01-35 Extra-Healing 800
36-00 Fire Resistance 400
07 01-50 Flying 750
51-00 Gaseous Form 400
08 01-50 Giant Control see entry
51-00 Giant Strength see entry
09 Growth300
10 Healing400
11 01-50 Heroism 500
51-00 Human Control 900
12 01-50 Invisibility 500
51-00 Invulnerability 500
13 01-50 Levitation 400
51-00 Longevity 1,000
14 01-50 Oil of Ætherealness 1,500
51-00 Oil of Slipperiness 750
15 01-50 Philtre of Love 300
51-00 Philtre of Persuasiveness 850
16 01-65 Plant Control 300
66-00 Polymorph 350
17 01-50 Speed 450
51-00 Super-Heroism 750
18 Sweet Water250
19 01-75 Treasure Finding 2,000
76-00 Undead Control 2,500
20 Water Breathing900

Rings Table 1 — properties

D20 ResultValue (gp)
01 Charisma1,000
02-03 Feather Falling5,000
04 Fire Resistance5,000
05 Free Action5,000
06 Genie Summoning20,000
07 Invisibility7,500
08-12 Protectionsee entry
13 01-25 Regeneration 40,000
25-00 Spell Storing 25,000
14 Spell Turning17,500
15 Swimming5,000
16 01-50 Telekinesis 10,000
51-00 Three Wishes 15,000
17 Warmth5,000
18-19 Water Walking5,000
20 Wizardry50,000

Determine the ring's appearance, apparent gold piece value, and gemstone (if any) using the jewellery table.

Rods Staves & Wands Table 1—properties

D20 ResultValue (gp)
01 Rod of Absorption40,000
02-03 Rod of Cancellation15,000
04 01-25 Rod of Captivation 30,000
26-75 Rod of Lordly Might 20,000
76-00 Rod of Resurrection 35,000
05 01-50 Rod of Rulership 35,000
51-00 Rod of Striking 15,000
06 01-50 Staff of Compulsion 25,000
51-00 Staff of Healing 25,000
07 01-25 Staff of Power 60,000
26-00 Staff of the Serpent 35,000
08 01-75 Staff of Withering 35,000
76-00 Staff of Wizardry 75,000
09 Wand of Detecting Magic25,000
10 Wand of Detecting Minerals & Metals7,500
11 Wand of Detecting Traps & Secret Doors40,000
12 Wand of Enemy Detection10,000
13 01-50 Wand of Fear 15,000
51-00 Wand of Fire 25,000
14 01-50 Wand of Ice 50,000
51-00 Wand of Light 10,000
15 01-50 Wand of Illusion 20,000
51-00 Wand of Lightning 30,000
16 Wand of Magic Missiles35,000
17 Wand of Negation15,000
18 Wand of Paralysation25,000
19 Wand of Polymorphing25,000
20 01-50 Wand of Summoning 10,000
51-00 Wand of Wonder 10,000

Scrolls Table 1 — type

d20 Result
01-12 Spell
13-19 Protection
20 Cursed

Scrolls Table 2 — spells

D20 Result Value (gp)
01-03 Cleric 300/level
04-05 Druid 300/level
06-07 Illusionist 300/level
08-20 Magic User 300/level

Scrolls Table 3 — scrolls of warding

d20 Result Value (gp)
01-02 Acid 5,000
03-04 Demons 12,500
05-06 Devils 12,500
07-09 Elementals 7,500
10-11 Lycanthropes 5,000
12-14 Magic 7,500
15-16 Petrifaction 10,000
17-18 Polymorph 7,500
19-20 Undead 7,500

Swords Table 1 — form

d20 Result
01 Bastard Sword (20% chance of 2-handed sword instead)
02-05 Broadsword
06-19 Longsword
20 Shortsword (20% chance of a scimitar instead)

Swords Table 2 — properties

d20 ResultValue (gp)
01-10 +12,000
11-15 +24,000
16 +37,000
17 01-65 +4 10,000
66-00 +5 15,000
18 Cursed
19-20 SpecialVariable

Special Magic Swords

d% ResultValue (gp)
01 Bleeding Sword22,000
02-06 Dancing Sword22,000
7-16 Defender15,000
17-21 Dragonbane4,500
22-31 Flaming Blade4,500
32-36 Frost Brand8,000
37-46 Giantbane4,500
47-51 Holy Sword20,000
52-53 Keenblade35,000
54-69 Luck Blade5,000
70-74 Magebane3,000
75-79 Nine Lives Stealer8,000
80-84 Trollbane4,000
85-89 Vampire Blade25,000
90 Vorpal Blade50,000
91-95 Werebane3,500
96-99 Wyrmbane4,000
00 Unusual SwordVariable

Special Magic Miscellaneous Weapons

d% ResultValue (gp)
01-05 Arrow of Slaying2,500
06-15 Axe of Hurling4,500
16-30 Crossbow of Accuracy12,000
31-40 Crossbow of Range7,500
41-50 Crossbow of Speed7,500
51-60 Dagger of Venom3,000
61-70 Hammer of the Dwarfs15,000
71-75 Holy Mace17,500
76-85 Sling of the Halfling7,000
86-00 Trident/Fork12,500

Miscellaneous Magic Items — Master Table

d% Result
01-50 Table 1: Common
51-70 Table 2: Less Common
71-90 Table 3: Uncommon
91-99 Table 4: Rare
00 Roll Twice, Ignoring This Result

Miscellaneous Magic Items — Table 1: Common

d% ResultValue (gp)
01 Incense of Meditation (1d4+1 cones)4,900
02 Javelin of the Raptor3,000
03 Thunder Spear7,500
04 Boots of Elvenkind2,500
05 Candle of Invocation8,400
06 Dust of Appearance1,800
07 Dust of Disappearance3,500
08 Rope of Climbing3,000
09 Scarab of Protection38,000
10 Slippers of Spider Climbing4,800
11 Strand of Prayer Beads¹3,000
12-13 Amulet of Natural Armoursee entry
14-15 Blessed Book12,500
16-17 Brooch of Shielding10,000
18-19 Hat of Disguise1,800
20-21 Horn of Valhalla²50,000
22-23 Periapt of Proof Against Poison27,000
24-25 Phylactery of Faithfulness1,000
26-27 Robe of Blending30,000
28-30 Pipes of the Sewers1,150
31-33 Restorative Ointment4,000
34-36 Robe of Useful Items7,000
37-39 Vest of Escape5,200
40-42 Cloak of Elvenkind2,500
43-46 Wings of Flying54,000
47-55 Cloak of Resistancesee entry
56-65 Feather Token3see entry
66-75 Figurines of Wondrous Power4see entry
76-00 Bracers of Armour5see entry

1 Roll 1d6: 01-04 = Strand, 05 = Lesser Strand, 06 = Greater Strand

2 Roll 1d4: 1 = Silver, 2 = Brass, 3 = Bronze, 4 = Iron

3 Roll 1d6: 01 = Anchor, 02 = Bird, 03 = Fan, 04 = Swan Boat, 05 = Tree, 06 = Whip

4 Roll 1d10: 01 = Bronze Griffon, 02 = Ebony Fly, 03 = Golden Lions, 04 = Ivory Goats, 05 = Marble Elephant, 06 = Obsidian Steed, 07 = Onyx Dog, 08 = Serpentine Owl, 09 = Silver Raven, 10 = Reroll, ignoring this result.

5 Roll d% 01-35 = +1, 36-60 = +2, 61-75 = +3, 76-85 = +4, 86-91 = +5, 92-96 = +6, 97-99 = +7, 00 = +8

Miscellaneous Magic Items — Table 2: Less Common

d% ResultValue (gp)
01 Arrow of Direction17,500
02 Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals100,000
03 Cape of the Mountebank10,080
04 Cloak of the Manta Ray7,200
05 Decanter of Endless Water9,000
06 Dust of Dryness850
07 Elixir of Swimming250
08 Gloves of Arrow Snaring4,000
09 Gloves of Swimming and Climbing6,250
10 Goggles of Night12,000
11 Horseshoes of Speed3,000
12 Necklace of Adaptation9,000
13 Orb of Storms48,000
14 Periapt of Health7,400
15 Pipes of Haunting6,000
16 Ring Gates40,000
17 Robe of Bones2,400
18 Unguent of Timelessness150
19-20 Universal Solvent50
21-22 Amulet of Proof Against Detection/Location35,000
23-24 Boots of Speed12,000
25-26 Boots of Striding and Springing5,500
27-28 Bracers of Archery, Lesser5,000
29-30 Candle of Truth2,500
31-32 Cloak of Displacement, Minor24,000
33-34 Cloak of the Bat26,000
35-36 Dark Skull60,000
37-38 Dust of Tracelessness250
39-40 Elixir of Truth500
41-42 Elixir of Vision250
43-44 Glove of Storing10,000
45-46 Horn of the Tritons15,100
47-48 Necklace of Fireballs¹see entry
49-50 Periapt of Wound Closure15,000
51-52 Phylactery of Undead Turning11,000
53-54 Rope of Entanglement21,000
55-56 01-50 Stone Horse, draft 10,000
51-00 Stone Horse, heavy war 14,800
57-58 Stone of Alarm2,700
59-60 Sustaining Spoon5,400
61-62 Wind Fan5,500
63-65 Bag of Holding²see entry
66-68 Boots of Levitation7,500
69-71 Bottle of Air7,250
72-74 Broom of Flying17,000
75-77 Crystal Ball42,000
78-80 Elixir of Fire Breath1,100
81-83 Elixir of Hiding250
84-86 Handy Haversack2,000
87-89 Harp of Charming7,500
90-92 Helm of Comprehend Languages/Read Magic5,200
93-95 Helm of Underwater Action24,000
96-98 Horn of Fog2,000
99 Roll Twice on Table 1
00 Roll Twice, Ignore Results >98

¹ Roll 1d8: 1 = Level 1, 2 = Level 2 and so on. On a result of 8, re-roll. On a second roll of 8, roll new item.

² Roll 1d4: 1 = Type I, 2 = Type II, 3 = Type III, 4 = Type IV

Miscellaneous Magic Items - Table 3: Uncommon

D% ResultValue (GP)
01 Ahmek's Copious Coin Purse30,000
02 Alchemy Jug12,000
03 Amulet of Health2,000
04 Amulet of the Planes120,000
05 Apparatus of the Lobster35,000
06 Bag of Tricks, gray1 900
Bag of Tricks, rust 3,000
Bag of Tricks, tan 6,300
07 Bead of Force3,000
08 Blemish Blotter1,000/charge
09 Boots of the Winterlands2,500
10 Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals100,000
11 Bracelet of Friends19,000
12 Bracers of Archery, Greater25,000
13 Carpet of Flying2see entry
14 Censer of Controlling Air Elementals100,000
15 Chime of Interruption16,800
16 Chime of Opening3,000
17 Circlet of Blasting, Minor6,480
18 Circlet of Persuasion4,500
19 Cloak of Ætherealness55,000
20 Cloak of Arachnida14,000
21 Cloak of Charisma4,000
22 Cloak of Displacement, Major50,000
23 Cube of Force62,000
24 Cube of Frost Resistance27,000
25 Cubic Gate164,000
26 Deck of Illusion8,100
27 Dimensional Shackles28,000
28 Drums of Panic30,000
29 Dust of Illusion1,200
30 Efficient Quiver1,800
31 Elemental Gem32,250
32 Eyes of the Eagle2,500
33 Gauntlets of Ogre Power4,000
34 Gauntlet of Rust11,500
35 Gloves of Dexterity4,000
36 Goggles of Minute Seeing1,250
37 Headband of Intellect4,000
38 Helm of Telepathy27,000
39 Horn of Goodness/Evil6,500
40 Horseshoes of the Zephyr6,000
41 Instant Fortress55,000
42 Iron Bands of Binding26,000
43 Iron Flask170,000
44 Lantern of Revealing30,000
45 Mantle of Faith76,000
46 Mantle of Magic Resistance90,000
47 Marvellous Pigments (1d4 pots)4,000/pot
48 Mask of the Skull22,000
49 Medallion of Thoughts12,000
50 Pearl of Powersee entry
51 Pearl of the Sirines15,300
52 Periapt of Wisdom4,000
53 Pipes of Pain12,000
54 Pipes of Sounding1,800
55 Plentiful Vessel3,500
56 Robe of Stars58,000
57 Scabbard of Keen Edges16,000
58 Scarab of Golem Bane2,500
59 Silversheen250
60 Sovereign Glue2,400
61 Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals100,000
62 Stone of Good Luck20,000
63 Stone Salve4,000
64 Vestment, druid's10,000
65 Well of Many Worlds82,000
66-75 Roll Twice on Table 1
76-85 Roll once on Table 1 and once on Table 2
86-95 Roll twice on Table 2
96-99 Reroll and Ignore Results >65, Roll once on Table 2
00 Roll Twice, Ignore Results > 65

1 Roll 1d6: 1-2 = Grey, 3-4 = Rust, 5-6 = Tan

2 Roll 1d6: 1-2 = 5-ft × 5-ft, 3-4 = 5-ft × 10-ft, 5-6 = 10-ft × 10-ft

3 Roll 1d4: 1 = Clear, 2 = Brown, 3 = Bright Red, 4 = Turquoise

Miscellaneous Magic Items—Table 4: Rare

d% ResultValue (gp)
01-02 Afreeti Bottle145,000
03-04 Amulet of Life Protection20,000
04-05 Amulet of Mighty Fists6,000
06-07 Belt of Dwarfkind14,900
08-09 Belt of Giant Strengthsee entry
10-11 Boat, Folding7,200
12-13 Boots of Teleportation49,000
13-14 Boots, Winged16,000
15-16 Brooch of Instigation1,000
17-18 Circlet of Blasting, Major23,760
19-20 Eversmoking Bottle5,400
21-22 Eyes of Charming56,000
23-24 Eyes of Doom25,000
25-26 Eyes of Petrifaction98,000
27-28 Gem of Brightness13,000
29-30 Gem of Seeing75,000
31-32 Golem Manual, Flesh 8,000
Golem Manual, Clay 12,000
Golem Manual, Stone 22,000
Golem Manual, Iron 35,000
33-34 Helm of Brilliance125,000
35-36 Helm of Teleportation73,500
37-38 Horn of Blasting20,000
39-40 Horn of Blasting, Greater70,000
41-32 Ioun Stones¹see table
43-44 Lyre of Building13,000
45-46 Manual of Bodily Health4,000
47-48 Manual of Gainful Exercise4,000
49-50 Manual of Quickness of Action4,000
51-52 Mattock of the Titans23,348
53-54 Maul of the Titans25,305
55-56 Mirror of Life Trapping200,000
57-58 Mirror of Mental Prowess175,000
59-60 Mirror of Opposition92,000
61-62 Oil of Famishing
63-64 Portable Hole20,000
65-66 Robe of Eyes120,000
67-68 Robe of Scintillating Colours27,000
69-70 Robe of the Archmagi75,000
71-72 Sagacious Volume50,000
73-74 Shrouds of Disintegration6,600
75-76 Tome of Clear Thought27,500
77-78 Tome of Leadership and Influence27,500
79-80 Tome of Understanding27,500
81-85 Roll twice on Table 3
86-90 Roll again and Roll Misc. Magic Weapon
91-95 Roll again and Roll Magic Sword
96-00 Roll on Cursed Items Table²

¹ Consult Sub-Table 4-A: Ioun Stones

² Use the Specific Cursed Items table, or create your own using Cursed Items section of these rules.

Sub-Table IV - A — Ioun Stones

d% ResultValue (gp)
01-06 Clear Spindle4,000
07-12 Dusty Rose Prism5,000
13-18 Deep Red Sphere8,000
19-24 Incandescent Blue Sphere8,000
25-30 Pale Blue Rhomboid8,000
31-36 Pink Rhomboid8,000
37-42 Pink & Green Sphere8,000
43-48 Scarlet & Blue Sphere8,000
49-54 Dark Blue Rhomboid10,000
55-60 Vibrant Purple Prism36,000
61-66 Iridescent Spindle18,000
67-72 Pale Lavender Ellipsoid20,000
73-77 Pearly White Spindle20,000
78-83 Pale Green Prism30,000
84-89 Orange Prism30,000
90-96 Lavender & Green Ellipsoid40,000
97-99 Re-roll twice, ignoring results > 96
00 Re-roll thrice, ignoring result > 96

Note: Many magic items are restricted in who can use them. Where this applies, the character classes are listed in abbreviated form within the item description. The following notation is used: Item (Classes) where, under “classes”, “A” means “assassin”, “C” means “cleric”, “D” means “druid”, “F” means “fighter”, “I” means “illusionist”, “M” means “magic user”, “P” means “paladin”, “R” means “ranger” and “T” means “thief”.


Although potions can be found in a variety of containers, including glass, ceramic, or metal flasks, most contain only one dose that imbues their potion's particular effects for one individual. Most potions bear no label and require a small amount to be sampled in order to attempt to identify the potion type. This is not without error, and potions of the same type may differ in their aroma or taste depending on how they were made.

As a standard rule, potions take effect 1d4+1 segments after consumption, and last for 1d4 turns. This principle is superseded where the specific potion description indicates otherwise. Potions can normally be consumed in half doses, so that half the potion is consumed and operates for half the duration.

The creation of potions requires the joint efforts of magic users and alchemists unless the magic user is over 11th level. A sample of the potion to be created must be obtained at some point in order to learn the formula for the particular potion.

Admixture of Potions

Magic potions store a great deal of eldritch energy and, as any alchemist or mage can attest, require a lot of careful preparation. The random admixture of potions can have unpredictable results and only the foolish or desperate will undertake such an action. Admixture of two or more potions has occurred when the liquid of one potion is mixed with that of another, or a potion is consumed while a previously consumed potion remains in effect. The former is considered an external admixture and the latter an internal one.

Presented here for the GM's consideration are a set of guidelines for handling these situations. A particularly industrious referee might wish to map out a complete matrix of effects to be used any time a potion is mixed with another. While this would be of use, the matrices would have to be updated with each introduction of a new potion. Additionally, the different formulations of a potion are not accounted for in such a matrix. OSRIC uses a set of guidelines combined with a random table to achieve a similar result with far less effort, as follows:

Mixing a potion of clairaudience or clairvoyance with any other potion will stun anyone drinking the potion for 1d4 days, due to massive sensory overload from uncontrolled telepathic input. The individual must be closely observed during this period to prevent harm to themselves or to others. An admixture containing a potion of longevity as an ingredient will act as a slow spell upon the imbiber for 1 hour. A potion of polymorph admixture always yields a poison of strongest toxicity and the person drinking it must save at -4 or die. A potion of delusion admixed with any other potion will always produce a potion of delusion. Thus, a potion of delusion mixed with a potion of invisibility will cause the drinker to believe he or she is truly invisible, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Potion Admixture Results

d% Result
01 Eldritch blast! A catastrophic release of magical energies. This massive energy discharge does 6d10 points of internal damage and 1d10 points of damage to anyone with 10-ft of the imbiber. If mixed externally, all persons within 10-ft of the epicentre of the blast take 4d6 points of damage, no saving throw allowed.
02-03 Poison, causing instant death if mixed internally, no save. External admixtures create a poisonous cloud 10-ft in diameter. Anyone within the cloud must save versus poison or die .
04-07 A strange brew results and imbiber sickens, losing 1d4 each strength and dexterity for 4d6 rounds, no saving throw. One potion is completely nullified and the other works at 50% strength and duration, determined randomly.
08-12 The potions cancel each other out.
13-20 One potion is cancelled and the other works at 50% strength and duration, determined randomly.
21-30 Both potions work but only at 50% strength and duration.
31-90 Successful admixture: both potions work normally.
91-99 Extraordinary success: one potion, determined randomly, works at 150% strength and duration while the other is cancelled.
00 Spectacular success! One of the imbibed potions, determined randomly, has bestowed its effect permanently. Of course, this may not always be a good thing! Consider, for instance, a permanent potion of gaseous form effect.

Animal Control (any): Anyone taking this potion gains the ability to relate to, understand, and manipulate the emotions of a particular type of animal. The type of animal is determined by a die roll (see below), and the number of animals affected depends on the size of the animal. The following general sizes and quantities apply: wolf size or smaller, 5d4; up to human size, 3d4; animals up to 1,000 lbs, 1d4.

D20 Result
1-4 Avian
5-7 Fish
8-11 Mammal, including marsupial
12-13 Any mammal and avian
14-17 Amphibians and reptiles
18-19 Amphibians, reptiles, and fish
20 All listed above

Note that unless the drinker of this potion has some other means of directly communicating with the animals influenced by the potion, only general emotions or inclinations may be manipulated. Humanoids are unaffected by this potion, and any creature with low intelligence (5) or higher may make a saving throw to resist its effects.

Clairaudience (any): This potion lasts for 2 turns and grants the drinker the spell-like ability to hear as the similarly named third level magic user spell. This effect can be used further to hear what is happening out of sight within 30-ft.

Clairvoyance (any): This potion lasts for 1 turn and grants the drinker the spell-like ability of clairvoyance like the third level magic user spell. Unlike the spell, this potion grants the ability to see what is happening outside of the known area within 30-ft.

Climbing (any): This potion lasts for 1 turn+5d5 rounds, during which time the drinker gains the ability to climb like a thief with 99% ability (a roll of 00 means failure). However, the odds of failure increase by 1% for every 1,000 gp worth of weight carried. Furthermore, the type of armour worn will influence climbing ability by decreasing the percentage chance of success as follows:

-1% Any type of magical armour -1% Studded leather -2% Ring mail -4% Scale mail -7% Chain mail -8% Banded and splinted armour -10% Plate mail

Delusion (any): This potion is aptly named, for it convinces the drinker that the potion is of another type. If more than one person tastes this potion, there is a 90% chance they all will believe the potion to be of the same type. For example, a potion of clairaudience might convince the drinker there are sounds in the distance that do not truly exist.

Diminution (any): This potion lasts for 1d4+7 turns. When drunk, the imbiber and everything carried will shrink to 5% of the person's original size. If only half of the potion is consumed, it will shrink the imbiber 50% of his or her original size.

Dragon Control (any): Drinking this potion grants the imbiber power equivalent to charm monster upon a dragon of a type determined by the table below. Each potion affects only one type of dragon unless otherwise indicated. The imbiber is able to control a dragon within 60-ft for the duration of 5d4 rounds. Roll on the table below for the specific type of dragon control potion.

D20 Result Value (gp)
1-2 Black dragon control 12,000
3-4 Blue dragon control 14,000
5-6 Brass dragon control 12,000
7 Bronze dragon control 14,000
8-9 Copper dragon control 13,000
10 Gold dragon control 16,000
11-13 Green dragon control 13,000
14 Red dragon control 15,000
15 Silver dragon control 15,000
16-17 White dragon control 10,000
18-19 All evil dragons 20,000
20 All good dragons 20,000

ESP (any): This potion grants a spell-like ability equivalent to the magic user spell ESP for the duration of 5d8 rounds.

Extra-Healing (any): Imbibing the full dose of this potion replenishes damage up to 3d8+3 hit points. Unlike most other potions, this can be imbibed in three equal portions for 1d8 hp of healing each.

Fire Resistance (any): The imbiber of this potion is impervious to all forms of ordinary flame, whether as small as a torch or as large as a raging bonfire, for 1 turn. Further, this potion reduces damage from other kinds of fire by -2 per die of damage. These kinds of fire include fireball, wall of fire, and the intense heat of molten rock. If exposure to these flames requires a saving throw, it is made at +4 to the die roll. Half of the potion can be quaffed for resistance lasting 5 rounds, and other bonuses provided are halved (-1 damage and +2 to saving throws).

Flying (any): This potion grants the spell-like ability equivalent to the magic user spell of the same name.

Gaseous Form(any): The person who quaffs this potion, in addition to all items on his or her person, takes on a translucent, gaseous consistency and floats at 30-ft per round. This speed can be different depending on natural wind speed in the environment or due to the effects of wind-altering spells. While in gaseous form, the person affected can flow below doors and other small spaces not sealed airtight. Although magical lightening and fire do the gaseous form full damage, while in gaseous form the imbiber is otherwise impervious to other attacks. However, double the normal damage is inflicted by a whirlwind. This potion must be fully imbibed to have effect.

Giant Control (any): When imbibed, the drinker is able to control up to two giants in the same manner as the spell charm monster for 5d6 rounds. A saving throw is allowed, and if only one giant is affected it receives -4 to this roll. If two giants are affected they receive +2 to this roll. Each potion of giant control affects only one type of giant. Consult the table below.

D20 Result Value (gp)
1-2 Cloud giant 5,000
3-6 Fire giant 4,000
7-10 Frost giant 3,000
11-15 Hill giant 1,000
16-19 Stone giant 2,000
20 Storm giant 6,000

Giant Strength (FPR): There is a separate potion for each type of giant, and the imbiber of this potion temporarily gains the strength score of the appropriate type of giant. This bonus in strength is accompanied by the giant ability to toss rocks at opponents. Consult the table below for the giant types and strength abilities granted. Giants are listed in order of ascending strength.

D20 Giant Strength Melee Dmg Wt Allow. Range mod Rock Dmg BB/LG Value (gp)
1-6 Hill +1d8 +4,500 +780-ft 1d6 50% 900
7-10 Stone +1d10 +5,000 +8,160-ft 1d12 60% 1,000
11-14 Frost +1d12 +6,000 +9,100-ft 1d8 70% 1,100
15-17 Fire +2d6 +7,500 +10,120-ft 1d8 80% 1,200
18-19 Cloud +2d8 +9,000 +11,140-ft 1d10 90% 1,300
20 Storm +2d10 +12,000 +12,160-ft 1d12 99% 1,400

Growth (any): The imbiber of this potion increases in size up to a maximum of an additional 24-ft. This potion can be quaffed in one-quarter increments such that one one-quarter portion increases size by 6-ft. Note that although the enlarged person gains enough strength to conduct normal movement, gained strength does not apply in any way to combat. However, movement does increase to an equal amount of a giant of equivalent size.

Healing (any): The imbiber of this potion regains 2d4+2 hp. This potion can only be quaffed in total for effect.

Heroism (FPR): Extra levels and their accompanied benefits to combat are temporarily granted to the imbiber,determined by his or her experience level as shown in the table below. Characters above 9th level receive no benefit.

Imbiber Level Levels Granted Additional Hit Dice (d10)
0 4 4
1st to 3rd 3 3+1
4th to 6th 2 2+2
7th to 9th 1 1+3

Human Control (any): Once quaffed, this potion grants the spell-like ability of charm person to the drinker for 5d6 rounds. Many kinds of humanoids, Demi-humans, and humans can be affected by this potion (see the table below), and 32 hit dice/levels of these beings are affected. Only whole hit dice are considered when calculating how many individuals are affected, and any bonuses are dropped (3+1, 4+2 are treated as 3, 4). The specific kind of human- like being affected for each potion is determined on the table below.

d20 Result
1-2 dwarfs
3-4 elves and half-elves
5 elves, half-elves, and humans
6-7 gnomes
8-9 halflings
10-11 half-orcs
12-17 humans
18-20 other humanoids (orcs, gnolls, goblins, etc .)

Invisibility (any): When this potion is quaffed, the drinker is bestowed with the spell-like ability of invisibility. This potion can be consumed in 1/8 increments, in which case the invisibility granted lasts 1d4+2 turns per dose. Any combat action removes the invisibility granted, such that a new dose must be consumed.

Invulnerability (F): An invulnerability potion makes the drinker impenetrable to normal attacks, attacks by non-magical beings, and attacks by creatures under 4 hit dice. Further, the drinker gains +2 to all saving throws and grants a reduction in armour class by two ranks. This potion may only be consumed by fighters and its effects last 3d6+2 rounds.

Levitation (any): When this potion is quaffed, the drinker is bestowed with the spell-like ability of levitation. The effects of this potion extend to the drinker only, but allow up to 6,000 gp of weight to be transported as well.

Longevity (any): This potion makes the drinker 1d12 years younger. This restored youth is possible not only for natural ageing, but also for ageing from magic or creature effects. There is some small danger however, since each time a potion of longevity is consumed there is a cumulative 1% probability that all previous age reversals from potions of this type will be negated, raising the character's age to the age he or she would be without the effects of the potions. It is not possible to drink this potion in increments.

Oil of Ætherealness (any): This potion is not imbibed, but the thin oil is applied to a character and all of his or her belongings in order to achieve an æthereal state for 1d4+4 turns. It takes 3 rounds for the potion to take effect, and it can be negated earlier than the duration by applying a mildly acidic liquid. When æthereal, a character is invisible and can pass through any objects that are not also æthereal.

Oil of Slipperiness (any): This oil is applied to the character in the same way as oil of ætherealness. Any character so coated cannot be restrained or grabbed, and neither wrapped in the grip of constrictor snakes or any other magical or otherwise. Simply put, nothing can get a grip on a character coated in this oil. Further, objects can be coated with the oil, and if a floor is coated any individual even standing on the floor will have a 95% probability each round of falling due to slipping. The effects of the oil last 8 hours, but the oil can be cleaned off early with liquid containing alcohol, such as whiskey, wine, or stout beer.

Philtre of Love (any): The imbiber of this potion may become charmed by the next person or creature upon whom he or she lays eyes. The drinker will actually become charmed and besotted by the person or creature if it is of the opposite sex and of similar racial stock. The charm aspect of this potion lasts for 4+1d4 turns, but only dispel magic will make the drinker cease to be enthralled by a member of the opposite sex.

Philtre of Persuasiveness (any): When this potion is quaffed, the drinker gains the ability to make a suggestion, as the magic user spell, to all creatures within 30-ft. Further, this potion makes the imbiber more alluring and grants a 25% bonus to reaction rolls.

Plant Control (any): The imbiber of a potion of plant control is able to control plants or plant-like creatures (including fungi and moulds) within an area of 20-ft squared, to a distance of 90-ft. This ability lasts for 5d4 rounds. Plants and plant-like creatures will obey commands to the best of their capacity. For instance, vines can be controlled to wrap around targets, and intelligent plants can be given orders. However, intelligent plant beings (5 or greater intelligence) receive a saving throw vs magic. Similar to other charm-like abilities, one cannot directly control an intelligent plant creature to inflict harm upon itself.

Polymorph (any): This potion grants the spell-like ability to polymorph self, as the fourth level magic user spell.

Speed (any): This potion doubles combat and movement ability for 5d4 rounds. Thus, if the imbiber can normally move at 90-ft, for the duration of this potion's effect the imbiber can move at 180-ft. The number of attacks available double as well, but this potion does not decrease spell-casting time. This heightened ability does not come without cost, for the strain it puts on the imbiber's body ages him or her by 1 year permanently.

Super-Heroism (FPR): Unlike the potion of heroism, the effects of this potion last 5d6 rounds. Extra levels and their accompanied benefits to combat are temporarily granted to the imbiber, determined by his or her experience level as shown in the table below. Characters above 12th level receive no benefit.

Imbiber Level Levels Granted Additional Hit Dice (d10)
0 6 5
1-3 5 4+1
4-6 4 3+2
7-9 3 2+3
10-12 2 1+4

Sweet Water (any): This sweet-tasting liquid can be used to cleanse water (including turning salt water into fresh water) or otherwise transform poisons, acid, etc. into drinkable liquid. Further, sweet water will destroy other potions. For most liquids, this potion will affect up to 100,000-ft cubed. However, only 1,000-ft cubed of acid can be neutralised. The effects of sweet water are permanent, and once treated, liquid will resist spoilage or contamination for 5d4 rounds after which it can be contaminated once again.

Treasure Finding (any): For 5d4 rounds, the imbiber of this potion can sense any treasure within 240-ft containing valuable metals or gems. In order to be detected, the total value of the treasure must meet or exceed any combination of 50 gp or 100 gems. Any valuable metal meeting this value in quantity is detectable, and any gems, including those in jewellery, are detectable. Although the direction of the treasure can be sensed, the precise distance cannot. No physical barrier will impede detection, except some magical wards or lead.

Undead Control (any): Normally undead are immune to charm. However, when quaffed this potion grants the drinker the ability to charm undead (intelligent or otherwise) as the charm person spell. Only intelligent undead are allowed a saving throw vs magic, with a penalty of 2. A total of 16 hit dice of undead can be influenced. All hit dice bonuses are rounded down (5+2 hit dice is considered as 5). The affects of this potion last 5d4 rounds. Each potion of undead control affects one type of undead, determined from the table below.

d10 Undead Affected
1 Ghasts
2 Ghosts
3 Ghouls
4 Shadows
5 Skeletons
6 Spectres
7 Vampires
8 Wights
9 Wraiths
10 Zombies

Water Breathing (any): The imbiber of this potion is granted the ability to breathe when submerged in any liquid that contains oxygen (rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.). The duration is 1 hour+1d10 rounds per dose. There is a 75% probability that a potion will contain 4 doses, and a 25% probability it will contain 2 doses.


Spell Scrolls

Scrolls can be found rolled up in any number of decorative or plain tubes. A scroll tube may be magically sealed such that a character must cast read magic to read the magical words that open it. Reading the writing on the tube will also reveal whether the tube has been cursed or protected with a magical trap. Once opened, if an arcane spell scroll, a further read magic spell must be used to comprehend the magical script. (Note that once read magic has been used on a scroll, the same user does not need to cast it again to comprehend the same scroll at a later time.)

A cursed scroll is triggered by the use of read magic, but other scrolls are not. At the GM's option, a scroll may have up to a 3 in 10 chance of its magical writing vanishing if left in a scroll tube for an extended amount of time without casting read magic on the scroll to learn its nature.

When spell scrolls are found, use the table below to determine what class of spells is present. Only characters of the appropriate class may use the spells.

d10 Class
1-6 Magic user
7 Illusionist
8-9 Cleric
10 Druid

For the purposes of spell casting, all spells function as if cast by a spell user with one more level of experience than is necessary to cast the spell. However, all spells cast from a scroll are cast as the minimum equivalent of a 6th level spell caster. Thus, even a 1st level spell will be cast as if by a 6th level spell caster. Note that if a spell caster uses a scroll spell for a spell which he or she would normally be unable to cast due to being of insufficient level, there is a cumulative 5% probability that the spell fails for each level the caster is lower than the level required. For instance, if a 2nd level cleric attempts to use a spell that normally must be cast by a cleric of 4th level, there is a 10% chance of spell failure. In addition, if a roll indicates that a spell fails, there is an equal probability that the spell affects the caster, produces some other unfortunate effect, or creates some other effect at the GM's discretion.

Once a scroll spell is cast, the magical writings for that spell vanish. This also applies even when a scroll spell is read for the purpose of memorisation or to be added to a spell book.

Scrolls of Warding

Unless otherwise noted, all scrolls of warding produce an area of protection within a 10-ft radius of the reader, and the area moves with the affected character. No creature of the type indicated by the warding may enter the area of protection by any means, but if the affected character forces a creature of the affected type into this radius, the effects of the scroll are cancelled. Scroll effects may be “stacked” in that several different scrolls of warding may be active on one being at once, but scrolls of the same type do not stack for the purposes of increased duration or potency.

Ward of Demons (CP): All demons are unable to enter the protected area for 5d4 rounds. This scroll takes a variable amount of time to read, to be determined by the power level of the demon.

Demon Type Time to Read
Class C or weaker 3 segments
Class E or weaker 7 segments
Greatest demons 1 round

Ward of Devils (CP): This scroll is effective for warding against all devils for 5d4 rounds. If the scroll is read for 1 round, it will repel all devil types. Otherwise, the scroll may be read for a variable amount of time to offer protection only against some devils.

Devil Type Time to Read
Lesser devils or lower 3 segments
Greater devils or lower 7 segments
Arch devils or lower 1 round

Ward of Elementals (CDIM): This scroll takes 6 segments to read and wards against elementals for 5d8 rounds. If the scroll wards against only one type of elemental, it is effective against 24 HD of elementals. If the scroll is effective against all forms of elementals, it repels 16 HD. If more elementals are present than can be warded off, these additional beings may enter the area of protection and attack anyone within. Roll on the table below to determine which elementals are warded off by a specific scroll. Note that some creatures that are closely connected with elements, or are a particular form of elemental monster, may also be warded off at the GM's discretion.

d20 Elemental Type
1-3 Air
4-6 Earth
7-9 Fire
10-12 Water
13-20 All

Ward of Lycanthropes (any): This warding scroll takes 4 segments to read and its effects last for 5d6 rounds. A total of 49 HD of creatures are warded off, and for this calculation any “+” is rounded up if 3 or more, or down if 2 or fewer. Any creatures above these HD may enter the protected area and attack characters within. Roll on the table below to determine which specific creature type a scroll of warding is effective against. Note that if all shape-changers is indicated, this includes any creature that is capable of taking a human form, as well as creatures under the effects of a polymorph spell or creatures with an innate ability to shape-change or polymorph (including druids of high level).

d20 Creature Type
1 Werebears
2 Wereboars
3-4 Wererats
5 Weretigers
6-8 Werewolves
9-19 All lycanthropes
20 All shape-changers

Ward of Magic (any): This scroll of warding takes 8 segments to read and has a duration of 5d6 rounds. Unlike other scrolls of warding, the protection offered by this scroll is confined to a 5-ft radius of the scroll reader. This area of protection prevents any magical effects from passing through. Should a magic item pass through the area, there is a 50% probability that the item loses all magical properties (exception: major artifacts will not be so affected). When more than one magic item makes contact with this anti-magic barrier at the same time, the barrier is severely taxed. The GM will roll to check whether an item is drained of its magical properties, in the same approximate order that each item makes contact with the barrier (or in random order). In this circumstance, should a check indicate an item is drained of magic, the barrier is immediately overloaded and dissolves.

Ward of Petrifaction (any): This scroll of warding is read in 5 segments and lasts for 5d4 rounds. All characters within the area of protection are immune to all sources of petrifaction, whether from spells, gaze, breath weapons, or any other source.

Ward of Possession (CP): This scroll is read in 1 round. Most of these scrolls (1-9 on 1d10) have a duration of 10d6 rounds. The remaining scrolls have a duration of 10d6 turns, but the protection is rooted to one 10-ft radius location when cast from the scroll. This scroll wards off all effects that can control the mind, including spells such as magic jar. This scroll prevents any form of mental energy drain, whether magical or some other form. The protection offered by this scroll of warding is extended to all beings, living or dead, within the radius.

Ward of Undead (CP): This scroll of warding takes 4 segments to read, and has a duration of 10d8 rounds. The area of effect is a 5-ft radius from the scroll reader. It wards off 35 HD (or levels) of undead, but any excess creatures are able to pass into the protected area and attack creatures within. Otherwise undead cannot pass through the protective barrier, but can employ ranged attacks or spells into the area from outside. Most scrolls that ward off undead are effective against all forms of undead, but the GM may decide to make some scrolls specific to a form of undead. Refer to the potion of undead control for a table to determine an undead type if this option is used.

Rods, Staves and Wands

These devices are relatively similar in nature, but vary in appearance and effect. Wands are the smallest of these, usually being about 1-ft long and narrow. Rods are the next largest, about 3-ft long and ¾-in thick. Staves are the largest, usually being 6-ft long and about 2 in thick. Wands and rods can be made of wood, metal, ivory, or any combination of these materials, and are most often found inside of a special case. Any staff will be made of wood, unless otherwise noted, with ornate carving and complex shape.

Most of these devices use charges, which can be restored by high level magic users. Should a device reach zero charges, it will disintegrate, thus rendering recharging impossible. These devices are found with the following charges, which should not be revealed to the players unless they are somehow able to divine this information:

Device Type Charges
Wands 101-1d20
Rods 51-1d10
Staves 26-1d6

Unless noted otherwise, these devices require a command word or magical phrase to trigger a magical effect. As such, the spell silence and similar effects can prevent these devices' use.


Absorption (any): This rod acts as a magnet, drawing spells into itself. The magic absorbed must be a single-target spell or a ray directed at either the character possessing the rod or his or her gear. The rod then nullifies the spell effects and stores their potential until the wielder releases this energy in the form of spells of his or her own. He or she can instantly detect the level of the spell as the rod absorbs its energy. Absorption requires no action on the part of the user if the rod is in hand at the time.

The player must keep a running total of absorbed (and used) spell levels. The wielder of the rod can use captured spell energy to cast any spell he or she has prepared in 1 segment without expending the preparation itself (i.e. he or she still has the spell in memory). The only restrictions are that the levels of spell energy stored in the rod must be equal to or greater than the level of the spell the wielder wants to cast, that any material components required for the spell be present, and that the rod be in hand when casting.

A rod of absorption absorbs a maximum of 50 spell levels and can thereafter only discharge any remaining potential it might have. The rod cannot be recharged. The wielder knows the remaining absorbing potential of the rod and current amount of stored energy.

Cancellation (any): This dreaded rod is a bane to magic items, for its touch drains an item of all magical properties. The item touched must make a saving throw to prevent the rod from draining it. Contact is made by making an attack roll. Upon draining an item, the rod itself becomes brittle and cannot be used again. Drained items are not restorable even by wish. See the table below for magic item saving throws against this draining effect:

Item Type Save
Potion 20
Ring 17
Rod 14
Scroll 19
Staff 13
Wand 15
Artifact 13
Armour and Shields 11 (8 if +5)
Sword 9 (7 if a holy sword)
Miscellaneous Magic 12
Miscellaneous Weapons* 10

* Note that a single use of the rod of cancellation may drain many small magical items, if they are contained together. For example, a quiver of magical crossbow bolts.

Captivation (CDIM): With the expenditure of 1 charge, all monsters and characters within a 20-ft radius are charmed by the wielder for 1 turn so long as they are at least minimally intelligent. All charmed beings will hold nothing but respect and awe for the wielder, and will seek to please him or her by doing nearly anything short of harming themselves or violating their alignment.

Lordly Might (FPR): This rod has functions that are spell-like, and it can also be used as a magic weapon of various sorts. It also has several more mundane uses. The rod of lordly might is metal, thicker than other rods, with a flanged ball at one end and six stud-like buttons along its length. It weighs 10 lbs, and a strength of 16 or greater is necessary to wield this weapon. Any character with less than 16 strength suffers an attack penalty of -1 per point below 16.

The rod has the following spell-like functions, each of which costs 1 charge:

  • Fear upon all enemies viewing it, if the wielder so desires (60-ft maximum range). The target is allowed a save vs magic.
  • Paralyse upon touch, if the wielder so commands. The wielder must choose to use this power and then succeed on a melee touch attack to activate the power. If the attack fails, the effect is lost. The target is allowed a save vs magic.
  • Deal 2d4 hp of damage to an opponent on a successful touch attack (no save) and cure the wielder of a like amount of damage.

The following weapon functions of the rod do not require the use of charges:

  • In its normal form, the rod can be used as a +2 mace.
  • When button #1 is pushed, the rod becomes a +1 flaming sword. A blade springs from the ball, with the ball itself becoming the sword's hilt. The weapon lengthens to an overall length of 3-ft.
  • When button #2 is pushed, the rod becomes a +4 battle axe. A blade springs forth at the ball, and the whole lengthens to 4-ft.
  • When button #3 is pushed, the rod becomes a +3 spear. The spear blade springs forth, and the handle can be lengthened up to 12-ft (wielder's choice), for an overall length of from 6-ft to 15-ft. At its 15-ft length, the rod is suitable for use as a lance.

The following other functions of the rod do not employ charges:

  • Climbing pole/ladder. When button #4 is pushed, a spike that can anchor in granite is extruded from the ball, while the other end sprouts three sharp hooks. The rod lengthens to anywhere between 5 and 50-ft in a single round, stopping when button 4 is pushed again. Horizontal bars 3-in long fold out from the sides, 1-ft apart, in staggered progression. The rod is firmly held by the spike and hooks and can bear up to 4,000 lbs. The wielder can retract the pole by pushing button #5.
  • The ladder function can be used to force open doors. The wielder plants the rod's base 30-ft or less from the portal to be forced and in line with it, then pushes button #4. The force exerted has a strength equal to that of a storm giant.
  • When button #6 is pushed, the rod indicates magnetic north and gives the wielder a knowledge of his or her approximate depth beneath the surface or height above it.

This rod may never be recharged. When the charges are expired, functions that require charges may not be used again, and neither may the rod be employed as a +1 flaming sword nor a +4 battle axe. These attributes are lost.

Resurrection (C): This rod may be used to the same effect as the cleric spell resurrection, except the wielder does not age or need to rest after using the rod. The rod may resurrect both humans and demi-humans, including half-orcs and elves. This rod may be used only once each day. A quantity of charges will be expended to resurrect a character based on the character's race and class. Refer to the table below, adding the charge cost for each of these variables together. Any character with more than one class will cost the higher quantity of charges for his or her classes.

Race Charges Class Charges
Human 1 Fighter 2
Half-elf 2 Paladin 1
Half-orc 4 Ranger 2
Halfling 2 Magic User 3
Elf 4 Illusionist 3
Dwarf 3 Thief 3
Gnome 3 Assassin 4
Cleric 1
Druid 2

The rod of resurrection is not rechargeable.

Rulership (FPR): This rod looks like a royal sceptre. The wielder can command the obedience and fealty of creatures within 120-ft when he or she activates the device. Creatures totalling (1d4×100)+100 hit dice can be ruled, but creatures with intelligence scores of 15 or higher and levels or HD equal to or greater than 12 are entitled to a save vs magic to negate the effect. Ruled creatures obey the wielder as if he or she were their absolute sovereign. Still, if the wielder gives a command that is contrary to the nature of the creatures commanded, the magic is broken. The rod can be used after 5 segments from activation, and each charge expended allows the rod to be used for 1 turn. The rod crumbles to dust once all charges are expended. It may not be recharged.

Striking (CDIM): A rod of striking deals 1d8+3 hp damage, and functions as a +3 weapon of magical nature. When this rod is used against golems, it always costs 1 charge per successful hit in combat, and deals 2d8+6 hp damage. Note that when employed in this way against a golem, a successful roll of 20 will instantly annihilate the target. In addition, this rod may deal increased damage to night hags, devils, demons, and other infernal beings from the outer planes. When attacking these monsters, a successful attack roll of 20 causes the expenditure of a charge and the rod deals triple normal damage.


Unless otherwise noted, all staves perform spell-like effects as if cast by a character of the 8th level of experience. Further, a staff may be used to effect in 2 segments when first used, but requires 8 segments for additional uses, as the staff gathers its energies for a new discharge.

Compulsion (CM): A staff of compulsion has three primary uses, which are variable in effect and availability depending on whether the staff is wielded by a cleric or a magic user. First, the staff can replicate the effects of a potion of plant control when wielded by a cleric. Plants may be con- trolled for up to 1 turn in a 10-ft square area per 1 charge expenditure. Second, the staff may replicate the effects of a ring of humanoid control. This costs 1 charge per use. Finally, the third use of the staff replicates the effect of a potion of animal control when wielded by a cleric, and replicates a ring of mammal command when wielded by a magic user. Both of these effects cost 1 charge for use of a period of up to 1 turn increments. For example, 2 turns would cost 2 charges, or 1 turn plus 2 rounds would also cost 2 charges.

Healing (CD): This staff can cure the following conditions, two times each per day: blindness, disease, injury (3d8+3 hp), and insanity. This staff may only be employed on an individual humanoid one time per function, per day. For example, the wielder could cure a victim of all conditions the staff can address, but only once for each condition in one day. This staff may be recharged.

Power (IM): The staff of power is a very potent magic item, with offensive and defensive abilities. Each of the following spell-like powers cost 1 charge: magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, continual light, darkness 15-ft radius, levitate, lightning bolt, fireball, and cone of cold.

The staff of power has the following additional spell-like powers, each of which costs 2 charges: paralysation, globe of invulnerability, and shield (5-ft radius).

The wielder of a staff of power gains a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws. The staff is also a +2 quarterstaff, and its wielder may use it to smite opponents. If 1 charge is expended, the staff causes double damage for 1 round. This effect may not be stacked.

A staff of power can be used for a retributive strike, as the staff of wizardry.

A staff of power may be recharged.

Serpent (CD): Two forms of this staff are known to exist, a python form (60%) and a viper form (40%). Neither form uses charges.

The python strikes as a +2 quarterstaff. If the user throws the staff to the ground, it grows to become a giant (25-ft long) constrictor snake by the end of the round (90-ft move, AC 3, 49 hp). The python obeys all commands of the owner, and constricts any opponent it successfully attacks for 1d6+3 hp damage per round. The serpent returns to staff form (a full-round action) whenever the wielder desires. If the snake form is killed the staff is irreparably lost.

The viper strikes as a +1 weapon for 1d4+1 hp damage. Once per day, upon command, the head of the staff becomes that of an actual serpent for 1 turn (20 hp, AC 9). During this period, any successful strike with the rod deals its usual damage and also poisons the creature hit. A victim must succeed in a saving throw vs poison or die. The viper only functions if its possessor is evil.

Withering (CDIM): A staff of withering acts as a +1 weapon that deals 1d4+1 hit points of damage. In addition, if the wielder chooses to spend 2 charges on a hit, the victim will age 10 years. Spending 3 charges requires the victim to instead save vs magic, or a limb withers into a desiccated, worthless member. The specific limb struck is determined randomly. Note that effects from the staff are stacked, such that a victim hit with the staff when 3 charges are spent will have a limb wither and he or she will age as well.

Wizardry (M): The staff of wizardry is a powerful device, granting several spells at the wielder's disposal. The staff may be used to effect the following spell-like abilities: detect magic, enlarge, hold portal, light, and protection from good (evil). These abilities do not require the expenditure of charges.

In addition, the staff has the following abilities that cost 1 charge per use: dispel magic, fireball, ice storm, invisibility, knock, lightning bolt, passwall, pyrotechnics, wall of fire, and web. The following powerful abilities cost 2 charges per use: conjure elemental, plane shift, telekinesis, and whirl- wind (as a genie).

The wielder of the staff receives a bonus of +2 for saving throws vs magic. This staff may be recharged, but only by absorbing magical energies that are cast at the wielder. When a spell is cast at the wielder, he may choose to absorb these energies, at a rate of 1 charge per spell level of the spell directed at him. Note that taking this manoeuvre is the sole action of the staff for that round, and it may not be used for other effects in the same round it absorbs energy. Each staff has a maximum number of possible charges, and it will only safely absorb charges to this limit. The wielder will not know the limit, or how many charges have been used, unless some magical means is employed to discover this. The staff does not reveal this information. Should the staff collect energy in excess of its limit, it detonates in the same manner as in a retributive strike, as described below.

A staff of wizardry can be used for a retributive strike, requiring it to be broken by its wielder. The breaking of the staff must be intentional and declared by the wielder. All charges currently in the staff are instantly released in a 30-ft radius. All within 10-ft of the broken staff take points of damage equal to 8× the number of charges in the staff, those 10-ft to 20-ft away take 6× the number of charges in damage, and those 20-ft to 30-ft distant take 4× the number of charges in damage. All those affected can make saving throws vs magic to reduce the damage by half. The character breaking the staff has a 50% chance of travelling to another plane of existence, but if he or she does not, the explosive release of spell energy destroys him or her. Only the staff of wizardry and the staff of power may be used for a retributive strike.

After all charges are used up from the staff, it remains a +2 quarterstaff. Once empty of charges, it cannot be used for a retributive strike.


For the purposes of calculating duration, damage, range, and other effects, wands function as if a character of 6th level produces their magical effects. Some small percentage of wands, at the GM's discretion, are cursed to either direct their effects at the user or produce some other misleading or harmful effect.

Detecting Magic (CDIM): When activated, this wand will vibrate and point to the most powerful magic within 30-ft of the wand wielder. If used continuously for more than 1 round, in further rounds the wand will reveal additional sources of magic, in approximate descending rank of their relative power. Should the wielder use a round focusing the wand on a source of magic, the wand will reveal the form of magic it is (such as illusion or charm). This wand may be used for 1 continuous turn per charge spent. However, for each continuous round of use (after the first round) there is a 1% cumulative probability that the wand will offer information that is opposite to the reality. In this case magic items will appear mundane, or non-magical items will seem to radiate magic.

Detecting Minerals and Metals (any): Like other wands of detection, this wand will vibrate and point to the item it is enchanted to detect, in this case, the largest quantity of a mineral or metal within a 30-ft range. The wand may also be used to detect all samples of a specific mineral or metal within range, such as gold or diamonds. The wielder of the wand becomes aware of the quantity of the item when detected. This wand requires 1 round per use, and may be used continuously for 1 turn per charge spent. The wand of detecting minerals and metals can be recharged.

Detecting Traps and Secret Doors (any): The wielder of this wand may choose, each round, to detect traps (range of 30-ft) or a secret door (range of 15-ft). The wand will vibrate and point to the desired object. Each round of use requires 1 charge, and it is rechargeable.

Enemy Detection (any): A wand of enemy detection can, at the expenditure of 1 charge, detect any being with harmful or unkind intentions toward the wand wielder, within 60-ft. The wand will throb in the user's hand and point in the direction of such a being. The being need not be in obvious sight, and the wand can detect it even if it is hiding, invisible, or otherwise outside of normal space, such as when in astral or æthereal form. A wand of enemy detection may be recharged.

Fear (CDIM): Once per round, by spending 1 charge, this wand will emit a ray of sinister purple light that takes 1 segment to appear. The ray is shaped as a cone 20-ft wide at its terminal end and 60-ft long. Any being within the area of effect must succeed in a saving throw vs wands or fall under effects identical to the cleric spell fear. A wand of fear is rechargeable.

Fire (DM): A wand of fire produces several spell-like effects, and may only produce one effect per round. The following effects require the expenditure of 1 charge: burning hands shoots forth a triangular cone of fire 12-ft long with a 10-ft ending width. It takes 1 segment for this effect to manifest, and it lasts but a moment. Any being within this area of effect suffers 6 hp damage. Pyrotechnics may also be produced from the wand, and take 2 segments to appear. This effect exactly mimics the spell of the same name.

The wand of fire may produce the following effects with the expenditure of 2 charges: a fireball may be shot from the wand, performing exactly as the spell of the same name, as if cast from a 6th level character. It deals 6d6 hp damage to all within the area of effect (save vs wands for half damage). Any result of 1 on a damage die is treated as a 2. A wall of fire may be produced in 3 segments, like the spell of the same name cast from a 6th level character. The wall may be formed into a 22-ft diameter circle surrounding the wand wielder.

This wand is rechargeable.

Ice (DM): A wand of ice produces several spell-like effects, and may only produce one effect per round. The following effects require the expenditure of 1 charge: an ice storm (as the magic user spell) wreaks its cold havoc to a distance of 60-ft, and appears in 1 segment; a wall of ice can be brought into existence, taking 2 segments to appear. It always has a thickness of 6-in, but may have any surface area as commanded by the wand wielder to a maximum of 600 square-ft (for example, 25×24-ft or 10×60-ft).

The wand of ice may produce a cone of cold with the expenditure of 2 charges. The cone is 20-ft in diameter at its maximum length of 60-ft. This effect manifests in 2 segments, and is present for only a moment. Nonetheless, it deals 6d6 hp damage to all within the area of effect (save vs wands for half damage). Any result of 1 on a damage die is treated as a 2.

The wand of ice is rechargeable.

Light (CDIM): A wand of light produces several spell-like effects, and may only produce one effect per round. The following effects require the expenditure of 1 charge: dancing lights as the magic user spell, which appears in 1 segment, and light as the magic user spell, which appears in 2 segments.

The wielder may spend 2 charges to create continual light, which takes 2 segments to manifest. Finally, by spending 3 charges, the wielder may create a ray of intense sunlight. This effect manifests in 3 segments. The bright golden-yellow light lasts only a moment, has a range of 120-ft, and forms a 40-ft diameter sphere of light. Any being within the area must save vs wands or be blinded and stunned for 2d6 segments. The golden sphere of light has a devastating effect on all undead, dealing 6d6 hp of damage, with no saving throw allowed.

Illusion (IM): This wand is capable of producing both visual and audible illusions, each requiring a charge per round the illusion is maintained. The illusory effect worked by the wielder manifests in 3 segments, and requires full concentration to maintain. The wielder may not engage in any combat or complex action, but may move at normal speed. This wand is rechargeable.

Lightning (DM): If the wielder of a wand of lighting hits an opponent (in melee) with the wand and spends 1 charge, he or she may deliver an electrical charge to his or her victim, which inflicts 1d10 hp damage. No saving throw is permitted, and for AC purposes a victim wearing metal armour has an AC of 10, regardless of magical armour bonuses. Non-metal armour and items such as a ring of protection do apply, however.

By spending 2 charges, the wielder of this wand may produce a lightning bolt, similar to the magic user spell, to inflict 6d6 hp of damage. Any result of 1 on a damage die is treated as a 2. A save vs wands is allowed for half damage.

A wand of lightning can be recharged.

Magic Missiles (M): This wand may fire 1 or 2 magic missiles (wielder's choice), as the spell, each round. Each missile requires 1 charge and 3 segments before it manifests. These magical bolts deal 1d4+1 hp damage each.

Negation (CDIM): This device negates the spell or spell-like function or functions of magic items. The wielder points the rod at the magic item, and a pale grey beam shoots forth to touch the target device or being after 1 segment. The ray negates any function of all wands, and any other target item or magical effect (including spells cast by the target) has a 25% chance of resisting the negation. Each use of the wand costs 1 charge, and may be used one time per round. A wand of negation can never be recharged.

Paralysation (CDIM): A wand of paralysation may fire a ghoulish green beam of energy once per round, to a range of 60-ft. The beam will paralyse any one victim who fails a save vs wands. The effect has a duration of 5d4 rounds. The beam of energy manifests after 3 segments. This wand is rechargeable.

Polymorphing (DM): By pointing the wand and giving a command, the wielder may fire a crackling beam of pure black energy at a target. If the victim fails a saving throw vs wands, he or she is affected as if by the magic user spell polymorph other, to transform into any creature the wielder desires. Instead, the wielder may strike a being with the wand, which surrounds the subject in flickering black shadows and causes him or her to be affected as if by the magic user spell polymorph self. In this case, the wielder pronounces the name of the creature into which the victim will transform as he or she touches the opponent. A saving throw is permitted, but a willing subject may choose to forgo the save.

Summoning (CDIM): The wielder of this wand, when holding the wand by hand (not when it is packed away) is able to instantly identify spells of a conjuration or summoning nature, either when seen written or actively cast. The wielder may spend a charge to cast the spells unseen servant or monster summoning. To cast monster summoning, the wielder must be of sufficient level to cast the version employed (I, II, III, IV, V or VI), and it requires 5 segments. When casting monster summoning, the wielder may spend up to 6 charges, to stack the effects as if more than one spell were cast. For example, the 6 charges could be spent to cast monster summoning VI, or they could be used to cast monster summoning I six times, monster sum- moning II and IV, or any other combination totalling 6.

A wand of summoning can produce the effects of a prismatic sphere (it may be formed into a wall). However, unlike the spell, the wand may only produce a single colour type at a time, per use each round. Each use costs 1 charge, and takes 5 segments to appear.

The wand is also capable of bringing into existence a veil of darkness, by spending 2 charges. This effect takes 5 segments to cast. This veil can occupy a space equal to 600-ft squared, and can take any dimensions equalling this amount (20-ft×30-ft, 15-ft×40-ft, etc.) No light may pass through the veil, but other magical effects and physical objects may pass through it normally.

A wand of summoning is rechargeable.

Wonder (any): A wand of wonder is a strange and unpredictable device that randomly generates any number of weird effects each time it is used. Each use costs 1 charge.

In some cases a saving throw is appropriate. The effects should be considered typical of those possible, but the GM may adjust these or create new effects depending on the situation. Typical powers of the wand include the following:

d% Wondrous Effect
01-05 Slow creature pointed at for 1 turn.
06-10 Faerie fire surrounds the target.
11-15 Deludes wielder for 1 round into believing the rod functions as indicated by a second die roll (no save).
16-20 Gust of wind, but at twice the power.
21-25 Wielder learns target's surface thoughts (as with ESP) for 1d4 rounds.
26-30 Stinking cloud at 30-ft range.
31-33 Heavy rain falls for 1 round in 60-ft radius centred on wand wielder.
34-36 Summon an animal—a rhino (01-25), elephant (26-50), or mouse (51-00).
37-46 Lightning bolt (70-ft long, 5-ft wide), 6d6 damage.
47-49 Stream of 600 large butterflies pours forth and flutters around for 2 rounds, blinding everyone (including wielder).
50-53 Enlarge victim if within 60-ft of wand.
54-58 Darkness, 30-ft diameter hemisphere, centred 30-ft away from wand.
59-62 Grass grows in 160-ft square area before the wand, or grass existing there grows to ten times normal size.
63-65 Vanish any nonliving object of up to 1,000 lb mass and up to 30-ft cubed in size.
66-69 Reduce wielder to 112 height.
70-79 Fireball, 6d6 damage, as wand.
80-84 Invisibility covers wand wielder.
85-87 Leaves grow from target if within 60-ft of wand.
88-90 10-40 gems, value 1 gp each, shoot forth in a 30-ft long stream. Each gem deals 1 point of damage to any creature in its path: roll 5d4 for the number of hits.
91-95 Shimmering colours dance and play over a 40-ft×30-ft area in front of wand. Creatures therein are blinded for 1d6 rounds.
96-97 Wielder (50% chance) or target (50% chance) turns permanently blue, green, or purple.
98-00 Flesh to stone (or stone to flesh if target is stone already) if target is within 60-ft.

Magic Armour and Shields

Sometimes magic armour and shields go beyond a simple bonus to armour class. Presented here are a few examples to spur the imagination.

Plate Mail of Æthereality (CFPR): +5 plate mail that will cause the wearer and everything non-living thing he or she is wearing or carrying to become æthereal when the command word is spoken. Every time the wearer becomes æthereal, a charge is used. The plate mail holds 20 charges and every 5 uses reduces the AC bonus by 1. Therefore, five uses of a fully charged plate mail of ætherealiality reduces the AC bonus to +4, but note the AC bonus is always at least +1, even if all charges are expended. This magical armour cannot be recharged by any means.

Large Shield +1, Missile Deflector (CDFPR): This shield grants +1 to AC against melee weapons but a +4 AC bonus vs missiles or hurled weapons. The shield also grants a 20% magic resistance against magic missiles provided, of course, the magic missile attack originates from in front of the wielder of the shield.

Magic Swords

All magic swords receive their bonus in both increased chances “to hit” and increased damage. A longsword +1 would therefore be 5% more likely to hit its target (+1 on all “to hit” rolls) and cause an additional 1 point of damage (+1 to damage rolled) to every successful attack. The section below details magical swords that go beyond simple bonuses applying “to hit” probabilities and damage inflicted. Last of all, this section also deals with the rarest of magic weapons: intelligent swords. The GM is free, of course, to apply the principles of unusual or intelligent swords to any weapon he or she chooses.

Some basic points concerning magical swords: most magical bladed weapons shed light when drawn, even though this property may not always be desirable. There are exceptions to the rule as noted in the individual descriptions but unless otherwise stated, the sword will glow. All holy swords are lawful good in alignment.

Some weapons, including some of these swords, do double or even triple damage when fighting certain types of opponents. The GM must remember to double the damage from the attack before adding the damage bonus. Example: A long sword striking a large opponent in combat deals 1d12 damage. “If the longsword was a +3 weapon and attacking a creature to which it magically dealt double damage, the GM would determine damage using the following formula: (1d12×2)+3—and NOT (1d12+3)×2.

Bleeding Sword (AFPRT): A feared weapon, the bleeding sword is a +1 blade with a terrible power. Any damage caused by this weapon is progressive for up to 10 melee rounds on a 1 for 1 basis. An attack causing 5 points of damage, for instance, will cause an additional 5 points of damage the next combat round and each following round; up to 50 damage points total. Hit point damage can be halted by the victim leaving combat and binding his or her wounds. All hits from this blade do damage the same way. Wounds caused by this magic sword can only be healed with rest and time; no curative magic of any type will be effective. Even creatures capable of regenerating cannot heal themselves thus, whether this is a natural ability (trolls) or magical ability (ring of regeneration).

Dancing Sword (AFPRT): An unusual weapon. During the first round the dancing sword is used in combat it performs as a +1 blade. Each subsequent round the sword adds an “additional +1 bonus up to the maximum of +4 in the fourth round. In round 5 the process begins again, and at this point the blade can “dance.”

A dancing sword can then be loosed from the wielder's hand to fight on its own for 4 rounds, up to 30-ft away. The dancing sword will fight as if still being held by the owner and gains the successive bonuses to its attack and damage each round. When the dancing sword cycles from +4 back to +1 it will return to its owner's hand, where it must be wielded for 4 rounds before being released to dance again.

If the owner declines to grasp the sword when it returns to him or her, or if he or she moves more than 30-ft away from the dancing sword, the weapon will fall inanimate to the ground. The sword cannot be physically attacked by its opponent while dancing, though it is subject to magical attacks and effects (examples: fireball, transmute metal to wood). While the sword is dancing, the wielder can perform any other action he or she wishes, including fighting with another weapon.

Defender (AFPRT): This sword is +4, but the wielder of this sword has the option each round of adding all or part of the bonus to his or her AC. Thus, a fighter could increase his or her current AC of 2 (plate mail with shield) to AC 0 by deducting 2 points from the sword's +4 bonus and making the defender +2 “to hit” for that round.

Dragonbane (AFPRT): The dragonbane sword is +2 against most opponents,+4 vs all dragons and against one specific type of dragon (determined randomly) deals triple damage. If one of these swords should be determined to be intelligent (see below), it will in no way allow the player to slay a dragon of the same alignment. A chart is included to assist the GM with selecting a dragon type for triple damage. Since a campaign may include other types of dragons, the GM may wish to modify this list.

D10 Result D10 Result
01 black 06 gold
02 blue 07 green
03 brass 08 red
04 bronze 09 silver
05 copper 10 white

Flaming Blade (AFPRT): The blade of this weapon bursts into flame when its command word is spoken, giving illumination as a torch. The sword does not otherwise glow as most other magic swords do. The flame tongue's fiery blade can easily ignite paper, oil, kindling, webs, or dry wood.

The sword is normally +1, but gives a +2 as a trollbane does, a+3 bonus against creatures that are inflammable, bird-like or have a special attack involving cold, and a +4 against undead. These bonuses do not stack; only the highest bonus should be counted. (Thus, if attacking a skeletal roc, the sword is +4 not +7.)

Frost Brand (AFPRT): The frost brand is normally +3, granting a +6 bonus against any creature using fire as its attack (e.g. red dragons) or dwelling in fire such as fire elementals. This weapon grants special defence against fire; treat the wielder as if he or she were wearing a ring of fire resistance. The cold-based magic of the blade also has a 50% chance of extinguishing fire for a 10-ft radius, including magical fires such as a wall of fire but not fire based attacks such as hell hound breath attacks or fireballs. Note: this blade does not shed light when drawn unless the ambient temperature is below freezing.

Giantbane (AFPRT): This sword will be +2 when fighting most foes. Against giant-like humanoids such as ettin or ogres, the giant slayer functions as a +3 blade. Against true giants such as hill giants or storm giants, the sword also does double damage.

Holy Sword (P): In the hands of anyone but a paladin, this is a+2 weapon in every way, with no additional features. In the hands of a paladin the true power of this holy weapon is revealed, acting as +5. The holy sword will also inflict +10 damage against all chaotic evil opponents, dispel magic with a 5-ft radius as if the paladin were casting the spell as a magic user equal to his or her own experience level, and create 50% magic resistance in a 5-ft radius on command. Note the +10 damage bonus is instead of, not in addition to, the sword's natural +5 damage.

Keenblade (AFPRT): This is a +1 blade regarding “to hit” and damage bonuses, but the keenblade is a +3 weapon for purposes of determining who or what it can hit. When wielded in combat and a high “to hit” roll is thrown, this powerful blade will sever a random extremity or appendage, including the neck/head. When used in combat, the GM should assign a value to each extremity and dice the result randomly. A lizard man, for example, would have six extremities and a successful hit to sever could be resolved by assigning a value of 1 to the neck, 2 to the left arm, 3 to the right arm, 4 to the left leg, 5 to the right leg, and 6 to the tail; then rolling 1d6 and observing the result.

When using the keenblade in combat, the chances of severing some appendage are as follows:

Opponent is: Natural (unadjusted) “to hit” roll
Man-sized or smaller 18-20
Large 19-20
Solid metal or solid stone 20

The keenblade is an exception to the glowing magic sword rule. The wielder of the sword can decide whether the blade will shed no light at all, dim light in a 5-ft radius circle, light in a 15-ft circle, or a bright light as a light spell with a 30-ft radius.

Luck Blade (AFPRT): In addition to +1 to AC and damage, the luck blade also grants its wielder +1 to all saving throws. Additionally, the luck blade grants 1d4+1 wishes, though the blade does nothing to communicate the number of wishes it holds to its owner.

Magebane (AFPRT): This weapon will always function as at least a +1 sword. When fighting against magic users, spell-casting monsters, monsters with spell-like abilities, gated or extra-planar creatures, conjured monsters, or summoned monsters, the sword will be +2 “to hit” and damage. Note that a non-magical creature which is granted spell casting powers by artificial means, a human fighter wearing a ring of spell storing for example, does not qualify as magic-using.

Nine Lives Stealer (AFPRT): This weapon is +2. On a “to hit” roll of natural 20 the nine lives stealer will draw the life force from its target, slaying it instantly. This ability can be used 9 times before it is lost forever, though the sword will retain its +2 bonus thereafter. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs magic and, if successful, there is no effect and the sword does not expend a charge.

Trollbane (AFPRT): This weapon is normally +1, but gives a +3 bonus against creatures that regenerate hit points, including those that do so by magical means such as a ring of regeneration.

Vampire Blade (AFPRT): This +2 sword allows the wielder to drain life force from the target. When a natural 20 is rolled the target loses a level of experience along with the appropriate hit die and abilities, as if he or she had been struck by an undead creature such as a wraith. The absorbed hit points will cure any damage the wielder of the sword has sustained, up to his or her normal hit point total.

Vorpal Blade (AFPRT): An even deadlier variant of the keenblade, the vorpal blade is a +3 weapon and on a high attack roll will always decapitate its target. (Not all opponents have heads, nor is every opponent necessarily slain by decapitation.) To determine the chance of this, consult the table below.

Opponent is: Natural (unadjusted) “to hit” roll
Man-sized or smaller 17-20
Large 18-20
Solid metal or solid stone 19-20

Werebane (AFPRT): This weapon is normally +1, but gives a +2 bonus against: were-creatures, any creature capable of assuming another creature's form (such as druids or vampires), or a creature which has been polymorphed or shape changed.

Wyrmbane (AFPRT): The sword is normally +1, but gives a +4 against any reptile including but not limited to: dinosaurs, dragons, hydras, lizards, lizard men, snakes, and wyverns.

Unusual Swords

OSRIC defines an “unusual” sword as one which is both self-aware and intelligent. Unusual swords manifest their intelligence in a variety of ways, but they all share the following basic traits: intelligence of 13-18, the ability to communicate, an alignment, a variety of powers, perhaps a special purpose, and an ego. This section will allow the GM to create unusual swords for use in his or her campaign.

At first glance, a perusal of the various abilities special swords may possess may make them seem like unbalancing items. Worry not. A properly-played intelligent sword can be a mixed blessing and may often turn out to be far more trouble than it is worth.

Sword Intelligence and Capabilities

d% INT Capabilities Communication
01-75 None None None
76-83 13 1 minor power Low Empathy
84-89 14 2 minor powers High Empathy
90-94 15 2 minor powers Speech
95-97 16 3 minor powers Speech
98-99 17 3 minor powers Speech
00 18 3 minor powers and 1 major power Telepathy

Low Empathy: Wielder will feel heat, cold, or tingling from sword hilt and an urge to act when ability functions.

High Empathy: Wielder will feel emotional emanations from the sword.

Speech: Sword will speak its alignment tongue plus 1 or more additional languages determined according to the table below

Telepathy: The sword can communicate telepathically with its owner in any language, over any distance, and may broadcast telepathic communication to all creatures within 30-ft, in any language of its choice. The sword understands all spoken languages and can read non-magical text.

Sword Alignment

Intelligent swords will always have an alignment. Use the table below to generate this randomly, if needed. Holy swords are always lawful good.

d% Alignment
01-05 Chaotic Good
06-15 Chaotic Neutral
16-20 Chaotic Evil
21-25 Neutral Evil
26-30 Lawful Evil
31-55 Lawful Good
56-60 Lawful Neutral
61-80 True Neutral
81-00 Neutral Good

Any neutral sword will permit itself to be wielded by a character matching the non-neutral part of sword's alignment (so a Chaotic Good or Lawful Good character could wield a Neutral Good sword, for instance). True Neutral swords will al- low themselves to be wielded by any character with “Neutral” in their alignment (so CN, LN, NG, or NE as well as TN).

Note: Except for neutral-aligned as swords noted above, any character attempting to hold, draw or use an unusual sword of differing alignment will incur damage equal to the sword's ego (see table, below).

Sword Minor Powers

Minor powers only function when the weapon is drawn and the owner is concentrating on the desired power. A sword can only perform one special ability at a time, and the sword cannot fight and perform an ability. If the same ability is rolled more than once, double or triple the range of ability as appropriate.

d% Minor Power
01-11 detect evil/good within 10-ft radius
12-22 detect gold or silver within 20-ft radius
23-33 detect shifting rooms or walls within 10-ft radius
34-44 detect sloping passages within 10-ft radius
45-55 detect traps 10-ft within radius
56-66 detect type and number of gems within 5-ft radius
67-77 detect magic within 10-ft radius
78-82 detect secret doors within 5-ft radius
83-87 see invisible within 10-ft radius
88-92 locate object with 120-ft range
93-98 roll twice on this table, ignoring results 93-100
99-00 roll once on major power table instead

Sword Major Powers

To use a sword's major power, the weapon must be drawn and the owner concentrating on the desired effect. Saving throws for major powers are permitted as applicable. If the same power is rolled more than once, double or triple the range of ability as appropriate.

d% Power
01-07 charm person on contact, thrice per day
08-15 clairaudience 30-ft range for 1 round, thrice per day
16-22 clairvoyance 30-ft range for 1 round, thrice per day
23-28 determine direction and depth, thrice per day
29-34 ESP 30-ft range for 1 round, thrice per day
35-41 flying for 1 hour per day, 120-ft move
42-47 heal, once per day
48-54 illusion (as per the wand of illusions), twice per day
55-61 levitate up to 600 lbs for 1 turn, thrice per day
62-67 strength as the spell, once per day (wielder only)
68-75 telekinesis up to 250 lbs for 1 round, once per day
76-81 telepathy 60-ft range, twice per day
82-88 teleport as the spell, 600 lbs max, once per day
89-94 x-ray vision 40-ft range for 1 turn, twice per day
95-97 roll twice, ignoring this result
98-99 player may choose 1 power
00 roll on special purpose table

Special Purpose Swords

The purpose of a sword must always suit its alignment. Killing must be restricted to evil if the sword is of good alignment (example: a good-aligned sword which rolls a result of “21-30 slay clerics or druids” on the following table will only seek to kill evil clerics). Good swords dedicated to slaying monsters will always slay neutral or evil monsters, while evil swords dedicated to slaying monsters will always slay neutral or good monsters.

Special Purpose

d% Purpose
01-10 defeat good or evil
11-20 defeat law or chaos
21-30 slay clerics or druids
31-40 slay diametrically opposed alignment*
41-50 slay fighters, paladins or rangers
51-60 slay magic users or illusionists
61-90 slay non-human monsters
91-00 slay thieves or assassins

* The True Neutral version of this sword would seek to promote and maintain balance by defeating beings of extreme alignments

Special Power

The special power generated by this table will only work to forward pursuit of the sword's special purpose. The listed power manifests itself on a hit with the weapon unless the target makes a saving throw vs magic.

d% Power
01-10 blindness for 2d6 rounds
11-15 cause disease as the spell (evil aligned swords only)
16-25 confusion for 2d6 rounds
26-30 disintegrate
31-35 dispel magic (single-target)
36-55 fear for 1d4 rounds
56-65 insanity for 1d4 rounds
66-80 paralysis for 1d4 rounds
81 petrifaction
82-90 silence for 1d4 rounds
91-00 slow for 2d6 rounds

Non-Alignment Languages Spoken by Sword

Languages should be carefully selected by GM to reflect the purpose of the sword and its abilities.

d% No of Languages d% No of Languages
01-40 1 86-95 4
41-70 2 96-99 5
71-85 3 00 6

Sword Ego

This is the final step in the creation of an intelligent sword. Each attribute the sword possesses is worth ego points, which are totalled to provide an ego rating for the weapon. The ego and intelligence of a weapon are a combination of factors which can lead to the player and his or her unique weapon struggling for dominance (detailed below). When using the chart below, round ½ points upward.

Attribute Ego Points
Each + of Sword* 1
Each Language Spoken ½
Each Major Power** 2
Each Minor Power** 1
Special Purpose 6
Telepathic Ability 2

* A +1 sword has 1 ego point but if it has a second, higher bonus, those points are added. Example: a trollbane would have 1 ego point for its basic bonus, plus 3 more for its higher bonus vs regenerating creatures for a total of 4 ego points. Swords with additional powers but no higher bonuses, such as a nine lives stealer, double their bonuses for determining ego. The nine lives stealer, to return to that example, would have 4 ego points.

** For double abilities, double ego points. If triple ability, triple the ego points.

A Battle of the Wills: Swords vs Characters

Each unusual sword has a personality score, determined by adding its intelligence score to its ego points. These swords will be very conscientious in following their alignment and if the sword owner is not, a personality conflict arises. If the sword has a substantial ego, 19 or higher, the weapon will consider itself superior to its wielder and if he or she does not agree with the sword's decisions a personality conflict will arise.

A player character's personality is determined by the formula: Character Level+Intelligence+Charisma = Personality Score. This score will be modified by damage he or she has taken, reducing Personality Score by 1 point for each group of hp equivalent to the character average hp per level.

For example, Paula the Paladin is 8th level with a constitution score of 15 (+1 hp bonus per die) and 54 total hp. Average hp per level are 54 ÷ 8 = 6.75 and results are rounded off to 7. For every 7 hp of damage Paula sustains in combat, her personality level is reduced by 1.

Whenever personality conflict occurs, the sword will struggle with the player for dominance. The more often the conflict, the greater the struggle and the more unreasonable the demands the sword will make before being mollified.

Such a sword might insist the player fight a foe he or she would prefer to avoid or parley with—and perhaps seek to bring a fight about, calling out to reveal the character's hiding place, or shouting insults amidst delicate negotiations.

In addition, some swords might insist on gemstones or filigree platinum inlay being added to their blade or pommel, or demand a scabbard made from the hide of a dragon or demon.

If the personality score of the sword should ever become greater than that of the wielder, the sword will be able to dominate the player. The sword will be able to force any or all of the above upon the unfortunate player and, in addition, may refuse to strike a particular foe, or turn a swing so it strikes a comrade or even the sword's own wielder.

The above should be carefully adjudicated by the GM. A holy sword with a powerful personality in the hands of a dedicated paladin would be a dynamic force for good. A neutral good sword with a powerful personality in the hands of the same character might argue with the paladin constantly about how best to approach a situation. An especially dominant or evil sword might even seek to pass into the possession of a weaker character, in order to more completely dominate him or her and be better able to seek its own ends.

Unusual magic swords are like other creatures with a large ego: they will seek to become a force to be reckoned with in their world by being heavily involved in all party activities and especially in combat. These weapons will also feel a strong sense of rivalry with other powerful magic weapons within 60-ft and will attempt to lead their wielder into dealing with the rival as the sword's alignment and the alignment of the rival dictates. A chaotic evil sword would seek the destruction of the rival weapon, but a lawful good sword would seek to rescue and recruit a rival weapon to serve its own cause.

Swords of unusual nature are never completely dominated or silenced. Even if greatly outweighed by the owner's personality the sword will be quick to inject its opinion into any discussion, always attempting to gain influence over the player and his or her companions.

GMs should be ready to play the personality of these swords to the (ahem) hilt, enforcing the quirks and selfish demands of the weapon upon the player at every chance. Play this sword as if it is your very own character, an especially greedy and egotistical one, and strive to the utmost for every gain you can garner for the sword. The role-playing possibilities are endless.

Miscellaneous Weapons

Like swords, miscellaneous weapons add their bonus to both the “to hit” probability and damage die rolls. Weapons from the table which are not self-explanatory (e.g. a simple mace +1) are detailed here. Magic arrows that hit their intended target are destroyed; those that miss have a 50% chance of being broken or otherwise rendered unusable. Magic hand axes and hammers can be hurled up to 30-ft with the benefit of the attack bonus but losing the damage bonus. Magic spears may be used as either melee or missile weapons. When thrown at a very strong (18.99) or very massive creatures, there is a 50% chance the spear will break. Intelligent creatures, if struck by the thrown spear, have a 70% chance of using it against the attacker if struck by the weapon, or 25% likely to attempt to break the spear (spear must save vs a crushing blow). Unintelligent creatures are 25% likely to attempt to break the spear. Missile weapons (pulled bows, crossbows, slings, etc.) grant their “to hit” and damage bonus to missiles launched from them. Bonuses from magic ammunition are cumulative with bonuses from enhanted missile weapons.

Arrow of Slaying (AFPRT): A +3 arrow particularly deadly to a certain type of creature. There is always some mark, usually a rune or pictograph, to denote the type of target the arrow will instantly slay on a successful attack. A chart is included for random determination but the GM is advised to modify the chart to fit his or her unique milieu. One should note the type can be as general as “humanoid” or as specific as “hobgoblin.”

d% Result d% Result
01-02 Clerics 51-52 Humans
03-04 Demi-humans 53-54 Hydras
05-06 Demons 55-56 Illusionists
07-08 Devils 57-58 Kobolds
09-10 Dinosaurs 59-60 Liches
11-12 Dragons 61-62 Lizard Men
13-14 Druids 63-64 Lycanthropes
15-16 Dwarfs 65-66 Magic Users
17-18 Elementals 67-68 Mammals
19-20 Elves 69-70 Medusae
21-22 Ettin 71-72 Mummies
23-24 Fighters 73-74 Naga
25-26 Ghouls 75-76 Ogres
27-28 Giants 77-78 Orcs
29-30 Gnolls 79-80 Paladins
31-32 Gnomes 81-82 Rangers
33-34 Goblins 83-84 Reptiles
35-36 Golems 85-86 Skeletons
37-38 Griffons 87-88 Spiders
39-40 Halflings 89-90 Thieves
41-42 Harpies 91-92 Troglodytes
43-44 Hell Hounds 93-94 Trolls
45-46 Hippogriffs 95-96 Undead
47-48 Hobgoblins 97-98 Vampires
49-50 Humanoids 99-00 Zombies

Axe of Hurling (AFPR): A +2 magic hand axe specially made for throwing up to 60-ft and retaining both its “to hit” and damage bonus when used as a missile weapon.

Crossbow of Accuracy (AFPRT): Besides a +3 bonus on “to hit” and damage rolls, all attacks with this weapon are considered short range. 10% of these weapons are heavy crossbows.

Crossbow of Range (AFPRT): This +1 crossbow has double the range in all categories of standard crossbows. 20% of these weapons are heavy crossbows.

Crossbow of Speed (AFPRT): This weapon allows double the normal firing rate of normal crossbows. When determining randomly, 10% of these weapons are heavy crossbows.

Dagger of Venom (AFT): A +1 dagger which, on a natural hit roll of 20, injects a dose of lethal poison into its victim, though the target gets a saving throw vs poison to negate. The dagger can hold six doses of poison in a tiny compartment in the hilt and can be refilled. Use of this weapon by good-aligned characters should be closely monitored.

Hammer of the Dwarfs (F): Usually functions as a +2 hammer. In the hands of a dwarfish fighter who knows the command word, however, this weapon is a full +3 war-hammer. The hammer of the dwarfs retains its attack bonus when hurled as a missile weapon, doing double damage if it hits and boomeranging back to its owner. If thrown at a giant opponent (including ogres, trolls, and ettin) the hammer will cause triple damage if it hits.

Holy Mace (CFPR): A +1 mace with special powers vs evil creatures and the undead. The mace has a neutral good alignment and does 5d4 points of bonus damage to any evil target it strikes. Against the undead, however, the holy mace reveals its true power. When the mace strikes a demon, devil, or undead creature, a turn undead roll is made on the Turning Undead table as the wielder were a 12th level cleric. If the creature fails its roll it is immediately blasted out of existence by the holy power of the mace. Some creatures (example: skeletons, zombies, and ghouls) are automatically destroyed. Stronger undead creatures which have a numerical result instead of a “T” or “D” on the matrix get that number as a saving throw vs disruption. Even if the undead target makes its saving throw or is immune to disruption, the mace will still deal double the damage plus double the damage bonus.

Sling of the Halfling (AFPRT): Grants +2 “to hit” and damage rolls, but is figured as a +1 weapon in terms of which creatures it can affect.

Trident/Fork (AFPRT): A shorter than normal trident with a 6-ft haft, usable as a melee or missile weapon but too short in this mode to be set against a charge. When the command word is spoken, the trident lengthens into a full pole arm and can be set against a charge as a normal pole arm. In either mode, the weapon is +3 “to hit” and damage.

Miscellaneous Magic

The enchanting of items is in no way limited to such things as rings, wands and weapons. In fact, all manner of objects can be—and have been—made magical. Hence the need for a category devoted entirely to miscellaneous magic.

As a general rule, the properties of any item will only become apparent through careful and determined examination and experimentation. Very rare indeed is an object that comes with an instruction manual!

Note on books: All magical books, tomes, volumes etc. appear on cursory inspection as non-magical volumes of arcana. The only spells that will aid in distinguishing one type of magical tome from another are identify and wish. All other spells or powers are useless in this regard. Two wishes are required to determine the exact nature of any book, the first revealing only the general classes or characteristics most affected (but not whether for good or ill!). Most books will immediately disappear after being read, although a GM may of course decide to have a detrimental work stay with a character until a remove curse is employed.

Afreeti Bottle (CDIM): An ornate bronze or brass bottle sealed with a lead stopper engraved with many runes of power, though often a thin stream of smoke can be seen leaking from the seal. Once per day the command word can be spoken, allowing the bottle to be opened. Doing so frees an afreeti imprisoned within. Roll d%; 01-10 means the freed afreeti is insane and immediately attacks anyone near the bottle, though it will not fight to the death. Unless the afreeti clearly outmatches the party it will likely melee a few rounds and then flee to its home plane. On a result of 91-00 the afreeti grants the owner 3 wishes then immediately disappears forever. The rest of the time (11-90) the afreeti will agree to serve the owner of the bottle for up to 10 minutes that day and follow all commands to the best of its ability. Every time the afreeti is freed from its prison this result must be rechecked.

Ahmek's Copious Coin Purse (any): Ahmek was a wizard turned sage who, legends say, was always forgetting to put money in his purse. This magic item is an exquisitely-crafted leather poke sewn from four leather panels, alternating black with a golden yellow colour. When found, the purse will contain the following: 5 cp, 5 sp, 2 ep, 15 gp, 3 pp. No matter how many coins are removed from or added to the poke, the number of coins will always reset to these amounts at midnight.

Alchemy Jug (IM): This jug appears as an ordinary ewer or beaker, but will, on command, produce various liquids when poured. The type and quantity of liquid is as follows:

Salt water 16 gallons Oil 1 pint Fresh water 8 gallons Aqua regia 8 ounces Beer 4 gallons Alcohol 4 ounces Vinegar 2 gallons Chlorine 1 ounce Wine 1 gallon Cyanide ½ ounce Ammonia 1 quart

The amount listed for each liquid can be produced up to 7 times per day, at a maximum rate of 2 gallons per round. Only one type of liquid can be produced per day, however.

Amulet of Health (any): This magic necklace grants the wearer a constitution bonus of +1.

Amulet of Mighty Fists (any): A magical necklace which, when worn, bestows a bonus of +1 “to hit” on all weaponless physical attacks.

Amulet of Natural Armour(any): A magical amulet granting the wearer +1 to +4 to AC (roll 1d4 to determine the bonus). Determine gold piece value according to AC bonus; +1 = 2,000gp, +2 = 8,000gp, +3 = 18,000gp, +4 = 32,000gp.

Amulet of Life Protection (any): The wearer of this broach is protected against attacks on his or her soul. The charm completely safeguards its wearer from possession, whether as the result of a spell or through the efforts of a demon, devil or like being. Furthermore, should the wearer be slain, his or her soul will enter the amulet and be protected for up to 1 week. If the amulet is destroyed during that time, however, the soul is destroyed along with it.

Amulet of the Planes (any): This amulet enables its wearer, once experienced with its use, to instantaneously and without error travel to extra-planar realities. Until the wearer learns how to use the amulet, however, the destination will be entirely random!

Amulet of Proof Against Detection or Location (any): This amulet provides protection against all forms of scrying. Thus spells such as clairvoyance or clairaudience, devices such as crystal balls, and mental or magical powers such as ESP or telepathy (or, in fact, anything short of consulting a major extra-planar power) are completely ineffective in locating its wearer.

Apparatus of the Lobster(any): This device appears to be a large iron barrel. A secret compartment at one end contains 10 levers, each of which controlling a different aspect of the apparatus.

  • extend/retract legs and tail
  • uncover/cover forward porthole
  • uncover/cover side portholes
  • extend/retract pincers and feelers
  • snap pincers
  • move forward/reverse
  • move left/right
  • open/close “eyes” that shine with continual light
  • raise/sink
  • open/close hatch

The apparatus moves at 30-ft per round forward and 60-ft per round in reverse. The pincers snap for 2d6 damage each, attacking as a 4HD monster but treating all AC as 0 (modified by dexterity adjustments, if any). They can be extend to a maximum of 4-ft from the barrel. The apparatus itself has an AC of 0 and can sustain 100 hit points of damage before leaking and 200 hp of damage before collapsing entirely. It can dive to a maximum depth of 900-ft and can hold 2 medium-sized creatures for 2-5 hours before needing to replenish its air supply.

Arrow of Direction (any): This appears to be an ordinary arrow, although a detect magic spell will reveal that it has eldritch properties. Unlike other magic arrows, its enchantment does not aid in combat, however. Instead, once per day the arrow of direction can be used—by tossing it in the air and noting which direction it points when it lands—to show the way to one of several specific features: a stairway or sloping passage (either up or down), or the entrance or exit to a dungeon, cavern or cave. The feature sought must be identified either by distance (nearest, lowest, etc.) or by direction (north, leftmost, etc.). The query can be repeated up to 7 times over the next 7 turns.

Bag of Holding (any): A most wonderful item, this is a bag larger on the inside than on the outside. This magical sack also reduces the apparent weight of the contents of the bag. Bag capacity, volume, weight, and apparent weight all vary by type listed on the table below. Overloading the bag destroys both bag and contents, as does piercing the bag from either without or within. Turning a bag inside out empties all contents out onto the ground and the bag cannot be used again until it is turned back. A living creature can be placed into the bag but there is only enough air to sustain for 10 minutes, after which the creature will suffocate and die.

The extra-dimensional space of the bag of holding is incompatible with that of the portable hole. Placing a bag of holding into a portable hole will open a rift into the Astral Plane and suck both objects and their content into Astral space, lost forever. If a portable hole is placed into a bag of holding, a gate into the Astral Plane is opened, destroying both objects and pulling anyone standing within 10-ft into the Astral Plane.

Type Weight, lbs Capacity, lbs Capacity, c. ft Value (gp)
I 15 250 30 2,500
II 25 500 70 5,000
III 35 1,000 150 7,400
IV 60 1,500 250 10,000

Bag of Tricks (any): There are 3 known types of this particular magic item, detailed below, but all work the same way. The owner reaches into the bag and draws out the small, fuzzy ball inside. The ball can be thrown up to 20-ft away and it then becomes an animal which will serve the user for 10 minutes, until slain, or until ordered back into the bag. The animal is under control of the person who drew it from the bag and will follow simple commands such as attack, stay, guard, follow, and the like. Each of the three types, differentiated by colour, produces different animals, determined randomly every time the bag is used. Only 1 animal may exist at a time and a maximum of 10 animals may be drawn from the bag in 1 week.

Bag of Tricks Colour

Grey Rust Tan
d% Animal d% Animal d% Animal
01-30 Bat 01-30 Wolverine 01-30 Brown Bear
31-60 Rat 31-60 Wolf 31-60 Lion
61-75 Cat 61-85 Boar 61-80 Heavy Warhorse*
76-90 Weasel 86-00 Black Bear 81-90 Tiger
91-00 Badger 91-00 Rhinoceros

* Appears with harness and tack and will accept the person who drew it from the bag as a rider.

Bead of Force (any): A tiny bead of what appears to be made of dull, black glass. This item can be hurled up to 60-ft with no range penalty incurred, exploding on impact and dealing 5d6 points of damage to all creatures within 10-ft of the point of impact. The explosion also creates a resilient sphere with a radius of 10-ft and a duration of 10 minutes. The bead's target will be imprisoned within a sphere of energy that can only be dispelled by a rod of cancellation, a rod of negation, disintegrate, or a targeted dispel magic spell. A dispelled resilient sphere will vanish harmlessly. Nothing can pass into or out of the sphere, though there is enough air contained within the sphere to prevent the prisoner from suffocating. The sphere is immovable from its initial location by any magical or physical means.

Belt of Dwarfkind (any): This magical girdle grants anyone putting it on a +4 to charisma when dealing with dwarfs, +2 charisma when dealing with halflings or gnomes, and -2 for all other races. If the wearer is not a dwarf, he or she also gains all the engineering based racial abilities of a dwarf (slanting passages, detect traps, et. al.); +1 constitution; and +2 on saves vs poison, spells, or spell-like effects.

Belt of Giant Strength(FPR): This wide leather belt grants the wearer a strength bonus of +3 to +6 (1d4+2) on “to hit” rolls and +7 to +12 (1d6+6) on damage, except that it does not enhance “to hit” or damage rolls with missile weapons. However, while wearing the belt, a character may throw rocks as a hill giant does. Determine gp value by squaring the strength bonus (i.e., +3 = 9,000gp, +4 = 16,000gp, etc.)

Blemish Blotter (any): A blue crystalline object about the size and shape of a sling bullet, the blemish blotter soaks up imperfections from gemstones. Any gemstone within 6 inches of a blemish blotter for more than 1 minute has a 20% chance of increasing in value by 20%. Improving a jewel costs the blotter 1 charge and every blotter has (1d6×10)+40 charges. As charges are expended, the heart of the blotter turns scarlet and this area grows with each expended charge. When the last charge is expended the scarlet blotter crumbles into dust. This item can affect no jewel more than once.

Blessed Book (IM): An exceptionally made travelling spell book with magical properties, the blessed book is about 12-in×8-in and 1-in thick, with 1,000 pages. The book is quite durable; iron-bound and inlaid with silver protective runes and a sturdy lock. A magic user or illusionist can write spells into the blessed book without incurring the costs normally associated with inscribing spells in a spell book or travelling spell book. When found as a randomly generated treasure, this book is usually empty of spells.

Boat, Folding (any): A 12-in×12-in×6-in wooden box which can be used as an ordinary storage container. The box is capable of unfolding itself into two different sized water vessels, depending upon the command word used. The first type of vessel is a boat 10-ft×4-ft×2-ft and comes complete with: 1 pair of oars, anchor, mast, and lateen sail. The second form, a ship, is 24-ft×8-ft×6-ft and comes equipped with 5 pairs of oars, anchor, mast, square sail, a deck and hold, a deck cabin, and single rowing seats. Any objects stored in the box before transformation are now stowed in the vessel. The boat can comfortably hold four human sized passengers and the ship can easily accommodate 15. Upon command, the boat or ship will fold back into a box.

Note regarding magic footwear: These items will magically resize to fit any player character class from the OSRIC core rulebook, unless otherwise noted in the item description. The rule of thumb for size limitation is: halfling size at the small end and the very largest of humans at the other. As always, however, this may not apply in your campaign at your GM's discretion. In all cases, both boots must be worn before any magical effect takes place.

Boots of Elvenkind (any): Soft leather footwear which allows one to move silently, even in the worst of conditions such as a creaky stair. Chance of success varies from about 95% for the absolute worst conditions to 100% for most conditions.

Boots of Levitation (any): Allow the user to levitate or descend up to 20-ft per round, no limit on usage. These boots are not capable of lifting a total weight of more than about 600 lbs. Aerial agility level is only I.

Boots of Speed (any): When activated by clicking one's heels together, the wearer's movement speed is doubled and his or her AC improves by +2.

Boots of Striding and Springing (any): This magical footwear increases the wearer's base speed to 120-ft and grants the ability to spring vertically 15-ft, backward 9-ft and forward 30-ft. This springing movement can be used in combat to attack and spring away if the wearer has initiative but under such conditions the wearer has a base 20% chance to stumble, decreased by 1% for every point of dexterity over 12. Carved into the side of the left boot heel is the name “Jak”.

Boots of Teleportation (any): Allow the user to teleport, as the spell, up to 3 times per day.

Boots of the Winterlands (any): These boots allow movement at normal rates across snow and the wearer will leave no tracks to mark his or her passage. Boots of the winterlands also allow normal movement across ice and icy surfaces without slipping or falling, though the surface must be horizontal. The boots also affect the wearer as an endure cold spell as long as they are worn, with no time limit.

Boots, Winged (any): When the command word is spoken, these ordinary appearing boots sprout wings at the heel and allow the wearer to fly, as the spell (aerial agility: level IV). This power is usable up to 3 times per day with a maximum duration of 5 minutes per flight.

Bottle of Air (any): An ordinary-appearing stoppered glass bottle. When uncorked in an airless environment, however, the bottle will produce a steady stream of air until it is again within a breathable atmosphere or the bottle is recapped. This allows the holder to breathe underwater by “drinking” from the bottle. The bottle may even be passed among multiple users.

Bowl Commanding Water Elementals (DM): A stoneware bowl 1-ft in diameter, 6 inches deep, and usually made of a Semi-precious stone; malachite, jade, or lapis lazuli are particularly favoured for this purpose. Filling the bowl with water and chanting the summoning words for 1 round causes a 12 HD water elemental to appear. The creature summoned behaves as if called by a conjure elemental spell. Only one water elemental may be summoned at a time; a new one cannot be called forth until the previous elemental is dismissed, slain, or dispelled. If salt water is used instead of fresh water, the summoned elemental will have 16 HD rather than 12.

Bracelet of Friends (CDIM): A finely-made silver charm bracelet with four charms. The wearer may key each charm to a specific person and thereafter when the charm is grasped and the keyed individual's name spoken, that person is summoned to the wearer's location, along with all of his or her equipment. The summoned person must be on the same plane as the wearer, and must willingly answer the call (the keyed individual knows who is issuing the summons). Each individual charm has 1 use and disappears afterwards, if separated from the bracelet the charm becomes worthless.

Bracers of Archery, Greater (AFPRT): This pair of items grants proficiency in the use of any bow or crossbow. If the wearer is already proficient in the use of a bow he or she will gain +2 to attack and +1 damage when using that weapon.

Bracers of Archery, Lesser (AFPRT): Similar to the greater bracers of archery, but these only grant +1 “to hit” and no damage bonus for wearers already proficient with a bow or crossbow.

Bracers of Armour (any): When worn, this pair of armoured wrist guards grant from +1 to +8 magical enhancement to the wearer's AC—but only when the wearer wears no other armour, nor a shield. These bracers are therefore highly prized by magic users. Determine gp value by squaring the AC bonus (i.e., +1 = 1,000, +2 = 4,000, +3 = 9,000, and so on).

Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals (DM): When a fire is lit in this black iron brazier, and the words of summoning chanted for 1 round, a 12 HD fire elemental appears and behaves as if called by a conjure elemental spell. If brimstone is added to the fire before chanting, the fire elemental will be of 16 HD. Only one fire elemental may be summoned at a time; a new one cannot be called forth until the previous elemental is dismissed, slain, or dispelled.

Brooch of Instigation (any): This shoulder pin grants the wearer a +1 to AC and saving throws, and also has the affect of sending a silent boast to all living creatures in the area. This boast is a mental effect much like ESP, touting the wearer's prowess in battle, and therefore does not work on the undead or mindless creatures. The boast has the result of doubling the chances of wandering monsters, a +10% to any opponent's morale checks, and a -10% to reaction bonus checks. Once a person touches the brooch, he or she will be unable to rid themselves of it until a remove curse or atonement is cast upon the unfortunate victim.

Brooch of Shielding (any): In addition to its mundane function as a clasp for a cloak or cape, this brooch can absorb magic missiles generated either by spell or spell-like ability. After absorbing 101 points of magic missile damage, the brooch melts into a useless clump of metal.

Broom of Flying (M): This broom allows the user to fly up to 9 hours cumulative per day. Carrying up to 200 lbs the broom travels at 40-ft and carrying up to 400 lbs the broom travels 30-ft. The broom can be commanded to auto-pilot to any destination named by the owner at a speed of 40-ft, so long as the owner is reasonably familiar with the location and layout of the intended destination. The broom can be summoned to its rider with a command word from as far as 300 yards away. Its aerial agility level is IV (see Chapter 3). Every known broom of flying reported has the name “Hazel” engraved upon the handle.

Candle of Invocation (C): These candles come in 9 different types, each specific to an alignment. Any individual within 30-ft of a burning candle of like alignment is at +2 “to hit” and saving throws. A cleric of like alignment to a candle of invocation will determine the number of divine spells knowable as if he or she were 2 levels higher, if he or she burns the candle immediately prior to his or her daily meditation. He or she will even be granted and use spells of the higher level, although these spells are usable only so long as the candle is burning. The candle of invocation normally burns for about 4 hours.

The candle can also be used to cast a gate spell and the being responding will be of the same alignment as the candle. When casting gate the candle is completely and instantly consumed. The candle can be blown out as easily as any ordinary candle. Thus, the user may sometimes place the candle in a lantern to protect the flame—this does not interfere in any way with the magical effects.

Candle of Truth (CP): When burned, this pure white candle creates a zone of truthfulness in a 5-ft radius around the candle for 1 hour. Within this zone any question put to a creature must be truthfully answered. A saving throw vs spells (unlisted categories) is allowed. The candle burns for 1 hour but if extinguished before that time the effects are dispelled and the candle's magic is ruined.

Cape of the Mountebank (AT): This brightly coloured (some might say gaudy) cape allows the wearer to cast dimension door upon him- or herself once per day, disappearing in a cloud of smoke and arriving the same way at his or her new location.

Carpet of Flying (any): Allows unlimited flight or hovering, and is activated by speaking the command word. The owner need only be within voice range to activate the rug and it may be controlled with spoken directions. There are 3 common sizes of rugs (see table, below) with varying weight capacities but all travel at 40-ft. Overweight movement is reduced to 30-ft but no carpet may carry more than double its capacity. Although the carpet can hover, its aerial agility level is only IV (see Chapter 3).

Size Capacity Value (gp)
5-ft×5-ft 200 lbs 20,000
5-ft×10-ft 400 lbs 53,000
10-ft×10-ft 800 lbs 60,000

Censer of Controlling Air Elementals (DM): A 6-in wide, 1 in high golden vessel. When filled with incense and lit, chanting the words of summoning for 1 round causes a 12 HD air elemental to appear as if summoned by a conjure elemental spell. If incense of meditation is used the air elemental will be of 16 HD. Only one elemental may be summoned at a time and another cannot be called until the first is slain, dispelled, or dismissed.

Chime of Interruption (any): The loud, clear sound of this instrument prevents any spell requiring a verbal component from being cast within 30-ft unless a saving throw vs wands is made. The chiming sound lasts for 3 full minutes and the chime of interruption can be struck once every 10 minutes.

Chime of Opening (any): Striking this magical chime causes whatever it is pointed at to open. The sound of the chime of opening affects all doors, lids, locks, portals, and valves. The magic of the chime will even dispel a hold portal or wizard lock if cast by a magic user below 15th level. It should be noted the device only affects 1 form of locking per use, so a locked door with a hold portal cast upon it will require 2 soundings of the chime. A silence, 15-ft radius spell will render the device useless for the duration of the spell. A new chime of opening comes with 10 uses; the chime cracks in half with the last use.

Circlet of Blasting, Major (M): An elaborate golden headband with a large red ruby set in the middle. Once per day the ruby can emit a 60-ft beam of searing light which causes 40 points of damage. The circlet and the ruby are tuned to each other; removing the ruby destroys the magic.

Circlet of Blasting, Minor(M): A simple golden headband with a small red ruby set in the middle. Once per day the ruby can emit a 60-ft beam of searing light that causes 3d8 points of damage. The circlet and the ruby are tuned to each other; removing the ruby destroys the magic.

Circlet of Persuasion (any): An ornate silver headband which increases the wearer's charisma by+3 while worn.

Cloak of Arachnida (any): A black garment of silk, woven in patterns reminiscent of spider webs. This magic cloak grants the wearer immunity to entrapment by mundane or magical webs, allows movement at half speed through any webbed area, and allows the owner to cast web as a 10th level magic user once per day. The cloak also allows the user to spider climb as per the spell up to 10 rounds cumulative per day. Finally, the wearer of the cloak of arachnida gains a +2 bonus on all saves vs spider poisons.

Cloak of the Bat (any): This black or dark brown cloth robe allows the user to fly for up to 7 minutes, followed by a like number of minutes resting during which the cloak recharges itself. The cloak of the bat actually allows flying in 2 different modes, but both require darkness or a near lightless environment in which to operate. The wearer can fly by actually polymorphing into a regular bat (aerial agility level V—see Chapter III), or he or she can grab the edges of the garment and spread his or her arms like bat-wings. The wearer of the cloak also gains the ability to hang upside down from the ceiling like a bat, and the cloak grants a 20% bonus to hide in shadows checks.

Cloak of Charisma (any): A finely-made cloak suitable for a lord or lady, this garment enhances the wearer's charisma by +2.

Cloak of Displacement, Major (any): This cloak blurs the wearer's outline. The cloak can be used in this manner up to a cumulative 15 rounds per day, divided as the wearer chooses. While the blurring effect is in operation, all physical attacks against the cloak's wearer are at -4 and he or she gains +2 on saving throws vs magic.

Cloak of Displacement, Minor (any): As the major cloak of displacement, except the effect is continual and defence bonuses are halved: physical attacks are at -2 and saves are at +1.

Cloak of Elvenkind (any): This neutral grey or green cloak appears normal until the hood is drawn up over the head. At that point the wearer becomes 100% invisible in natural outdoor settings, with effectiveness decreasing as natural growth decreases, down to about 95% in open fields. In most darkness or low-light conditions in non-natural settings invisibility is still quite good, around 90% for dark urban settings and 95% for torch lit or dungeon settings. A wearer attempting to move stealthily in a brightly-lit area still gains 50% invisibility. 90% of these cloaks are sized for elf-size to man-size wearers. The remaining 10% are sized for halfling sized creatures (about 4-ft tall). This item requires careful adjudication by the GM.

Cloak of Ætherealness (any): This garment has a silvery-grey sheen to it and catches the light in a curious manner. Upon uttering the command word the wearer becomes æthereal for up to 10 rounds per day. The total time can be divided up among multiple uses as the wearer sees fit.

Cloak of the Manta Ray (any): A magical garment which appears as an ordinary leather cloak until the wearer enters salt water. At that time the cloak adheres to the wearer, making him or her 90% identical in appearance to a manta ray.

The cloak's owner is AC 6 but gains any AC bonuses from magic items or magic armour he or she wears, and he or she can release his or her arms from the cloak to attack normally with carried weapons. The wearer also gains the ability to breathe underwater and a swimming speed of 60-ft, plus an extra tail-spine attack for 1d6 points of damage.

Cloak of Resistance (any): This cloak grants a bonus on all saving throws. When it is first put on, roll d% to determine its effect:

d% Effect Value (gp)
01-50 +1 to all saves 1,000
51-75 +2 to all saves 4,000
76-90 +3 to all saves 9,000
91-99 +4 to all saves 16,000
00 +5 to all saves 25,000

Crystal Ball (IM): This magic crystal sphere of about 6 in diameter allows the user to see over any distance and even into other planes. The more well known to the user the person or place sought is, the higher the chance of success. Some crystal balls grant additional powers (see table, below). This item requires careful adjudication by the GM.

D% Crystal Ball Additional Abilities
01-75 None
76-85 Clairaudience
86-90 See Invisibility
91-95 ESP
96-00 True Seeing

Cube of Force (any): This item appears as a normal sized six-sided die of ancient yellowed ivory, or carved bone, or any one of a number of hard minerals. The cube projects a square wall of force 10-ft on a side around the user, moving with him and rendering him impervious to a specific type of attack. The cube of force has 36 charges and recharges itself at midnight every 24 hours, though there have been rumours of some cubes recharging at noon. Each face of the cube generates a different type of force wall, each power uses charges at a different rate, and each wall limits movement of the user to a degree; consult the first following table.

When the cube is active, attacks causing excessive damage sap charges from it at a higher rate: damage in excess of 30 points in one attack burns off 1 charge for every 10 points of damage over 30. Certain spells or magic items also drain off extra charges from the cube, see second following table.

# Pips Charges/minute Max. Movement Effect
1 1 30-ft Keeps out gas, wind, smoke, etc.
2 2 20-ft Keeps out non-living matter
3 3 15-ft Keeps out living matter
4 4 10-ft Keeps out magic
5 6 10-ft Keeps out everything
6 0 Deactivates
Attack Extra Charges Used
Horn of Blasting 6
Wall of Fire 2
Passwall 3
Disintegrate 6
Phase Door 5
Prismatic Spray 7

Cube of Frost Resistance (any): A crystalline but featureless cube about ¾-in square. Activating this device creases a cube-shaped wall of force with 10-ft sides centred around the user and moving with him or her unless he or she places the device on a surface after activation. The temperature inside the cube is always 65°F no matter the surroundings, and the force wall absorbs all cold based attacks, whether natural or magical. If the field absorbs more than 50 total points of cold based damage in 1 round the force wall collapses and the cube cannot be reactivated for a period of 1 hour. Additionally, if the cube of frost resistance absorbs more than 100 points of cold damage in 10 rounds it is destroyed.

Cubic Gate (CDIM): This ¾-in square magic item is a six-sided die of the finest carnelian and adorned with gold inlaid pips. Each of the sides of the Cubic Gate can be activated by pressing it, opening a gate to random point on a specific plane. Side #1 of the cube is always keyed to the Prime Material Plane, the other sides will be assigned or randomly generated by the GM. Any time a gate is opened to any plane besides the Prime Material, there is a non-cumulative 10% chance per round a denizen of that

Cube of Frost Resistance (any): A crystalline but featureless cube about ¾-in square. Activating this device creases a cube-shaped wall of force with 10-ft sides centered around the user and moving with him or her unless he or plane sees the gate and comes through to investigate, and depending upon the plane contacted, such creatures will rarely have a favourable reaction to the PCs. Pressing a cube side twice in rapid succession will instantly transport the user and all creatures adjacent to him to a random point on the plane to which that side is keyed. Unwilling beings gain a saving throw vs petrifaction to avoid this plane-shift.

Dark Skull (C): This likeness of a human skull is artfully and cunningly carved from a block of darkest ebony, and it is unrelentingly and entirely evil. The presence of the dark skull makes any site, building, or structure an unholy site and gains 3 major effects in a 40-ft radius around the skull.

First, the structure or site is guarded by a magic circle of protection from good (as the 1st level cleric spell). Next, all turning attempts by good aligned or neutral characters within the structure or site are made at -4, while evil characters gain a +4 bonus to their own turning attempts. Magic resistance does not apply to this effect. Third, the user of the skull may choose to fix a single spell effect to the unhallowed site. Regardless of the normal parameters for the spell, this usage will last for 1 full year and will be effective throughout the entire site or structure.

The user can further designate whether the spell effects will apply to all creatures or creatures of a particular faith or alignment. Though the spell effects lapse after 1 year, they are quickly and easily renewed using the dark skull, often as part of an unholy annual ritual. Commonly favoured spells for binding include: cause blindness, chant, curse, detect good, know alignment and true seeing; though the choice is up to the user. Saving throws and magic resistance apply normally for these fixed spells.

The skull will negate but not dispel a hallowed site with its presence; removing the dark skull will restore a holy place to its rightful status. Only one dark skull may operate in an area at any given time.

Decanter of Endless Water (any): A leathern flask of ordinary workmanship and appearance. When the user removes the stopper and speaks the proper command word, often inscribed on the bottom of the flask, the decanter produces fresh or salt water in various volumes and at different velocities, with separate command words for each. A command word also stops water flow.

  • Stream: Pours 1 gallon per round.
  • Fountain: Emits a 5-ft long stream of water flowing at 5 gallons per round.
  • Geyser: Emits a 20-ft long, 1-ft wide blast of water flowing at 30 gallons per round.

The geyser function creates considerable back pressure and a character with unsteady or precarious footing may be knocked to the ground. Geyser creates enough force with its blast of water to inflict 1d4 points of damage to a target within the 20-ft range but only one creature per round may be targeted.

Deck of Illusions (any): A set of 34 parchment cards often found in a leather bag or wooden box. Drawing a card from the deck and casting it to the ground creates a convincing illusion of a creature or creatures. The illusion lasts until dispelled or the card is picked up; in both cases the card becomes blank and cannot be used again. The illusory monster moves and acts as if real and obeys the will of the card drawer, though it cannot move more than 30-ft away from the card. A randomly-generated deck has a 90% chance of being complete, otherwise 1d20 cards are missing from the deck. A table is provided below with values for both mundane playing cards and tarot cards, and the illusion the card will generate when used.

Playing Card Tarot Card Creature(s)
Ace of Hearts IV. The Emperor Red Dragon
King of Hearts Knight of Swords Male Human Fighter & 4 Guards
Queen of Hearts Queen of Staves Female Human Magic User
Jack of Hearts King of Staves Male Human Druid
Ten of Hearts VII. The Chariot Cloud Giant
Nine of Hearts Page of Staves Ettin
Eight of Hearts Ace of Cups Bugbear
Two of Hearts Five of Staves Goblin
Ace of Diamonds III. The Empress Glabrezu (demon)
King of Diamonds Two of Cups Male Elf Magic User with Female Apprentice
Queen of Diamonds Queen of Swords Female Half-Elf Ranger
Jack of Diamonds XIV. Temperance Harpy
Ten of Diamonds Seven of Staves Male Half-Orc Fighter
Nine of Diamonds Four of Pentacles Ogre Mage
Eight of Diamonds Ace of Pentacles Gnoll
Two of Diamonds Six of Pentacles Kobold
Ace of Spades II. The High Priestess Lich
King of Spades Three of Staves 3 Male Human Clerics
Queen of Spades Four of Cups Medusa
Jack of Spades Knight of Pentacles Male Human Paladin
Ten of Spades Seven of Swords Frost Giant
Nine of Spades Three of Swords Troll
Eight of Spades Ace of Swords Hobgoblin
Two of Spades Five of Cups Goblin
Ace of Clubs VIII. Strength Iron Golem
King of Clubs Page of Pentacles 3 Male Halfling Thieves
Queen of Clubs Ten of Cups 3 Pixies
Jack of Clubs Nine of Pentacles Female Half-Elf Thief
Ten of Clubs Nine of Staves Hill Giant
Nine of Clubs King of Swords Ogre
Eight of Clubs Ace of Staves Orc
Two of Clubs Five of Cups Kobold
Joker Two of Pentacles Illusion of Deck's Owner
Joker Two of Staves Illusion of Deck's Owner with sex reversed

Dimensional Shackles (CDIM): Sturdy shackles forged of cold iron with runes traced in gold upon the surface. Any creature restrained with the shackles will be bound to the Prime Material Plane, no save allowed, until the shackles are removed. The imprisoned creature will be unable to use any spells or spell-like abilities, including summoning spells, which require contact with any plane of existence besides the Prime Material. The shackles will size to fit any creature.

Drums of Panic (any): A pair of kettle drums about 18 in around, mounted on stands. A simply-scribed “K” can be seen on both drum-heads when light hits the skin from a certain angle. When both drums are sounded all creatures more than 20-ft and less than 120-ft away are affected by a fear spell, saving throw for reduced effects. Creatures in the 20-ft safe zone are completely unaffected. The drums of panic can be sounded once per day.

Dust of Appearance (any): Simply put, this fine white powder makes things visible. A handful of this substance projected into the air coats all objects within a 10-ft radius and lasts 5 minutes, making even invisible objects appear in plain sight. Within the area of effect the dust negates: invisibility, blur, displacement, phantasms, mirror images, projected images, and illusions—even a hiding creature incurs a -30% penalty on its chance to hide in shadows. Dust of appearance is typically found stored in sets of 1d4+2 hollowed bone tubes or silk packets.

Dust of Disappearance (any): This fine white powder makes things invisible, as per the 4th level illusionist spell improved invisibility but with a duration of 2d6 rounds, though the affected creature will not know when the invisibility ends. A creature coated with dust of disappearance cannot be seen by any means mundane or magical with but one exception: dust of appearance (see above) will negate the invisibility caused by dust of disappearance. Note also an invisible creature may be detected by other means, such as sound or smell. This item is typically found stored in sets of 1d4+2 hollowed bone tubes or silk packets.

Dust of Dryness (any): One application of this wonderful substance will absorb up to 100 gallons of water (fresh, salt, or alkaline) and forming as mall 1-in pellet, either floating or resting where it was cast. This pellet can be forcibly hurled, causing it to break open and release the same volume of water in a most energetic fashion. Dust of dryness will only affect water, it has no affect on other liquids. This magic dust can also be used to destroy a water elemental, though the monster is allowed a saving throw vs death magic at -5 for 5d6 damage. Dust of dryness comes packaged in a similar fashion to dust of appearance.

Dust of Illusion (IM): When this magic dust is applied to a living creature, the creature alters appearance as per the 1st level illusionist spell change self according to the user's whim, lasting for 2 hours. An unwilling target may save vs spells to negate. The dust comes in 1d4+1 hollow bone tubes; each tube is one application.

Dust of Tracelessness (any): One application of dust of tracelessness can cause up to 100 square-ft of floor space to become dusty and cobwebbed as if abandoned for years, concealing all evidence of anyone passing through the area. The dust can be used on outdoor trails as well, concealing for 250-ft of back-trail the passage of up to a dozen troops and their mounts. The dust works instantly and leaves no magical aura to betray its use. Any creature with tracking skills, a ranger for instance, will be severely disadvantaged following a path concealed by dust of tracelessness, allow only a 5% chance of a ranger successfully tracking his or her quarry in such a case. This item comes in 1d4+2 silk packets, and can easily be sprinkled along a trail or applied all at once to a larger area.

Efficient Quiver (AFPRT): An ordinary-appearing quiver with three compartments, each of which can magically hold many more objects than would seem possible at first look. The first compartment can hold up to 60 arrows or similar objects such as wands. The second compartment can hold up to 18 javelins or magic rods. The third compartment can hold six bows or similarly sized objects such as spears or staves. When the wearer reaches into the quiver, whatever object is desired will be produced.

Elemental Gem (DM): An enchanted gem keyed to one of the four major Elemental Planes. Its appearance varies by plane. Air elemental gems are crystal clear, earth elemental gems are brown, fire elemental gems are bright red, water elemental gems are turquoise. Smashing the gem releases a 16 hit dice elemental which will serve the player of its own free will and follow his or her commands to the best of its ability, including fighting any foe the player designates. The elemental lasts for 2 hours or until dispelled or destroyed.

Elixir of Fire Breath (any): This potion enables the drinker to breathe fire up to thrice, targeting a single creature up to 25-ft away for 4d6 damage per attack. The target gets a saving throw vs dragon breath for half damage. The ability to breathe fire dissipates after 3 breath attacks or 1 hour, whichever comes first.

Elixir of Hiding (any): Imbibing this potion grants a non- thief character the hide in shadows ability of a 10th level thief for 1 hour. A thief character of 10th level or above drinking the potion gains a 20% bonus to hide in shadows checks for the same period.

Elixir of Swimming (any): Anyone drinking this liquid ignores all clothing, armour, equipment, or any other type of encumbrance while swimming for a period of 1 hour. Thus, an individual wearing plate armour and wearing a fully loaded backpack can swim as if in his or her small clothes. Note that this potion does not grant any magical ability to breathe underwater.

Elixir of Truth (any): Drinking this elixir will cause one to answer any question truthfully for a period of 10 minutes, though a resisting imbiber is allowed a save vs magic to negate. While under the influence of the potion a person will answer 1 question per round and a secondary save for each question is rolled. The secondary save, if successful, allows the drinker of the potion to decline to answer that question but does not negate the elixir's effects. The law courts and city patrols in more lawful areas favour use of this potion. NB: This potion does not give the drinker any knowledge he or she would not otherwise possess—so some questions will elicit the answer, “I don't know.”

Elixir of Vision (any): The drinker of this potion will detect secret and concealed doors and similarly hidden objects like an elf for 1 hour.

Eversmoking Bottle (any): This item looks exactly like an afreeti bottle (see above) but, when unstoppered, thick grey smoke begins to issue forth from the bottle. Vision within 50-ft of the bottle will be impossible in 1 round, and each consecutive round the radius of the smoke cloud increases 10-ft until a maximum of 100-ft has been reached. The smoke cannot be dispelled until the bottle is restoppered and the command word is spoken. The smoke dispels in about an hour, although a moderate wind will disperse the smoke in 5 rounds, and a gust of wind spell will remove it in 1 round.

Eyes of Charming (IM): The eyes of charming are a pair of crystal lenses which fit over the eyes, granting charm person as a gaze attack. A saving throw is allowed vs spells to negate. If only one lens is used, saving throw is at +5.

Eyes of Doom (IM): Eye lenses which cause an intense feeling of dread as a gaze attack against a single target. The target is allowed a saving throw vs petrifaction to negate. Failing the saving throw means the victim will al- ways attack last in combat and morale checks are at -10%. The use of both lenses allows additional powers. First, the wearer can determine of anyone within 30-ft whether they are: dead, undead, feigning death, neither (golems, for instance), near death (3 or fewer hit points remaining), or wounded (4 or more hit points but less than 100%). The wearer can also use fear as a gaze attack once per week, saving throw vs petrifaction allowed. The fear attack is powerful, however, and a target making its save is still -1 to all attacks, damage, and saving throws for 1 round.

Eyes of the Eagle (IM): Wearing both of these crystal lenses allows the user to detect secret and concealed doors and similarly hidden objects as an elf. These lenses work best in pairs. Wearing only 1 will cause a person to become dizzy, drop anything carried in the hands, become unable to take any action, lose any dexterity bonus to AC, and incur a -2 AC penalty. Covering the unlensed eye will prevent this effect.

Eyes of Petrifaction (IM): This item is only effective when used in pairs, granting a petrifaction gaze attack 10 times per day. A saving throw is allowed vs petrifaction to negate effects.

Feather Token (any): A small feather ensorcelled to provide a specific item suitable for a special need. A feather token is a single-use item.

  • Anchor: Becomes a magical anchor which will render a water craft immobile for 1 day. Market value is 50 gp.
  • Bird: Transforms into a magical carrier pigeon capable of unerringly bearing a message to its intended recipient. The transformation lasts until the message is delivered. Market value is 300 gp.
  • Fan: Creates a huge fan which generates a breeze sufficient to propel one ship at approx 25 mph. Though this wind is not cumulative with existing winds, the fan can be used to decrease existing wind to create an area of calm. Note that such a usage will not decrease wave size. The fan can be used for up to 8 hours and will not function on land. Market value is 200 gp.
  • Swan Boat: Creates a swan-like boat capable of sailing at 60-ft and carrying 8 mounted troops and their gear or up to 32 Medium sized characters. The boat lasts for 1 day. Market value is 450 gp.
  • Tree: Causes a great oak to spring into being. The tree has a 5-ft diameter trunk, is 60-ft tall, and has a 40-ft diameter of branches at its widest point. This is a permanent transformation. Market value is 400 gp.
  • Whip: Forms a dancing weapon that will wield itself against any opponent designated by the user, attacking as a 10th level fighter and doing 1d6+1 damage. The whip is a +1 weapon and lasts for 1 hour. Market value is 500 gp.

Figurines of Wondrous Power (any): Tiny and skilfully-carved statuettes of creatures in various materials and forms. When the figurine is placed or thrown on the ground and the command word spoken, the statuette becomes a living creature its form resembles. Destroying a statuette shatters the magic; killing the living creature it forms causes the creature to revert to its smaller, figurine form.

  • Bronze Griffon: Becomes a griffon under command of the user. This figurine can be used twice per week with a time of 6 hours per use. When this time expires or the command word is spoken, the griffin reverts to statuette form. Market value is 10,000 gp.
  • Ebony Fly: Becomes a fly the size of a pony with hit dice and movement rate of a hippogriff but unable to make any attacks. The fly can be used up to 3 times per week for 12 hours each use. Market value is 10,000 gp.
  • Golden Lions: These figurines always come in a pair, becoming normal adult male lions on command. The lions can be used once per day for up to 1 hour, though if slain in combat the lions are unusable for 1 week. Market value is 16,500 gp.
  • Ivory Goats: A trio of figurines, similar but distinct from one another and filling different functions. Market value is 21,000 gp.
  • The Goat of Travelling: A goat large enough to ride, with all the statistics and attacks of a heavy warhorse. This goat can travel for a cumulative 24 hours each week.
  • The Goat of Travail: Becomes a very large goat with the statistics of a nightmare plus two horn attacks for 1d8+4 each. The goat of travail also has a charging attack in which it can use its 2 horn attacks only but adding +6 damage to damage rolls. This figurine can be used once a month for up to 12 hours.
  • The Goat of Terror: This figurine becomes a goat large enough to ride, with the statistics of a light war horse. The rider can use the goat's horns as weapons. The left one functions as a lance +2 and the right as a +3 longsword. When ridden in combat the goat of terror radiates fear (as the spell) in a 30-ft radius. A save vs spells negates this. This figurine can be used once a fortnight for up to 3 hours total.
  • Marble Elephant: This particular figurine is larger than the others, about the size of an adult human hand. The command word causes the statuette to become a full grown elephant. The elephant can function as a beast of burden, a mount, or a combatant and will obey the user's command. The marble elephant is usable four times per month for a period of up to 24 hours each use. Market value is 21,000 gp.
  • Obsidian Steed: Unlike the other figurines of wondrous power, this particular figurine appears as a shapeless black rock. Close inspection, however, will reveal a vague resemblance to a horse. Upon command this statuette becomes a heavy warhorse with the following special abilities, usable at will once each per round: first, the steed can fly up to 40-ft per round, 30-ft if rider is wearing heavy armour. Second, the obsidian steed can plane shift. Third, the mount and its rider (and equipment) can become æthereal. This statuette can be used once per week for up to 24 hours. Market value is 28,500 gp.
  • Onyx Dog: This statuette becomes a large dog similar to a war dog but with an intelligence of 8, the ability to track as a 10th level ranger, 60-ft infravision, and can see invisible. The onyx dog is large and strong enough to bear a small creature as a rider. Market value is 15,500 gp.
  • Serpentine Owl: With the proper command word, this statuette becomes either a horned owl or a giant owl. This transformation can take place once per day for up to 8 hours. The owl will communicate all it sees and hears to its owner via telepathic means but, unfortunately, after three transformations into giant owl form, the statuette crumbles into useless dust. Market value is 9,100 gp.
  • Silver Raven: Upon command this figurine becomes a raven but retains it silvery metallic surface, giving it an AC 0. The raven can be used as a magical messenger, capable of carrying a message or small token to a designated spot and awaiting the designated recipient of the message. The raven can maintain its animated status for up to 24 hours per week, cumulative. Market value is 3,800 gp.

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (ACDFPRT): Similar to a belt of giant strength, the gauntlets of ogre power permit an additional strength bonus—but the effects are lesser than a belt of giant strength, being +1d3 “to hit” and +1d6 on damage. The effect of the gauntlets is not cumulative with a belt of giant strength (exception: hammer of thunderbolts, see below) and both gauntlets must be worn to achieve the effect.

Gauntlet of Rust (ACDFPRT): A single item. On a successful hit affects metal objects like a rust monster's special attack. Protects all metal gear on the wearer's person from all rust whether mundane or magical, even from a rust monster attack.

Gem of Brightness (CDIM): An ordinary prism-shaped crystal with three powers, activated by command words. The gem's number of charges is determined in the same way as a rod (see “Rods, Staves and Wands”). It may not be recharged.

  • Light: 30-ft radius , requires no charges to activate.
  • Ray of light: A ray 1-in in diameter and 50-ft long. Blinds a single target for 1d4 rounds; a save vs wand negates. Requires 1 charge.
  • Flare: A 30-ft cone of bright light; creatures within the cone must save vs wands or be blind for 1d4 rounds. Requires 5 charges.

Gem of Seeing (any): A finely-cut gem that bestows the benefits of a true seeing spell when looked through. May be used no more than 30 minutes per day.

Gloves of Arrow Snaring (any): Extremely light leather gloves that twice per day allow the wearer to snatch a missile out of the air. Both gloves must be worn and at least one hand must be free for the magic to work. Huge missiles, such as a giant-thrown boulder, are unaffected and the wearer must be aware of the attack for the gloves to function. Casting a spell using a somatic component will negate the benefit of these gloves during the round the spell is cast.

Gloves of Dexterity (AT): Supple leather gloves. When both are worn the wearer receives a dexterity bonus of +1.

Glove of Storing (AT): A single plain-appearing leather glove. Any item up to 20 lbs of weight held in the hand wearing the glove can be commanded to disappear. The item is actually shrunk down into the palm of the glove and held there in stasis and weightless, though spell effects will continue to accrue expiration time. The item can be commanded to reappear by snapping the fingers. Only one item may be stored at a time.

Gloves of Swimming and Climbing (any): Lightweight leather gloves granting the ability to swim at 120-ft and climb walls like a 10th level thief. If the wearer is already a thief of 10th level or above, add +10% to his or her Climb Walls chance instead. Must be used in pairs.

Goggles of Minute Seeing (any): Crystal magnifying lenses allowing the wearer a 90% chance to detect non-magical traps, secret and concealed doors, and hidden items. Must be used in pairs.

Goggles of Night (any): Dark, opaque crystal lenses which do not impede normal vision in any way. They grant 60-ft infravision. Must be used in pairs.

Golem Manual (C or M): Allows creation of the type of golem specified in the book's title. Each manual contains detailed instructions and all necessary spells for creation of a golem, though the cost of the materials to assemble the construct must still be borne by the maker. When the user reaches the final step in the golem creation process the book will burst into flame. Sprinkling the ashes from this magical fire onto the golem activates the construct. There are four kinds: Clay, Flesh, Iron and Stone (roll 1d4 to determine the type found).

Handy Haversack (any): A made but otherwise plain leather haversack with two side pouches and brass hardware. Each side pouch functions as a bag of holding and both will hold up to either 20 cubic-ft of material or 20 lbs in weight. The main part of the haversack can hold up to 80 cubic-ft of material or 80 lbs of weight. No matter how much material is placed into the handy haversack it will never weigh more than 5 lbs. When the user reaches into the pack for a specific item, that item will always be on top.

Harp of Charming (any): A harp that enables the performer to implant a suggestion into the minds of the listeners, at the rate of one suggestion every 10 minutes. Each listener may attempt a saving throw vs spells for each suggestion attempted and anyone saving is immune to the harp for 24 hours.

Hat of Disguise (any): On command, alters the wearer's appearance as per the change self spell. The hat alters itself to blend in with the disguise.

Headband of Intellect (IM): Adds +1 to wearer's intelligence score while worn.

Helm of Brilliance (any): An ordinary appearing helm that transforms into a brightly polished silver helm encrusted with jewels when donned and the command word spoken.

The gems are imbued with magic abilities. The powers and numbers of each type of gem appear below.

  1. 10 diamonds: prismatic spray
  2. 20 rubies: wall of fire
  3. 30 fire opals: fireball (10d6)
  4. 40 opals: daylight (60-ft radius, useful against creatures such as vampires or orcs).

The helm can be used once per round and each jewel only functions once. As long as charged gems remain, the helm also has the following powers when activated.

  • Holy Aura: A bluish light causing 1d6 damage per round to any undead within 30-ft.
  • Flaming Weapon: The wearer can command any weapon he or she wields to become a flaming weapon (as the flaming sword, q.v.). The transformation takes 1 round and stacks with other weapon special abilities unless the weapon already flames for some other reason.
  • Resist Fire: Grants resistance to fire as per the cleric spell, duration 20 rounds.

Once all jewels lose their magic, the helm of brilliance transforms back into a mundane helm and all jewels crumble into worthless dust. Any gem removed from the helm also crumbles into dust, whether it is charged or discharged. If the wearer of the helm receives damage from magical fire he or she must save vs breath weapons. Failure indicates a catastrophic release of all remaining charges on the helm as follows: prismatic spray will hit a randomly selected target, including the wearer; wall of fire will radiate out in randomly determined directions; fireballs will centre on the wearer. The helm and its jewels are, of course, destroyed in the process.

Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (any): A normal-appearing helmet that grants its wearer the understanding of spoken languages and the written word, including magic.

Helm of Telepathy (any): Grants the wearer the 2nd level arcane spell ESP, except the helm also allows two-way telepathic communication between the wearer of the helm and the mind being read. The helm can also implant a suggestion, per the spell (and saving throw allowed), once per day.

Helm of Teleportation (any): Grants the wearer the ability teleport up to 3 times per day, as per the spell.

Helm of Underwater Action (any): This helm has two lenses which slide down into place in front of the wearer's eyes. These thick lenses bestow the ability to see five times further underwater than normally possible for land-dwelling humans and demi-humans. A command word creates a magical bubble of air around the wearer's head and allows normal breathing underwater until the command word is spoken again.

Horn of Blasting (FPR): When the command word is spoken and the horn sounded, a 40-ft cone of sonic energy deals 5d6 damage and deafens targets for 2d6 rounds. Saving throw vs wand negates deafening effect and halves damage. Any crystalline object within the area of effect takes 7d6 damage with no save allowed. The horn can be used as a musical instrument but if the blasting effect is used more than once within a 24 hour period there is a cumulative 20% chance the horn will explode, dealing 10d6 points of damage to the user (no save).

Horn of Blasting, Greater (FPR): As the horn of blasting above, but damage is increased to 10d6 points, the targets are stunned for 1 round and deafened for 4d6 rounds. A save vs wands reduces damage by half and negates stunning and deafening. If this horn explodes, 20d6 points of damage are dealt to the user (no save).

Horn of Fog (any): Creates a thick, vision obscuring fog covering a 10-ft cube starting next to the user and increasing 10-ft in a straight line each round the horn is blown. The fog can be blocked by any substantial structure such as a wall. The fog begins dissipating after 3 rounds and a moderate wind will disperse the fog in 4 rounds, a strong wind in 1 round.

Horn of Goodness/Evil (CP): Depending on the owner's alignment, blowing this brass horn will produce either a protection from evil, 10-ft radius for good-aligned users or protection from good, 10-ft radius for evil-aligned users. In either case, the duration of the spell-like effect is 1 hour. A neutral individual gains no benefit from sounding the horn.

Horn of the Tritons (DM): When sounded, the horn of the tritons grants one of the following three powers, per the user's choice.

  • Calm Waters: Rough waters within a 1 mile radius of the horn will immediately be calmed. This power can also be used to dispel a water elemental, though the elemental gets a saving throw vs magic wands.
  • Summon Monsters: Summons nearby fish and other aquatic creatures to serve the user (typically 2d6 sharks of up to 7HD). Summoned creatures will obey the summoner to the best of their ability. User must, of course, be in a body of water where such creatures dwell.
  • Fear: All aquatic creatures within a 500-ft radius of the horn with an intelligence of “animal” or less must save vs wands or be afflicted with fear as per the magic user spell. A successful save means the horn had only partial effect and the creature makes all attacks and subsequent saving throws at -2.

The horn can be magically sounded once per day, or three times per day by a triton. Any sounding of the horn can be heard by all tritons within 3 miles of the horn.

Horn of Valhalla (special): When the command word is spoken and the horn sounded, human fighters appear to fight on behalf of the summoner. There are four variations of this item listed below, along with their specific powers and prerequisites. A horn of Valhalla may only be magically sounded once a week. If the horn is used by someone lacking the proper prerequisites the summoned fighters will attack the user. The summoned fighters are equipped with mail shirts, shields, helms, spears, and hand or battle axes. They will obey the orders of the summoner and fight until they or their opponents are slain, or 1 hour has elapsed.

d% Type of Horn Fighters Summoned Prerequisite
01-40 Silver 2d4+1, 2nd level None
41-75 Brass 2d4+1, 3rd level Spell Caster
76-90 Bronze 2d4, 4th level Fighter or Thief
91-00 Iron 1d4+1, 5th level Fighter or Thief

Horseshoes of Speed (any hoofed animal): An animal shod with four of these magic items increases land travelling speed by 30-ft with a proportional increase to jumping distances.

Horseshoes of the Zephyr (any hoofed animal): An animal shod with four of these magic items moves approximately 4-6 in above any roughly horizontal surface. This allows travel over water or other unstable or non-solid surfaces. An animal shod with the horseshoes of the zephyr leaves no tracks.

Incense of Meditation (C): If a cleric meditates for spells while burning the incense of meditation, any spells gained will have their maximum stated effects (so a cure light wounds spell would heal 8hp regardless of the roll). The incense does not alter target saving throws.

Instant Fortress (any): A small metal cube approximately the size of a standard d6. When activated with the command word the cube takes 1 round to grow into a metal tower 20-ft square at the base and walls that are 30-ft high and extend another 10-ft into the ground. The tower will have arrow slits on all four sides and a crenellated battlement at the top. The door of the fortress will face the user and will easily open to his or her command; no other force of strength or magic will cause the door to open. The tower has 100 hit points and resists the first 20 points of damage from each attack. Damage to the fortress can only be repaired by means of a wish or miracle, up to 50 points per spell. Anyone standing near the cube at activation and struck by the rapid growth of the fortress takes 10d6 points of damage, save allowed vs petrifaction for half damage.

Deactivation of the fortress is by means of a command word, separate from the activation command word, and the fortress cannot be deactivated unless empty.

Ioun Stones (any): These are magical crystals that orbit the user's head at a distance of 1d3-ft and grant various benefits. The stones each have an AC -5, 10 hp, and ignore the first 5 points of damage from all attacks. Ioun stones may be stored at will but will grant no benefits unless circling the user's head.

Colour Shape Effect
Clear Spindle Sustains user without food or water
Dusty Rose Prism +1 AC
Deep Red Sphere +1 dexterity
Incandescent Blue Sphere +1 wisdom
Pale Blue Rhomboid +1 strength
Pink Rhomboid +1 constitution
Pink & Green Sphere +1 charisma
Scarlet & Blue Sphere +1 intelligence
Dark Blue Rhomboid +1 experience level
Vibrant Purple Prism Stores 3 levels of spells*
Iridescent Spindle Sustains user without air
Pale Lavender Ellipsoid Absorbs 4th level spells or lower**
Pearly White Spindle Regenerate 1 hp per hour
Pale Green Prism User blessed as 1st level cleric spell
Orange Prism +2 to all saving throws
Lavender & Green Ellipsoid Absorb spells 8th level or lower***

* Spells can only be stored by a spell caster casting them, but once placed in the stone, a spell can be used by anybody.

** After absorbing 20 levels of spells the stone burns out, turning into an inert and worthless dull grey rock. Absorption is not automatic, the user must be aware of the spell attack and must will the spell absorption.

*** After absorbing 50 levels of spells the stone burns out, turning into an inert and worthless dull grey rock. Absorption is not automatic, the user must be aware of the spell attack and must will the spell absorption.

Iron Bands of Binding (any): A 3-in diameter rusty iron sphere wrapped about with iron bands. To use this object, the command word is spoken and the sphere thrown at a target of up to 10-ft long or tall. A successful attack causes the target to be held fast in bands of iron. The bands can be broken, but only by a creature of great strength (19 or higher). Usable once per day.

Iron Flask (CDM): This cold iron container is inscribed around with runes of great power and is sealed with a brass stopper inlaid with arcane symbols and ancient sigils. The owner of the flask can command any extra-planar creature short of demigod power within 60-ft into the flask by speaking the command word. Only one creature at a time can be so contained. The various magic symbols on the flask negate any magic resistance the creature may have, but there is a slight chance (1 in 20) the creature can evade entrapment. Loosing the stopper on the flask frees the creature inside. If the command word is not spoken when the stopper is removed, the creature will react to being freed according to its natural inclination, probably attacking the user. If the command word is spoken when the stopper is removed the creature is bound into the remover's service for the period of 1 hour, after which it is banished back to its home plane for the period of a year and a day. It is unwise to attempt to recapture the creature at the end of its service; the creature gains a cumulative +2 to its saving throw and will be implacably hostile to the user. This means at the end of its year and a day banishment it will return to deal with its tormentor in any way it sees fit.

A newly-discovered bottle may already have a being imprisoned.

Javelin of the Raptor (AFPR): Like a hunting bird of prey, the command word will cause this missile weapon to launch itself from the wielder's hand. The attacking javelin is +5 “to hit” and damage, and strikes up to 60-ft away with no “to hit” penalty. The hunting cry of a hawk can be heard when this weapon launches. Hit or miss, the javelin vanishes after its attack is resolved. This item is usually found in sets of 1d6+2.

Lantern of Revealing (CDIM): A hooded lantern, the light of which reveals all invisible objects and creatures within 25-ft. Note: invisibility is not removed. The magic invisibility is merely negated while the light of the lantern is shining on the object or creature.

Lyre of Building (any): The music of this stringed instrument negates all attacks which deal damage to inanimate construction (such as castle walls) within 300-ft. This includes magic based attacks like disintegrate or horn of blasting as well as physical attacks from a battering ram or catapult missile. This function can be used once per day for up to 30 minutes. In addition to defence, once per week the lyre can also be used for construction. Once per week the music of the lyre of building can magically build walls, tunnels, mines, ditches, even complete buildings. Playing 30 minutes of magical music from the lyre is equal to 100 human beings working for 3 days. After an hour of playing in this manner 1d20 is rolled and the player must roll 18-20 to continue playing, with an additional check every hour.

Mantle of Faith (CD): An overgarment, suitable for wearing over clothing or armour, which allows the wearer to ignore the first 5 points of damage from each physical or magical attack.

Mantle of Magic Resistance (any): An overgarment, suitable for wearing over clothing or armour, which grants 50% magic resistance. The target can still make normal saving throws and magic resistance applies only to spells and spell-like abilities; an attack from a +3 weapon would still have an attack and damage bonus of 3.

Manual of Bodily Health (any): Reading and following the health and fitness tips in this book for six days permanently increases the constitution ability score of the reader by +1.

Manual of Gainful Exercise (any): Reading and following the body-building regimen in this book for six days permanently increases the strength ability score of the reader by +1.

Manual of Quickness of Action (any): Reading and following the coordination drills and balancing exercises in this book over the course of six days permanently increases the dexterity ability score of the reader by +1.

Marvellous Pigments (any): Magical paints that allow the user to draw and thereby create real three dimensional objects. The user must concentrate as he or she draws and creation of an object with the pigments takes about 10 minutes. One pot of marvellous pigments is sufficient to create a 1,000 cubic-ft object. Pigments can be used to create many inanimate objects such as normal weapons, armour, even food-generally objects with a value of less than 2,000 gp. The general appearance of expensive items such as gems or gold jewellery can be created with the pigments but the objects will be only be cheap costume jewellery type imitations. The pigments cannot create magical items of any sort, and they cannot create living creatures, undead, golems, or other monsters of any kind.

Mask of the Skull (AIMT): An ivory mask skilfully carved to resemble a human skull. Once per day the wearer can command the mask to attack a target up to 50-ft away. The mask attacks with the same hit probability of the wearer and the target must save vs death magic or be slain on the spot. Even if the target makes his or her saving throw he or she must still take 3d6+13 points of damage. After resolving its single attack the mask flies back to the owner. The mask of the skull is AC 0, hp 10, and must be worn for a minimum of one hour before it can be commanded to attack.

Mattock of the Titans (any giant): This sturdy digging tool is 10-ft long and can only be properly wielded by creatures at least 20-ft tall or long. In the hands of such a being the mattock can dig earth or knock down earthen works such as ramparts, taking 10 minutes to move 10 cubic-ft of earth. It can also serve as a weapon, attacking as a warhammer and dealing 4d6 points of base damage on a successful hit.

Maul of the Titans (any giant): An 8-ft long mallet which serves as a +3 weapon (base 1d10 damage) and can be used to attack inanimate objects, such as a castle wall. The maul can break through a mortared-stone structure in 1 turn, or an un-mortared one in 1 round. The maul of the titans requires a minimum strength of 18 to wield properly or else the user suffers a -4 to attack rolls.

Medallion of Thoughts (IM): A necklace which grants the wearer ESP as the 2nd level magic user spell of the same name.

Mirror of Life Trapping (CM): A magical trap in the guise of a 4-ft square mirror activated by hanging it on a wall and speaking the command word. Any creature within 30-ft of the activated mirror and unaware of the mirror's true nature will see his or her reflection and be pulled bodily into the mirror. A saving throw vs petrifaction is allowed to avoid imprisonment. The trapped character leaves all carried and worn items behind and will be imprisoned in 1 of 15 extra-planar cells.

While imprisoned, the character is in stasis and requires no food, drink or air. He or she loses any innate powers or spell-like abilities. Creatures aware of the mirror's true nature and seeking to avoid being trapped can approach the mirror and attempt to avoid seeing their reflection with a 50% chance of success; a blindfold or similar increases the chance to 100%. Size is not a factor to the mirror's trapping ability, but golems and unintelligent undead, as well as any other inanimate matter, cannot be trapped. There are various command words for the mirror of life trapping. Besides the activation command, there is a deactivation command which allows the owner to safely approach the mirror.

Each imprisoned creature has two further command words associated with it. One will call the creature's reflection to the surface of the mirror and allow the owner to converse with the powerless captive. The second command word will free the prisoner. If the number of prisoners held within the mirror exceeds 15, a randomly determined captive will be freed to make room for the new one. Breaking the mirror will free all captives held within—but it should be noted here that not all liberated prisoners may be kindly disposed towards those who granted them freedom. The GM should determine the quantity and nature of prisoners held by the mirror of life trapping before placing it into the campaign world.

Mirror of Mental Prowess (M): A powerful scrying device in the form of a 5-ft tall and 2-ft wide mirror. Through the use of command words, the following powers are available.

  • Mind Reading: If the owner is within 25-ft of the mirror, he can read the thoughts of any living creature reflected therein as with the magic user spell ESP regardless of whether he or she understands the being's language.
  • Distance Viewing: The owner can view distant locations as with a clairvoyance spell. This includes other planes of existence if the user is familiar with them.
  • Portal: The mirror can be used as a direct portal to locations seen in the mirror. The user merely steps through the mirror and into the other location. Any companions of the owner may accompany him or her. An invisible door remains open for 24 hours, until the owner steps back through, or until the owner uses the command word to close it. Any being in the presence of the invisible portal with an intelligence of 12 or better has a chance of detecting it with the same probability of detecting a scrying attempt.
  • Sage Advice: Once a week the mirror can accurately answer a short question about any creature looking into the mirror.

Mirror of Opposition (M): Upon activation by command word, this 4-ft tall by 3-ft wide mirror can create a hostile duplicate of anyone looking into the mirror. The duplicate will step through and immediately engage the original in a fight to the death. The opposite will have all the equipment, ability and knowledge of the original. When the fight is over, and whether the duplicate won or lost, the reflected opponent and items disappear. The mirror can function up to four times per day.

Necklace of Adaptation (any): Magic jewellery which surrounds the wearer with a bubble of fresh, breathable air. This negates the effects of poisonous vapours and gasses, including spell effects such as cloudkill, and even allows breathing underwater or in hard vacuum.

Necklace of Fireballs (DM): The beads of this necklace can easily be detached by the wearer only and hurled up to 70-ft. Upon reaching its target the bead explodes as a fireball; the target is allowed a saving throw vs spells for half damage. The fireball beads come in a variety of strengths and most necklaces have a combination of different strength fireballs. If the wearer suffers damage from a magical fire attack he or she must immediately save vs breath weapon at +5 or all remaining beads on the necklace spontaneously detonate with the area of effect centred on the wearer.

Necklace 10d6 9d6 8d6 7d6 6d6 5d6 4d6 3d6 2d6 Value (gp)
Type I 1 2 1,650
Type II 1 2 2 2,700
Type III 1 2 4 4,350
Type IV 1 2 2 4 5,400
Type V 1 2 2 2 5,850
Type VI 1 2 2 4 8,100
Type VII 1 2 2 2 2 8,700

Oil of Famishing (any): This item appears as a container of standard lamp oil. When burned the aroma given off will cause all creatures within 60-ft to become famished. The smoke must have a chance to accumulate in order to work, so if the oil is burned outside it will be of little effect beyond giving the user a robust hunger. In subterranean settings, however, the oil of famishing will work its insidious magic. Within 1d4+1 rounds of lighting the oil, the adventurers will ignore everything but the most dire of threats in order to break out their field rations or iron rations and sate their hunger. Nearby monsters will rush toward the humans and demi-humans in order to feast up on the intruders. All living creatures within the area of effect will be compelled to eat for at least 1 round, and each round thereafter an affected creature will gain a saving throw.

Orb of Storms (CD): An 8-in glass sphere which enables the owner to control weather as the spell once daily. Once per month the bearer of the orb can completely change the weather into a mighty storm. A mighty storm creates a giant black thunderhead with giant flashes of lightning and booming thunder, with the following effects per round. (Note: ranged attacks and spell casting within the area of the storm are impossible due to the violent weather conditions. The owner of the orb is also protected from any natural weather conditions, including extreme heat or cold.)

  1. 1st Round: Anyone under the cloud must save vs spells or be deafened by the thunder for 1d4×10 minutes.
  2. 2nd Round: Acid rain pelts down upon the unlucky victims, dealing 1d6 points of damage. No save allowed.
  3. 3rd Round: Lightning strikes, up to six 10d6 bolts. No target may be hit by more than one bolt.
  4. 4th Round: Hailstones deal 5d6 points bludgeoning damage to targets, no save.
  5. 5th-10th Rounds: Violent rain and wind gusts reduce visibility to 5-ft, including all types of low light vision. Attacks upon creatures within 5-ft are at -4, attacks on creatures farther away are at -10 and sight cannot be used to locate target.

Pearl of Power (CDIM): A magical pearl that enables a spell user to recall once per day a spell he or she has prepared and cast. This benefit applies to any spell caster who memorises spells, but the pearl only works on spells of a certain level. Roll 1d6 to determine the level of the spell. If a “6” appears on the die, re-roll using 1d8. If an “8” appears on this die, re-roll using 1d10. If a “10” appears on this die, two spell levels are affected; re-roll the d6 twice. Determine gp value by squaring the spell level (i.e., 1st level = 1,000 gp, 2nd level = 4,000 gp, etc.).

Pearl of the Sirines (any): An expensive-appearing pearl which, when grasped in the hand or held to the breast, grants the ability to breathe underwater, swim at movement rate 60-ft, and speak or cast spells underwater without penalty.

Periapt of Health (any): A magical necklace granting immunities to all diseases, including magical or supernatural diseases.

Periapt of Proof Against Poison (any): A magical necklace granting immunity to poison, though any poison in the wearer's system before using the periapt will still be active.

Periapt of Wisdom (any): A magical necklace which increases the wearer's wisdom by +1.

Periapt of Wound Closure (any): A magical necklace which will automatically stabilise the wearer's condition if his or her hit points drop below zero (-1 to -9). The periapt also doubles the wearer's normal healing rate and allows a normal rate of healing to wounds which do not normally permit this (e.g. damage from a bleeding sword).

Phylactery of Faithfulness (CP): This sacred headband enables the wearer to know whether any action he or she is contemplating will adversely affect his or her alignment and his or her standing with his or her deity. The phylactery will even allow him or her to detect magical items which could change his or her alignment. To use the phylactery, the user must first take a moment to contemplate his or her proposed actions.

Phylactery of Undead Turning (CP): This blessed head-band allows any character with the ability to turn undead to perform that action as if he or she were four levels higher.

Pipes of Haunting (any): This magical set of pan pipes can be used twice per day to produce music which scares (per the 2nd level magic user spell) anyone within 30-ft who has less than 6 HD. A saving throw vs spells is allowed to avoid the effect.

Pipes of Pain (any): A magic instrument which will cause all hearing it to save vs wands or become enraptured, stopping all actions and listening to the music. When the music stops the victims are cursed with an extreme sensitivity to sound and will immediately take 1d4 points of damage for 2d4 rounds unless in a completely sound-free area. After this time and until the curse is removed, the least noise will cause the victim to be at -1 to AC, to hit, and saving throws.

Pipes of the Sewers (any): This magical instrument can be used to summon up to 101 normal rats, if any are within 400-ft. The rats take a turn to travel 50-ft and the pipes must be played continuously. When the rats arrive at the player's location he or she will be able to command them telepathically but only so long as he or she continues to play. When the music stops the rats leave immediately.

Pipes of Sounding (IM): These magic pipes produce an audible glamour as the magic user spell as if cast by a 3rd level magic user.

Plentiful Vessel (any): The magic of this item is usually contained in a metallic flask that vaguely resembles a cornucopia if turned on its side. If its contents are drunk, or poured into another container, a random potion will be dispensed. Usually this item can be used but d6+1 times per week. Excessive use will drain the item of its potency, typically reducing the d6+1 usage per week by one until no weekly charges remain.

Portable Hole (any): A deep black cloth that, when unfolded onto a flat surface, forms a 6-ft diameter and 10-ft deep hole. Items placed in the hole are stored safely and the cloth is of negligible weight when folded up, regardless of the weight of its contents. The portable hole can be closed by taking the edges of the cloth and folding it up. This can be done from without or within the hole. Folded up, there is enough air for 1 medium or 2 small creatures for about 10 minutes. The extra-planar space of a portable hole is not compatible with similar devices, such as a bag of holding. If either of these items is placed within the other, see the entry under bag of holding to determine the effects.

Restorative Ointment (any): A palm-sized jar contains 5 uses of ointment. One application will neutralise any poison or heal any disease suffered by the person receiving the application. If applied to a wound, the ointment will restore 1d8+5 points of damage.

Ring Gates(any): Paired 18-in diameter iron rings. When the pair are located on the same plane of existence and within 100 miles of each other, anything pushed through one ring will at once come out of the other ring. Up to 100 lbs of material can pass through in one day, though items partially pushed through then retracted (a hand, for instance) will not count against the total. Anything small enough to pass through the gate can do so, including small living creatures. Attacks, messages, and spells, can pass through the gate as well. The entry and exit side of both rings are plainly marked.

Robe of the Archmagi (IM): A magical garment which grants various powers to arcane and phantasmal spell casters. The wearer's alignment must match that of the robe, as indicated by colour. Type of robe and probability (d%) of appearance: white for good alignment (01-45); grey for true neutrals (46-75); black for evil mages (76-100). A good or evil character wearing a robe of the opposite alignment incurs permanent level loss of -2 (give the character sufficient xp to place him or her at the very beginning of the level two levels below his or her current one). A good or evil character wearing a neutral robe, or a neutral character wearing a black or white robe incurs a temporary 2 level penalty (only while the robe is worn). Any arcane spell caster wearing any robe of the archmagi gains the powers listed below.

  • AC +5
  1. 75% magic resistance
  • +4 to saving throws
  • The wearer is treated as if he or she were one level higher for the purposes of overcoming a target's magic resistance.

Robe of Blending (IM): Magical robes which communicate to the wearer its power. Anyone wearing the robe of blending is 75% unlikely to be detected if stationary, 50% in motion. The robe also allows the wearer to change-self at will, as per the spell. Any person or creature friendly to the wearer, however, will see him or her as he or she really is.

Robe of Bones (IM): An enchanted robe bearing a variety of tokens visible to and recognizable only by the wearer. One token can be detached per round, causing the token to become the type of undead it resembles. The created monster will not automatically be under the control of the wearer but will be subject to normal forms of control or command.

A complete robe of bones will have two of each of the following tokens attached:

Goblin skeleton Goblin zombie Human skeleton Human zombie Wolf skeleton Wolf zombie

Robe of Eyes (IM): The wearer of this magical clothing is able to see in all directions at once. The robe also grants infravision to 120-ft, and can see invisible and æthereal objects within the same distance. The wearer gains a 1 in 6 better chance to locate secret or concealed doors, never loses his or her dexterity bonus to AC, and cannot be surprised—but also cannot avert his or her eyes to avoid a gaze attack from a creature such as a medusa. Light or continual light cast at the robe blinds the wearer for 1d3 rounds.

Robe of Scintillating Colours (IM): An iridescent magical garment that provides constant 30-ft radius illumination. Upon command, the colours of the robe begin scintillating and after 1 round the swirling colours create an effect similar to a gaze attack; anyone within 30-ft of the robe's wearer will be dazed 1d4+1 rounds (saving throw vs staves allowed to negate effects). Undead and mindless creatures are immune to this effect. The scintillation effect can be used a total of 10 rounds per day.

Robe of Stars (IM): Dark-coloured robes embroidered with silver or white stars. This magical garment allows the wearer, and everything he or she is wearing or carrying, to enter the Astral Plane. The robes also grant a +1 bonus to all saving throws. Last, the wearer can use up to 6 of the embroidered stars as +5 darts and he can throw them as if proficient in their use. A dart so used disappears after the attack is resolved.

Robe of Useful Items (IM): An enchanted robe bearing a variety of tokens visible to and recognisable only by the wearer. One token can be detached per round, causing the token to become the item depicted. A removed patch cannot be reattached.

A complete robe always has 2 of each of following items:

  • Bullseye lantern, filled and lit
  • Steel mirror, 2-ft×4-ft
  • Pole, 10-ft
  • Rope, 50-ft hemp
  • Sack

The robe will also have a random selection of 4d4 additional patches. Use the table below. Multiple items of the same type are possible.

D% Result
01-07 Ash tree, 40-ft high
08-16 Bag of 100 gold pieces
17 Bonfire
19-21 Cask: d8, 1-2 empty, 3-5 water, 6-7 wine, 8 brandy
22-25 Coffer, silver (6-in×6-in×12-in) value: 500 gp
26-30 Dagger, silver
31-37 Door, iron*
38-41 Gems, 10 (100 gp each)
42-45 Ladder, 12-ft long
46-50 Mule with saddle bags
51-55 Pick, standard mining
56-59 Pit, open (10-ft×10-ft×10-ft)
60-66 Portable ram
67-74 Potion of extra-healing
75-80 Rations, standard, for 1 week
81-82 Rowing boat, 12-ft long
83-86 Spade and bucket
87-91 Spell Scroll**
92-96 War dogs, pair
97-00 Window (2-ft×4-ft and up to 2-ft deep)

*Door is iron, up to 10-ft×10-ft in size, and barred on one side. It must be placed upright, after which it attaches and hinges itself automatically.

**One randomly-determined spell of 1st-3rd level.

Rope of Climbing (any): A thin and strong 60-ft length of rope that can support up to 3,000 lbs. The rope will become animated upon command, climbing or otherwise moving at a rate of 10-ft per round and attaching itself to any point the user commands. The rope can also be commanded to detach itself and return to its owner. The rope also has the ability to knot itself at 10-ft intervals to permit non-thieves to climb it but doing so shortens the available length of rope to 50-ft. At least one end of the rope must be held for the rope's magic to work.

Rope of Entanglement (AFPRT): This item appears as an ordinary 30-ft long hemp rope. The rope can be commanded to entangle any victim up to 20-ft away or 10-ft above. The entangled victim must successfully roll a bend iron bars on the strength table to escape. The rope has an AC of -2 and 12 hp. The rope of entanglement resists the first 5 points of damage from all slashing attacks and can repair itself at a rate of 1 hp every 5 minutes. If the rope reaches zero hit points it is permanently destroyed.

Sagacious Volume (any, see below): This magical book grants the reader one complete level of experience, provided he or she is of the correct class. Determine which class the volume enhances according to the following table:

d10 Class d10 Class
1 Assassin 6 Magic user
2 Cleric 7 Paladin
3 Druid 8 Ranger
4 Fighter 9 Thief
5 Illusionist 10 Re-roll

The experience gained is sufficient to put the character at the start point of his or her next level. If a character of the incorrect class reads a sagacious volume, he or she loses 20,000 to 50,000 xp (1d4+1×10,000).

Scarab of Protection (any): A beetle shaped pin that, if held or worn for at least 1 round, communicates its ability to the person holding it. The scarab will absorb any death magic (being magic that directly causes death, such as a death spell—petrifaction effects, for example, or effects that kill through hp loss rather than instant death, are unaffected), energy draining attacks, or negative energy effects directed at the wearer. After absorbing 12 such attacks, the scarab crumbles into worthless powder.

Shrouds of Disintegration (C): When a body is wrapped in these finely made burial clothes, a command word will cause the body to disintegrate into dust. The shrouds function only once. Intelligent undead creatures such as vampires are permitted a saving throw, and the shrouds cannot be employed in combat.

Silversheen (any): A viscous liquid. When applied to a weapon, silversheen bestows the ability for the weapon to hit any creature, negating any immunities (a werewolf may be hit with a regular sword, for instance). One application lasts for 1 hour and a vial contains enough to coat a single melee weapon or 20 units of ammunition.

Slippers of Spider Climbing (any): Supple footwear that grants the ability for the wearer to climb all surfaces and even move upside down across ceilings at a rate of 20-ft.

The wearer is “hands free” when climbing with the slippers. Any condition which would make normal walking on a horizontal surface hazardous, e.g. ice, grease, or oil of slipperiness, will render the slippers useless. The slippers can be used 10 minutes cumulative per 24 hour day.

Scabbard of Keen Edges (AFPRT): This weapon scabbard will magically change size to fit an edged weapon as small as a dagger or as large as a two-handed sword. Thrice per day the scabbard can cause the weapon normally carried within it to gain +2 to attack and damage for 10 combat rounds; during the enchantment such a weapon will cause double damage on an unmodified attack roll of 19 or 20.

Scarab of Golem Bane (any): This beetle shaped pin allows the possessor to detect any golem of any type within 60-ft. He or she must concentrate for a round to use this power. The scarab also allows the wearer to attack and damage any golem with any weapon, including non-magical ones.

Sovereign Glue (any): Simply put, this glue will stick anything to anything else, permanently. A vial of sovereign glue will contain 1d8-1 (minimum 1) ounces of glue. A single ounce will coat up to 1 square-ft of surface and once items are glued together the bond requires a round to set. Before the binding is set the items can be separated, rendering that application of sovereign glue worthless. After the bond is allowed to set the bond is permanent, though the glue can be dissolved with universal solvent (see below). When glue is removed from the vial 1-oz. of oil of slipperiness must be added to the glue container within 1 round, or the glue will set inside the container and be useless.

Stone of Alarm (any): When the command word is spoken, this 3-in square stone cube affixes itself to an object. Thereafter, anyone touching the object without first speaking the command word will cause the stone to emit an ear-piercing shriek of alarm for a complete round which can be heard up to a quarter mile away.

Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals (DM): A fist-sized irregular lump of rock that, on command, summons a 12HD earth elemental that appears in 1d4 rounds and fights the owner's foes to the best of its ability. In all other respects the stone's magic is as a conjure elemental spell. Only one elemental may be summoned at a time and another cannot be called until the first is slain, dispelled, or dismissed.

Stone of Good Luck (any): Also known as the “luckstone,” this item grants +1 to all saving throws and “to hit” rolls.

Stone Horse (any): Appears as a life-sized statue of a stone horse of one of two types; a draft horse or a heavy warhorse, animated by a command word. Both types can carry up to 1,000 lbs, never need rest or food, and can attack as a real horse of their respective types. Damage to the stone horse can be repaired by feeding it gems, restoring 1 hp for each 50 gp worth of gems it consumes. The stone horse can also be healed by casting stone to flesh upon it to turn it into a flesh-and-blood horse, then healing it using standard methods or spells. When the horse reaches its maximum hit points, it reverts back to stone form. Stone horses are AC 0 and a stone horse reaching 0 hp shatters into worthless dust and rock, irrevocably destroyed.

Stone Salve (any): A vial contains 1d4+1 ounces. The salve can be applied to a petrified creature, restoring it to flesh as does a stone to flesh spell. 1-oz. will restore a creature the size of a typical human.

Strand of Prayer Beads (C): A cleric carrying or holding the prayer beads will intuitively know the powers they grant and how to use the beads as soon as he or she casts a spell. Each strand has at least two beads on it, granting a different power according to the table below.

Bead Type Ability Granted
Blessing Cast bless spell
Healing Cast choice of cure serious wounds, cure blindness or deafness, or cure disease
Karma Cast spells at +4 user level of ability for 10 rounds
Smiting Cast spiritual weapon, flame strike, or cause blindness
Summons Summons extra-planar ally appropriate to caster's alignment*
Wind Walking Cast wind walk

* Creatures summoned might be demons or devils but never a deity. Misusing this bead by summoning a divine ally for trivial reasons may incur the wrath of the cleric's deity, along with a geas to teach the character humility and wisdom.

  • Lesser Strand of Prayer Beads: Bead of blessing, bead of healing.
  • Strand of Prayer Beads: Beads of healing, karma and smiting.
  • Greater Strand of Prayer Beads: Beads of healing, karma, summons, and wind walking.

The following beads are activated by a command word: blessing, healing, smiting, and wind walking. The beads of karma and summons can be activated by any character capable of casting divine magic spells simply by willing it. All beads except for the bead of summons can be used once per day. The bead of summons disappears after 1 use. If a bead is removed from the strand it immediately and forever loses its power. The beads need not be worn by the cleric but he or she must have them somewhere on his or her person.

Sustaining Spoon (any): Placing this magical spoon into an empty bowl will cause the bowl to fill with a bland but nourishing gruel capable of sustaining any one living creature for one day. Up to four such servings can be produced in any one day.

Thunder Spear (AFPR): A +2 melee weapon with a blue steel head. When hurled as a missile the spear becomes a bolt of blue lightning and incurs no “to hit” penalty for up to 70-ft. If the spear strikes its target it inflicts 1d6+2 points of physical damage and 22 points of electrical damage, no save allowed. The lightning bolt will also reflect back half the distance it was thrown, damaging any creature within 5-ft of the bolt for 10 points of damage, saving throw vs aimed magic items for half damage allowed. These weapons get their name from the sound of far away thunder heard when they are thrown. Thunder spears are usually found in pairs.

Tome of Clear Thought (any): A character studying this book a minimum of 48 hours over the course of a single week and diligently performing the mental exercises contained within its pages will gain 1 point of permanent increase to his or her intelligence score. The tome vanishes forever after 1 use.

Tome of Leadership and Influence (any): A character studying this book a minimum of 48 hours over the course of a single week and diligently practising the leadership methods contained within its pages will gain 1 point of permanent increase to his or her charisma score. This book vanishes forever after 1 use.

Tome of Understanding (any): A character studying this book a minimum of 48 hours over the course of a single week and diligently pondering the logic puzzles and ethical dilemmas contained within its pages will gain 1 point of permanent increase to his or her wisdom score. This book vanishes forever after 1 use.

Unguent of Timelessness (any): When applied to any formerly living matter, this unguent slows the effect of time upon that object, such that a year's passing ages the item but a day. The item gains +1 to all saving throws. The unguent does not wear off, though its magic can be dispelled. One vial of unguent of timelessness can coat 8 normal-sized objects.

Universal Solvent (any): This solvent will unstick anything glued or rusted together, including items joined together with sovereign glue. Universal solvent is always found in a blue and yellow container.

Vest of Escape (AT): This silk waistcoat contains magically concealed secret compartments holding lock picks which grant a +20% bonus to a thief or assassin's open lock chance. Only the wearer of the vest can detect the compartments; to all others they cannot be located by even the most thorough of searches.

Vestment, Druid's (D): A lightweight overgarment which is generally green with woodland designs. Any druid with shape-shift ability wearing the vestment will gain an extra use of that ability per day.

Well of Many Worlds (any): This item looks just like a portable hole (see above) but instead of creating a hole it creates an opening into another plane of existence, determined randomly each time the well is opened. The well is two-way, meaning creatures or objects from whatever plane it contacts can enter the Prime Material Plane just as easily as objects pass through to the other plane from the Prime Material.

Wind Fan (any): A magical hand fan which, upon command, creates a gust of wind as the spell. The fan can be used once per day without risk; additional uses in a day garner a 20% cumulative chance of destroying the fan.

Wings of Flying (any): Upon command, this cape will transform itself into a pair of wings, allowing the wearer to fly at 60-ft movement rate (aerial agility level IV—see Chapter 3). When in cape form the wings of flying take on a variety of styles and appearances and the wings formed can be either feathered or bat-wing style.


Magic rings appear indistinguishable from ordinary finger jewellery of varying types, though a detect magic spell cast upon them will cause them to radiate a magic aura. With the exception of a wish spell, the only way to determine the function of a magic ring is to put it on. A maximum of two rings can be worn by any PC or NPC at a time; only one ring may be worn per hand. Attempting to wear additional magic rings will render all worn magical rings useless. Magic rings worn on toes or as earrings will not function. Unless noted otherwise, the abilities a ring grants function as if cast by a 12th level spell caster, or the minimum level required to cast the spell if greater than 12th. Because of the innate magical resistance of dwarfs, gnomes, and halflings; magic rings have a 20% chance per use of not working at all and, if cursed, the curse will fail. In such a case the wearer recognises the cursed properties of the ring and can easily remove it from his or her finger.

Ring of Charisma (any): When worn, this ring increases the wearer's charisma ability score to 18. Note this is not a permanent increase; if the ring is removed the wearer's charisma returns to its normal value. This magical ring also bestows two spell-like abilities, each usable once per day and requiring 3 segments of casting time. First, during the course of conversation the wearer can make a suggestion, as per the 3rd level magic user spell, to any human or Demi-human or humanoid. Second, the wearer of the ring of charisma can also charm up to 21 levels/hit dice or humans or humanoids as per the 1st level magic user spell charm person. This is an exceptionally powerful item and fires such as red dragon breath or fireballs inflict -2 points of damage per die (but always inflict at least 1 point of damage) and saving throws are rolled at +4. The following rule of thumb should assist with determining damage reduction: “very hot” fires inflict up to 24 points of maximum damage, “exceptionally hot” fires cause 25 or more points of maximum damage.

GM may wish to limit the ring of charisma by giving it a limited number of charges.

Ring of Feather Falling (any): The wearer of this ring is protected by a feather fall spell any time he or she falls more than 5-ft.

Ring of Fire Resistance (any): This ring grants immunity to normal fires such as torches or flaming oil. Very hot fires such as molten lava or hell hound breath inflict only 1 hp of damage per segment, and even then only if the wearer is directly touching or targeted by such. Exceptionally hot fires such as red dragon breath or fireballs inflict -2 points of damage per die (but always inflict at least 1 point of damage) and saving throws are rolled at +4. The following rule of thumb should assist with determining damage reduction: “very hot” fires inflict up to 24 points of maximum damage, “exceptionally hot” fires cause 25 or more points of maximum damage.

Ring of Free Action (any): This magic item permits the wearer to move freely under any conditions. This applies even if the wearer is attacked by a hold person, slow, or web spell; and also negates environmental effects such as the individual being underwater. The individual can move at normal movement rates and do full damage with melee weapons, though missile and hurled weapons will be subject to the spell or environmental effects as appropriate. Though the ring of free action grants freedom of movement underwater, it should be noted the ring does not grant the ability to breathe underwater.

Ring of Genie Summoning (any): This powerful magic ring can call a mighty genie from the Elemental Plane of Air to do the wearer's bidding. The genie takes 1 round to appear and will follow the letter (not necessarily the spirit) of the wearer's command to the best of its ability. If the genie is killed the ring crumbles into dust. This is an exceptionally powerful item and the GM may wish to limit the ring of genie summoning by giving it a limited number of charges.

Ring of Invisibility (any): When donned, this ring grants the wearer the ability to become instantly invisible at will as per the 2nd level magic user spell. There is a 10% chance the ring has the secondary effect of making the user inaudible as well. Just as attacking while invisible negates invisibility, so does speaking while inaudible break the inaudibility feature.

Ring of Protection (any): This useful item increases the wearer's AC and saving throw vs all forms of attack. The protective properties of the ring are cumulative with other forms of protection (bless, for instance) subject to the following limitations: if magic armour is worn the wearer's AC will not be increased, though the saving throw bonus will still apply. Also, only one ring of protection may be worn at a time. If two are worn, the stronger of the two will function. Various types of rings of protection are listed below, with dice throws to determine type randomly if the GM desires.

D% Result Value (gp)
01-68 +1 2,000
69-70 +1, 5-ft radius* 6,000
71-92 +2 8,000
93 +2, 5-ft radius* 14,000
94-97 +3 18,000
98 +3, 5-ft radius* 24,000
99 +4 AC, +1 saving throw 32,000
00 +5 AC, +1 saving throw 50,000

* Saving throw bonus only extends to all creatures within 5-ft radius of wearer, only the ring bearer gains the AC bonus.

Ring of Regeneration (any): Wearing this ring allows the user to regenerate 1 hp per turn, regrow lost limbs and organs, and even return from the dead with no constitution penalty or roll. If the cause of death was due to poison, however, the poison will need to be neutralised or a saving throw made or the wearer will die again. One should note only damage accumulated while wearing the ring can be healed by the ring's power. Removing the ring of regeneration will naturally result in the cessation of the healing process. 10% of these rings (91-100 on d%) are a special type, called rings of vampiric regeneration. Vampiric rings do not regenerate any hp per turn, but will bestow half value of all damage(rounded down) inflicted upon one's opponents in hand-to-hand combat to the wearer of the ring.

For example: If the fighter Grabbo the Lusty inflicts 11 points of damage with his longsword upon his hobgoblin opponent while wearing a ring of vampiric regeneration, up to 5 hit points of Grabbo's damage will be immediately healed. This process works only with melee weapons; the ring cannot use damage caused by missile fire, hurled weapons, or spells. Note that neither type of this ring can increase the wearer's hit points beyond the normal total.

Ring of Spell Storing (any): A ring that can magically store 2-5 spells and grants the wearer the ability to cast them as if he or she were a spell caster of the required type. Casting a spell from the ring requires 5 segments. Roll d%, a roll of 01-70 means the ring stores magic user spells and 71-00 indicates clerical spells. 10% of magic user rings of spell storing will contain illusionist spells instead, and 25% of clerical rings of spell storing will contain druid spells instead. Roll 2d4 to determine number of spells the ring can contain. To randomly determine the spell levels of each spell, roll 1d6 (on a result of 6 re-roll for level with 1d4) for cleric, druid or illusionist spells, and 1d8 (on a result of 8 re-roll for level with 1d6) for magic user spells. Once type, number, and level of spells is determined, the GM must decide which spells the ring contains. The spells can either be hand-picked or the GM may use the OSRIC magic tables and dice for spells randomly. Once the class of spells, their number and level, and the exact spells to be stored are determined, that capability can never be changed. Charging the ring requires a spell caster to cast the specific spell to be stored with the ring as the target of the spell.

Example of Ring of Spell Storing Creation: Jerry the GM decides to place a ring of spell storing in a red dragon's treasure hoard. He rolls a 57 on d%, indicating the ring contains magic user spells. A second d% roll yields a 05 and this means the ring really contains spells of the illusionist class. Jerry now rolls 2d4 and gets 1 on both dice, meaning the ring will contain 2 spells total. Jerry now rolls 1d6 twice, one for each spell to determine the level of that spell. The first result is a 2, the second is a 6. The 6 needs to be re-rolled on a 1d4 and rolling that die generates a result of 4. So, the GM now knows the ring will hold 2 illusionist spells, one of level 2 and one of level 4. Jerry decides to let fate take a hand in the selection of the exact spells the ring stores and takes a look at the illusionist spell tables (see Chapter 2). There are twelve level 2 illusionist spells, and eight level 4 spells, so Jerry grabs a d12 and a d8 and rolls them both. The d12 rolls a 4 so Jerry notes the result of detect magic. The d8 rolls an 8 and Jerry notes the result of shadow monsters. Now that the exact properties of the ring of spell storing have been determined, they can never be changed; the ring will ever after only hold the two illusionist spells noted. If the finder of the ring uses it to cast a detect magic spell, then an illusionist must cast a detect magic upon the ring to recharge that spell slot.

Ring of Spell Turning (any): This magic ring creates a powerful magic aura around the wearer that will partially reflect any spells cast at him or her back onto the spell caster. There are three exceptions to the spell turning ability the ring bestows:

  • Area effect spells which are not directly targeted upon the ring-bearer cannot be turned.
  • Touch-based spells cannot be turned.
  • Spell effects delivered by devices are not turned. Examples include: rods, staves, wands, rings. Note: spell scrolls are not considered devices.

When a spell is cast at the wearer of the ring of spell turning, he or she rolls a d10 and multiplies the result by 10. When damage from the spell attack is determined, the number generated by this roll indicates what percentage of the damage is reflected back upon the attacker. Thus if “6” appears on the d10, 60% of the damage rolled would be deducted from the attacking spell-caster's hit points and 40% from the target. Further, for each 10% of difference between the damage percentage rolled and 100%, the ring-bearer gains +1 to his or her saving throw. Going back to the example above, the spell's target would get a +6 to his or her saving throw and the spell caster would gain a +4.

The ring of spell turning also grants a saving throw against spells which normally do not allow one. In such a case, the save will be half of the percentage die roll for spell reflection. Returning once again to the example above, the ring wearer rolling a 60% chance of reflecting an attacking spell would gain a 30% saving throw, reducing or negating effects as appropriate to the spell.

Spells that only affect a certain number of levels must be able to affect the target's and caster's levels combined, otherwise the spell has no effect on either party. If the ring's wearer wishes to receive the effects of a targeted spell, he or she must first remove the ring. (Healing spells are exempt, since they are touch-based.) If both caster and target are wearing rings of spell turning, roll d% and consult the table below.

D% Result
01-70 Spell fails completely, no effect on target or caster
71-80 Spell takes full effect on both target and caster
81-97 Spell fails and both rings are destroyed
98-00 A rift into the Positive Material Plane opens, both target and caster are sucked in

Ring of Swimming (any): This magic jewellery bestows the ability to swim at a movement rate of 210-ft, if the wearer is clad in appropriate garments. The wearer can also dive up to 50-ft into the water without injury, assuming a water depth of 1½-ft for every 10-ft of diving distance. The wearer may hold his or her breath for 4 rounds, and can swim for up to 4 hours before needing an hour of rest. This rest can be gained while floating, since the ring also grants the ability to stay afloat under all but hurricane conditions.

Ring of Telekinesis (any): Allows the wearer to use telekinesis, similar to the 5th level magic user spell, with a 1 segment casting time. The ring comes in five different strengths; roll d% and consult the table below. This is a very powerful item and the GM may wish to give the ring of telekinesis a limited number of charges.

d% Maximum weight in lbs d% Maximum weight in lbs
01-25 25 90-99 200
26-50 50 00 400
51-89 100

Ring of Three Wishes (any): This rare and powerful magic ring grants the wearer 3 wishes, as per the 9th level magic user spell. On a roll of 01-25 on d% the ring will instead contain 3 limited wish spells as per the 7th level magic user spell of the same name.

Ring of Warmth (any): The wearer will be completely comfortable and can maintain normal body temperature even in conditions of extreme cold. The ring also grants the ability to regenerate cold based damage at a rate of 1 hp per turn, grants a +2 to all saving throws vs cold based attacks, and reduces damage from cold based attacks by -1 per die (minimum damage of 1 point per die).

Ring of Water Walking (any): This ring grants the ability to walk upon the surface of any liquid without sinking into it at the wearer's normal rate of movement. This includes but is not limited to running water, snow, quicksand, oil, mud, or even lava (though heat damage would still apply). The wearer's feet do not actually contact the surface of the liquid but Semi-solid liquids such as snow or mud will show vaguely footprint-like depressions evidencing the wearer's passing. The ring has a weight limit of 1,250 lbs.

Ring of Wizardry (M): This ring is only of benefit to magic users, doubling the number of spells of a certain level they can prepare each day. There are several known versions; roll d% and consult the table below.

D% Level(s) doubled
01-45 1st level
46-75 2nd level
76-82 3rd level
83-88 1st and 2nd level
89-92 4th level
93-95 5th level
96-99 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level
00 4th and 5th level

Cursed Items

Cursed items are rarely of the “zap, you're dead” variety. Instead, they often appear as various forms of negative effects ranging from the merely inconvenient to the truly burdensome. Many cursed items also mix both beneficial and baneful effects and may therefore force a player into a difficult choice. If a cursed item or effect is desired, roll d% and consult the table below. The listing of specific cursed items included later in this section provide some examples of these effects in use.

Common Item Curses

d% Curse
01-15 Delusion
16-35 Opposite effect or target
36-45 Intermittent functioning
46-60 Requirement
61-75 Drawback
76-90 Completely different effect
91-00 Substitute specific cursed item

Delusion: In the user's mind the item is exactly what he or she believes it to be when picked up or used. The device actually is a mundane item with powerful deception magics placed upon it and absolutely no special powers. The user is absolutely convinced this item is a beneficial magical item of some sort and only a remove curse will allow him or her to be convinced otherwise.

Opposite Effect or Target: These items are normally beneficial items that malfunction under certain circumstances, causing damage to the user, or, to a different target instead of the intended target. They can also take the form of a weapon or item that appears to grant an attack and damage bonus but instead inflicts a penalty. Once the cursed nature of the item reveals itself the user may sometimes be able to discard it. At other times a strong compulsion is placed upon the user and he or she will not be able to rid him- or herself of it except by means of a remove curse spell.

Intermittent Functioning: Intermittently-functioning items tend to fall into three broad categories: unreliable, intermittent, and uncontrolled. Unreliable items have a small chance of malfunctioning or not functioning at all each time they are activated, usually a natural 1 on a d20. Uncontrolled items, on the other hand, have an unfortunate tendency to activate at completely random times. On a roll of 1 on 1d20 the item will activate at some random point during the day. Dependent items must have a specific condition or situation met or they will not function. A table of possible situations is included below for GM inspiration. Feel free to modify and add to this list as need dictates.

D% Situation
01-05 Day
06-10 Night
11-15 Temperature above freezing
16-20 Temperature below freezing
21-25 Above ground
26-30 Below ground
31-35 Within 10-ft of a goblinoid monster
36-40 Within 10-ft of an elf
41-45 Within 10-ft of a cleric
46-50 Within 10-ft of a magic user
51-55 Wielded by a spell-caster
56-60 Wielded by a non-spell-caster
61-65 Wielded by a specific alignment (determined randomly)
66-70 Wielded by a specific sex (determined randomly)
71-75 Underwater
76-80 At least 10 miles from a major body of water
81-85 In direct sunlight
86-90 Out of direct sunlight
91-95 User must be wearing metal armour
96-00 User must not be wearing any armour at all

Requirement: Some items have a requirement that must be met before being rendered usable. This is not a simple command word, which is considered to be a normal requirement for most magic items. Instead, the item requires a specific sort of condition to be met to trigger its function. Some requirements are a one time type of event; others are monthly, daily, or even per usage or continuous. To inspire the GM, a list of requirements are included, but in order to provide the right flavour to the cursed item, the requirement should always fit the specific item and should never be determined randomly.

  • Character must only eat meat, or, must become a vegetarian.
  • Character must sleep twice as much as normal.
  • Character must undergo a quest to prove his or her worthiness to the item. This is a one time requirement only, and item functions normally thereafter—unless it changes ownership.
  • Character must sacrifice a gem worth at least 100 gp to item daily.
  • Character must sacrifice 2,000 gp worth of magic items weekly, including at least one magic item of the same type(for example: wand, dagger, ring) as the cursed item.
  • Character must serve a particular deity, or swear allegiance to a noble house.
  • Character may not carry or possess any other magic items, including weapons and armour.
  • Character must change his or her name to a specific name dictated by the item. If the ego of the particular item is very strong, the name may potentially be embarrassing to the user. (GM: have fun with this one)
  • Item will only work for a specific class.
  • Item will only work for an individual with a 16 or better charisma, or other randomly determined ability score.
  • Item will only work for a character of name level or above.
  • Item must have a jewelled scabbard or holder when not in use.
  • Character must permanently sacrifice some of his or her life energy in the form of a point of constitution to the item in order to activate it. This can be a one-time requirement only—or the item could require a point of constitution for each use.
  • Item must be cleansed in holy water daily.
  • Item must slay an opponent daily.
  • Item must be completely immersed in lava at least once per lunar month.
  • Item must be used in every 24 hour day, or it will cease to function forever for that user.
  • If a weapon, the item must draw blood daily. Once drawn in combat it will not allow the user to change weapons or put it away until used in a successful attack upon an opponent.
  • A specific spell must be cast upon the item daily. Suggestions include bless/curse, detect evil/good, protection from evil/good, chant, detect magic, mending.

Drawback: This describes items that usually mix a beneficial effect or effects with a negative drawback of some sort. Drawbacks may operate continually or may only be activated when the device is used, or held. The effects of a drawback remain as long as the item is retained. A table is included below. Again, it is stressed this is a template only and the GM should use this as an inspiration only to his or her unique needs.

d% Drawback
01-05 User's hair grows 1 foot longer and changes to an unnatural colour, and cannot be changed thereafter.
06-10 Character grows a non-prehensile tail.
11-15 Temperature around user of item is noticeably warmer/cooler than ambient temperature.
16-20 User's teeth turn black.
21-25 User's skin changes to an unnatural colour and/or begins glowing the dark.
26-30 User grows a tattoo of an obscene word on forehead.
31-35 User changes sex (one-time effect).
36-40 User's appearance changes to that of a random demi-human or humanoid race, checked daily.
41-45 Character is afflicted with a random disease with obvious symptoms, that cannot be cured.
46-50 Item whines and sulks constantly when not being used.
51-55 Item is bright pink or bright orange and constantly sings silly songs parodying its owner out loud.
56-60 User becomes obsessed others are trying to steal the item from him or her.
61-65 User becomes obsessed he or she will lose or damage the item.
66-70 User's alignment changes (one-time effect).
71-75 User loses a level. If dual or multi-classed, player loses one level from each class (one-time effect).
76-80 character's vision is blurred, imposing a -2 penalty to attacks and saves.
81-85 Character must save vs spells daily or take -1 to all attack and damage rolls for that day.
86-90 Character must save vs spells daily or suffer a -4 reduction to his primary skill for that day.
91-95 User's charisma is reduced to 3 until he or she manages to rid him- or herself of the item.
96-00 User's height increases/decreases by 6 inches (determine randomly, one-time effect).

Specific Cursed Items: Following is an offering of examples of cursed items. First is a table to allow random selection when generating treasure, followed below by the item descriptions. Detect magic spells will yield misleading results when determining the aura and strength of a cursed item. Identify spells are marginally useful, with a 1% chance per spell caster level of correctly identifying the true properties of a cursed item, otherwise the false result indicated in the description of that particular item will be reported.

d% Item
01-05 Amulet of Inescapable Location
06-07 Armour of Arrow Attraction
08-10 Armour of Rage
11-13 Bag of Devouring
14-17 Boots of Dancing
18-22 Bracers of Defencelessness
23 Broom of Animated Attack
24 Cloak of Poisonousness
25 Crystal Hypnosis Ball
26-27 Dust of Sneezing and Choking
28-33 Flask of Curses
34-38 Gauntlets of Fumbling
39 Helm of Opposite Alignment
40-44 Incense of Obsession
45-49 Mace of Blood
50-52 Medallion of Thought Projection
53 Necklace of Strangulation
54-55 Net of Snaring
56-58 Periapt of Foul Rotting
59-63 Potion of Poison
64-73 Ring of Clumsiness
74-75 Robe of Powerlessness
76-80 Robe of Vermin
81 Scarab of Death
82-86 Spear, Cursed Backbiter
87-91 Stone of Weight (Loadstone)
92-96 Sword -2, Cursed
97-99 Sword of the Berserker
00 Vacuous Grimoire

Amulet of Inescapable Location (any): Identify will falsely indicate this item grants the wearer immunity from detection, location, and mind-reading. Once donned, however, the item changes from a normal appearing gold amulet with gemstone inlay into a rather large and garish piece of cheap costume jewellery. Anyone wearing the amulet of inescapable location will be 50% less likely to save vs scrying and divination spells.

Armour of Arrow Attraction (CFPR): This armour appears to both mundane and magical inspection as a strongly magicked suit of plate armour. Only in actual use, however, will its cursed nature be revealed. The armour will function as a magical set of armour +3 against melee attacks but against any ranged attack it imposes -3 penalty to AC. After the armour reveals its true nature a red and white set of three concentric circles appear on the breastplate, over the wearer's heart.

Armour of Rage (CFPR): When worn this plate +1 will cause a -4 penalty to the wearer's charisma.

Bag of Devouring (any): This item appears as an everyday sack and mystical means of identification will indicate it is a bag of holding. The bag of devouring actually has the same capacity for storage as a regular bag of holding but in fact the bag is a lure and feeding orifice for an extra-dimensional creature. Some say this horror is the result of an evil mage's twisted experiment on a trapped mimic, or perhaps a doppelgänger, but even the wisest of sages cannot say with any certainty.

The bag of devouring senses any intrusion of vegetable or animal matter, such as an adventurer's arm, into the bag—though 90% of the time it will ignore the initial intrusion. With each subsequent introduction of living material the bag is 60% likely to grab the offending member and attempt to draw the victim inside. The bag is quite strong and the rows of teeth revealed in the attack are designed to allow a struggling creature to move inward easily but outward only with great difficulty. Treat attempts to break free as a Major Test of Strength. The character gets three such attempts; the first when initially grabbed, the second at -10% when halfway inside, the last at -20% before disappearing into the creature's maw.

Any living material drawn into the bag of devouring is entirely consumed in 1 round and thus attempts to raise or resurrect the victim which require a part of the corpse are disallowed. Due to the chaotic and other planar nature of the beast, there is only a 50% chance a wish, miracle, or resurrection will succeed and if that check fails, the victim is irrevocably destroyed.

Though the bag of devouring can function somewhat as a bag of holding there is a cumulative 5% chance per hour of the bag swallowing its contents and spitting them out onto some randomly determined plane of existence.

Boots of Dancing (any): Footwear which appears to be any one of a number of magicked boots. When the wearer is engaged in or fleeing from combat, however, the boots of dancing will show their true nature. The wearer will begin to dance as if the 8th magic user spell irresistible dance had been cast upon him or her for the duration of the battle. When hostilities cease, if the character survived the dancing will stop until the next battle. Up until the first time the curse is revealed the boots may be removed at will but afterwards, only a remove curse will free the user from this malign footwear.

Bracers of Defenselessness (any): These serve as bracers of defence +5 until the wearer is engaged in actual combat with an enemy of equal or greater level. At once the bracers lose the +5 bonus and immediately and permanently become -5 to AC. A remove curse is required to remove them once this has occurred.

Broom of Animated Attack (any): Appears as a broom of flying to all attempts to identify. When used by speaking the command word, usually found engraved on the handle, the cursed nature becomes obvious. The broom will loop into the air and dump the rider on the ground, then begin attacking them relentlessly. The broom gets four attacks at +5 per round, striking twice at the body with the handle and twice in the face with the straw end. All attacks deal 1d6 damage and a successful hit to the face with the straw end also blinds the target for 1 round. The broom is AC -2 and absorbs 18 hit points before breaking into pieces, losing all magic in the process.

Cloak of Poisonousness (any): Identify spells will reveal nothing but a rather sturdy woollen cloak. This article of clothing can be handled without harm but when worn the victim is instantly slain unless he or she rolls a save vs death. Once worn, the cloak can only be removed with a remove curse spell, which also completely destroys the cloak. Any means of resurrecting the victim must be preceded by a neutralise poison spell or be automatically unsuccessful.

Crystal Hypnosis Ball (IM): This item appears as a typical crystal ball, used by many mages to assist with scrying and communication across long distances. Anyone looking into the ball will be hypnotised for 1d6 minutes, during which time they will do nothing but stare into the ball, enthralled by what is seen therein. When the viewer is released, he or she should roll a save vs petrifaction or be convinced they viewed the desired scene or individual. Further, failing to save indicates the viewer has become mentally enslaved by the actual object of the viewing, a powerful lich, arch-mage, or perhaps even a powerful other-planar figure who is secretly controlling the device. With each use of the hypnosis ball the unlucky individual falls deeper and deeper under the influence of the controlling figure, until eventually the viewer becomes an extension of its will. The viewer, of course, is completely unaware of his or her waning individuality.

Dust of Sneezing and Choking (any): To any test, this fine white powder appears to be dust of appearance. When thrown into the air this powder causes all living beings within 20-ft to be disabled by choking, treat as stunned for 5d4 rounds. Each person must save vs breath weapon or take 2d6 damage from the body wracking coughs. One minute later a second save must be made to avoid an additional 1d6 points of damage. Whether one or both saves are made, each person within the area of effect will be disabled by the choking effect of the powder for 2 rounds.

Flask of Curses(any): This container appears as anyone of a number of containers encountered during the course of an adventure. Sometimes it looks like a potion flask, sometimes as a bottle or beaker, still others as a jug. Shaking the flask of curses may yield a sound as if it were filled with liquid, still other times the flask may emit a thin stream of smoke. When unstoppered, the flask releases a gaseous cloud which causes all within 30-ft to roll their constitution or better on 3d6 to avoid being cursed. The curse causes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and saving throws until such times as a remove curse spell can be cast on the suffering individuals.

Gauntlets of Fumbling (any): These appear to be gauntlets of two differing types, suitable for use with heavy armour or made for use with leather armour or clothing. These obviously magicked articles detect for ability bonuses depending upon type. Heavy armour gauntlets of fumbling appear to increase strength to 18.99 or sometimes to increase ability +3 with a bladed weapon. Lighter versions will appear to increase the wearer's AC by +2 or increase dexterity to 18. These gloves will perform as whatever item they are disguised as until the wearer is engaged in combat with a hostile foe or other life-or-death type situation, at which time the curse manifests itself. The wearer becomes butter-fingered, losing -2 dexterity, and has a 50% chance each round of dropping anything held in either hand (check separately), which continues even after combat ends. Any beneficial effects of wearing the gauntlets disappear forever then the curse appears.

Gauntlets of fumbling can only be removed by means of a remove curse, or wish spell.

Helm of Opposite Alignment (any): This helm appears as a finely made piece of armoured headgear fashioned by a master smith, even to one who knows little about armour. If detected for magic, the helm radiates a faint dweomer of indeterminate origin. Once placed upon the head the wearer must save vs polymorph on the spot or immediately change to the alignment diametrically opposed to the wearer's current alignment. Therefore LG becomes CE, LE becomes CG, and so on. Truly neutral characters will roll 1d4 with 1=LG, 2=CG, 3=LE, 4=CE.

This shift in alignment is a complete metamorphosis of heart, mind, and soul and any character undergoing this change will feel as if he or she has just “seen the light” and will strive to the utmost to live life according to this new philosophy. Any attempt to return the character to the original alignment will be viewed with revulsion and resisted by any and all means available. Any character making the saving throw can wear the helm without effect as long as they wish, but if removed and subsequently re-worn another save is required. The helm of opposite alignment loses all magical properties after successfully cursing a character, which means the helm cannot be used to return to one's original alignment.

Incense of Obsession (C): These faintly magical cones or blocks of incense appear to be an aid to divine spell memorisation in like manner to incense of meditation. In essence the incense of obsession causes any cleric using it as an aid to acquiring spells to become completely convinced the incense has granted him or her superior divine magic using ability. The user will seek the flimsiest of excuses to use a spell at every opportunity, even if unneeded or useless. This obsession lasts until all memorised spells have been expended or 24 hours has elapsed.

Mace of Blood (ACFPR): Functions as a mace +3 but only if coated with the blood of an opponent it has slain every day. If it is not, the +3 bonus fades away until it is again bathed in blood. Any character wielding the mace must save vs aimed magic items once every 24 hours or become chaotic evil.

Medallion of Thought Projection (any): This cursed medallion appears both to be proof against detection by scrying or magical thought reading and a device for reading the thoughts of others. Instead of reading the thoughts of all creatures within the area of effect, the medallion instead transmits illusory thoughts of a muddled and confusing nature, requiring a save vs spells to focus into coherent thoughts. The false information gained will always seem plausible to the wearer but may, in fact, be dangerously misleading. Unfortunately, while the medallion of thought projection is tricking the user it is also broadcasting the user's thoughts to all creatures within a cone shaped emanation up to 60-ft in front of the user and alerting them to his or her presence. Thought transmissions can penetrate barriers, but 1-ft of stone, 1 in of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3-ft of wood or dirt will block it.

Necklace of Strangulation (any): This extravagantly beautiful necklace appears to be made with the finest craftsmanship and flawless gems, usually diamonds. Short of extraordinary means such as a wish, this necklace ap- pears innocuous until worn. Once placed around a character's neck the gems turn a ghastly purple as the necklace constricts around the wearer's neck, inflicting 6 points of damage per round. This infernal necklace can only be removed with a limited wish, wish, or miracle. Otherwise it will remain clamped around the victim's throat, even after death. After about a month, when the victim has decayed into a dry skeleton, the necklace will resume its normal appearance and loosen its hold on the victim's skeleton in order to await the next victim.

Net of Snaring (AFPRT): While not technically a cursed item, the net of snaring may only be used underwater, thus rendering it less than useful to most adventurers. The net grants a +3 bonus to underwater attacks and can be commanded to launch from the user's hand and ensnare a creature up to 30-ft away (as the 1st level druid spell ensnare).

Periapt of Foul Rotting (any): This item is a semi-precious, ornately-engraved gem of little apparent value beyond the artistic. Any character retaining possession of this pestilential stone for more than 24 hours, however, contracts a horrible rotting skin disease. The disease inflicts a permanent cumulative penalty of -1 each to the user's charisma, constitution, and dexterity each week the disease progresses. When the character's constitution reaches 0, he or she is in a coma. The following week the character will die. The periapt and the disease it caused can only be removed from the victim by an application of a remove curse spell, then cure disease, then one of the following: heal, limited wish, or wish. An alternate method of undoing this foul curse involves crushing a periapt of health and sprinkling the dust upon the cursed character. After 1 round, the character will be completely healed and the periapt of foul rotting will crumble to dust.

Plate Mail of Vulnerability (CFPR): To any magical means of detection, this armour appears as +1, +2, or even +3 magic armour. As soon as a blow is struck in anger against the wearer however, the true nature of this cursed item reveals itself. The armour will actually be -2, -3, or -4 and the curse prevents the suit of armour from being removed. A hit with a natural 20 will cause the armour to fall to pieces, releasing the victim from its curse but leaving him or her AC 10 in the midst of mortal combat.

Ring of Clumsiness (any): Looks, acts, and responds to detect magic exactly like a ring of feather falling until placed on the finger, then the wearer becomes very clumsy. The victim of this curse takes a -4 penalty to dexterity, and magic spells requiring a somatic component have a 20% chance of failure when cast.

Ring of Contrariness (any): A cursed item that renders the victim unable to agree with any suggestion or order. The ring can only be removed with a remove curse spell but, naturally, the ring's influence will cause the wearer to resist any such attempts. The ring of contrariness will also grant the wearer one of the following abilities from the table at the end of this entry.

“Reverse psychology” type commands given in an attempt to get the wearer to remove the ring (example: Do NOT, under any circumstances, remove that ring!) or harm him- or herself will not succeed. If the ring of contrariness grants the secondary ability of spell-turning (see the following table), casting a successful remove curse upon the wearer can be a formidable task.

D12 Result
1-2 Flying
3-4 Invisibility
5-6 Levitation
7-8 Shocking Grasp
9-10 Spell Turning
11-12 Strength (18.99)

Ring of Weakness (any): This dreadful ring reduces the strength and constitution ability scores of the wearer by 1 point per round until both are at 3. This cursed effect is disguised by the ring granting the wearer the ability to become invisible at will as per the ring of invisibility, but becoming invisible doubles the rate of ability score drain. The loss of strength and constitution will not become apparent until the wearer attempts some action, such as combat or bending bars, that requires strength or endurance. When both abilities reach 3 the victim will be unable to function in his or her class. The ring of weakness can only be removed if a remove curse followed by dispel magic is cast upon the ring.

After removal, the victim of the curse will regain 1 point each of strength and constitution for every complete day of rest. There is a 5% chance the curse will be reversed, causing the ring to instead be a ring of the berserker. In such a case the victim will gain, rather than lose, one point each to strength and constitution each round (double that rate if the ring's invisibility power is used). If a fighter, roll for percentile score above 18 for strength when 18 is reached. When both ability scores are at 18, the ring-wearer will melee any opponent he or she sees, regardless of any other circumstances. Removing the ring of the berserker will cause immediate loss of gained strength and constitution bonuses and the victim's ability scores will be returned to normal. The ring of the berserker will work only once on each wearer.

Robe of Powerlessness (IM): This magical robe appears to be a beneficial magic item, usually a robe of protection +2. As soon as the robe is worn the character takes a penalty of -3 to strength and intelligence, possibly forgetting spells and magic knowledge or becoming over-encumbered accordingly. Note that neither attribute may be reduced to less than 1. The robe may be removed at will but the effects may only be dispelled by a remove curse followed by heal.

Robe of Vermin (IM): This robe radiates strong protective magic, as a robe of protection +4, until the curse is revealed. When the person wearing the robe attempts to concentrate in order to cast a spell against an opponent, the wearer is assaulted by a multitude of bites and stings from the vermin magically infesting the robe. The pain and distraction of the biting insects render all attempts at spell-casting unsuccessful unless a save vs spells is made and the wearer takes a -3 on initiative and -2 to attacks, damage, and saves.

Scarab of Death (any): Though this small oval pin appears to be any one of the many beneficial jewellery items known to exist, it is actually very dangerous. If carried, held, or worn for more than 1 round by any living creature the pin turns into a burrowing beetle-like monster. The beetle will immediately rip through the wearer's clothing and into the flesh, burrowing its way into the heart in 1 round and killing the victim. The victim has one chance to grab this burrowing horror by saving vs death magic but even if successful 3d6 points of damage are caused by the attack. If the victim successfully tears the beetle away before it burrows out of sight it will revert to its scarab form. For long term storage the scarab can be prevented from coming to life by placing it in a container of bone, ceramic, ivory, metal, or wood.

Shield -1, Missile Attractor (CDFPR): This shield's armour penalty negates the advantage to AC carrying a shield gives. Worse, the bearer of the shield is twice as likely to attract missile fire when the group he or she is in is subjected to non-directed missile fire.

Spear, Cursed Backbiter (ADFPR): This +2 weapon is suitable for either melee or use as a missile. If the user rolls a natural “1” when attacking a foe in anger, however, the cursed nature of the backbiter causes the shaft of the spear to curve back upon the wielder and strike him or her for damage, instead. If the backbiter was thrown and the attack roll was a natural “1” the missile will double back in mid-flight and unerringly strike the thrower for double damage. After the first time the nature of the cursed backbiter becomes obvious, a small inscription reading “L. LaFleur, Master Smith” will be visible on the weapon's shaft, close to the spearhead.

Stone of Weight, or, Loadstone (any): A egg-shaped, dark, and smoothly polished stone. The loadstone frequently appears as onyx, hematite, pyrite, or lapus lazuli. Anyone picking up the loadstone will immediately suffer a 50% reduction in movement speed. Once picked up the stone cannot be discarded by any means either mundane or magical. No matter the method of disposal: thrown off a cliff, smashed into dust, sold to a greedy merchant, or given away; it always reappears somewhere on the person of the cursed individual. A remove curse will allow the victim to forever rid themselves of the stone, but there are no known means of permanently destroying the stone or the curse it contains.

Sword +1, Cursed (AFPRT): This weapon appears to be a normal sword of the magic +1 variety until the weapon is drawn in combat. At that time the owner of the sword will find the cursed weapon magically fastened into his or her hand and unable to disengage from combat until either he or the opponent is dead. After combat is resolved the owner will be able to let go of the sword but unable to discard it by any means. Even if the owner throws the weapon away or attempts to fight with a different weapon, the cursed sword will magically reappear when combat is engaged, once again welded to his or her hand, and again the wielder must attack until dead or the opponent is slain. An exorcism by a good aligned cleric is the only way to rid oneself of the weapon.

Sword -2, Cursed (AFPRT): This exceptionally beautiful and well made weapon performs as a +2 weapon in practice. When employed in actual combat, however, the sword inflicts -2 on all attack and damage rolls. The sword's ego is very powerful and it will cause its owner to always use it in combat over any other weapon, including missile weapons. Even if the owner intends to draw a different weapon he or she will involuntarily find the cursed sword in hand. Only a remove curse, limited wish, or wish will rid the unlucky owner of this sword -2.

Sword of the Berserker +2 (AFPRT): This rather plain looking longsword is not particularly eye-catching, but anyone with a knowledge of weapons will immediately recognize this ancient blade to be of high strength and durability. The sword of the berserker grants a +2 bonus in combat but also causes the wielder to enter a berserk frenzy and attack the nearest creature, whether friend or foe, and continue fighting until no living creatures is within 30-ft. While in his or her berserk rage, the wielder of the sword is +2 to strength and constitution, +2 to saves, -2 to AC, and moves at double speed. The increased constitution grants 2 temporary hit points per level and any damage inflicted is subtracted from these points first. The extra hit points fade away after the rage runs its course. It should be noted that the more violent civilisations scattered throughout the realm see this weapon as blessed rather than cursed.

Vacuous Grimoire (any): This vile tome is thought by some sages to be the prison for a low level malevolent entity, an imp or quasit, perhaps. When the book is placed with other books it tends to alter appearance to blend in with the surrounding volumes and the title, scribed in gold on the spine and on the front, tends to appear as a subject of interest to the person viewing it at the time. This, the sages conclude, indicates some sort of evil intelligence. Anyone opening this infernal manual and reading even one word must immediately roll two saves against petrifaction. The first is to prevent a permanent -1 to intelligence, and the second to prevent a permanent -2 to wisdom. The book may be freely discarded either before or after reading, but the effects of the curse are permanent. One wishing to destroy the book must cast a remove curse upon it while it is being burned.


Artifacts are the relics of ancient civilisations which the combination of age, long-forgotten magics, and otherplanar influences have elevated beyond the power of even the most potent magic items. A well known example of an artifact would be the One Ring from Tolkien's “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, or the krang from Alan Dean Foster's “The Tar-Aiym Krang.” As one might deduce, the power of an artifact is potentially destructive to the campaign in which it is introduced and artifacts should therefore never be randomly generated or lightly placed. Artifacts are divided into two groups: minor and major. Major artifacts are unique items of great power, to rival that of the gods. Minor artifacts are not unique, though still quite rare, and of somewhat lesser power than major artifacts. Any artifact, major or minor, is nearly impossible to destroy.

Minor Artifact Descriptions

Book of Infinite Spells (any): This ancient tome appears to be a non-descript and well used travelling spellbook of the type favoured by adventuring wizards. This artifact grants to any player of any class the ability to cast the spells contained within its pages, though any character of a class unable to cast spells will function at one level lower while in possession of the artifact. The book of infinite spells contains 2d6+20 pages (22-32 pages) and the nature of the spell scribed on each page is determined randomly using 1d10, with a die roll of 1-5 indicating an arcane magic spell and a roll of 6-10 indicating divine magic. GMs may use the following table to assist with random selection of spells.

Book of Infinite Spells spell levels

D% Spell level d% Spell level
01-05 4th 71-85 7th
06-50 5th 86-95 8th
51-70 6th 95-00 9th

This artifact book has a rather curious property—the pages may only be turned from front to back. Once a page has been turned, it may never be unturned, and the book always opens to the page it was on when last used. When the last page is turned the book vanishes and if the player lost a level when first opening the book that level is restored to the player. The owner can cast the spell scribed upon the active page once per day and if the spell is one usable by the user's class it can be cast up to four times per day. The book's owner need not have the book on his or her person to use its power. The spells inscribed therein may not be copied into a spellbook, for the magic is bound up within the artifact itself, nor may a page be ripped from the book without destroying it.

Any casting of a spell from the book creates an energy feedback which has a chance of causing the page to magically turn. This turning of the page will occur in spite of any precautions taken to prevent from it doing so. Of course, due to the random nature of the book's content, the turning of the page to a new spell may actually benefit the owner. The owner knows the newly-available spell as soon as this occurs. The book of infinite spells is treated as a scroll in terms of actual casting time, effects, saving throws, material components and so on.

Condition and Chance of Page Turning

Caster employing a spell usable by class and level: 10% Caster employing a spell not usable by class and level: 20% Non-spellcaster employing a divine or druidic spell: 25% Non-spellcaster employing an arcane or phantasmal spell: 30%

Deck of Many Things (any): This artifact is the ultimate two-edged sword, conferring effects both beneficial and baneful. It consists of a deck of 22 finely-carved ivory plaques in an intricately-carved box of polished ebony. There have also been reports of versions of the deck consisting of fine vellum cards in a leather bag. The individual carvings on the plaques or cards are composed mainly of an archetypal character derived from ancient human lore and a variety of runes of power. The owner of the deck draws as many plaques as he or she wishes from the deck and whatever effect is bestowed takes place instantly, whether for weal or woe.

The following conditions apply to using this artifact. First, the owner must declare beforehand exactly how many cards he or she wishes to draw from the deck before he or she begins; otherwise he or she will be unable to draw from the deck. Once the number of cards is declared they must be drawn from the deck within an hour of each other. If the character does not draw the declared number of cards from the deck, either willingly or unwillingly, at the end of one hour the specified number of cards will flip out of the deck automatically at the rate of one per turn. Each time a card is drawn it is returned to the deck before drawing again, making it possible to draw the same card multiple times.

The table on the following page is a listing of the various plaques and their effects, following the table is a more complete description. Included is a corresponding card, both Tarot and common playing card, so the GM can have the player actually draw from a deck. Dice may also be used to generate a random result.

Deck of Many Things plaques

Plaque Tarot Card Playing Card Summary of Effect
Balance XI. Justice Two of Spades Change alignment.
Comet Two of Swords Two of Diamonds Defeat the next monster you encounter to gain one level.
Donjon Four of Swords Ace of Spades You are imprisoned.
Euryale Ten of Swords Queen of Spades Permanent -1 to all saving throws.
The Fates Three of Cups Ace of Hearts Avoid, one time, any situation of your choosing.
Flames XV. The Devil Queen of Clubs Enmity between you and an outsider.
Fool 0. The Fool Joker (with TM) Lose 10,000 experience points and you must draw again.
Gem Seven of Cups Two of Hearts Gain your choice of 25 pieces of jewellery or 50 gems.
Idiot Two of Pentacles Two of Clubs Lose intelligence permanently, you may draw again.
Jester XII. The Hanged Man Joker (no TM) Gain 10,000 experience points, or, two more draws from the deck.
Key V. The Hierophant Queen of Hearts Gain a major magic weapon.
Knight Page of Swords Jack of Hearts Gain the service of a 4th level fighter.
Moon XVIII. The Moon Queen of Diamonds You are granted 1d4 wishes.
Rogue Five of Swords Jack of Spades One of your friends turns against you.
Ruin XVI. The Tower King of Spades Immediately lose all wealth and real property.
Skull XIII. Death Jack of Clubs Defeat dread wraith or forever be destroyed.
Star XVII. The Star Jack of Diamonds Immediately gain a +2 permanent bonus to one ability score.
Sun XIX. The Sun King of Diamonds Gain beneficial magic item and 50,000 experience points.
Talons Queen of Pentacles Ace of Clubs All magic items you possess disappear.
Throne Four of Staves King of Hearts Gain a +1 to charisma.
Vizier IX. The Hermit Ace of Diamonds Know the answer to your next dilemma.
The Void Eight of Swords King of Clubs Body functions but soul is trapped elsewhere.
  • Balance: The character must immediately change to a radically different alignment. Failure to act in accordance with this new outlook on life will result in the player losing a level.
  • Comet: To gain the xp and level raise benefit, the character must defeat the next monster or monsters encountered with no aid or assistance of any kind. If successful, the character gains enough experience to gain the next level of advancement.
  • Donjon: The character is imprisoned, either by some powerful being or as the ninth level magic user spell. The character appears in a cell or holding area with absolutely nothing except his or her skin. All additional card draws are forfeit if this card is drawn.
  • Euryale: The -1 penalty is immediate and permanent, save by the intervention of a deity or by The Fates card in this same deck.
  • Fates: The skein of reality, the actual fabric of space-time will be rewoven by the Fates on behalf of the player drawing this plaque. This card will prevent something from happening or undo a past event but the Fates cannot cause an event to happen. Note well this alteration of fate only applies to the player actually drawing the card. The remainder of his or her party may or may not reap the benefit with him or her.
  • Flames: The flames of wrath are kindled between the player and an outsider. The slight may be real or imagined on the part of the outsider but the enmity will burn brightly until either the player or the outsider is slain. Determine the exact nature of the foe randomly; roll 1d20 for number of days until it attacks or otherwise begins to vex the player.
  • Fool: Both the redraw and the experience point penalty are immediate and mandatory. Discard this plaque before redrawing.
  • Gem: The jewellery is exquisitely made and set with dazzling gems; each piece is worth 2,000 gp. The gems are flawless and worth 1,000 gp apiece.
  • Idiot: Roll 1d4+1 to generate the total number of points deducted from intelligence ability, imposed on the spot. The redraw is optional, but once the player declares a decision out loud it cannot be changed.
  • Jester: The redraw is optional, but once the player declares a decision out loud it cannot be changed. This card is discarded before any redraws take place.
  • Key: A powerful magic weapon of a type the player can use materializes in his or her hand.
  • Knight: The fighter is equipped with non-magical armour, equipment and weapons and is of the same sex and race as the character. This henchman appears from nowhere and offers his or her sword to the character, serving loyally until death.
  • Moon: The wishes expire in a number of minutes equal to the number of wishes. Any wishes remaining unused at the end of this time period will be lost forever.
  • Rogue: The traitor is preferably an NPC in the player's employ, and will forever after be completely hostile to him or her. If the player has no cohorts in his employ, the enmity of an NPC at the player's home base area, a powerful political or religious figure, can be substituted. The traitorous former friend will do all in his or her power to ruin the player financially, socially, and politically.
  • Ruin: As stated, all nonmagical items possessed (not just carried) by the player immediately and irrevocably vanish.
  • Skull: An unturnable dread wraith appears and attacks the character. The wraith warns any companions not to interfere, the only time it will speak, and anyone helping the victim will find themselves facing their own dread wraith in a fight to the death. If the player is slain he cannot be revived, even by means of a wish or miracle. Stats for the dread wraith are included here (and not in the monster section—because this is the only situation in which such a beast can appear.)
  • Star: The player may choose the ability increased by this card but the points may not be divided between two abilities.
  • Sun: Roll on the magic items table until an item usable by the player is generated.
  • Talons: Immediately upon drawing this plaque, all magical items owned by the character (not just those carried) disappear. They cannot be recovered by any means.
  • Throne: The character becomes a charismatic and powerful leader of the people. The castle will appear in any open area of the player's choosing but the decision must be made within an hour of drawing the card.
  • Vizier: The player acquires the ability to query a deity and receive a truthful answer once, within one year of drawing the card. The information received will be useful for solving the player's dilemma in question but the player may not always be able to act upon what he or she learns.
  • The Void: When this completely black card is drawn, an intangible something visibly passes from the player's face into the card. The character's comatose body will continue to function at a minimal level but the psyche will be trapped in a prison in another plane or other impossibly remote location. The player cannot be restored with a wish, though this spell will reveal the plane of entrapment. A player drawing this card forfeits all further draws.

Dread Wraith

Frequency:Very rare
No. Encountered:2d6
Move:120-ft / 240-ft flying
Armour Class:1
Hit Dice:16
Special Attacks:Level drain
Special Defences:Only hit by silver or magic weapons; immune to certain spells
Magic Resistance:Standard
Lair Probability:25%
Alignment:Lawful evil
Level/XP:9/5,900 +23/hp

Dread wraiths are insubstantial undead creatures that exist partially in the negative material plane, giving them the power to drain one level of experience when they score a hit upon an opponent. In sunlight, the dread wraith cannot drain levels.

Wraiths are shadowy, man-like shapes, dark and indistinct. Silver weapons inflict only half damage upon a dread wraith; magical weapons of at least +2 inflict full damage. They are immune to cold damage, charm, sleep and hold spells.

Treasure: (in lair only) 5% chance of 1d10×1,000 cp; 25% chance of 1d12×1,000 sp; 25% chance of 1d6×1,000 ep; 25% chance of 1d8×1,000 gp; 15% chance of 1d12 gems; 10% chance of 1d8 items of jewellery; 25% chance of 3 magic items plus 1 scroll

Hammer of Thunderbolts (CFPR): This powerful weapon appears as a square-headed, 15 lb war hammer with a shorter than normal haft. The hammer of thunderbolts strikes as a +3 weapon and deals 4d6 damage, and can also be hurled as a missile weapon (30-ft range bands) which will return to the wielder after the attack is resolved. Note that this is the maximum power the item can attain if wielded by a cleric; only one who can wear the belt of giant strength can unlock its full potential.

If the wielder is wearing both gauntlets of ogre power and a belt of giant-strength the slumbering power of the hammer of thunderbolts is revealed to the wearer. First, the owner knows the weapon for what it is. Second, the weapon gains a full +5 attack bonus, all damage bonuses from the ham- mer, gauntlets, and belt stack, and the weapon will strike dead any giant on a successful hit. The giant is allowed a saving throw vs death magic to avoid the instant death but not the damage.

Further, when hurled the weapon gains a new power. On a successful attack the hurled weapons emits a clap of thunder which stuns all living creatures within 90-ft (saving throw vs petrifaction to avoid).

Chiselled into the base of the stone hammerhead are the words “Æsir Hammers, Ltd.”

Philosopher's Stone (any): Produced by an alchemist of some long-forgotten civilisation, the philosopher's stone appears as an unremarkable, dull black rock of irregular shape and about the size of a clenched fist. Upon inspection the stone seems heavy for its size and, if spun on a flat surface the stone wobbles about its axis as if the centre were liquid. Breaking the stone open will reveal the hollow centre is filled with alchemist's quicksilver, a wonderful substance able to transmute base metals such as lead or iron into pure gold or silver. The amount of alchemist's quicksilver in the philosopher's stone is sufficient to convert 5,000 lbs of iron into pure silver, or 1,000 lbs of lead into gleaming, pure gold. The potent magic of the stone also has another use. The quicksilver can be mixed with a curative potion to create oil of life. When applied to a corpse the oil acts as a resurrection spell.

The quicksilver is sealed into the stone because it breaks down rapidly when exposed to air. The quicksilver must be used within 24 hours of breaking the stone or it loses its potency forever. Any use of the quicksilver uses all the contents of the stone, so one must decided beforehand whether to produce silver, gold, or the oil of life.

Sphere of Annihilation (IM): This “object” is not so much something as pure nothing, a spherical wound in reality consisting of a malignant absence of matter. Any matter from the Prime Material Plane coming into contact with the sphere is sucked into its utter blackness, instantly and irrevocably destroyed. A wish cannot restore the unfortunate victim; only the direct intervention of a deity may do so.

A sphere of annihilation can be moved without touching it, using only the power of the mind. The character must roll a save vs death magic, modified by +1 for each point of intelligence over 15, to move the sphere 10-ft per round plus 5-ft for each point he or she exceeded his or her save. Initial control of the sphere can be attempted from as far away as 40-ft and once control is gained the distance the sphere can be controlled increases to 40-ft+10-ft per controlling character's level. If a control check fails the sphere slides 10-ft in the direction of the controller who was attempting to move it. Controlling a sphere uses all of a character's actions for that round.

Control of the sphere can be challenged. All creatures attempting to gain control of the sphere roll their saves as above, and the rolls are compared. If all fail their saving throws the sphere moves 10-ft toward the one who rolled the lowest number. If only one saves, he or she gains control of the sphere for 1 round. If more than one (or all) vying for control of the sphere of annihilation make their saving throws, the person exceeding their saving throw by the most number of points gains control. Should the contest for control of the sphere come out exactly equal, control should pass to the person with the highest intelligence score or, failing that, have the players roll d% and give control to the random winner.

The sphere of annihilation cancels most magic in the same way it absorbs matter. Therefore spells such as dispel magic and the various protections from magic have no effect on the sphere. There are, however, two exceptions. First, if a rod of cancellation touches the sphere, the incompatibility of the respective connections to the Negative Material Plane will cancel each other with great vigour. The resulting explosion will inflict 2d6×10 damage on everything within a 60-ft radius, no saving throw allowed. Second, a gate spell has a 50% chance of destroying the sphere (roll 01-50 on d%), a 35% chance of having no effect at all (51-85), or a 15% chance (86-100) of ripping a hole into the very fabric of reality and sucking everything within 180-ft of the now-destroyed sphere into the tear and depositing it on an alternate plane of existence.

See also: Talisman of the Sphere.

Talisman of Pure Good (CP): Any cleric or paladin of good alignment (LG, NG, CG) can use this artifact to damn an evil cleric (LE, NE, CE) up to 100-ft away to a fiery judgment. When the talisman is activated, the ground cracks open at the cleric's feet, flames shooting upward as the victim is sent hurtling down to the very centre of the earth. The following round the ground closes and forever after, nothing will grow on that spot.

The wielder of the talisman must be exceptionally pure of thought and deed, or else the target of the talisman's effect gains a saving throw vs death magic to leap aside as the crack forms. It should be also noted the target must be standing on solid ground for the talisman to function. None but a good paladin or cleric may use the talisman of pure good, and none but an evil cleric may be damned by it. Any neutral cleric (LN, N, CN) touching the talisman takes 6d6 damage, no saving throw allowed. An evil cleric touching the talisman takes 8d6 points of damage, no saving throw allowed. The talisman is inert to any other character.

Talisman of the Sphere (IM): This item is only usable by arcane or phantasmal spell casters. Any character unable to cast arcane or phantasmal spells cannot use the talisman and, in fact, will take 5d6 points of damage if they attempt to pick it up. The talisman, consisting of a braided gold and adamantine cable forming a loop closed by an adamantine handle, allows a magic user to exert greater control over a sphere of annihilation (see above) by increasing the character's modifier on the control check (double intelligence bonus and character level). A character using the talisman to exert influence on a sphere of annihilation need only check for maintaining control every other round after initial control is established. If the wielder fails to establish initial control or subsequently loses control, the sphere will move toward him or her at a rate of 10-ft per round. Though spells such as dispel magic are ineffective against a sphere of annihilation, these spells function normally when used on the talisman of the sphere—which counts as 20th level for the purposes of dispel magic attempts.

Talisman of Reluctant Wishes (any): This nondescript artifact causes any character touching it to try to roll his or her charisma or less on 1d20.

If he or she fails the roll by exceeding his or her charisma score, the talisman acts as a stone of weight (detailed in the “Cursed Magic Items” section). Discarding or destroying the talisman results in 5d6 damage, no save allowed, and the talisman disappears.

Success means the talisman will remain with the character for 5d6 hours or until he or she makes a wish with it. When one or the other event occurs, the talisman disappears.

If he or she rolls a natural 20 the character and talisman become bound together for a number of months equal to his or her charisma score and he or she will be unable to rid him- or herself of the talisman during that time. The artifact will grant the owner one wish for every six points of charisma during this time, but as above all wishes must be used before the time expires. During this time the talisman, if held, will grow warm and vibrate whenever the owner comes within 20-ft of a magical or mechanical trap. The talisman must be held in order to receive this benefit.

No matter which result is rolled, when the talisman of reluctant wishes disappears, a flawless white diamond worth 10,000 gp is left in its place.

Talisman of Pure Evil (C): Any cleric of evil alignment (LE, NE, CE) can use this artifact to banish a good cleric or paladin (LG, NG, CG) up to 100-ft away to an icy prison. When the talisman is activated, the ground cracks open at the victim's feet, chunks of ice flying upward as the victim is sent hurtling down to the very centre of the earth. The following round the ground closes and forever after, only white roses will grow on that spot.

The wielder of the talisman must be relentlessly and irredeemably evil of thought and deed, or else the target of the talisman's effect gains a saving throw vs death magic to leap aside as the crack forms. It should be also noted the target must be standing on solid ground for the talisman to function. None but an evil cleric may use the talisman of pure evil, and none but a good cleric or paladin may be banished by it. Any neutral cleric (LN, N, CN) touching the talisman takes 6d6 damage, no saving throw allowed. A good cleric touching the talisman takes 8d6 points of damage, no saving throw allowed. The talisman is inert to any other character.

Major Artifacts

Unlike minor artifacts, major artifacts are unique (meaning each is one of a kind). These are the most potent magic items known to mortals. The power contained in a major artifact is capable of completely altering the balance of power in a campaign. Major artifacts are not easily unmade and each has a single and very specific means of destruction.

A detailed description of major artifacts is not a fit subject for the OSRIC core rules. As with certain other parts of the First Edition system—planar travel, encounter statistics for major demons and devils, and the like—major artifacts will be dealt with in separate and subsequent volumes, on the grounds that such things are not suitable for play at the more usual character levels.

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